The Rain King
Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
I can be on in five minutes. PSN is Cyberpunk-Psycho
Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
These are the two I've done. SGA was easier, all you really need to wait for is a special item that costs 1 strange coin from Xur next time he shows up. Getting 500 machine gun kills is easy after that, especially as head shots count for more.
Pocket Infinity you need to wait for the gunsmith to sell rare fusion rifles so you can dismantle ten, then get 200 nightfall kills with a fusion rifle in the weekly nightfall strike. I cheesed that this week by starting the strike then backing out all the way back to the skywatch and running laps of the skywatch / array / coast / back to skywatch over and over. Only the lvl 28 enemies in the story areas of skywatch and array will count and you'll need to nuke a knight and a wizard with a launcher or something hard hitting each lap.
I definitely found SGA easier.
Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
The Titan Alt is wearing all my main Titan's old gear and why it is level 29. I have no intention of getting it to 30. I created it for the purpose of getting all the raid gear, more Strange Coins, and because it was far easier to create a Titan and not worry about grinding than the others.But getting them both to 30 ? I guess why not
If your experienced or 27 or higher I'll go on my hunter.
Is this changing with the next patch?
I'm 27, Ditters is 28 and Magik 29.
I'm not experienced personally in the raid though.
I basically use only Pulse Rifles. Red Death is good, but my favorite by far is Strange Suspect.
Honestly I think they just forgot to take the Rare Item bit out of the description.
Nah, that's a bug. They didn't delete the legacy text.
I am experiencedIt's easy to learn. I don't mind teaching new people but a whole raid of new people can be a headache.
Sorry namikaze, I didn't look right. I thought they all were 30 lolThe Titan Alt is wearing all my main Titan's old gear and why it is level 29. I have no intention of getting it to 30. I created it for the purpose of getting all the raid gear, more Strange Coins, and because it was far easier to create a Titan and not worry about grinding than the others.
Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
Is there any other weapons with the ability to see your map while aiming?
Nothing is as insulting as getting a green engram during the raid. There is literally no fucking point at all.Just got to vanguard rank 6 and my warlock got...
...legendary Titan gloves! Will be great if I ever create an alt.
Is there any other weapons with the ability to see your map while aiming?
I've played a bit on and off the past few days, doing daily heroic missions and the odd level 20 strike, but I'm going back into an extended hiatus. Doing those things got me 1/2 of the way to level 21, and the boss grinds at the end of each strike are just exhausting and utterly boring encounters. I hate the gun I have now but it's the best I've found so even the moment to moment gunplay is frustrating.
Hoping some meaty updates land over the next month or so.
I'd you do it more than once a week, at least you get something, we will call it the raid door prize, thanks for playingNothing is as insulting as getting a green engram during the raid. There is literally no fucking point at all.
Is there a better Machine Gun for pvp than Corrective Measure?
No need for the stability upgrade as it's already super stable. Taking Field Scout gives it 100 in the clip and 150 rounds every HW ammo spawn.
It's ridiculously powerful. I can hold down an entire side of the map by myself with one ammo spawn simply because it lasts for so long.
I have all but two of the Raid weapons. The two I'm missing are Fatebringer and the Hezen Rocket Launcher.
The cool hunter shirt is back in stock on the bungie store! They only have size 4XL. Looks like its time to stop going to the gym and start eating nothing but cake three times a day.
How many raid weopons are there. GotI have all but two of the Raid weapons. The two I'm missing are Fatebringer and the Hezen Rocket Launcher.
Sounds like the right size for all the hunters.![]()
I had Heart of Praxic Fire. Had. Long story short, I was drunk and dismantled the wrong item. That's okay, I was planning to drop it in the bank to wear the helmet Xur sold this weekend.I have those 2. No boots doe haha
You calling me fat?
Thunderlord and Jolder's Hammer are pretty great.
Just got to vanguard rank 6 and my warlock got...
...legendary Titan gloves! Will be great if I ever create an alt.
What time?Nobody else for a normal raid?
1. Wdungww
2. Ditters1
3. x_Magik_ox
How many raid weopons are there. Got
Atheons epI
Some shotgun
Hezen rocket launcher
I had Heart of Praxic Fire. Had. Long story short, I was drunk and dismantled the wrong item. That's okay, I was planning to drop it in the bank to wear the helmet Xur sold this weekend.
How many raid weopons are there. Got
Atheons epI
Some shotgun
Hezen rocket launcher
What time?
How many raid weopons are there. Got
Atheons epI
Some shotgun
Hezen rocket launcher
I had Heart of Praxic Fire. Had. Long story short, I was drunk and dismantled the wrong item. That's okay, I was planning to drop it in the bank to wear the helmet Xur sold this weekend.
Ahh I'll be going out to dinner with the family then.I'll be ready at 6 PM EST if anyone needs me.
I have Thunderlord, not put any xp into it yet. The only thing stopping me is the fact it's exotic an I'm addicted to TLW in pvp.
Does it trump Corrective Measure?
Vex Mythocast (Solar Primary Fusion Rifle)
Praetorian Foil (Solar Fusion Rifle)
Athean's Epilogue (Void Auto Rifle)
Praedyth's Revenge (Void Sniper)
Corrective Measure (Void Machine Gun)
Hezen Rocket Launcher
Found Verdict (arc shotgun)
I dismantled mine intentionally![]()
Not sure how you've lasted this long without creating an alt.
Shortly after I hit 29 with my main (warlock) I had a full legendary Hunter set in the vault. By the end of getting my Hunter to ~27 I had a full legendary set for a Titan.