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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


High review scores and near universal praise on GAF.

Bomba confirmed ? :/ I hope this sells well the dev team really deserves success, I have to wait a few weeks to afford it :(


Junior, please.
TemplaerDude said:
Had to force myself to stop playing it.... after 13 hours.

Holy fuck. I haven't had a session like that since Red Alert 2 came out.

Can't imagine anything else topping this for my personal GOTY. I wish I could shake all of the developers hands, they've accomplished pretty much everything I wanted to see in a game with "Deus Ex" on the box.

This is the kind of stuff I like to hear.

Can't wait to get my hands on this on Friday - it's just a shame I won't be able to play it until Saturday. I'm getting dragged to a birthday party, which will be kind of fun, but it just had to coincide with Deus Ex day.

Anyway, I've got the whole weekend with it, my snacks are all planned out, so I'll be good to go.


Dries said:
So why is the stealth so good? How does it stand apart from other (stealthy) games?

I felt
in the leaked version
that the developers found that sweet spot between believable AI and AI that allowed you to plot a route between patrols. Cover allows you to assess the situation, and the Aug's allow you to stealth past routes that were previously impossible. Theres also a lot of stealth tied in with exploration, forcing you to find that back entrance or vent thats hidden to get behind a certain patrol. All in all, it just feels very well thought out and executed. it doesn't do anything new, it just does it more successfully than any game to date.


Just ordered this off Amazon, not seen loads of pre-release media so I'm happy to go in semi-un spoiled. Looking forward to a stellar game experience in what's been a dry and drab summer.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You know what questions my suspension of belief? When you go to the retired detective's office, he lives on the 4th story, but there's NOTHING ELSE in that building.


I was glad to see that some guards will actually unexpectedly turn around while walking. So you have to be extra careful in this game while sneaking around. " ah that guy is walking back time for me... aah fuck he turned around and saw me, loads quicksave..". Never saw this in a game and its one thing that makes the stealth really good in this game.


EatChildren said:
I dont think Thief 4 could be in better hands.
I know nothing about Thief, other than that one of them had a level that was a spiritual predecessor to Fort Frolic in BioShock, and that the team who made this game I was engrossed playing until 5 a.m. (DE:HR) is handling it. That right there makes me interested in Thief 4.

Loving DE:HR. Would've liked to have
saved the hostages
but it's a consequence I can accept, as I was acclimating to the game. I've been going non-lethal, and I love how NPCs reinforce the fact, commenting on how I sent the goons to the hospital, how no one was killed, etc. I've also been having Jensen be empathetic/sympathetic in most cases, with just the faintest sliver of butthurt over what happened to him. I just entered the hub world of Detroit for the first time, and I already feel attachment to my version of Jensen. :)


Maxrunner said:
Really?? pple are comparing this to MGS???is this a joke???they're a nothing alike and the last mgs was horrible...

There are a lot of similarities in the setting and art-design. And it's also a stealth/action game. And it has several MGS references in it.


Huh, I thought the social enhancement aug was going to be some lame Mass Effect Charm/Intimidate option that would be suddenly available. It's actually an interesting mechanic that forces you to pay attention to the context of the conversation in order best decide how to persuade your target. It's not an automatic win button and the hints it gives you in those crucial persuasion conversation chains won't guarantee that you'll succeed.


Swifty said:
Huh, I thought the social enhancement aug was going to be some lame Mass Effect Charm/Intimidate option that would be suddenly available. It's actually an interesting mechanic that forces you to pay attention to the context of the conversation in order best decide how to persuade your target. It's not an automatic win button and the hints it gives you in those crucial persuasion conversation chains won't guarantee that you'll succeed.



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Neiteio said:
I know nothing about Thief, other than that one of them had a level that was a spiritual predecessor to Fort Frolic in BioShock, and that the team who made this game I was engrossed playing until 5 a.m. (DE:HR) is handling it. That right there makes me interested in Thief 4.

Loving DE:HR. Would've liked to have
saved the hostages
but it's a consequence I can accept, as I was acclimating to the game. I've been going non-lethal, and I love how NPCs reinforce the fact, commenting on how I sent the goons to the hospital, how no one was killed, etc. I've also been having Jensen be empathetic/sympathetic in most cases, with just the faintest sliver of butthurt over what happened to him. I just entered the hub world of Detroit for the first time, and I already feel attachment to my version of Jensen. :)

You need to track down Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age. Two of the best PC games of the late 90s/early 00s. (You can ignore Thief [3]: Deadly Shadows.)
I've enjoyed my time so far with Deus Ex, but its a slow burner. Its a solid game but it has its fair share of flaws that for me, are enough to detract from my overall experience. No spoilers so feel free to read. Dont be thrown off by my negatives, like I said I'm enjoying myself.

-A well fleshed out world.
They really took the time to make a believable 2027 with enough back history and available information to make it shine. One of the few games where I have taken time to read the in game literature.

-Useful powers
The augmentations in the game can feel weak individually. Its when you start to build up multiple abilities that you really start to feel super-human. Its really rewarding when you finally get along in the augmentation trees. I really started to enjoy myself as I became more powerful.

-Rewarding Gameplay
The greatest moments for me have almost always been at the conclusion of missions. Its rewarding as hell to finish a task with a goal you set out to complete (No kills, ect). Conversely, the meat gameplay can actually feel a bit flat, although I wouldnt call it a flaw. I kinda feel like the end product is greater than the sum of its parts.


The animations are pretty bad. Its not all horrific or anything though, Jensen looks smooth in his takedowns and mini cinematics. The problem is with body movement during conversations with NPCs. A number of characters look like they are suffering from Parkinson's. Jiggling a characters arms up and down while they talk does not create the illusion of gesturing. Some of the main characters are better in this regard but its jarring as heck when its bad.

-Voice Acting/Script
Its not terrible but some of the lines of dialogue are cringe inducing or have the power to make the densest person face-palm and say, "Duh". It just bugs me that Jensen and others let the most obvious things slip past them or make statements with shocked realization that anyone with a brain knew 5 minutes earlier. For a game that is touted as being smart it's characters dont do it much justice.

-Knit Picky complaint on my part. Lack of equipment focus.
This isnt really a flaw but it bugs me that there are so many cool options in terms of weaponry and upgrading in a game that really does a lot to discourage combat. I almost always feel like Ive failed if Im forced into combat and often reload my game. Thats on me, I know... It just almost seems like a tease to have a tricked out smg and not get to use it a lot.

Like I said though, this one is just me being silly.

Dont take the negatives I posted too heavily. I really do enjoy the game, its just not anywhere near my GOTY. I can definitely understand why a lot of you are loving it though.


Obsidian said:
I was glad to see that some guards will actually unexpectedly turn around while walking. So you have to be extra careful in this game while sneaking around. " ah that guy is walking back time for me... aah fuck he turned around and saw me, loads quicksave..". Never saw this in a game and its one thing that makes the stealth really good in this game.

That seems annoying and unpredictable to me.


NinjaTehFish said:

High review scores and near universal praise on GAF.

Bomba confirmed ? :/ I hope this sells well the dev team really deserves success, I have to wait a few weeks to afford it :(

I don't think it will be a bomba. The game is being advertised to heaven and back on TV, websites, magazines, etc. Plus it's a "FPS"!


JaseC said:
You need to track down Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age. Two of the best PC games of the late 90s/early 00s. (You can ignore Thief [3]: Deadly Shadows.)

While not a great Thief game, it's still a great game in its own right. I loved it, despite its flaws. Don't listen to this guy.
JaseC said:
You need to track down Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age. Two of the best PC games of the late 90s/early 00s. (You can ignore Thief [3]: Deadly Shadows.)



and that is one badass shotgun with antlers attachment :D

BannedEpisode said:
Good thing real life isnt a videogame. It probably wouldnt be much fun.

What I have meant by that last post .)
If everything would be predictable then we could be robots too. But that is different topic.

Friday..friday..fri *hybernates


anyone have advice on which hacking skills to level up first?

I've actually been holding on to my first couple points because there are too many options :p


gave away the keys to the kingdom.


ArjanN said:
There are a lot of similarities in the setting and art-design. And it's also a stealth/action game. And it has several MGS references in it.

besides the stealth it has nothing to do with MGS, thankfully, MGS is mostly linear in every way....


Dries said:
That seems annoying and unpredictable to me.

Yes unpredictable but annoying; well not for me.

But i find it a welcome change instead of the predictable patrol routes (in straight lines) in other stealth games. In Deus Ex: HR you need to observe patrols more closely, its fun to me. In the police station for example
a guard will walk to a window stand for a while the walks around a pillar while turning around and eventually walking to a balustrade and leans on the handrail for a while standing next to another guard who walks away from the handrail and patrols around the office where you're next objective is.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Anyone know Captain Penn's password? I don't have high enough hacking, and I'm not going to crawl through the police station a third time.


Obsidian said:
Yes unpredictable but annoying; well not for me.

But i find it a welcome change instead of the predictable patrol routes (in straight lines) in other stealth games. In Deus Ex: HR you need to observe patrols more closely, its fun to me. In the police station for example
a guard will walk to a window stand for a while the walks around a pillar while turning around and eventually walking to a balustrade and leans on the handrail for a while standing next to another guard who walks away from the handrail and patrols around the office where you're next objective is.

So if the guards turn around randomly how can you plot out routes to take? Cause when you walk behind a guard it's basically a luck game if he'll at once turn around or not? That doesn't sound like real fun. I'm sure it'll turn out fine though, but this kinda concerns me.


Maxrunner said:
besides the stealth it has nothing to do with MGS, thankfully, MGS is mostly linear in every way....

Good lord man, that's why people are calling it the RPG version of MGS. We don't literally mean it's in the MGS universe or that it plays 1 to 1 like MGS.

Like, the way the stealth works and the way enemies react is pretty damn similar to MGS.
Is there a way to buy / find silencers in Detroit? I have laser sight / damage upgrades, but can't find a silencer.

Also, for those seeking access to the rooftop of the
gas station
, who don't have level 4 hacking, note that you can access it by building a pile of barrels between the wall of the building and the dumpster round the back, and then climbing onto the dumpster and jumping up from there. I didn't need what was up there, but selling it sure did net me a nice amount of credits.


The only "problem" I have is that I rely on hacking too much. Locked door? HACK DAT SHIT

I'll try to explore more instead.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
blahblah...blah said:
Is there a way to buy / find silencers in Detroit? I have laser sight / damage upgrades, but can't find a silencer.

I did upgrade my pistol with a silencer in Detroit, but I cant for the life of me remember where.
EatChildren said:
I did upgrade my pistol with a silencer in Detroit, but I cant for the life of me remember where.

Gun seller in an apartment.
The same building which involves taking down some gang bangers. He sells it at a discount if you saved the manager at the labs.


Dries said:
So if the guards turn around randomly how can you plot out routes to take? Cause when you walk behind a guard it's basically a luck game if he'll at once turn around or not? That doesn't sound like real fun. I'm sure it'll turn out fine though, but this kinda concerns me.

Because patrols are always near enough cover to duck behind when it happens. And maybe im misexplaining it. And not every guard does it; it will turn out fine because im a bit overreacting here (im enjoying the game a lot) since i only met two guard who did it. So not every guard will suddenly turn around and scream: BOOGALOO!
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