Anybody want to do a NF?
I can run one. I'll be on in 5.
Anybody want to do a NF?
Let's face it, Activision told Bungle not to fix the bug so Overwatch would have a chance to grow.
What's an Overwatch? Is that a new Exotic?
Sending down a million shields. The horror.Overwatch is an attack that the Cabal ship does in the raid.
Oh damn, that's a huge bummer.
What's an Overwatch? Is that a new Exotic?
I got a refund on season pass and got rid of it. No going back for me
Is the discord server still a thing? All links are expired in this thread
I wish I could do this...
Sending down a million shields. The horror.
Still counted. Would have been shitty if not. Right as the 3rd boss drops I get babooned
Same here, I clung on too long. The first season pass I think I 100% regret jumping on.
So according to that sticky thread on Gaming side, GAF is nearing 100,000,000 posts.
We've got around 800,000 posts in the OTs. Add in beta, alpha, withdrawal, news, controversy, DLC, employee drama etc threads and I'm thinking we might be in the ballpark of a million Destiny-related posts on GAF.
So something approximating 1% of every post ever on GAF is tied to this digital crack. Considering how long this forum has been around and how varied discussions are and how many games release every year, having a single title (a new IP at that) make up ~1% of total posts just seemed surprisingly high to me.
Same here as well with "The first season pass I think I 100% regret jumping on"... I was hyped into buying it... never again DestinyGAF
Imprecation quest is the worst. That white 260 gun is such garbage. It fires slow as hell and takes 4 headshots to kill someone. I need 7 pvp headshot kills in 1 game and I can't do it, it's terrible.
Eyasluna on the other hand is great. Love it.
The cabal raid will be stuff of nightmares.
Get any exotics?
Since it's Golgoroth challenge this week was thinking of putting a raid together. Luna_Wolfey, some of you know her, hasn't done the challenge modes yet. We got Warpriest down, so Golgoroth is next! It's been awhile since she's done Oryx as well so I'll be giving her a refresher course but help is always appreciated, sometimes I suck at explaining.
King's Fall Hard Mode Full Run (Challenge as well)
Start time: Tuesday 3 PM EST
1. Azys_
2. Luna_Wolfey
3. LooneyLMD
4. Boombloxer
5. WeTaHa
Does anyone have a Warpiest or Totems Checkpoint I can grab?
One more spot to fill on this raid. Starting in one hour.
I have totems![]()
My rule for season passes is to not buy it until the first DLC is out. In fact, I never bought any season passes because it turned out to not be worth it. Exempt from that is the season pass that came with the Destiny collector's edition.
I'm a sucker for season passes. But only if I enjoy the base game. Even so the only one I regret getting is the division. The base game is so good. Then you get to 30 and it is just meh. I may go back to it when everything is out and I'm bored of destiny and my backlog.
I bought drive club season pass day1 and it was probably one of the best supported ones around. I also got kill zone shadow fall season pass and that kept me hooked long enough to get the platinum
Crucible peeps... I FINALLY finished the quests to open up the weekly crucible bounties and I have a question.
So, I picked up the True Meaning of War bounty, but it's already marked as completed... ? Did I mess up? I don't want to turn it in yet because I haven't started any of the walk up bounties (win 7 matches, etc) yet. Any help??
I got a refund on season pass and got rid of it. No going back for me
Crucible peeps... I FINALLY finished the quests to open up the weekly crucible bounties and I have a question.
So, I picked up the True Meaning of War bounty, but it's already marked as completed... ? Did I mess up? I don't want to turn it in yet because I haven't started any of the walk up bounties (win 7 matches, etc) yet. Any help??
How did you manage getting a refund? I wish I could do this
Turn it in and you'll get the reward any others you complete will go towards next weeks
One more spot to fill in this raid, starting @ Totems. Doing Gogolroth CM! PSN: Azys_
Imprecation quest is the worst. That white 260 gun is such garbage. It fires slow as hell and takes 4 headshots to kill someone. I need 7 pvp headshot kills in 1 game and I can't do it, it's terrible.
Eyasluna on the other hand is great. Love it.
I feel like I'm one of the few people that actually did the imprecation stuff legit, AND I did it twice(I did it on a friends to get it for him). And a few days later I learned about the rumble cheese. That hand cannon is the absolute worst.If possible find a willing friend and load into Classic Rumble, as long as he's cool w letting you kill him. The only trick is trying to find each other on the map before running into too many enemies. But it's pretty easy, lots of people finished the quest that way because of how bad the Imprecation is.
Thanks guys. Kind of cool you can work on it during the week and it'll count toward the next reward.
Imprecation quest is the worst. That white 260 gun is such garbage. It fires slow as hell and takes 4 headshots to kill someone. I need 7 pvp headshot kills in 1 game and I can't do it, it's terrible.
Eyasluna on the other hand is great. Love it.
Oreo milkshake. SO good.
Is the discord server still a thing? All links are expired in this thread
Running NF, 1 spot.
Join Jafku or me.
Edit: at boss, still 1 spot
Edit2: Run 2, 1 spot.
Edit3: Run 3, 1 spot.
Add sodaOreo milkshake. SO good.
Thanks!join on dream for Golg CP.