I'm down to do a full card. PSN US-Frostburn
Invite sent
I'm down to do a full card. PSN US-Frostburn
Any Gaffers up for Challenge of Elders. I desperately want my Lord of Wolves back and im 0/30
I'm down if you don't mind a half-leveled subclass. I've just started second hunter.
Gonna run KF HMx2 including Warpriest CM starting after 8pm PST.
1) Me (Hunter & Titan)
2) Gutz (Titan & Warlock)
3) Vaalbar (Hunter & Titan)
4) Lnkn52 (Hunter & Titan)
Are there two people. That want to join the GAF scrub Y2 group and help us get warpriest CM? Either from cp or fresh.
Yeah, Paleocontact is great. Don't think most consider it a bullet hose, though it's a mid ROF (600rpm) auto-rifle.
Anyone for a quick 42 Challenge of Elders? Need 1 more
Sent party inviteYep. PSN: Agent_Of_Atlas
If you look at the RoF on mine, it's almost max.
Train soon. Join up.
Need one more for Keksis in Challenge of Elders. PSN: Agent_Of_Atlas
Full. Ready to go.
People waiting in line to get into a train now. Funny.
Fireteam forming up in the next 10 min for KFx2 from totems.
1) Me (Hunter & Titan)
2) Gutz (Titan & Warlock)
3) Vaalbar (Hunter & Titan)
4) Lnkn52 (Hunter & Titan)
5) Frostburn
6) Boombloxer
Sorry Xeno, I'm trying to get these runs done quick so HM experience is necessary. I'm sure ruthless or driz can get you your 1st HM clear.
No biggie. That's why I asked.Fireteam forming up in the next 10 min for KFx2 from totems.
1) Me (Hunter & Titan)
2) Gutz (Titan & Warlock)
3) Vaalbar (Hunter & Titan)
4) Lnkn52 (Hunter & Titan)
5) Frostburn
6) Boombloxer
Sorry Xeno, I'm trying to get these runs done quick so HM experience is necessary. I'm sure ruthless or driz can get you your 1st HM clear.
I added you. Can do a CoE while waiting for the raid to start.
CrudeDiatribe said:Yeah, just like all other Paleocontacts, Haakon's Hatchets, Zarineas, Zhalos, Monte Carlos, etc. It's got a rate-of-fire of 88, and an impact of 8. The "bullet hose" ARs have a ROF of 100, and an impact of 2 (Doctrine of Passing, Arminius, and Soulstealer's Claw). Anyway, just pedantry.
GGs Kadey and co. Sorry I couldn't use mic due to waiting for a friend to head out.
What? Neo is evolving!....Crongratulations Neo evolved to Perv! gained 0.04 EXPI read... that... as...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Last 3 nodes of final subclass are taking forever. Whole page of bounties and not even one node filled up.
I'll give you a hand tomorrow night if you still need help. Psn is venom2124. Shoot me an invite when you see me online. I should be on around 8 or 9 east coast time.Bit like a broken record at this point but need to get the following done if anyone can assist, even 1 person would make it so much easier:
Chaperone Shield Brothers Strike
Solar Sword Sunless Cell/Alak-Hul Strike
tp_Drewz is my PSN or just post here if willing to help.
The first half fill up in like 5 hours, then the last 8 or so take a week of solid play. Getting those max-each-class trophies almost made me quit the game.
I'll give you a hand tomorrow night if you still need help. Psn is venom2124. Shoot me an invite when you see me online. I should be on around 8 or 9 east coast time.
Neo has been a perv you just don't know. The things he wishes he can do to math. LOL. Oh I'm dying.
Neo has been a perv you just don't know. The things he wishes he can do to math. LOL. Oh I'm dying.
Everyone is a perv around here. It's DGAF after all.
Ah I see, then again you would know after all.LOL No.
You haven't seen DOAX3-GAF ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Storm: Int/StrFor PvP, what sort of INT / DIS / STR distributions should I be shooting for with Warlocks and Hunters now?