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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


Loving this game. The only major issue I have with it is the boss fight I went through earlier in the game (not the very beginning but the big one after that). It just felt so out of place compared to everything else that took place up to that point and even after it. I can understand the need for a big fight but there just had to be another direction.
The hanger bay section in China when you have to escape where you have to take down the two robots and even the shoot out right before that
seemed more appropriate in the context of all the other combat in the game.

I'm in
Picus making my way down
and I get the feeling I'm coming up on another boss fight like the first major one and I'm not looking forward to it.
A friend is on the fence with this game and wants to know how many (and how big) cities/hub worlds there are. Detroit seemed a bit small but Shanghai seemed pretty big from the few minutes I played, is there more?


Glass Rebel said:
A friend is on the fence with this game and wants to know how many (and how big) cities/hub worlds there are. Detroit seemed a bit small but Shanghai seemed pretty big from the few minutes I played, is there more?

There aren't any more hubs but there are more locations. And who's to say you don't revisit hubs later on?


Truant said:
FUCK the second boss. Seriously. Was finally forced to buy Typhoon and spam that shit to move on.

It's farily easy

You lure her to the outskirts of the 'arena' where there are generators on the wall and when she does the 'explode' attack near them she gets stunned for a while and takes lots of damage, just need to do that 3 or 4 times.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Are weapon cases supposed to open? for example

The weapon stash in derelict row, there's a case there, when i press E on it it does not open. Same with the case in the appartment where i think in the leaked demo there was a crossbow?
Buggy Loop said:
Are weapon cases supposed to open? for example

The weapon stash in derelict row, there's a case there, when i press E on it it does not open. Same with the case in the appartment where i think in the leaked demo there was a crossbow?

Yes, but the two you mentioned are quest objectives. Others have ammunition in them.


Glass Rebel said:
Well, I don't know, I'm just asking. :D If I just got to Shanghai, how far am I?

er, a third though the game or thereabouts. I've left china and did a few more hours after that and I'm only halfway so


Meisadragon said:
Use cloak, go near him and fire the heavy machine gun if you have it. Then run. Keep doing that, he'll go down.

Actually my own tactic worked best after I found out lasers shoot through windows. When I discovered that it was a cake walk really. Just make Namir jump over the glass wall and keep shooting him while he does that.


This is my GotY this far. Atmosphere is great, story has been interesting this far and the way you can complete missions feels refreshing. Facial animation is horrid though, but it's okay because character models are lightly stylized.

I like how punishing this game can be. You can die from one shotgun blast and if you happen to break the alarm, you better run or you'll die. Makes sneaking much more rewarding.

I also like the dialog system. Reminds me of Mass Effect but with out everything being so black and white. Some good voice acting too and Jensen's VA has really grown on me.

Easteregg in early Shanghai:
In the mission's buildings computer room. There's a note that say "RACHEL" "phone number" under that is the forever alone face. There's also one note that has a face that almost looks like this "@_@" but it's not.
I just bursted when I saw those. I love eastereggs.


Back in
China a second
. Probably 25 hrs into the game? I've nearly maxed out most of the useful augs and I'm having a lot more fun than I was earlier in the game. I have to say that I'm not too engrossed in the story though. Doesn't really have a sense of mystery and intrigue that a story of this nature would. It also sucks that the only character I like besides Jensen
Unless something drastic happens though I'd probably give the game an 8/10 or so. Good stuff.


Only played about 3 hours and it's taken a while to adjust and enjoy it. I can definitely appreciate much of what it offers and allows though. Hopefully it properly starts to pick up (I'm sure it will).
george_us said:
Back in
China a second
. Probably 25 hrs into the game? I've nearly maxed out most of the useful augs and I'm having a lot more fun than I was earlier in the game. I have to say that I'm not too engrossed in the story though. Doesn't really have a sense of mystery and intrigue that a story of this nature would. It also sucks that the only character I like besides Jensen
Unless something drastic happens though I'd probably give the game an 8/10 or so. Good stuff.
Wait, which character?


EmCeeGramr said:
That's what I assumed, so I'm guessing george_us doesn't know you can save her from death.

I didn't know that either. I just found her body, that's it. How do you save her?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Castor Krieg said:
Yes, but the two you mentioned are quest objectives. Others have ammunition in them.

So, there's supposed to be an animation of the case opening right? And then you can loot something inside? Cause thats not happening after i press E.
Dakota47 said:
I didn't know that either. I just found her body, that's it. How do you save her?
You have to be really fast when the VTOL goes down. I ran up one of the sides of the construction site, took down a soldier or two up there to stay safe, and then immediately focused on the heavy gunners below to take care of the most deadly threat to Malik. Then I just tried to take out the other regular guys as quick as possible, with an EMP ready to take out the robot before it could start firing. That just left the two snipers, which were easy to eliminate.


Does anyone else get annoyed by the fact that someone sitting down makes them unable to be taken down in a double takedown? It makes no sense when the guards are so close together. Just so annoying.

Also, the robocop discussion in the police station was hilarious.


EmCeeGramr said:
You have to be really fast when the VTOL goes down. I ran up one of the sides of the construction site, took down a soldier or two up there to stay safe, and then immediately focused on the heavy gunners below to take care of the most deadly threat to Malik. Then I just tried to take out the other regular guys as quick as possible, with an EMP ready to take out the robot before it could start firing. That just left the two snipers, which were easy to eliminate.

Ah cool. I'll have to try to that on my second run through. Thanks.


EmCeeGramr said:
That's what I assumed, so I'm guessing george_us doesn't know you can save her from death.
Seriously? Fuck!

I tried to
snipe as many dudes as I could before they flanked me but I just wound up getting the hell out of there.


he's Virgin Tight™
This game is slowly gaining my interest, especially after I haven't bought a game in 3 months. What is it most like about? Seems like a mix of Half Life and Metroid Prime. Am I right?
Buggy Loop said:
So, there's supposed to be an animation of the case opening right? And then you can loot something inside? Cause thats not happening after i press E.

No, pressing E will simply update mission objective, but only if you have that mission, otherwise the case is useless.


Relix said:
This game is slowly gaining my interest, especially after I haven't bought a game in 3 months. What is it most like about? Seems like a mix of Half Life and Metroid Prime. Am I right?

Well the most obvious game it's like is Deus Ex 1 but I guess you could say it has stealth that feels kind of like MGS 2 but with good controls and a bunch of ways to tackle pretty much every room.

Oh and you can't stuff guys in any of the lockers you find. That's one thing I really wish this game had, more ways to hide dead/unconscious guards.


erotic butter maelstrom
Relix said:
This game is slowly gaining my interest, especially after I haven't bought a game in 3 months. What is it most like about? Seems like a mix of Half Life and Metroid Prime. Am I right?

I'm thinking it's a mix of Deus Ex 1 and Metal Gear Solid with the hub design of Bloodlines. Basically, it's heavily influenced by all of my favorite games.
george_us said:
Seriously? Fuck!

I tried to
snipe as many dudes as I could before they flanked me but I just wound up getting the hell out of there.

powered up 10mm pistol is so broken in that part, no need for sniper rifle, I just snipe those enemies in 2nd and 3rd floor with 10mm.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
1) Obviously people can play how they want, but I was super happy with my Augment choices - I took all the traversal augments first, so I could go anywhere I wanted. Hacking 5/5, high jump, lift heavy objects, fall from heights, etc. Once I took all those I was MUCH happier with the game overall. No more being frustrated because a stupid 6 foot high fence stopped me. Full freedom to attack situations any way I wanted. Found a handful of PRaxis kits just sitting around in out-of-the-way corners this way, too. Usually behind obstacles that required all these traversal skills to get past.

Once I took all the options that actually allowed me to GO everywhere, then I started taking stuff like stealth, bigger inventory, etc.

2) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I don't think DE: HR is close to a GOTY competitor. Not in a year with Portal 2, Uncharted 3, etc. I'm enjoying the game a lot (played it all day yesterday), but it has problems, too. Flat voice acting, same-y environments, occasionally clunky controls, etc. I'm mainly enjoying the game for its excellent story/writing and excellent art. The actual gameplay is pretty so-so.

sdornan said:
I'm enjoying the game, but I thought that was really messy and reeks of unfinished/cut content. They could have done a much better job cleaning that up.

Yes, I noticed this as well. I made a mental note of one of these moments in last night, late in the first visit to Shanghai. But for the life of me I can't remember what it was, now -_-

But it was obvious that something had been cut and the game just "skipped forward" somewhat sloppily. I've run into other situations like this, as well.


My friend was playing this on my PC at 1920x1080 with all settings max at 60fps.
He owns a 360 and would appreciate to know if the 360 version has many framerate drops and texture differences?
So many fantastic little touches of humor that make this game awesome too.

For example, First time in Detroit I decided to hack into everyone's office and loot just like any other loot junkie would.

Next time back at Sarif I checked my email and a number of people are complaining about the number of thefts in their offices lately.

Anonymous X of course was hilarious with his #CHAN hat. :)


he's Virgin Tight™
Snuggler said:
I'm thinking it's a mix of Deus Ex 1 and Metal Gear Solid with the hub design of Bloodlines. Basically, it's heavily influenced by all of my favorite games.

Never played a Deus Ex game...


But it sounds like a new concept for me. May have to try it out. My GPU died again so I decided to say fuck it and play a console version. Seems like the 360 is the one to get! :p!


Ok .. gonna leave this until it's patched. 24 crashes since this morning. Moving at a fucking snails pace.

GTX580 Current drivers = 275.33
Could it be a driver issue?


I know killing the enemies in the prologue counts against the pacifist achievement, but does anyone know if being spotted by them counts against the foxiest of hounds one too?


erotic butter maelstrom
Is there any in-game explaination of the personality types? I'm not really sure how to apply them to the conversations.
Twinduct said:
Ok .. gonna leave this until it's patched. 24 crashes since this morning. Moving at a fucking snails pace.

GTX580 Current drivers = 275.33
Could it be a driver issue?
It's possible - those are fairly 'old' drivers. Current WHQL drivers are at 280.26, although a newer 280.36 was recently leaked as well.


This game, the unevenness of it, but the spark of potential too, makes me quite eager for the next Deus Ex. You can draw a lot of comparisons between this and Mass Effect 1.

Primarily, I would like them to add a basic combat system for fighting without the instant takedowns (like Batman, preferably... switching to 3rd person) and also... for the love of god... give me a snap-aim when I'm NOT in cover. I'm sure others have mentioned this but it seems insane that you can be standing there with this bigass sniper rifle, hit L1 and .... nothing happens. I mean it's not even mapped to do anything out of cover – how can you have a spare button mapping in a game like this??

Also, it seems that you simply must buy a laser sight or targeting system for the sniper rifles, they don't even have a reticle when you shoot, which makes them incredibly difficult to use. That's such a bizarre choice.

Other than that I'd like a subsystem where you can place things in specific locations, ala Fallout. I'd like to store my gear in the apartment's hidden plasma-tv safe, but you can't! I just drop all this hardware on the coffee table.

In terms of atmosphere though... this game really nailed it hard. I think the Giant Bomb guys were way off base in downplaying the design sense; I can see why Eidos is proud of it. Maybe a little to crazy with the gold overlay, but the actual industrial design and art style is fucking amazing.

Sniggler said:
Is there any in-game explaination of the personality types? I'm not really sure how to apply them to the conversations.
Yeah, it's in the Info about the item in the Augments menu, and I think actually in-conversation as well. Don't overthink it. Basically just watch the squares light up as they talk; the type with the most squares flashing is what they are. When you hit the prompt to use the pheromones, it will explain which are which (I think it's in order: left is Alpha, top is Beta and right is Omega). Pick the type that they demonstrated. The CASIE is quite invaluable. It's one of the things I really liked about the conversation system; that meta-game sets it apart from Mass Effect and things like LA Noire.


PortTwo said:
Also, it seems that you simply must buy a laser sight or targeting system for the sniper rifles, they don't even have a reticle when you shoot, which makes them incredibly difficult to use. That's such a bizarre choice.

When you zoom/use the sights you get the reticule on the snipers.


Revolutionary said:
It's possible - those are fairly 'old' drivers. Current WHQL drivers are at 280.26, although a newer 280.36 was recently leaked as well.

Read that the 280 drivers are causing people CTDs with the game, hence why I never updated. Gah, might aswell update, can't be worse than it's now.

Fuck it, will wait until either is patched. :<
Twinduct said:
Read that the 280 drivers are causing people CTDs with the game, hence why I never updated. Gah, might aswell update, can't be worse than it's now.

Fuck it, will wait until either is patched. :<

Dude, just update. What is the damn problem, you can always revert back. Maybe for you it will fix the issue.


Twinduct said:
Read that the 280 drivers are causing people CTDs with the game, hence why I never updated. Gah, might aswell update, can't be worse than it's now.

Fuck it, will wait until either is patched. :<

I've played 25 hours with the 280.26 drivers and not a single bug or crash/lockup
I had this metalgear/splintercell feel the whole game haha. Even so this is completly different experience i can see how you could compare this to Mass effect. For me ME2 was bit boring with sterile environments.
World in deus ex is rich and vivid. Been few years since game has hooked me story/immersion vice like this. It has its flaws, i did not have any problems with the lack of ammo or with the bad ai for example, game is brutal as it should be. Start was slowish but entire second half with new characters and locations just kept it going.

Easily bar with the witcher 2 this year.


Castor Krieg said:
Dude, just update. What is the damn problem, you can always revert back. Maybe for you it will fix the issue.

Nah, it just takes about 2 hours to download with my connection :D
That's why I try to avoid it if I can :p

3chopl0x said:
I've played 25 hours with the 280.26 drivers and not a single bug or crash/lockup

Sounds encouraging :D
So what does Anonymous X do if you don't teach him the second lesson of "don't tell someone you're going to fuck him over when he's standing in-front of you"? (after not paying him the 2000 credits)


Deadbeat said:
Speaking of the rocket launcher, is it still a giant piece of shit like I was in the leak?

I would say so. It took 3 direct hit rockets and 1 grenade from a grenade launcher for me to kill the last real boss.
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