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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


GAF parliamentarian
ThisWreckage said:
Can you play this game in third person 100% of the time? If not, I have a feeling my friend is going to be returning this.
First person only. Third is blind fire from cover.


Where in the world can I get a tranq gun in hengsha? This quest I'm on looks just about impossible without one and I can't find one for the life of me.


Some visual aspects of the game reminds me of MGS2/4.

The hero is practically a futuristic Snake with the same beard and hair, gruff voice. He seemingly has the same fighting style as well. And then you have him looking around corners, going into fps aim mode when doing so etc, people passing through the living room could actually mistake this for a Kojima game.

Also the robot art, orange hues of MGS4 etc. These aspects didn't start with those MGS games but it's definitely the closest visual likeness in gaming right now.
Automatisch said:
You're not locked into anything because of how the unlocks work. You'll generally be sneaking around regardless of if you unlock the cloaking and X-Ray vision stuff, but those just make it a lot easier to get through certain areas.

Okay I guess it doesn't matter. What do you get if you pick stealth?

Speaking of FOV, what do most people have theirs set to? I thought the default 75 was way to close so I just cranked it to 100.
hamchan said:
I hope they don't remake the first game. There would be so much bitching from the fans. No, making an entirely new Deus Ex game is the best option.

They won't.

But do you think we'll ever see the previous games in the franchise remade to complement the new game?

No, no. This is the same universe, although you will see different links with the first Deus Ex.

Presumably there’ll be sequels to this prequel. Does that mean that at some point you’re going to end up remaking the first game?

JFD: It’s natural to come to the idea of a remake, but our game takes place in 2027 – that’s like 25 years before the first game. So it leaves us enough room to build a new series.

JBB: If you look at the history depicted in the franchise, you realise there are many great moments that have yet to be exploited. Reading Deus Ex’s in-game writing, you find a huge amount of background. When you get into the 2030s, you could make many games exploiting all the events happening in that period. You have the secession of states, a huge earthquake, a massive financial crash, Mexico regaining control over the southern states of the US. There’s so much material to exploit. This doesn’t mean we are going to use these elements, but I just want to point out that there’s no problem building a new series inside the franchise without touching those two existing games.

Because Square Enix loves remakes… have you ever thought about remaking Deus Ex 1?

[Laughs] No, it’s not in the plan. Deus Ex: Human Revolution was for us a reboot of the franchise with all of the respect to the universe. But, it was a reboot so if we have a goal to do something else we’ll build on that [DE:HR] for sure.
Well I just finished my first play through.

I was going for beating the game with out setting off any alarms, but apparently I failed somewhere. Which is really annoying considering I spent what equals out to probably a third of the actual play time reloading saves because I set one off or alerted a guard.

The only one I ever remember hearing was
after your first confrontation with Zhao. I didn't think you can do anything about this though since she activates it during a cut scene.


epmode said:
I believe that the settings are actually written to the registry, not an INI file. I'm not sure where it is.

That could very well be. I haven't taken the time to delve into the game files other then to check the obvious folders. At some point I expect that some enterprising gamer will create a tool to enable user configuration options beyond those readily available at the moment. That's for future playthroughs, but in the here and now I'm still having enough fun to balance out the lack of customization. It's all good and almost guaranteed to get better with user created hacks and mods. That's why I love PC gaming.


See You Next Wednesday said:
I guess you haven't been reading the mountain of posts about the PC exclusive glitches, bugs & compatibility issues.

I have, sadly. However, I'd rather take those over what might be the worst control scheme I've seen in a game in awhile.

I mean jesus fucking christ, what were they thinking with so many hold/tap buttons? Shame, it's an otherwise amazing game, but after the 20th time of accidentally looting a body when I intended to move it I'm done.

Question, what do you get when you select the Lethal option at the start? I went with the Non-Lethal/Tranq Rifile, but I quickly realized how much of a mistake that was.


sparkle this bitch
See You Next Wednesday said:
I guess you haven't been reading the mountain of posts about the PC exclusive glitches, bugs & compatibility issues.
*Haven't encounter a single bug, glitch, or crash*

And my computer is min specs... Maybe that is the key :O
There were a couple conversations where I felt like I had sorta won just by outtalking the other people until they gave up. Pretty sure there might be better choices than the ones I picked for those.

Then there were some where I felt super proud of myself for doing.
Haas and Sarif
Fuck. Me.

This game is unbelievable. I've had it for 3 days now, and put in roughly 6-8 hours (I'm playing on 360)... and I've just left Detroit. I'm surprised at how meaty the sidequests are - Cloak and Dagger was extremely impressive and a highlight of the game for me so far (I failed the secondary objective however).

Everything just seems to be extremely polished and well thought out. The gunplay is solid, weapon customization is satisfying, takedowns are brutal yet balanced, ammo walks a fine line between scarce and plentiful - and the inventory system is a really good way of making me think about my weapons/ammo without a shitty 2-weapon system that most games employ.

It also has probably the best form of hacking I have played in a game to date. It's got a bit of variety, is quick yet difficult, has a nice risk/reward system for data storage cubes etc, and ultimately has me racking my brain deciding on a physical augment or another hacking one. My only issue really, is that the chance system seems out of whack. Last night I saved on a level 3 hack, and while my wife was watching, I failed a 50% directory hack (first node, so I kept retrying/reloading) no less than 15-20 times. I understand that the odds are not impossible, rather improbable, but that is bullshit. Not to mention, 15/30% hacks feel a lot riskier than they should be, often feeling more like a 40-50% chance. Ultimately it's bias, because I'm probably getting away with a few 50-60% that I shouldn't be - but it can be frustrating failing easy hacks repeatedly.

Also, the graphics are quite nice. It's not amazing by any means. The framerate can take a hit in some areas, plenty of shitty areas, and NPC's often look pretty sub-par (compared to say, Mass Effect and the like) - however the atmosphere is top-notch. I don't give a shit about any other issues, because I'm walking through a detailed, well thought-out, atmospheric city - with a ton of shit to discover.

On a side note, after the Police Station and the FEMA-base (the whole mission leading up to the first-boss) - this game has made me realize what Splinter Cell should have played like in the last couple of iterations. As for the first boss, I died once - as I didn't realize he would throw frags. After that, I just threw my collection of concussion/EMP grenades and sprayed him with the vast amount of machine pistol ammo around the stage. Never threw a barrel or gas canister - he went down after my 3rd clip (normal difficulty).


Yeah, the design is real thorough on this one.

Best hacking setup ever.
Inventory space.
The flexible gameplay.

Loving it.


So I've
returned t hengsha and am trying to do a side quest where you knock out a bunch of terrorist dudes.
Where can I find a tranq gun or stun gun? I checked the merchant at the whore house and it was a no go. Any other merchants or places where I could get either weapon?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
EmCeeGramr said:
There were a couple conversations where I felt like I had sorta won just by outtalking the other people until they gave up. Pretty sure there might be better choices than the ones I picked for those.

Then there were some where I felt super proud of myself for doing.
Haas and Sarif

If you use the social aug on
he ends up
getting fired and confronting you outside your apartment, pulling a gun, leaving you with no option other than to kill or knock him out.
EatChildren said:
If you use the social aug on
he ends up
getting fired and confronting you outside your apartment, pulling a gun, leaving you with no option other than to kill or knock him out.

the gun part didn't happen to me, I just offered him a job at Sarif and he chilled out
EatChildren said:
If you use the social aug on
he ends up
getting fired and confronting you outside your apartment, pulling a gun, leaving you with no option other than to kill or knock him out.
But if you're nice to him,
he shows up at your apartment angry, and you can calm him down and tell him to apply at Sarif security with your personal recommendation.


commish said:
It really is. I find myself struggling with it at every turn.

Yeah, I was fighting the UI the entire time. There's a great game there, but when I have to take every single second of gameplay time just to make sure I'm hitting the button right... no, just no....


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Discotheque said:
the gun part didn't happen to me, I just offered him a job at Sarif and he chilled out
EmCeeGramr said:
But if you're nice to him,
he shows up at your apartment angry, and you can calm him down and tell him to apply at Sarif security with your personal recommendation.

I had no dialogue options. Guy was losing his shit, so I had to smack him.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Marrshu said:
Yeah, I was fighting the UI the entire time. There's a great game there, but when I have to take every single second of gameplay time just to make sure I'm hitting the button right... no, just no....

I'd feel better about it if I could rearrange the buttons at least. I guess the devs thought that option wasn't needed for some reason.
Huh, I like the interface a lot. Just the fact that it comes almost instantly and you can switch between tabs quickly is enough to win me over. The selection ring seems like a reasonable solution.

The saved game loading is by far the worst part of the game so far for me. I don't know why it is that some games can quick load almost instantly, and other games need 20 seconds. I'm sure they did their best, but a smaller quick load would definitely increase playability for me.


I hated hacking in Fallout 3, couldn't figure it out well.
The hacking in this is fun and can be challenging, but a few quirks.

What is the point of hacking attempts? I've failed a hack a few times and nothing ever seems to happen. Still says 4-5 attempts available. What is the consequence?

Also once or twice, I could hack through without getting caught. All the nodes would be 70% chance and I would blow past 5+ of them. The odds seem...odd once in awhile.


Conciliator said:
Huh, I like the interface a lot. Just the fact that it comes almost instantly and you can switch between tabs quickly is enough to win me over. The selection ring seems like a reasonable solution.

It's not so much the selection ring as it is the fact that everything is bound to a hold/tap setup. That's a universal "NO!" in UI design. I tried playing a stealth run, but the combination of hold/tap setup, iron sights on the wrong button, and the fact that I didn't feel like reloading a save game just to figure out what the Lethal option might be ruined it.

I will give them credit, however. When it was clicking with me, it was amazing, and I suspect the PC version (issues aside) is a contender for GOTY.


Sorry, I'm too busy right now to read through all the press, but hate twitchy FPS's but loved Fallout 3: should I get Deus Ex: HR or pass?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
The only one I ever remember hearing was
after your first confrontation with Zhao. I didn't think you can do anything about this though since she activates it during a cut scene.
That escape sequence? It's completely possible to avoid getting a "hostile" status there.


Junior Member
Okay, now I'm at a part where I'm debating whether or not to drop my pacifism for a certain group of enemies.

In the first Deux Ex I conducted a sort of selective pacifism. If I was dealing with low level thugs, NSF, cops, or
UNATCO members unaware of the corruption[/spoilers] I would be non-lethal. When it came to straight-up enemies though like
MJ12 members
, I just straight-up killed them, but stealthily.

Now that I think I'm about to encounter
the mercs from the prologue
I'm thinking about doing the same thing. Anybody else do this?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
stewacide said:
Sorry, I'm too busy right now to read through all the press, but hate twitchy FPS's but loved Fallout 3: should I get Deus Ex: HR or pass?

No, it's like UT2K.


Stripper13 said:
It also has probably the best form of hacking I have played in a game to date. It's got a bit of variety, is quick yet difficult, has a nice risk/reward system for data storage cubes etc, and ultimately has me racking my brain deciding on a physical augment or another hacking one.

Honestly, I'm getting a Shadowrun (Genesis) vibe from the network hacking mini-game. It's strangely compelling enough that I just enjoy hacking regardless of whether I already have the necessary code available. This is extraordinary to me since I normally detest this type of 'time waster' BS in most games. *mind-boggled*


zlatko said:
No game this generation after MGS4 has been so in line with what I want out of a game, but Deus Ex thus far has went well and beyond what suits me as a gamer.

<3 it to infinity even though I have to play in short bursts or else I'll get sick from my damn brain/eyes/w/e not being able to cop with 75 FOV. :(
Why don't you just change your FOV? I think I have mine set to 90.


malfcn said:
What is the point of hacking attempts? I've failed a hack a few times and nothing ever seems to happen. Still says 4-5 attempts available. What is the consequence?
At the start, there are no consequences to being detected aside from the 30 second cooldown before you can hack again. Later, being detected will set off alarms. If you disconnect before you're detected, you lose one attempt. Lose all attempts and it's as though you were detected.
Also once or twice, I could hack through without getting caught. All the nodes would be 70% chance and I would blow past 5+ of them. The odds seem...odd once in awhile.
Probabilty can do funny things sometimes. After hacking a lot of stuff, I don't believe that the game is screwing with the percentages.
Whoo, just beat it for the first time on the hardest setting, with no alarms or kills. Bosses were mostly bullshit (either frustratingly difficult or pathetically easy), everything else was sublime. 9/10.
Stallion Free said:
That escape sequence? It's completely possible to avoid getting a "hostile" status there.

I figured as much but the alarm is already going off when you exit the cut scene. Which is where my confusion came in. I must have biffed some other spot and not noticed.


Just completed my 2nd run through. Decided to do a hard mode challenge for myself. The rules? Hard mode, no kills, no praxis point run. It ended up taking me only 10 hours and wasn't as hard as I thought. I ended up taking way different routes, so it was almost like a completely different game the 2nd time around!



Out of curiosity, how far am I? I just arrived at
. (general location spoiler)

Hopefully it goes on for awhile more. Although I'm 21 hours in so I'm worried it might start wrapping up soon =/


Saterium said:
Out of curiosity, how far am I? I just arrived at
. (general location spoiler)

Hopefully it goes on for awhile more. Although I'm 21 hours in so I'm worried it might start wrapping up soon =/

Half way to the end.
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