Is Iron Banner today or next Tuesday?
its like 4:30am here and it isnt up for me
It'll be up later, after maintenance finished. It always starts later on anyway like trials....
Is Iron Banner today or next Tuesday?
its like 4:30am here and it isnt up for me
Iron Banner is on, noone cares about NF.No NF post?
Shield brothersNo NF post?
Shield brothers
Match game
Got 3oC as a reward
Shaxx bounties also done on titan, 19 strange coins
Nighfall is awful. Hoping it will change after IB goes live.
I had a quick look through the store and I don't see the Legendary Edition anymore, which is what I think you're referring to, and would allow you to go all digital.Wait the collection edition replaced the previous one? I wanted to go digital and now there's no option to do that anymore. Before I could buy the taken king extension and even though I had to buy the addons again, it would allow me to go ditigal.
This option is gone?
Hey guys, who did the artwork for the "Player Grimoire Cards" in the OP? Was just curious.
I believe that Lnkn does all the artwork and design in the OP.
But yeah the grimoire cards are artwork from the posters avatar.
Driz probably does the gif at the bottom.
Yup, you're right, just tried it myself. All I know it was available for pre-order a while ago.
Maybe they ran out of keys? Heh?
That's definitely today? I wouldn't mind if it was likeReally excited for the crucible info coming today. I know they will be talking about the new maps and new modes but I wonder if they will talk about the new weapons meta and what's getting buffed and nerfed.
Could this stream also unveil either custom games or dedis for ROI?
Really excited for the crucible info coming today. I know they will be talking about the new maps and new modes but I wonder if they will talk about the new weapons meta and what's getting buffed and nerfed.
Could this stream also unveil either custom games or dedis for ROI?
ViDoc iircIs there a stream or do we just wait for news to break?
Stream at 10am PDT.Is there a stream or do we just wait for news to break?
Is there a stream or do we just wait for news to break?
Shield brothers
Match game
Got 3oC as a reward
Shaxx bounties also done on titan, 19 strange coins
Hey guys, who did the artwork for the "Player Grimoire Cards" in the OP? Was just curious.
It'll be up later, after maintenance finished. It always starts later on anyway like trials....
Damn. Do you think Sony will refund my pre-order of rise of Iron and let me grab the collection? It's worth the 10 more dollars for me to have it all digital.
Gotta call them and ask.
So Skeleton and others - are you saying if you buy Destiny - The Collection digitally you can download and play everything up to ROI right now? I know someone who'd be interested in that.
The "upgrade version" of the collection will let me play everything now correct? Minus ROI?
So Skeleton and others - are you saying if you buy Destiny - The Collection digitally you can download and play everything up to ROI right now? I know someone who'd be interested in that.
I'm kind of confused by Destiny right now. I wanted to get the $30 legendary edition but I can't find it anywhere in stores or online.
I don't really want to fork up $60 for a game I'm not sure I will play all the way through. So a coupe of questions
- With the game the way it is now, how is it for a solo only player (I love playing with others but no friends have Destiny)??
- Will the Iron dlc be worth it for a newbie?
- How long will it take to get to expansions in the game because I heard they were better than original game?
- This game seems to be getting a lot more praise nowadays... Is that because of expansions?
Today we'll see if this prediction was right!Nah, Rise of Iron is the fall expansion. But I wouldn't be surprised to see custom games this year.
I'm sure others can elaborate more, but IMO Destiny has gotten a bit more solo-friendly since the vanilla game. Outside of the hardest 3-person Strikes (Nightfalls) and the 6-person Raids, you can do most everything solo or at least through matchmaking or pseudo-meeting others in the world. Plus, you can always look for groups here or elsewhere as groups are constantly forming -- moreso when players return with Rise of Iron there will be more activity.
Rise of Iron looks great to me, as a Day 1 player, so I'd say at this point yeah you'd enjoy it.
The 2.0 Update that came in Sept 2015 restructured the original story and the Year 1 DLC's in that they will be mixed in with the base game, so you'd be doing them at the same time. As far as The Taken King, you can also start doing that expansion as soon as it becomes available, which I think you can unlock before even finishing the regular story. Destiny is not very linear, you can constantly jump around between quests and one moment be doing a Day 1 story and the next maybe do a Taken King quest.
Destiny has gone through a lot of quality of life updates in addition to more content through the DLC's and the Taken King, so it's a sum of its parts that have improved Destiny. You'll be staring after 2 years of fixes and patches and updates, so for $60 it is an incredible value.
Today we'll see if this prediction was right!
but that would require a pre-order deku
Anyone up to run the nf? I'll be busy later today, so I'll like to do it before then.
Awesome post. Thank you! I'm buying, I really like that I can play dlc's pretty soon into my play through and don't have to play 30 hours before I reach them.
PS4.What system? I need to do it on PS4.
Pics of this dynamic theme? I use The Order 1886 Mayfair one. And even though it's amazing, I like options.This new dynamic theme is awesome.
For those who pre ordered Destiny Rise of Iron on the PS4 you should have receive a static theme, however the theme has been updated this week. If you want your theme to be dynamic and with custom music. Simple do the following:
Settings > Themes > Select Theme > Destiny Rise of Iron Static Theme
Delete the Destiny Rise of Iron Static Theme and re download it. Doing so will update the theme as a dynamic one with custom music.
I'm sure others can elaborate more, but IMO Destiny has gotten a bit more solo-friendly since the vanilla game. Outside of the hardest 3-person Strikes (Nightfalls) and the 6-person Raids, you can do most everything solo or at least through matchmaking or pseudo-meeting others in the world.