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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


DS2 certainly is.
Pick it up on PC on a sale and when played maxed at 60fps, it is one detailed, beautiful game.
I had it on 360 on release and it's amazing the things that are missed when not playing at 1080p.
But if deus ex:HR picked it up, I wouldn't be offended although we still have batman:AC to come.
I wish Jensen would stop trying to emulate MGS2's opening cutscene every time he stepped off a stack of crates

Actually all the little mini-cutscene actions are totally tiresome, why did they even bother


Cryptic Psychedelic said:
This is kinda OT but did anyone see the 12 minute Eyeborg Documentary released with Deus Ex?

I think it was posted before, really interesting stuff.
Thanks for reminding me.


After playing for about 9 hours or so, last night, I had a really strange dream.

In the dream, a strange man from within the shadows gave me a series of take-down missions.

After about 4 or 5 missions of sneaking up on people and smashing them into the ground with my augmented krav maga or whatever the man finally revealed himself to me by walking slowly into the light.

Took me a while to realise that the man was...

The Dad from Danger Bay!


Alright, I just reached the Highland Park area (
When you meet the mercs again for the first time after the beginning of the game
). It actually feels like I've played for quite some time; how much do I have left?
BeeDog said:
Alright, I just reached the Highland Park area (
When you meet the mercs again for the first time after the beginning of the game
). It actually feels like I've played for quite some time; how much do I have left?
lol, just scratched the surface my friend.


BeeDog said:
Alright, I just reached the Highland Park area (
When you meet the mercs again for the first time after the beginning of the game
). It actually feels like I've played for quite some time; how much do I have left?


ZombieFred said:
So would most people here say that Deus Ex:HR+ takes the cake for game of the year so far? I certainly do! (Sorry Witcher 2, Montreal's done a damn good job and deserves the recognition)

GOTY so far: The Witcher 2
GOTG so far: Red Dead Redemption


Sotha Sil said:
I really wonder how a non-augmented playthrough would work. I'm tempted, though.
I'm just amazed it's even possible, though given how much I used augs like wall-punching and Smart Vision, I'd probably be all "I never asked for this" by the end of it.

loganclaws said:
Are you saying he has 70-80% left? Or is that how much you played?
70-80% left.
Sotha Sil said:
I really wonder how a non-augmented playthrough would work. I'm tempted, though.

I'm so tempted to try this:

All game assists turned off (object highlighting, target reticle, etc)
hardest difficulty
zero death tolerance


something about the ending
should've whacked Megan Reed. Damned scientist went to illuminati after all -.-

Sotha Sil

MrCompletely said:
I'm so tempted to try this:

All game assists turned off (object highlighting, target reticle, etc)
hardest difficulty
zero death tolerance

That's pretty much what I had in mind! With a pacifist Jensen dialogue-wise. My third playthrough, probably.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
TemplaerDude said:
Dead Space 2 is a really good game, dude.
It's really good in an action movie sense, but I don't think it's anything you'll remember years from now. It's just set piece after set piece.

I put it in the same category as Bulletstorm -- a fun diversion.


StoppedInTracks said:
Probably old but:

was the Sarif Industries (www.sarifindustries.com) website "hacked"? I don't remember the anti-augmentation video there. And there's lots of pro-humanity slogans there.

It was "hacked" a while ago, when they launched the Purity First trailer.. just a part of the viral game they did when approaching launch. Nothing new.


Sportbilly said:
Damn, the problem I had with tutorial videos freezing the game is back. Anyone else had this and managed to fix it?

I can't watch the tutorial videos at all. If I try to watch them it freezes the program immediately, the pre-rendered cutscenes are extremely choppy for me as well and occasionally freeze the game for me. I've searched around and seen no fix, will probably just have to wait for a patch.


Sportbilly said:
Damn, the problem I had with tutorial videos freezing the game is back. Anyone else had this and managed to fix it?
Don't have issues with the tutorials but so fare they have been completely useless. Yes I know how to walk. Yes I can open the missions menu. Pretty ridiculous.
Mako_Drug said:
I can't watch the tutorial videos at all. If I try to watch them it freezes the program immediately, the pre-rendered cutscenes are extremely choppy for me as well and occasionally freeze the game for me. I've searched around and seen no fix, will probably just have to wait for a patch.

I had two cutscenes freezing on me during the last mission. Needed to shut it down using task manager and restart the game.



Stay augmented, my friends.


Castor Krieg said:
I had two cutscenes freezing on me during the last mission. Needed to shut it down using task manager and restart the game.

I finished the game, albeit with a less than perfect experience because of the cutscene glitchyness.


Junior Member
Eugh, the thought of DLC for this game leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

Unless it's something truly magnificent I won't be touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.

Sotha Sil

Qwomo said:
Eugh, the thought of DLC for this game leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

Unless it's something truly magnificent I won't be touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.

Fly to Paris to protect a very special member of Silhouette!


Qwomo said:
Eugh, the thought of DLC for this game leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

Unless it's something truly magnificent I won't be touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.

I bought the tie-in novel and comics. I have no option but to buy anything they put out. NO OPTION
I wish they would simply reintegrate the montreal hub as DLC.


this is an actual place in montreal called : square phillips and it's right by the eidos montreal studio.
I've noticed that you can get experience for doing paths even if you have already got to where you have to be.

Example: When in Detroit, you can get into the apartment building several ways. I hacked the gate and got experience for that.

Then out of curiosity, I stacked some barrels up and hopped over the top of the fence right beside the gate. It was unlocked already, but I still got experience for that.

etc. etc.
Whatever happened with the region lock business with this game?

If I'm in Japan, and I buy the download version from Amazon.com, will I be alright?

If I try to base my play and character in this game around not fighting, am I going to be SOL when I get to the bosses?


I alarmed an enemy and he ran into a Frag Mine not placed by me. Is this my fault? Should I reload my last save here? I'm trying for the Pacifist achievement.
teh_J0kerer said:
Whatever happened with the region lock business with this game?

If I'm in Japan, and I buy the download version from Amazon.com, will I be alright?

If I try to base my play and character in this game around not fighting, am I going to be SOL when I get to the bosses?

PC version was confirmed NOT to be region-locked.

As for stleath character - you may struggle a bit (approx. 5 tries each boss on Give Me Deus Ex). One specific plot decision will make one boss fight much harder.

Untracked said:
I alarmed an enemy and he ran into a Frag Mine not placed by me. Is this my fault? Should I reload my last save here? I'm trying for the Pacifist achievement.

Better to reload.


question: never played the original and am very interested in this game. as someone who enjoyed mass effect and metal gear solid, is this more action or rpg? my attention span isn't the greatest, but as long as there is the option for a more action oriented play style i'm sure i'd dig it.


Untracked said:
I alarmed an enemy and he ran into a Frag Mine not placed by me. Is this my fault? Should I reload my last save here? I'm trying for the Pacifist achievement.

Did you get "man down" XP for it? If so, its counted as a death by your hand.
pickle said:
question: never played the original and am very interested in this game. as someone who enjoyed mass effect and metal gear solid, is this more action or rpg? my attention span isn't the greatest, but as long as there is the option for a more action oriented play style i'm sure i'd dig it.

You can make it more action by shooting people instead of trying to sneak by them. Just don't start on Hard, enemies in this game are brutal.


Great game so far. 5 hours in and the stealth element starts to get a bit easier with the new upgrades but still haven't got the smooth operator bonus. I almost got through mission 7 without sounding the alarm but then I got to
top floor through the backyard ladder. First thing I see is 3-5 mines planted on the wall. I try to sneak pass the mines, but they turn out to be proxy mines. I don't take any damage but the alarmed was sounded. I reload a save game and look for shortcuts, but I find none. Anyone got the smooth operator on this mission?
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