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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


cackhyena said:
So I've only done one side mission in Hengsha. I've been all over and done a bit of the main mission. I'm not coming across the side missions like I did in Detroit. Will the main story lead into them. If not,. someone tell me where I gotta look, please?
Yeah, the main story leads you into the other two. You can't actually progress until you hear one of them out about the details.

PROTIP: Pay the man; trust me on this one.


This game badly needs a patch. Just crashed again in the menus, I love playing the game but having to restart it every half an hour or so is getting tiresome.


Ridley327 said:
Yeah, the main story leads you into the other two. You can't actually progress until you hear one of them out about the details.

PROTIP: Pay the man; trust me on this one.
Wait, tell me you don't mean the guy in the front of the Hive. Cuz I knocked his ass out cold for giving me lip.
Castor Krieg said:
Is there a bonus for killing everyone/dealing with everyone? I'm afraid losing Ghost bonus everytime will make a huge difference in EXP gained.
Well you get the exp from killing/incapacitating them. Ghost just means you can't get a guard into alarmed state (I think, could be hostile) which means don't let them see you, Smooth Operator is not knocking anyone out (I think). The one time I went for the latter I got like ~250XP as a bonus while Ghost was at 1k-500XP, knocking 5 guards would have given me that plus loot, so eh. I tend to try to go for Ghost most of the time though, while knocking out everyone I can.

That's just based on my experience though, I'm not quite sure exactly how those bonuses work.
LordPhoque said:
So, how do I pass electrified floor ?
On boxes!


I wish this game had a high res texture pack...

also anyone else getting this:


They seem to follow wherever my character moves and it's extremely distracting.

Also, this game runs fine on my setup:

Phenom II X3 720 @ 3.7
8gb ddr
1gb HD4890 @ 1920x1200

I get like consistently 60fps at max everything but SSAO. Randomly I'll go and turn around and the game like locks up for half a second and is slow for a few seconds more when I spin around. SSAO on High is more like 40-50 fps for me and does the "lock up" thing more often. I see no appreciable difference from having SSAO on high or OFF to justify the fps hit.

All I have available is FXAA because apparently MLAA is a DX11 thing? LOL

FXAA on high still doesn't get rid of all the jaggies.

malfcn said:
How many points do you average through a game?

Not enough to max everything.

LordPhoque said:
So, how do I pass electrified floor ?

If you have to ask you're not thinking outside the box enough.

Put box on ground near other box. Stand on box. Put box in front of other box. Stand on new box. Put old box in front of other box. Repeat.


LordPhoque said:
So, how do I pass electrified floor ?
- Get the aug which lets you do that (under dermal armour, needs 4 points at the start of the game).
- Play hopscotch with a couple of boxes.
- Look for another route. Even though I had the aug, I didn't come across a single instance where I needed to pass through an electrified floor and couldn't find another route.


did anyone actually get the collector's edition guide from amazon? i preordered it and it still hasn't shipped. their site states it is out of print. i don't think they are ever going to ship it. and now it's probably too late to get it from somewhere else. they should have let me know if they couldn't get it.


The best thing about this game is how you can accomplish missions using any means.

I've always wanted a game that allows you to hop over fences using a stack of boxes or by going into a building through a back entrance.

Just finished the police station section. I sneaked through it and it was great fun.

Been playing 6 hours so far and have had no crashes, lock ups or slowdowns.

edit: Oh and I love the hacking mini game


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
LordPhoque said:
So, how do I pass electrified floor ?
There's a couple dumpsters next to the police station by a fence that you can toss with the extra strength aug. You can make those into, sort of, steps that you can use to jump over that fence so that you don't have to deal with the electrified floor.

Assuming you're talking about detroit.

Better than boxes.

edit: You should be able to use the sewers as well.


cackhyena said:
Wait, tell me you don't mean the guy in the front of the Hive. Cuz I knocked his ass out cold for giving me lip.
Seriously, someone tell me I didn't screw myself over on a side mission because of my need to punch a douche every once in a while.
Beat it, what a great game, one of my favorite ever. I mostly played stealth (not enough to get the pacifist achievement though, I don't think I have the patience), and I can't wait to go back through it. With more bloodlust this time.

I saw a Thi4f poster in one of the pictures during the credits. Definitely leapfrogged to number 1 on my most-wanted list now that I know how good Eidos Montreal is


Castor Krieg said:
Is there a bonus for killing everyone/dealing with everyone? I'm afraid losing Ghost bonus everytime will make a huge difference in EXP gained.

I try to play Stealth all the time, but I think it's a bit shit to reward Stealth gameplay over anything else. I like the way Deus Ex allows you to complete things your own way, but it essentially only rewards playing ONE of those ways. =/
BobsRevenge said:
One of the sellers in Hengshua sells it, and one in Detroit. You'll be able to get it in the hub after the level you're going to.

There is a gun seller that sells it in one of the buildings in detroit(not the gas station guy). I cant remember which building it is since they all look identical. The guys name is Seurat if that helps.


Bought the 360 version yesterday and had a blast last night, awesome game, except some technical issues such as long ass loading (I installed it) and slowdowns while walking in the city.

Now my 360 tray somehow keeps opening by itself and I can't play anything now. GG Microsoft.
Does anybody have a link to the image that shows the vast number of routes to completing a specific objective? It's like a huge flowchart used for promotion/marketing purposes. Thanks.

Edit: Nvm found it.


does anyone bother to hack all the computers at the TYM? There will be like 6 hackable computers per certain room and only 1 of them will have interesting info.
A Human Becoming said:
Can you tranq bosses or do you have to kill them?
I think you can tranq them but you still get the kill (that doesn't "count"), it makes absolutely no difference. Save the previous ammo and use whatever you can find lying around to kill them (barrels, shotguns, ARs, grenades, etc.). I think the stun gun may be useful even if you're going all out for the kill though. I'm gonna see if it works on the next boss I come across.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Gvaz said:
also anyone else getting this:


They seem to follow wherever my character moves and it's extremely distracting.

Also, this game runs fine on my setup:

Phenom II X3 720 @ 3.7
8gb ddr
1gb HD4890 @ 1920x1200

I get that exact issue. Have not been able to solve it though. Using a 4890 as well...

I also am using FXAA, gets rid of jaggies just fine for me though.

My biggest issue is I can't seem to get vsync to work at all. Tried forcing it through the game, CCC, Radeon Pro, and Direct 3D overrider, all with no luck at all.

Intel Q6600@3.0
4GB ram
4890 1GB @1680x1050


BadTaste105 said:
does anyone bother to hack all the computers at the TYM? There will be like 6 hackable computers per certain room and only 1 of them will have interesting info.

I hack computers whenever I can, it's always great getting an idea of the relationships between employees at all these big corporations.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
BadTaste105 said:
does anyone bother to hack all the computers at the TYM? There will be like 6 hackable computers per certain room and only 1 of them will have interesting info.
It's that 4 email limit lol.


Discotheque said:


Now the only thing to do is:

A) another prequel, detailing the rise of biometric augmentations and UNATCO


B) man up and make a proper sequel to Deus Ex, pretend Invisible War never existed like the fans do

either way they can't include Adam Jensen again.

You never asked for this but your goatee and shades will live on forever.

edit: knowing the games industry today none of these options will apply and Adam Jensen will be in Deus Ex 6: Modern augmentation. Oh God I hope Eidos Montreal has the courage to walk away from money.
I love Jensen. One of my favorite protagonists in gaming. His design is boss and you can turn him into a roided up batman. And I'm also hoping they don't use him in another game. He's great the way he is so Eidos doesn't have to ruin him. But the character is probably too good for them to just end his time as the protagonist. :(


My PS3 is the only means I have of playing this game at the moment, is the PS3 port playable? Or should I wait a few months and get it for PC?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thinking about it, I wonder if Human Revolution is, for this generation, the most faithful reimagining, or at least spiritual successor, of an otherwise long dormant franchise.

There's still room for improvement (as EmCeeGramr put it), but to appease old school fans is a pretty huge accomplishment. It could have easily turned out like BioShock, even in a 'best case scenario'.


Gvaz said:
I wish this game had a high res texture pack...

also anyone else getting this:

They seem to follow wherever my character moves and it's extremely distracting.

That's the games terrible AF in action, change to bilinear or trilinear filtering and hey presto the stupid lines are gone, the differences between full AF and low AF are barely noticeable anyway (apart from those terrible white lines).
charsace said:
I love Jensen. One of my favorite protagonists in gaming. His design is boss and you can turn him into a roided up batman. And I'm also hoping they don't use him in another game. He's great the way he is so Eidos doesn't have to ruin him. But the character is probably too good for them to just end his time as the protagonist. :(

Jensen really can't be in another game, especially since (Ending Spoilerz)
the suicide ending is the one that makes the most sense within the context of the first game I feel.
I also think that it's really too messy to do a true DX1 sequel simply due nature of the game's endings.

A Paul Denton game that leads directly up to the beginning of DX1 could be interesting tho.
First installment of What I Think Sucks About This Game™

- When you choose an aug it should lock out something else, like Deus Ex. Want to jump higher? Then you give up safe landing from extreme heights. Want to punch through walls? Then you should have to sacrifice lifting heavy objects. Even Invisible War got this right. Combined with an abundance of praxis points the result is there are no hard choices outside of the early game. Which leads to...

- You can be a master-of-all-trades. At a certain point in the game maybe 2/3 of the way through I could hack anything with ease, reach any location and take any route, sneak up on anyone or sneak past any obstacle, and still have fully upgraded strength, accuracy, and dermal armor to go toe to toe with anyone in combat while lugging around an entire arsenal of weaponry. Makes me far less interested in replaying the game knowing my character will end up essentially the same with access to all the same routes and strategies.

- For a game about player choice, why are augs the one and only way to do anything? What about the items from Deus Ex like ballistic armor, hazmat mask, thermoptic camo, multitools, etc.. to give the player options outside the simple augmentation system. It's a huge missed opportunity that they didn't extend the dichotomy explored in the game's plot to the actual game. Yes, he never asked for this, but it rings hollow as the only way for him to wield any power in the game is to use the augmented abilities he may or may not want. He should be given the choice to use them even if he didn't have the choice to get them. That would have been role-playing.

- Arguing for melee combat is a lost cause, but at least they could make takedowns require a little more finesse. The distance at which you can trigger them is ridiculous, and the so-called silent takedowns have you breaking arms and flipping guys onto concrete floors and no one notices anything. The reasoning we heard before the game came out, that takedowns were the "reward" for sneaking up on someone is complete shit, as sneaking up on someone is absurdly easy by default thanks to the always-on radar and stupid AI.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Danne-Danger said:
I think you can tranq them but you still get the kill (that doesn't "count"), it makes absolutely no difference. Save the previous ammo and use whatever you can find lying around to kill them (barrels, shotguns, ARs, grenades, etc.). I think the stun gun may be useful even if you're going all out for the kill though. I'm gonna see if it works on the next boss I come across.

Ugh all I could find was a a combat rifle with 30 bullets. I don't seem to have enough tranquilizers to knock him out. I also can't use the takedown prompt, which although would be cheap, should still be available. I guess I'll have to use the environment to kill this boss.
Just finished the first level in about 5 hours and everybody loves me (except some policeman). Great, great game!

Got 1 praxis point and wondering, whether I should spend it now or wait for a great augmentation. Maybe flying back to the HQ first.


Confidence Man said:
First installment of What I Think Sucks About This Game™

- When you choose an aug it should lock out something else, like Deus Ex. Want to jump higher? Then you give up safe landing from extreme heights. Want to punch through walls? Then you should have to sacrifice lifting heavy objects. Even Invisible War got this right. Combined with an abundance of praxis points the result is there are no hard choices outside of the early game. Which leads to...

- You can be a master-of-all-trades. At a certain point in the game maybe 2/3 of the way through I could hack anything with ease, reach any location and take any route, sneak up on anyone or sneak past any obstacle, and still have fully upgraded strength, accuracy, and dermal armor to go toe to toe with anyone in combat while lugging around an entire arsenal of weaponry. Makes me far less interested in replaying the game knowing my character will end up essentially the same with access to all the same routes and strategies.

- For a game about player choice, why are augs the one and only way to do anything? What about the items from Deus Ex like ballistic armor, hazmat mask, thermoptic camo, multitools, etc.. to give the player options outside the simple augmentation system. It's a huge missed opportunity that they didn't extend the dichotomy explored in the game's plot to the actual game. Yes, he never asked for this, but it rings hollow as the only way for him to wield any power in the game is to use the augmented abilities he may or may not want. He should be given the choice to use them even if he didn't have the choice to get them. That would have been role-playing.

- Arguing for melee combat is a lost cause, but at least they could make takedowns require a little more finesse. The distance at which you can trigger them is ridiculous, and the so-called silent takedowns have you breaking arms and flipping guys onto concrete floors and no one notices anything. The reasoning we heard before the game came out, that takedowns were the "reward" for sneaking up on someone is complete shit, as sneaking up on someone is absurdly easy by default thanks to the always-on radar and stupid AI.
No way on the locking out bit. There's zero need for it and it'll just make the game more frustrating.

I agree that the take downs are not very stealthy but the execution is great. Don't see the problem with the distance...

The augs are pretty core to the game. Makes sense that you need them.

Apart from the not silent take downs, I disagree with everything. Just nit picking non important issues.


Enco said:
No way on the locking out bit. There's zero need for it and it'll just make the game more frustrating.

No, it makes the game more challenging/forces you to make hard decisions.
there's actually a reason for why it wouldn't make sense, at least in the story. Jensen isn't so much upgrading as he's slowly unlocking his body's capabilities.

it's one of those things said early on, like a one line justification.

Danne-Danger said:
I think you can tranq them but you still get the kill (that doesn't "count"), it makes absolutely no difference. Save the previous ammo and use whatever you can find lying around to kill them (barrels, shotguns, ARs, grenades, etc.). I think the stun gun may be useful even if you're going all out for the kill though. I'm gonna see if it works on the next boss I come across.

so far, stun gun turns bosses into a joke.
Just got to the Asia level, got to say Edios Shanghai did a good job designing it. I had a kick when all the duders spoke chinese. Now to find a guy that lucky hit guy.


Solo said:
No, it makes the game more challenging/forces you to make hard decisions.
But there's no need for it. Why should one thing lock something unrelated out? More flexibility is always good.


Jensen is a little punk. Next game had better let me play as "The Boss" JC Denton.

Or at least "The Shift Supervisor" Paul Denton. But not "The Janitor" Jensen again.
My only complaint is that energy cells don't recharge past the one. I would drop 3 praxis points on an aug that would recharge the next cell with time.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Solo said:
But Bioshock is great. Its no System Shock, but its great in its own way.

I still think BioShock is, in the grand scheme of things, exceptionally overrated due to how the game fell apart for the last third, but yes, and this was basically what I was getting at. BioShock was a great game by its own merits, but a notably shitty 'Shock' game and not even in the ballpark of a faithful revival. Human Revolution, even with its changes, for better or worse retains a good Deus Ex feeling, rather than feeling like a complete reboot that has next to nothing in common with its roots.


Beat the game last night. Loved it...hacked pretty much 90000 computers.

The story gets kind of confusing however.

And looking over some of the trophies...looks crazy. I can't imagine running through this game without killing anyone OR setting off any alarms.
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