Division is dad. Destiny is dad. What are you going to play now?![]()
Division is dad. Destiny is dad. What are you going to play now?![]()
Just some Trials numbers by consoles if anyone cares.
Xbox1 - 193,136 guardians
PS4 - 267,744
Xbox1 - 24,686 12.8%
PS4 - 38,099 14.2%
We are seeing about 400k players on average a week down from 800k just 6 months ago with Ps4 having almost 40% more players.
I dig numbers and thought someone on here may like them as well. Thanks to on twitter for answering my questions.
I mean the game is coming up on 2 years so that's fine.First week of TTK trials it was 820k I know games have a natural drop off but a lot of Destinys can be directly attributed at Bungie.
Also not everyone plays Trials so it's not an example of the full population of Destiny.
Iron Banner stats would be more interesting to me as i never bother with Trials.
Division is dad. Destiny is dad. What are you going to play now?![]()
Congrats on the kid Ned! (Well soon to be)Being a Sony Stan right now. Playing dat Uncharted 4, Alienation (this is how you do loot game) and I bought the Ratchet and Clank remake. Oh I still haven't played Until Dawn and next week my son is going to be born so game time is heavily reduced anyway.
This is fine.jpg
Being a Sony Stan right now. Playing dat Uncharted 4, Alienation (this is how you do loot game) and I bought the Ratchet and Clank remake. Oh I still haven't played Until Dawn and next week my son is going to be born so game time is heavily reduced anyway.
This is fine.jpg
Hate to be that person.... but I'm struggling to choose between two shotguns for PvP. Any comments would be great!
The first is the ubiquitous quest CT-D. The second is a PC+1 with the following stats:
Field choke/Full Auto/Smallbore/Final Round
Obviously the Full Auto/Final Round isn't ideal, but...I'm fairly certain that the hip fire range is the same for both, and the faster shot speed can be helpful. I'm leaning towards PC+1 for 6v6 and CT-D for 3v3, but I'd love to hear from anyone that thinks I'm maybe under-estimating the effect of the increased spread from Full Auto
Thanks, had a couple sign ups.Thanks dude!
And I cross posted the link as discussed.![]()
I wonder how long it's gonna take Bungie to doOryxTotems?
That was fun! It didn't grab the very end (i hate xbox recording) but here's most of the comeback!
Edit omg my nightstalker fail hahahaha
CT-D all the way.
Full Auto actually increased the spread of the pellets EVEN IF you ADS.
I have a PC + 1 with Full Auto and Rifled. It has more range than the CTD but is inconsistent because of the pellet spread. As a full time shotgun user I need to know when I am in that sweet range spot, it's going to be a 1HK every single time. Full auto messed that up.
What's your take on Aggressive Ballistics and shotguns since the latest update nerfed stability more when using it?
I personally am all about as much Range as possible. Mehr, on the other hand, swears by Agg.
It all comes down to closing the gap and how good your movement is as a player. If you're confident in your ability to get close(or running a Warlock with that disgusting melee range) then Agg seems to be the better choice. If you're not as strong with movement then having more range on your side is where it's at.
OR.., you just run Universal Remote and never have to worry again about range or impact.
(Bonus points because Mehr gets salty when his PC+1 loses out to UR)
If you can make it the last one of the month each month, which will be next week's on the 28th, is instead on Saturday at 3:00PM EST (7:00PM UTC). They can still run late in EU time of course but might be more viable than the standard weekly time which is pretty constrained by the US work day.I found out that this newbie raid is at an impossible time for a Europe guy![]()
Tears pls! I watched some of your Trials stream last week.
Invis Shotgun Hunters are WORSE than Sunsingers!
*Runs out of DGAF*
I kind of want to try that this weekend...
OR.., you just run Universal Remote and never have to worry again about range or impact.
(Bonus points because Mehr gets salty when his PC+1 loses out to UR)
Tears pls! I watched some of your Trials stream last week.
Invis Shotgun Hunters are WORSE than Sunsingers!
*Runs out of DGAF*
I kind of want to try that this weekend...
Tears pls! I watched some of your Trials stream last week.
Invis Shotgun Hunters are WORSE than Sunsingers!
*Runs out of DGAF*
I kind of want to try that this weekend...
Universal Remote has good stats like that? Didnt know about that.
Hold your horses there, I'll never willingly resort to skillfully placed firebolts, everyone knows I'm a voidlock all the way!They've made my shitlist 1) wombo combo aidstep 2) Invis shotgunners 3) triple sunsinger
PC is still better its just that its a fucking primary so you run around (invisible) with unlimited ammo
I'd like to thank Bungie for keeping the old gear in the loot pool for sublime engrams.
It's not like I'd prefer the new gear.
not sure if sarcasm, but i can't say i feel the same way. as a Titan, the Hesperos gear looks like shit compared to the Jovian Guard gear set.
It was sarcasm. Sublime engrams are so rare they should just drop the new stuff.
Thanks, had a couple sign ups.
I.. one of the dudes puts for his light level, "Highest I can be is 334" lol. They understand this normal mode, right?
1 or 2 spots still for tonight's newbie raid, depending on if krypt0n can make it or not.
I got all of my characters to 4-4-2; OCD is satisfied.
You aren't done until they are all 5-5-2!
Speaking of that, Tower Ghost tells me I can be 5-5-2 on both my warlock and titan if all gear is 335. It says my hunter can be 5-4-3,but I think it could be 5-5-2 as well. I already have 5-5-1 and 1-5-5 builds for my hunter.
Can't wait to see Vacuum Rocket Launchers & Zhouli's Banes.