I have to run everything again on my alt today if you're down.I can help someone on Xbox do a weekly since I have the bounty for it and was going to run it again.
I've seen Gaffers drop out only rarely. I guess I dropped out of our hard Raid group on Monday night, but it was already almost 1am my time and we had been playing for several hours, I had to wake up at 6:30am the next morning. Yeah and the other guy who dropped out before me told us "wife enraged" but he had played through several checkpoints and lots of deaths.
I don't feel as bad when people drop out and they explain it (because of real life getting in the way), instead of people on destinylft just leaving for no reason because we didn't finish the checkpoint fast enough.
Is there some criteria for drops? Let's say, is it easier to get better loot if your level is higher, etc?
I'm around. PSN: UnionCarbine
Yep!Anyone wants to do the Weekly Heroic Strike (level 28) with me on PS4?
Nope, all random. Though some things only drop after certain bosses/checkpoints in VoG.
In other news, RNG has smiled on me a bit and I'll be taking my Titan to level 30 today to join my hunter at 30. I still haven't raided with my warlock this week so might be able to get all 3 to 30 this week.
I can help someone on Xbox do a weekly since I have the bounty for it and was going to run it again.
Saw the final step of the Thorn bounty was Summoming Pits at level 26.
Holy shit doing this solo will be a lot harder than I thought. How is this 26?
It isn't. Did that shit two days ago and it was harder than Devil's Lair Nightfall.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me present to you...THE SHIT SHIP:
As rewarded to my friend Repins Emanon for becoming legend.
Just remember somebody got paid to design this piece of shit.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me present to you...THE SHIT SHIP:
As rewarded to my friend Repins Emanon for becoming legend.
Just remember somebody got paid to design this piece of shit.
I'm using this, I like it. There are worst designs.
I have to run everything again on my alt today if you're down.
What time are you playing? I still need weekly and nightfall (thanks to Groovy jumping off a cliff or something)
Wait what? Like turn it off right in front of you? I don't understand.So yesterday I learned that my girlfriend will turn off my PlayStation while I'm in the middle of a raid if it is nearly midnight. I am sad to have learned that and apologize to everyone in my group. Like wth? Who does that?
like the raid ship that you get...YIKES. I hate the design of ships in this game
Most of the common/uncommon ships they sell are better looking than the Rares and Legendaries. I'll probably switch around. Bungie seems to have an obsession with diarrhea brown colored ships.
I'm on now; took off to not feeling well. I can do weekly, but feel like Nightfall is too stressful for me right now. Just playing chill Destiny till I feel better lol.
I know all too well the "wife enraging" reason. My GF enrages often since this game was released.
I haven't had anyone from destiny LFG bow out yet, but I do admit it's my third choice for filling a group - GAF first, then the app (lot of success here) and then destiny lfg.
At any one time, I have 40 to 50 people on my friends list playing Destiny. What this game desperately needs is some type of indicator in our friends list that someone wants to run something. So, if you want to run a nightfall, you can set that indicator so others know. Maybe even include filters so you can filter and see just those folks who want to run nightfall. Boom, easy group and a group with people you know and have played with before.
like the raid ship that you get...YIKES. I hate the design of ships in this game
So yesterday I learned that my girlfriend will turn off my PlayStation while I'm in the middle of a raid if it is nearly midnight. I am sad to have learned that and apologize to everyone in my group. Like wth? Who does that?
I agree, its an awesome chest.I've come across this chest 4 times and every time it has given me 10+ relic iron and some engrams. It's the best chest in the game as far as I'm concerned
Wait what? Like turn it off right in front of you? I don't understand.
So yesterday I learned that my girlfriend will turn off my PlayStation while I'm in the middle of a raid if it is nearly midnight. I am sad to have learned that and apologize to everyone in my group. Like wth? Who does that?
Yup. She turned it off. On one hand, she's making sure I get test for work. On the other hand, she's messing with my fun. Guess I'll have to cut back some and start raiding earlier.
No joke - me and my brother played this strike, both at level 27, and we were consistently getting smoked at Phogoth. We eventually both got our Thorns by busting out the Golden Gun when Xyor showed up and killing him outright, not even finishing the strike because we would wipe soon after that point. It's still sitting unfinished and I have no desire to go back and finish it up.
The good news is that I've finally leveled up that Thorn with the Mark of the Devourer perk...it took FOREVER but it is so beast in PvP. I roll in with Thorn and Found Verdict as my shotty and can wreck havoc.
I hear ya lol. Running it yesterday reminded me how much I'm going to hate hate HATE the Moon Raid. High level Hive are the worst.
The 3v3 map? I don't think I ever lost there. Don't disappoint me!Bet your ass I'm on not losing on Burning shine.
*goes into beast mode*
It's floating on top of the story in the game.
If you need help with the nightfall later just let me know. I completed it on 2 of my characters last night and still have my titan left to do.
Can Atheon still fall off?
I had that chest a few times.
You might like this one I came across on Venus as well. I made a clip of it.
http://xboxclips.com/video.php?uid=... Ned&vid=53d14f24-e221-4bf0-9289-c2fda976c957
Chests on walls yo.
Going up against a team of fusion rifles?
I'm out! *goes to orbit*
Anyone figured out why gold chests give the shitest rewards ever? Just found one on Venus that gave me a level 8 auto rifle, that'd be great if I wasn't level 12 on a planet recommended for level 10 to 12. Is it just a bug?