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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


I love Deus Ex but picture this. Crysis 2 animation and graphics with the depth and story and world of Deus Ex. Drool.


Revolutionary said:
Wait, what? I saved Malik so I didn't get to see that, but where does that happen? Who is doing it to her? :(
-starts mass murderer Jensen run

Those aug stealing asshole gangsters working for Tong. I was sneaking around in their underground garage when I found Malik in a blood filled room. I'm going to murder each and every one of those fuckers on my next run.


So....unless i missed something, i died and went to reload my game and both saves that i had BOTH reverted to their prior state 1hr ago. I lost both saves. How is this possible?

360 version.


Junior Member
oktarb said:
I love Dues Ex but picture this. Crysis 2 animation and graphics with the depth and story and world of Dues Ex. Drool.
Yeah I really hope the next Deus Ex is on a different engine. Game is ugly.

For some reason this guard up and died before I even entered the building, hahaha


The_Squirrel_Menace said:
Okay without spoiling much (don't get my game till early next week) how big is the "open world" compared to the original deus ex?

Smaller/more compartmentalized.


I'm tempted to get this, but my new pc should be built in the next 3 weeks. So I'm not sure if I should get it on ps3 or not.


Anilusion said:
$35 on amazon... how much is it on GMG with all discounts?
not sure on Green Man price, but it is worth nothing that the Amazon dd also includes the Tactical Enhancement pack.
a small, yet relevant difference.


3chopl0x said:

This game looks amazing, it takes more then just tech to make a game look good..

It also takes more than just art, which I think was his point. You need technical and artistic proficiency to wow, of which this game only has the latter.


Solo said:
It also takes more than just art, which I think was his point. You need technical and artistic proficiency to wow, of which this game only has the latter.

Are we playing the same game? Or are you on console or something?


3chopl0x said:
Are we playing the same game? Or are you on console or something?

I'm playing PC w/ all the bells and whistles on. The game is ugly/primative from a technical standpoint.


Heavy said:
Well I let
live in the first mission and saved the lady so guess I'm fucked out of the badass revolver... unless it drops later in the game.

I'm pretty sure it is not a rare weapon or anything as you progress further. I'd hold on to your revolver ammo if you want to use one.
Solo said:
I'm playing PC w/ all the bells and whistles on. The game is ugly/primative from a technical standpoint.

I agree, although the artistic side of things does more than enough to cover that up. If you dont spend a ton of time looking for ugly textures or wonky looking NPC's its a pretty decent looking game.


Solo said:
I'm playing PC w/ all the bells and whistles on. The game is ugly/primative from a technical standpoint.

Completely disagree, care to explain what aspects you think are ugly/primitive?
Finished. Fantastic environment design and art, but the core of the game is severely compromised due to it's console focus and the need to be "up to date" with modern (i.e. mass-market palatable) conventions.

Make no mistake, this game is Invisible War freed of the technical limitations of Xbox-level hardware. It's good, but still inadequate.


Confidence Man said:
Finished. Fantastic environment design and art, but the core of the game is severely compromised due to it's console focus and the need to be "up to date" with modern (i.e. mass-market palatable) conventions.

Make no mistake, this game is Invisible War freed of the technical limitations of Xbox-level hardware. It's good, but still inadequate.

What exactly is compromised?


Confidence Man said:
Finished. Fantastic environment design and art, but the core of the game is severely compromised due to it's console focus and the need to be "up to date" with modern (i.e. mass-market palatable) conventions.

Make no mistake, this game is Invisible War freed of the technical limitations of Xbox-level hardware. It's good, but still inadequate.
I think I would disagree, and I feel like it is one of the most "intelligent" games I've played in the last year or two.


Confidence Man said:
...but the core of the game is severely compromised due to it's console focus and the need to be "up to date" with modern (i.e. mass-market palatable) conventions.
Make no mistake, this game is Invisible War freed of the technical limitations of Xbox-level hardware. It's good, but still inadequate.
Going to have to respectfully disagree.
The_Squirrel_Menace said:
Okay without spoiling much (don't get my game till early next week) how big is the "open world" compared to the original deus ex?

Much bigger hub areas, but fewer unique areas (the original had tons).

jim-jam bongs said:
I've only been in the first hub but it's huge. I don't know if you played Alpha Protocol but the mission areas are comparably sized.

People keep mentioning Alpha Protocol, is it really like a Deus Ex game in non-linear level design & objectives?


Confidence Man said:
Finished. Fantastic environment design and art, but the core of the game is severely compromised due to it's console focus and the need to be "up to date" with modern (i.e. mass-market palatable) conventions.

Make no mistake, this game is Invisible War freed of the technical limitations of Xbox-level hardware. It's good, but still inadequate.

You seem to be implying the gameplay of the original was not a clunky boring mess.


3chopl0x said:
Completely disagree, care to explain what aspects you think are ugly/primitive?

The textures are muddy/low res, the character models are poor, the animation varies from passable to terrible, geometry is pretty simplistic, etc.

What it does have going for it is a cohesive art style which manages to cover up most of these issues. Much like the original game. DX1 was awful from a technical perspective too, but it also had strong creative and artistic drive behind the world-building which allowed it to overcome those flaws.

DX: HR is a game that is technically underwhelming but artistically successful. Crysis a game which I would say is technically successful but artistically underwhelming. Dragon Age 2 fails at both, and something like The Witcher 2 is successful at both.
Confidence Man said:
Finished. Fantastic environment design and art, but the core of the game is severely compromised due to it's console focus and the need to be "up to date" with modern (i.e. mass-market palatable) conventions.

Make no mistake, this game is Invisible War freed of the technical limitations of Xbox-level hardware. It's good, but still inadequate.
What's compromised? Totally disagree.


Solo said:
DX: HR is a game that is technical underwhelming but artistically successful. Crysis a game which I would say is technically successful but artistically underwhelming. Dragon Age 2 fails at both, and something like The Witcher 2 is successful at both.
I may not agree with you about everything, but I think this is actually a pretty reasonable summary. I have almost always found Dragon Age 2 screenshots ugly, but maybe the art makes me not even consider whether it's technically impressive. I think Crysis 2 has some pretty places, but I agree that the artistic design doesn't match certain other games.


Solo said:
DX: HR is a game that is technical underwhelming but artistically successful.
I understand this, and agree - it is an artistic triumph. It could use a hi-res texture pack, and the NPCs are janky but the unique characters look great.

I don't understand is the comparison to IW. HR is quite deep.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The game has so many terrible video game cutscenes camera angles and pans. The dialogue is ridiculously terrible.

I'm enjoying the game. I died a handful of times on the prologue because I didn't realise there was a cover system. I died a million times post helicopter because I kept throwing cardboard boxes at the police and then trying to run away. Just after getting a "be stealthy" objective, I equipped a beer can and tried to throw it by pressing RT but I shot a bullet into a wall and had to scurry back into the vent I came out of.

This game couldn't possibly taken seriously, everything about it is just daring me to turn the whole thing into a (really fun, hilarious) farce.


Heavy said:
You've mentioned graphical complaints while Confidence Man was talking about the "core of the game" being compromised. The character models are pretty good, imo. The clothing textures are very sharp and detailed and the faces look solid. Ground textures are also really good (check out any of the Detroit streets). None of this affects the core of the game, which is GOTY quality.

I don't think Solo was involved with that conversation to begin with.
Solo said:
I'm playing PC w/ all the bells and whistles on. The game is ugly/primative from a technical standpoint.

I think it's subtly beautiful. Only the minor NPC character models and some animation really needs more work.

I guess some people just want their games covered in lube and bricks so tessellated they could cut your face off.

See You Next Wednesday said:
Better yet, CoD gunplay & Splinter Cell stealth mechanics.
I think DXHR already has better gunplay thanks to the cover system and ability to hold more than two weapons. Stealth is usually crap in first person games because you can't see your own body in relation to cover, shadows etc, so they can never reach SC standards. I feel they have a near perfect mix of FPS and stealth in DXHR, no doubt again thanks to the cover system and cutting to a third person view.


3chopl0x said:
You seem to be implying the gameplay of the original was not a clunky boring mess.

The shooting and stealth was but the exploration and level design was on a level that hasn't been matched by any game, especially this one. It feels so damn easy to find things in this game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Also, what's up with the 360 load times? It's far too long for a game that seems to be predicated on dying a lot to understand the systems.


Derrick01 said:
The shooting and stealth was but the exploration and level design was on a level that hasn't been matched by any game, especially this one. It feels so damn easy to find things in this game.

I can't agree with this, honestly. I felt like stuff was more obviously placed in the original game. Partly because there was simply just less stuff out in the world, I mean they had very little chance of hiding anything in plain sight because there were very few world props. I haven't played enough of DE:HR to say whether it's better or worse but I don't think DE was the high bar by any stretch.
See You Next Wednesday said:
Don't even try, the A.I. the gunplay & stealth all plain suck.

Just watch the GiantBomb quicklook for an example of all 3.
I don't have to watch the GB Quick Look since I'm less than an hour from the end, and those two are wrong. The stealth, especially, is incredibly satisfying.
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