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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


Ken said:
I think Armor Piercing is unique to the Pistol.

Weird. I suppose explosive rounds probably do more damage to armor as well, though.

Not that any weapon quite matches up to Jensen's robot arms. Have I mentioned the robot arms yet? I headshot a guy with a vending machine. There's your armor piercing.


One thing I really appreciate about Adam Jensen's back story was his previous occupation of being a SWAT officer. It explains why he has a relationship with people at the local police station. It explains why he's street smart and familiar with the local flavors of Detroit. It explains why he's familiar with Letisha who was probably a police informant. And it makes sense to hire an ex-cop for the security of a company rather than former military.

But more importantly, it explains why Adam Jensen would opt for non-lethal methods of combat, being someone who was more concerned with making arrests and keeping the peace rather than outright resorting to lethal force.

Paul Denton: "Remember that we're police. Prod with the prod."


OG Kush said:
Sorry, need a quik lowdown here: 360 or Ps3 version? or it doesnt matter?
can't say for 360.

but i'm on PS3, and like someone else mentioned upthread, the engine does a bit of chugging occasionally.

i'm still early on, so am not in any high action locales...but just transitioning between some areas on the streets in Detroit the game will do a little stutter step when loading the area you're moving into.

it's a minor annoyance, but noticeable; and i don't know if it will remain consistent, improve or worsen, but there it is.


Wallach said:
Have you used anything but the 10mm? It could be a case of armor, I don't know if weapons like the combat rifle or shotgun get any ability to pierce armor.

Haven't tried anything else on the heavies yet, but they absolutely did go down in just one headshot from a 10mm w/ armor-piercing. I remember being slightly surprised by it, thinking it would take more. I also have a single damage upgrade on it, but that seems insignificant enough that I question how much it mattered in making it one headshot or two.

The armor-piercing is definitely key, and yeah I think it's exclusive to the pistol. All of the weapons get their own special mod. Combat rifle gets the curved bullet thingy which I haven't messed with, shotgun gets burst fire, etc. The revolver gets exploding rounds, which I have to guess would be pretty effective against the heavies and other armored foes.

If I had to guess what the single most effective/efficient weapon in the game is - at least outside of boss encounters - it's probably a silenced 10mm w/ laser sight + armor-piercing. Even at base stats that thing is a juggernaut, with the laser sight affording you surprising range and perfect aim from the hip, making headshots a breeze. Silenced sniper rifle doesn't exist in my game (lol), though even if it did, the huge ammo count for the pistol puts it over the top.


GavinGT said:
I'm about to start playing....should I take Jeff's suggestion and play it on Easy? I gave up on the demo because of the combat.
You can always change the difficulty midgame. I assume you mean the press preview was too difficult, so feel free to start on easy. :)


Linkzg said:
I am a pure stealth focused character. Hell, I haven't even used my tranq gun yet. Also haven't sounded alarms.

I just pack a gat to blast any fool steps at me is all.

I had no armor piercing weapons on me :|

Next stealth run I'll stash a revolver with some explosive rounds on me.


Zeliard said:
Combat rifle gets the curved bullet thingy which I haven't messed with

Machine pistols get that as well.

I think I'll go with just an upgraded pistol and a sniper rifle or tranquilizer rifle in my next play through, and rely on the Typhoon as my boss killer.

OG Kush

Grisby said:
Nothing drastic I believe. Just go with what you want to.
sladeums said:
can't say for 360.

but i'm on PS3, and like someone else mentioned upthread, the engine does a bit of chugging occasionally.

i'm still early on, so am not in any high action locales...but just transitioning between some areas on the streets in Detroit the game will do a little stutter step when loading the area you're moving into.

it's a minor annoyance, but noticeable; and i don't know if it will remain consistent, improve or worsen, but there it is.
Thanks, and yeah that doesnt really bother that much. My 360 is broken so I was just wondering if it was better to wait till I get my 360 repaired or go and buy it tomorrow for ps3. Seems like im getting this tomorrow.
Can't wait to play this game stoned! :D


Snuggler said:
Man, the boss fight in Detroit was dreadful. What were they thinking.

On the hardest difficulty as a stealth character it was really easy once I started using bullets.

Stun gun + Unload a full clip of the machine pistol point blank at his head. Repeat twice


plc268 said:
Seems like there's some sort of memory leak on the PC version...at least for me.

For the first 30 minutes or so, the framerate is perfectly smooth, and then it goes sub 30fps for some reason. If I exit out of the game and reload, the framerate is back to ~60fps.
Same here
Ferrio said:
On the hardest difficulty as a stealth character it was really easy once I started using bullets.

Stun gun + Unload a full clip of the machine pistol point blank at his head. Repeat twice

I just lobbed EMP and concussion grenades at him from cover to stagger him, then blasted him in the head with the pistol until he started spamming grenades. Then I just ran around the room avoiding them until he went back to shooting and repeated, got him on about the 5th try.

`Moe Joe.

The health system in this game is perfect.

1. It depletes quickly, which means you can't run around COD/GOW-esque.

2. It doesn't regenerate fast, meaning you must stay behind cover, or use a health item;

3. Thanks to point 2, health items aren't the only source of health in the game; ala MGS. The health system is a good mix of regenerative and pickups.

This and Skyrim coming out in the same year is making this an RPG year that is straight out of my wildest dreams. Only played about 2 hours and it's been amazing so far...the control scheme isn't perfect but still good.


Snuggler said:
Man, the boss fight in Detroit was dreadful. What were they thinking.
Stun gun is the best thing ever even if it can't get upgraded. Not sure how you can get ahold of another tranq rifle but Stun Guns are lying around everywhere in Detroit. What I did with the first boss was
take cover, stun him when he gets close (it works, much to my surprise when a friend told me), then shoot him or toss grenades. If you can stun him, you can put some distance between him. There are also explosive barrels you can toss at him for tons of damage, because after two of them and a couple of AP headshots from the 10mm pistol, he died.


`Moe Joe. said:
The health system in this game is perfect.

1. It depletes quickly, which means you can't run around COD/GOW-esque.

2. It doesn't regenerate fast, meaning you must stay behind cover, or use a health item;

3. Thanks to point 2, health items aren't the only source of health in the game; ala MGS. The health system is a good mix of regenerative and pickups.


And while the enemy AI isn't exactly the sharpest ever seen, the fact that they'll tend to visit your last seen location as typical of some other stealth games means that you often have to move around the environment and find a decent secluded spot or they can mow you down.

The combination of a cover system and health regen often bogs games down to boring, endless stop-and-pop routine but this game side-steps that problem smoothly, due not only to the significant stealth mechanic but also how harsh the game is about enemy damage output.

leng jai

Sober said:
Stun gun is the best thing ever even if it can't get upgraded. Not sure how you can get ahold of another tranq rifle but Stun Guns are lying around everywhere in Detroit. What I did with the first boss was
take cover, stun him when he gets close (it works, much to my surprise when a friend told me), then shoot him or toss grenades. If you can stun him, you can put some distance between him. There are also explosive barrels you can toss at him for tons of damage, because after two of them and a couple of AP headshots from the 10mm pistol, he died.

Fire extinguishers are also useful.
I do understand why people are having boss troubles though, it happens in every RPG with a stealth path and boss fights. You fall into a pattern of upgrading what helps you deal with 99% of the game and forget to have a backup plan for the bosses because they come along so rarely. In my case I had seen a couple of comments about boss fights before I got to the first one so I had been upgrading my pistol with everything I could find, even though I was only using the tranquiliser rifle and non-lethal CQC.

Actually, that's another thing; this game feels exactly like Alpha Protocol in that and many other respects. Which is fitting I guess since AP was compared with the original game a fair bit.


playing on the difficulty they recommend I don't find any part really all that difficult, I've only died 3 times, didn't die at all at the boss fight in Detroit, and I haven't even upgraded my armour past the 1st unlock.

All you gotta do is hide behind stuff wait till they aren't shooting at you and pop up and shoot them in the head. And I'm even using a controller so aiming is a bit more imprecise for me.

I kinda wish I started on the hardest difficulty for more challenge..

Really loving the atmosphere and gameplay, I'm going for hacking and the one that shows where the guards saw you last, and their cone of vision. I'm not doing pacifist, though I do try and sneak and take out guards when I can, but if I get spotted, everyone dies.

Was dissapointed that I didnt have enough room after the first boss to pick everything up in that room, but then I had a piraxis point to spend, and upgraded my inventory, and took everything.
There's still zero penalty for being shot, regardless of how fast or slow the health regenerates. Not that I'm against regenerating health as an ability, but it should be yours to choose at the cost of something else, like regenerating energy.
Confidence Man said:
There's still zero penalty for being shot, regardless of how fast or slow the health regenerates. Not that I'm against regenerating health as an ability, but it should be yours to choose at the cost of something else, like regenerating energy.

On hard without armour upgrades it takes roughly 3 bullets to put you down, I don't think it's really fair to say there is "zero penalty for being shot".


Confidence Man said:
There's still zero penalty for being shot, regardless of how fast or slow the health regenerates. Not that I'm against regenerating health as an ability, but it should be yours to choose at the cost of something else, like regenerating energy.
When I first started the game I thought that's what the batteries/energy were for.


Really dreading the bosses as full stealth/hacking so far. Hell I sell every lethal weapon I come across, guess I should keep a few on me for when the Detroit boss rolls around :|


Well typically if you're being shot then the enemies are on alert and come after you as well, which differentiates it from most other health regen games where you can just sit in that exact spot and recharge your health ad infinitum with no worry. And on Deus Ex difficulty your health goes down so fast that the health regen almost doesn't even have the chance to factor in, which is a large part of why it works. If you exchange gunfire with enemies without proper use of cover you will be punished (provided that filling out the damage-reducing aug tree doesn't turn you into some tank).

If the devs had to use health regen I would have preferred one of the hybrid ones with segmented life bars like Condemned, especially since you're already going around the game world picking up various items, but as it stands this is probably the best "pure" health regen system I've seen.
Drewsky said:
When I first started the game I thought that's what the batteries/energy were for.

They just give you more batteries and increase the recharge rate. One battery recharges automatically, and that's all you'll ever need to use any power.


Zeliard said:
Well typically if you're being shot then the enemies are on alert and come after you as well, which differentiates it from most other health regen games where you can just sit in that exact spot and recharge your health ad infinitum with no worry. And on Deus Ex difficulty your health goes down so fast that the health regen almost doesn't even have the chance to factor in, which is a large part of why it works. If you exchange gunfire with enemies you will be punished (provided that filling out the damage-reducing aug tree doesn't turn you into some tank).

If the devs had to use health regen I would have preferred one of the hybrid ones with segmented life bars like Condemned, especially since you're already going around the game world picking up various items, but as it stands this is probably the best "pure" health regen system I've seen.

Yeah, the thing is if you are getting shot in this game, it means that your stealth is obviously blown and so the positioning/time you lose in trying to post up just to regen health is always relevant.

I wouldn't really want energy regen to be halted because the reality is if you have the time to sit and regen, you're out of the combat situation so the natural rate of regen is a suitable time penalty. I'll certainly take it over the broken regen aug from DE1 which turned you into the T1000.
Zeliard said:
Well typically if you're being shot then the enemies are on alert and come after you as well, which differentiates it from most other health regen games where you can just sit in that exact spot and recharge your health ad infinitum with no worry. And on Deus Ex difficulty your health goes down so fast that the health regen almost doesn't even have the chance to factor in, which is a large part of why it works. If you exchange gunfire with enemies without proper use of cover you will be punished (provided that filling out the damage-reducing aug tree doesn't turn you into some tank).

This description is spot on in my experience. If I have to throw down with my stealthy aug, coming out of cover for more than half a second is suicide.

Zeliard said:
If the devs had to use health regen I would have preferred one of the hybrid ones with segmented life bars like Condemned, especially since you're already going around the game world picking up various items, but as it stands this is probably the best "pure" health regen system I've seen.

I like the temporary boost system with painkillers and such, it's a good compromise and fits in nicely with the theme.


jim-jam bongs said:
I like the temporary boost system with painkillers and such, it's a good compromise and fits in nicely with the theme.

Yeah, it's not quite accurate to say that there is no penalty because you only regen up to the base health maximum and not the modified maximum.


boredofcanada said:
Hengsha question:

does anyone sell weapons in Hengsha?

Yes, the one that immediately comes to mind is
in that hotel, should be the first door on the left if you go in the main door


I absolutely love it - just got done with a pretty epic scene.

Malik and I were shot down by a bunch of insurgents, she tells me to bail out and crashes in a construction yard.

Moments later the entire construction yard gets filled with snipers, grunts, and heavy gunners, all going nuts and opening fire on Malik's downed plane.

She tells me to run, and sneak around them while they're ripping the plane to shreds.

Most other games would just funnel you to the next area via a heavily linear scripted moment. At that point the game was basically trying to make me choose between
keeping my no-kill run or go all out and save Mailk, since tranqs would take too long to work unless it was a headshot and the heavy gunners were just chewing through the downed plane.

It took every piece of consumable I had and then some but I managed to beat the hell out of everyone in the courtyard without actually killing any of them. I pretty much tossed a gas grenade, and spammed invis and ran around taking out the heavy gunners first with melee, buying just enough time for the tranquilzed snipers to pass out, using consumables to recharge after each hit.

so Adam was kind of blinking in and out punching the hell out of everything.

It was so epic - the
thanks exchanged between Adam and Malik was nicely done
, that and I got a trophy for all that trouble lol


TChirath said:
Has there been any "overpowered" build in this game yet? Like the stealth,pistol build in Alpha Protocol?

If you really explore and go stealth, meaning killing as few as possible, you'll be naturally overpowered near the end of Hengsha. I'm a ways past that and I haven't had an ammo problem yet, I almost always have at least 10,000 credits, and I have at least 1 point in almost all the augs (I think the only ones I don't are typhoon, lungs, and aim). The game greatly rewards exploration.
Zeliard said:
Well typically if you're being shot then the enemies are on alert and come after you as well, which differentiates it from most other health regen games where you can just sit in that exact spot and recharge your health ad infinitum with no worry. And on Deus Ex difficulty your health goes down so fast that the health regen almost doesn't even have the chance to factor in, which is a large part of why it works. If you exchange gunfire with enemies without proper use of cover you will be punished (provided that filling out the damage-reducing aug tree doesn't turn you into some tank).

If the devs had to use health regen I would have preferred one of the hybrid ones with segmented life bars like Condemned, especially since you're already going around the game world picking up various items, but as it stands this is probably the best "pure" health regen system I've seen.

There's a penalty for alerting enemies to your location, not being shot. You either hide or stay in cover until your health regenerates, or you die and reload. There's no lasting health deficit to deal with and no injuries sustained to body parts.


Confidence Man said:
There's a penalty for alerting enemies to your location, not being shot. You either hide or stay in cover until your health regenerates, or you die and reload. There's no lasting health deficit to deal with and no injuries sustained to body parts.

There is if you have modified your health, though. The base health is not the maximum.


EekTheKat said:
I absolutely love it - just got done with a pretty epic scene.

Malik and I were shot down by a bunch of insurgents, she tells me to bail out and crashes in a construction yard.

Moments later the entire construction yard gets filled with snipers, grunts, and heavy gunners, all going nuts and opening fire on Malik's downed plane.

She tells me to run, and sneak around them while they're ripping the plane to shreds.

Most other games would just funnel you to the next area via a heavily linear scripted moment. At that point the game was basically trying to make me choose between
keeping my no-kill run or go all out and save Mailk, since tranqs would take too long to work unless it was a headshot and the heavy gunners were just chewing through the downed plane.

It took every piece of consumable I had and then some but I managed to beat the hell out of everyone in the courtyard without actually killing any of them. I pretty much tossed a gas grenade, and spammed invis and ran around taking out the heavy gunners first with melee, buying just enough time for the tranquilzed snipers to pass out, using consumables to recharge after each hit.

so Adam was kind of blinking in and out punching the hell out of everything.

It was so epic - the
thanks exchanged between Adam and Malik was nicely done
, that and I got a trophy for all that trouble lol

Was wondering what happen if
you save her. I didnt and later found her dead body :(
Confidence Man said:
There's a penalty for alerting enemies to your location, not being shot. You either hide or stay in cover until your health regenerates, or you die and reload. There's no lasting health deficit to deal with and no injuries sustained to body parts.

by default, your max health is 200 points but it only recharges to 100. You have to take painkillers or consume other items to raise it above the natural level.

in context, one hit from a shotgun kills you at 100 health if you're playing on hard.
Wallach said:
There is if you have modified your health, though. The base health is not the maximum.

That's true, but it hardly matters when your base health is all you'll ever need. Same with energy. The only times I ever bothered to fill up more than one bar was to cheese the bosses by standing there cloaked while shooting them in the face.
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