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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


StoppedInTracks said:
What is really weird is that I cannot see DX:HR in Steam's Top Sellers list (1-20) :'(
It's the most popular new "steam' release in a while since portal 2 in case of my friends list, at least half of my friend list is playing DE : HR. That doesn't actually translate to good sales numbers tho!


charsace said:
I'm playing a Jensen that's out for revenge. There's no remorse and no mercy from me. I knock fools out and use them as bait to draw out my enemies, then I kill the knocked out dude anyways.

In the
Cloak and Daggers
side quest, at the end of it where you have to go
confront O'Malley
, I didn't even speak to him. I just walked into the room, shot him in the head with my silenced 10mm and completed the objective.

I reloaded a save out of curiosity and was amused to see that
you can choose to let him go for some cash, or at least the promise of it. I'm curious if he shows back up later if you do that instead of killing him or turning him in.


Plane Escape Torment
Twinduct said:
Just no ..... ..

OT: Will only play tomorrow .. yay for work and stuff :<

I'm surprised so many people are not familiar with ESDF and RMB jumping... Guess none of you are old school PC FPS players? Everyone used to play with this set up back in the quak2 days! :)

If you think about it, it is much more efficient than WASD since it gives you three extra keys right next to the movement keys to configure for weapons/augs/whatever.
Guys I'm thisssss close to abandoning my non-lethal , never detected approach. Why? Because the weapons and augs look like they'd be so fun to use. I'm picking up all these weapons (sniper rifle, shotgun, SMG) as well as attachments like a silencer and laser sight... yet all they're good for is selling to the vendor for credits. While the non-lethal approach is very rewarding, I feel like I'm missing out on half the game. This isn't even counting the augments which are geared towards lethal play (break through walls, Typhoon, etc.).

But then I'm thinking... why not just go non-lethal the entire way through the first time then on the second playthrough go lethal as well as stealth whenever you feel like it.

BUT THEN I'm thinking... "don't I want the first playthrough to be 100% as good as it possibly can to try to take in as much of the game as I can?"... because that would mean mixing it up with both stealth and guns.

Not sure what to do at the moment...gonna take a break. Right now I'm just doing side quests in Detroit. Haven't even done the police station mission yet.

Reading Shagg and Zeliard's posts just make me wanna try lethal stuff too because it sounds like they're having so much fun.


I read that there was the ability to download other languages for Deus Ex through steam. How is this possible, if it indeed is?
Torraz said:
I read that there was the ability to download other languages for Deus Ex through steam. How is this possible, if it indeed is?

After it unlocks, right-click, go to Properties, Language tab. Might make you redownload the whole game again, we will see.
BigJiantRobut said:
D: is there a way to save
Malik after the crash?

Haha, we're at exactly the same point - I just came here to ask that question.

EDIT: Oh shit, looks like you can. Well, there's no way I'm letting it go the way it went, time to reload.
Deus Ex figures went up on Hobby Search today according to my RSS feed... I just checked and the Adam Jensen figure has already sold out in less than 24 hours. Curses!


Castor Krieg said:
After it unlocks, right-click, go to Properties, Language tab. Might make you redownload the whole game again, we will see.

Thanks, options sadly are a tad limited. After hearing that the JP version had some really good voice actors I wanted to try that one for a few minutes, but that sadly does not seem to be an option for my version.

Big Chungus

I think my game glitched...for one of the quests in
Shangai, I picked up the autopsy report from Anonymous X but i'm not able to read it...anyone else have problems with this?


bathala said:
This bothered me, because of the 2 side missions in detroit. Couldn't cross it

Improvise: Got extra strength aug moved some trash bins by the fence next to the alley and police station
Really? I just got two boxes and played leap frog with them across the electricity until I got to the shut off breaker.


Heh Steam asked me to defrag and it unlocked instantly without decrypting...first time it ever happened. Nice.
I'll play it tomorrow anyway, I wanna be focused.
shagg_187 said:
Alright. Let's do this. These are the upgrades that you NEED to max out no matter what. Alternate between them all so you get a taste of it all. Ordered from most important to least important.

1. Hacking: Capture (Mandatory upgrade if you want to get the hidden weapons and go through doors that you would normally not get access to, and make sure the sentry bots are on your side when they do spawn. No terminator is complete without the "machines" on his side).

2. Hacking Stealth (Another mandatory upgrade if you want to prevent being caught in the hacking side of the hurdles, so you can hack with ease without worrying about failing at it).

3. Dermal Armor (A few bullets can kill you without this upgrade. With it, you can take around 5-10 seconds of live fire without going for cover).

4. Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis (Ultimate choice for any terminator. No ruthless killer is complete without the ability to smash the walls, carry heavy objects, have a bigger backpack for more arsenal and reducing the weapon recoil).

5. Sarif Series 8 Energy Convertor (Every action takes energy. You don't want to wait for it to slowly recharge so this will help you recharge the bar quicker while ensuring you have enough bars to take down 5 enemies or walls).

6. Aim Stabilizer (Terminators have no lack of accuracy. Upgrade this to get pin-point killing precision).

7. Icarus Landing System (Don't want to be laughed at when you jump from a roof to take out ten guys. Use this to land like a boss!).

BONUS: Typhoon Explosive System (Great way to get away from enemies if they surround you, but c'mon... You're a terminator! No one would dare surrounding you. Still, you will have a dozen more Praxis left in the end so upgrade this).

This is very helpful, thank you!


Heavy said:
Guys I'm thisssss close to abandoning my non-lethal , never detected approach. Why? Because the weapons and augs look like they'd be so fun to use. I'm picking up all these weapons (sniper rifle, shotgun, SMG) as well as attachments like a silencer and laser sight... yet all they're good for is selling to the vendor for credits. While the non-lethal approach is very rewarding, I feel like I'm missing out on half the game. This isn't even counting the augments which are geared towards lethal play (break through walls, Typhoon, etc.).

But then I'm thinking... why not just go non-lethal the entire way through the first time then on the second playthrough go lethal as well as stealth whenever you feel like it.

BUT THEN I'm thinking... "don't I want the first playthrough to be 100% as good as it possibly can to try to take in as much of the game as I can?"... because that would mean mixing it up with both stealth and guns.

Not sure what to do at the moment...gonna take a break. Right now I'm just doing side quests in Detroit. Haven't even done the police station mission yet.

Reading Shagg and Zeliard's posts just make me wanna try lethal stuff too because it sounds like they're having so much fun.

I'm mixing up my approach in combat since it's a blast, and I've also concentrated my early aug upgrades on things that will let me go to new areas and/or more easily explore the cities.

I'm on the verge of going to China and hacking is at level 5 w/ turret control, got punching through walls, Icarus Landing System, and move/throw heavy objects. I have 1 Praxis point sitting there but I'm waiting to do leg upgrades, especially jump height. I think I'm going to mostly ignore combat and radar-related upgrades, at least till I've gotten the other stuff.

You should just play how you think would be the most fun. Personally I've never cared about achievements so it's easy for me to ignore those entirely, and while it would be a lot of fun going for a pure non-lethal run simply just to do it, in my first playthrough I like messing with a bit of everything and not really being constricted. I usually consider those very specific run-throughs of a game (speed run, stealth run, non-lethal run, single-weapon run, etc) to be something to do in later playthroughs.


Aftershock LA
This is going to be a long two hours for me. I get off work at 5, get home around 6.

I called my wife to tell her to pick up the game from the downstairs office (UPS finally delivered it), and to install it for me, so I don't have to wait, only to find out that she had already popped it in and did the install for me before I asked. Damn she's awesome.

Now it's just the agonizing wait for my work day to be over, and my bus ride, which will hopefully not be terribly long.

I can't believe how quickly I went from being moderately interested in this game to "damn, I need to have this in my console now!!"

And it's all thanks to you guys and this damn thread. Why did I click the link? Why? I was just perusing GAF and saw the OT, and decided to take a quick, curious peek, and I was sucked in.

Damn you all...
Castor Krieg said:
Any impressions of playing without highlighting objects?

I think it's the only way to play it. It forces you to explore more, and the sense of discovery is joyous. The only disadvantage is that it appears to nullify stealth augmentations (i.e. field of vision, tag enemies, etc.)


erotic butter maelstrom
Castor Krieg said:
Any impressions of playing without highlighting objects?

I started with Deus Ex mode, so it was off by default. I have yet to see any reason to use them. It's probably just for babies that don't know how to play videogames.


Snuggler said:
I started with Deus Ex mode, so it was off by default. I have yet to see any reason to use them. It's probably just for babies that don't know how to play videogames.

would be if the game was designed as the first where i can pick up pretty much anything

object highlight is helpful since you cant interact with everything

i have reticule off though, it distracts me.
Snuggler said:
I started with Deus Ex mode, so it was off by default. I have yet to see any reason to use them. It's probably just for babies that don't know how to play videogames.

Going to do the same then. Want to take it slow and soak the atmosphere.

blahblah...blah said:
I think it's the only way to play it. It forces you to explore more, and the sense of discovery is joyous. The only disadvantage is that it appears to nullify stealth augmentations (i.e. field of vision, tag enemies, etc.)

Can you elaborate on the augmentation part? Doesn't field of vision show on your radar?


Castor Krieg said:
Any impressions of playing without highlighting objects?

It's been very manageable in my experience. Objects you can manipulate or pick up tend to stand out in one way or other. Boxes of ammunition will flash. Things like pocket secretaries and e-books are obvious unless completely hidden since they glow blue. After a point you also start to recognize what items look like so they become easier to spot as you progress. Walls you can punch through if you have the aug feature, like I posted in that pic on the previous page, a large and clearly visible crack running through them.

Not only do I think the highlighting in HR cheapens the exploration aspect, but it mars the picture and is distracting. I'd prefer some sort of middle ground closer to the original Deus Ex, with a much shorter range and only individual items highlighted, but if it's a choice between what's in HR now and nothing then that's a very easy choice.


Snuggler said:
I started with Deus Ex mode, so it was off by default. I have yet to see any reason to use them. It's probably just for babies that don't know how to play videogames.

Ya that's why mine was off.

But ya no highlighting sucks. Stuff blends in too well, and is very very tiny. I'm not trying to play a treasure hunt game here.


In case there are any lurkers with old PCs umming and ahhing over a purchase, or for anyone else who fits that description, I will post some quick impressions from my 5 year old PC.

AMD64 x4200+

So, a kick ass computer from 5 years ago, but showing it's age well and truly now.

I only played for 1/2 an hour last night, but it runs perfectly fine at 1440x900, with most settings set to medium (except for advanced things like post processing, shadows and AA which were all off).

Load times are 10-15 seconds at most (though reading recent posts suggest that a patch to fix that may have been rolled out last night coincidentally) and I'm loving the game.


does "alarmed" count as getting caught? i'm doing the o'malley sidequest thing where you get a bonus if you get through the building undetected


erotic butter maelstrom
Ferrio said:
But ya no highlighting sucks. Stuff blends in too well, and is very very tiny. I'm not trying to play a treasure hunt game here.

Hmmm, I guess experiences will vary. The only objects that I could potentially miss are credit chips and pocket pals, but they're intended to be hidden, so it feels right to me. If anything, it justifies my need to explore every nook and cranny. :)


I like highlighting. It makes me not have to hunt for stuff, and makes me feel like I have a computer game augmented vision brain thingy that makes things easier. 8D

At any rate, it's another option that I'm glad the game has. People have different preferences, in theory having options is an advantage of PC games, and in this case everyone has that option, I assume!
punkypine said:
does "alarmed" count as getting caught? i'm doing the o'malley sidequest thing where you get a bonus if you get through the building undetected

Alarmed does not count as being detected.. They have to turn to "Hostile", I believe.


It's not the concept of highlighting I don't like. After all, the first game did it and did it well. I just think they went overboard with it here, and the only option right now to deal with it is all-or-nothing.
SalsaShark said:
would be if the game was designed as the first where i can pick up pretty much anything

object highlight is helpful since you cant interact with everything

i have reticule off though, it distracts me.

I have reticle disabled and object highlight disabled. I found them both distracting. I wish I could disable the entire HUD. :/


Swifty said:
Really? I just got two boxes and played leap frog with them across the electricity until I got to the shut off breaker.

haha...thats what I did too...I thought I was clever.
I...I have a serious problem

I hate how weapon upgrades take up inventory space...it forces me to use it almost right away instead of save it for a later weapon. Is the 10MM pistol good even later on or should I try to save the ammo capacity upgrade I just found for something else?


Blizzard said:
I like highlighting. It makes me not have to hunt for stuff, and makes me feel like I have a computer game augmented vision brain thingy that makes things easier. 8D

At any rate, it's another option that I'm glad the game has. People have different preferences, in theory having options is an advantage of PC games, and in this case everyone has that option, I assume!
Well, I am glad the option is there for you then.

Its the first thing I am going to turn off.

Which reminds me: is there an option to turn off HUD?


Heavy said:
Guys I'm thisssss close to abandoning my non-lethal , never detected approach. Why? Because the weapons and augs look like they'd be so fun to use. I'm picking up all these weapons (sniper rifle, shotgun, SMG) as well as attachments like a silencer and laser sight... yet all they're good for is selling to the vendor for credits. While the non-lethal approach is very rewarding, I feel like I'm missing out on half the game. This isn't even counting the augments which are geared towards lethal play (break through walls, Typhoon, etc.).

But then I'm thinking... why not just go non-lethal the entire way through the first time then on the second playthrough go lethal as well as stealth whenever you feel like it.

BUT THEN I'm thinking... "don't I want the first playthrough to be 100% as good as it possibly can to try to take in as much of the game as I can?"... because that would mean mixing it up with both stealth and guns.

Not sure what to do at the moment...gonna take a break. Right now I'm just doing side quests in Detroit. Haven't even done the police station mission yet.

Reading Shagg and Zeliard's posts just make me wanna try lethal stuff too because it sounds like they're having so much fun.

I don't see any point in forcing yourself to do something against your impulse on your first playthrough of a game. If you want the achievement get it later when you're looking for more reasons to replay the game. I guarantee you there are people that deserve to die in this game and you can damn well bet an achievement isn't going to fucking stop me from ending their lives.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Just de-crypted and played for 10 min.

motherfucking Batman.

Nigh playable.
MisterAnderson said:
I hate how weapon upgrades take up inventory space...it forces me to use it almost right away instead of save it for a later weapon. Is the 10MM pistol good even later on or should I try to save the ammo capacity upgrade I just found for something else?

The 10mm has been my weapon of choice throughout. The only time I haven't used it is when things have gone so Pete Tong that I've had to use my Combat Rifle...
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