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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime

EmCeeGramr said:
I already explained it. You never need to be cloaked to do most takedowns, so acting like Cloak is useless because it "negates" takedown is a complete falsehood. They are both useful.

I already explained it, I said cloaking is largely useless because it does not grant you anything that is required to progress but it has a huge downside to being unable to use a take down if activated.

This makes using cloak and take downs together mutually exclusive...just as I said (strangely enough you said so yourself as well being as how you have to hide and wait for regen...). This is why most active augs are useless. Because they provide minimal benefit with a huge downside to not being able to use a take down. It takes less time to simply walk somewhere sneaky and have a takedown in your back pocket, than it is to zerg across the room cloaked and then being unable to use one.

Cloaking was the first thing I maxed out after hacking, I know how worthless it use (still good for tiny bursts to get through lasers if one is lazy).

If you don't want to use an aug in order to take someone down, you've got to plan a bit more.

My plan realized how useless augs are with only one cell that regenerates. The games difficulty and AI combined with the energy issue makes most if not all active augments worthless.

Sure, I've done similar things with the laser-sighted pistol, but it seems a bit ridiculous, to me at least, to claim that such a feat is a simple thing throughout the game. Unless you know the patrol patterns and timings of every NPC in the game, there will be plenty of situations where you will set off an alarm after killing a guard.

dude, you sit in cover with the silenced and lasered pistol. You make sure nobody is looking DIRECTLY at you (they can be facing your way...). You pop out of cover, headshot any target within your visual range, they die. No alarm is set off, it takes 1 second to do. Same pattern if they are aggressed and shooting at you. Teleport somewhere else (so they are not already locked onto you) pop out, head shot.

I killed nearly every single random NPC in the game doing this. You can do this to two enemies within 5-10 feet of each other without one instantly sprinting to an alarm box. And even if you have 50 npcs coming at you all you need to do is find a corner get in some cover and chill with the laser at head height no amount of enemies will be able to kill you.


Zefah said:
Sure, I've done similar things with the laser-sighted pistol, but it seems a bit ridiculous, to me at least, to claim that such a feat is a simple thing throughout the game. Unless you know the patrol patterns and timings of every NPC in the game, there will be plenty of situations where you will set off an alarm after killing a guard.

That's pretty much how I've been playing most of the game - lethal stealth. Why do you have to "know" the patrol patters and timings of every NPC? That's what observation is for. When you have an opening, you take it, and you modify your tactics depending on the situation. It's perfectly possible to murder an entire room without anyone being the wiser. It's my favorite way to play. Murderous Ghost.


HeadlessRoland said:
I already explained it, I said cloaking is largely useless because it does not grant you anything that is required to progress but it has a huge downside to being unable to use a take down if activated.
A takedown doesn't grant you anything that is required to progress either.


HeadlessRoland said:
My plan realized how useless augs are with only one cell that regenerates. The games difficulty and AI combined with the energy issue makes most if not all active augments worthless
Are you not consuming the battery restoring items in the game? Because that's the entire point of having only one bar that recharges. You aren't supposed to do everything with your free rechargable battery. If you want to do both, the penalty is that you need to do some resource management, otherwise the game will be easy as hell.


Zefah said:
How do you line up the headshot without exposing yourself?
You can aim in cover. Either they'll give you crosshairs or you just have to line up the enemies head in the middle of the screen, either way when you pop out you can instantly get a headshot. Works in most third person cover based shooters.


I'm really disappointed in this game. I turned the difficulty down to easy and I'm trying to get through it quickly.

My expectations were obviously not in line with what this game is trying to be. There is also quite a lot of what I consider to be bad design choices.

Basically I was expecting something like Mass Effect combined with Batman but instead got a very stealth focused game that seems like it won't ever let me be the bad ass I want to be.

Things I like:
-amount of options in terms of approaches

Things I really don't like:
-lots of short cuts are missing, no quick travel, shops aren't marked, mission markers can be confusing, etc
-i've seen the full weapon and upgrade list, I'm never going to be a badass. Instead I get a bunch of stuff that seems more like it should be close to what you start out with but they took away from you so as to give you upgrade options. I don't like that I need to unlock the ability to try higher level hacks, why can't it just be mega hard at level 5 and give me upgrades that improve my chances.
-don't like the hacking, I'd of preferred something more puzzley that I could have occasionally succeeded at even at low skill levels.
-The range of weapons aren't cool, I wanted stuff like the first boss had. Big ass guns coming out of my arms, etc.
-really stingy with ammo. Lame for someone who is sick of the stealth and wants to go in guns blazing as much as possible.
-long loading times combined with trial and error gameplay. Things get better as you upgrade but basically if you don't save a whole bunch expect to spend a lot of time watching loading screens.

I find it doubly frustrating as it seems that a lot of my problems could be alleviated quite easily and it would make the game into something really special for me. For example the stealth could stay the way it is, I'm sure there are people who love it but alternate upgrades could allow me, for example, to use boosted reflexes to slow time and in turn let me rip through enemies in a level like some sort of ninja.


Swifty said:
Are you not consuming the battery restoring items in the game? Because that's the entire point of having only one bar that recharges. You aren't supposed to do everything with your free rechargable battery. If you want to do both, the penalty is that you need to do some resource management, otherwise the game will be easy as hell.

Thanks for reminding me, this sucks and I found it misleading. I thought that I was at least going to be able to have it always recharge to two or three levels. I feel like I wasted a bunch of praxis points maxing out my recharge branch. Is there a respec option anywhere?

No NG+ either, another black mark on the game for me :)


mujun said:
My expectations were obviously not in line with what this game is trying to be.

Yep, I would say they were very much not in line. Everything you want taken out is what makes the games interesting for me.


I was just listening to Gamers With Jobs' discussion about this game and one of Rob Zacny's complaints about the side missions is he didn't get why Jensen would care to help these people.

I could see where he was coming from until he used the example of the side mission early HengShua side mission spoiler:
Where a prostitute was kidnapped in order for them to force augmentations on her. Really? You can't understand why that situation hit close to home?
TheExodu5 said:
This really wasn't the game for you. You'd be better off playing Gears of War 3 in a few weeks.
That's what I was about to say, almost verbatim. And it's not a dig against mujun... the game just isn't for him. I can't play 2D platformers for more than 10 minutes without being bored out of mind. Different strokes..


I think (at least most of) those are pretty valid complaints; the game really could have easily supported more fun options for people who wanted to play it Rambo style, and they dropped the ball pretty hard. And hacking being attemptable at all levels would have been a pretty big improvement, too.
Just beat it the second time on the hardest difficulty. Loved every minute both times. The second time I was going for the pacifist and foxiest achievements so it was pretty fun trying to never get caught and never killing anyone though I wanted to so so badly.


mujun said:
I'm really disappointed in this game. I turned the difficulty down to easy and I'm trying to get through it quickly.

My expectations were obviously not in line with what this game is trying to be. There is also quite a lot of what I consider to be bad design choices.

Basically I was expecting something like Mass Effect combined with Batman but instead got a very stealth focused game that seems like it won't ever let me be the bad ass I want to be.

Things I like:
-amount of options in terms of approaches

Things I really don't like:
-lots of short cuts are missing, no quick travel, shops aren't marked, mission markers can be confusing, etc
-i've seen the full weapon and upgrade list, I'm never going to be a badass. Instead I get a bunch of stuff that seems more like it should be close to what you start out with but they took away from you so as to give you upgrade options. I don't like that I need to unlock the ability to try higher level hacks, why can't it just be mega hard at level 5 and give me upgrades that improve my chances.
-don't like the hacking, I'd of preferred something more puzzley that I could have occasionally succeeded at even at low skill levels.
-The range of weapons aren't cool, I wanted stuff like the first boss had. Big ass guns coming out of my arms, etc.
-really stingy with ammo. Lame for someone who is sick of the stealth and wants to go in guns blazing as much as possible.
-long loading times combined with trial and error gameplay. Things get better as you upgrade but basically if you don't save a whole bunch expect to spend a lot of time watching loading screens.

I find it doubly frustrating as it seems that a lot of my problems could be alleviated quite easily and it would make the game into something really special for me. For example the stealth could stay the way it is, I'm sure there are people who love it but alternate upgrades could allow me, for example, to use boosted reflexes to slow time and in turn let me rip through enemies in a level like some sort of ninja.

Seems like you came into the game with the mindset it is an first person action game with rpg elements when in fact, this is actually a stealth action game with rpg elements. Why are you trying to get through it as quickly as possible? That's no way to enjoy a game. I really like the game so far, because I'm playing it in the way the developer wants you to- as stealthly as possible (and they reward you more for doing so), but if I were to come in expecting an action game, i would be upset too, it's just really meant to be played in that style.
mujun said:
I don't like that I need to unlock the ability to try higher level hacks, why can't it just be mega hard at level 5 and give me upgrades that improve my chances.

On this particular point, one of the great things about the hacking system is that the capture software versions are just a "compatibility" thing, they indicate very little about the hack itself except sometimes the average strength of the nodes. What this means is that the hacks which need to be hard can be made hard regardless of the base software version. Even with maxed out capture and hacking stealth there are still a few hacks which will have you sweating late in the game.
Wow this game is amazing, easily my favourite game since the original. As someone who can usually only spare a few hours of a week of playtime i have easily put in 10 hours in the last week and i am only up to entering the
Police Station

I am still trying to understand how hacking works, i stupidly put praxis into hacking fortify which from what ive read was kind of wasted, but i can hack level 3 terminals and just started putting points into hacking stealth.

Any tips on how hacking works, i still dont quite understand what all the node types do. I am trying to hack a level 3 and the ai just gets me everytime.

Anyone know if there is a way to find the CODE for the safe inside the NSA storage locker ? thats one im having trouble hacking with.



The Cryptarch's Bane
JohngPR said:
I was just listening to Gamers With Jobs' discussion about this game and one of Rob Zacny's complaints about the side missions is he didn't get why Jensen would care to help these people.

I could see where he was coming from until he used the example of the side mission early HengShua side mission spoiler:
Where a prostitute was kidnapped in order for them to force augmentations on her. Really? You can't understand why that situation hit close to home?

Seriously. As I realized what the quest giver was asking for I just agreed as soon as I was given the option instead of asking for all the details first like I almost always do- it just seemed in-character.
AusRoachman said:
Wow this game is amazing, easily my favourite game since the original. As someone who can usually only spare a few hours of a week of playtime i have easily put in 10 hours in the last week and i am only up to entering the
Police Station

I am still trying to understand how hacking works, i stupidly put praxis into hacking fortify which from what ive read was kind of wasted, but i can hack level 3 terminals and just started putting points into hacking stealth.

Any tips on how hacking works, i still dont quite understand what all the node types do. I am trying to hack a level 3 and the ai just gets me everytime.

Anyone know if there is a way to find the CODE for the safe inside the NSA storage locker ? thats one im having trouble hacking with.


Putting points into stealth hacking is really useful, at max level it reduces everything under lvl 4 to 15% chance of getting caught.
Coxswain said:
I think (at least most of) those are pretty valid complaints; the game really could have easily supported more fun options for people who wanted to play it Rambo style, and they dropped the ball pretty hard. And hacking being attemptable at all levels would have been a pretty big improvement, too.
What the hell. Why do you have to keep making posts that I find entirely agreeable with my opinions? It almost makes me doubt my whole stance on this issue.

But yes I do think the action aspect of the game could be improved. Some weapons are definitely a lot weaker than they should be without upgrades and even some upgrades aren't as good as you would expect them to be.

Hell it would be easy to add like six or eight levels of new augs just to support a more action oriented play style. One aug split into four tiers that buffs max health to 200, another one that buffs health regen also split into several tiers.


Console Market Analyst
Finished first play-through at 25.8 hours. I'd place it third this year on my favorites list, after Portal 2 and Bastion. And fully expect some of the upcoming AAA titles to knock it down even further.

Missed out on three or four missions, surprisingly. My second trip to Heng-Sha, I accidentally bypassed getting the
biochip (which worked in my favor)
but also missed the side missions before exiting the area. I'll pay closer attention to the leave section warnings if I play again...

And I say if, because I'd like a boss skip option. Although, using the stun gun or typhoon is essentially the same thing... I'd rather never have to experience those horribly designed encounters ever, ever, ever again.
JohngPR said:
I was just listening to Gamers With Jobs' discussion about this game and one of Rob Zacny's complaints about the side missions is he didn't get why Jensen would care to help these people.

I could see where he was coming from until he used the example of the side mission early HengShua side mission spoiler:
Where a prostitute was kidnapped in order for them to force augmentations on her. Really? You can't understand why that situation hit close to home?

well, Jensen was a cop. His backstory makes it pretty clear that he was in it for the right reasons.

plus you always have the option to ask about your reward and occasionally get scolded for asking.
If there's no prompt for me to interact with a highlighted object (fire escape ladder), is that what's supposed to happen or do I just have a terribly annoying bug?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hasphat'sAnts said:
If there's no prompt for me to interact with a highlighted object (fire escape ladder), is that what's supposed to happen or do I just have a terribly annoying bug?
Ladders are only usable from one side?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hasphat'sAnts said:
Yeah I know that, but there's no "press f to climb" prompt that come up when I step near the ladder, doesn't matter which side I'm on.
Just another shot in the dark, but it's E... :p


Hasphat'sAnts said:
Yeah I know that, but there's no "press f to climb" prompt that come up when I step near the ladder, doesn't matter which side I'm on.
Can you reach the ladder? I had to jump on a crate to get the button prompt for one ladder.
mujun said:
I'm really disappointed in this game. I turned the difficulty down to easy and I'm trying to get through it quickly.

My expectations were obviously not in line with what this game is trying to be. There is also quite a lot of what I consider to be bad design choices.

Basically I was expecting something like Mass Effect combined with Batman but instead got a very stealth focused game that seems like it won't ever let me be the bad ass I want to be.

Things I like:
-amount of options in terms of approaches

Things I really don't like:
-lots of short cuts are missing, no quick travel, shops aren't marked, mission markers can be confusing, etc
-i've seen the full weapon and upgrade list, I'm never going to be a badass. Instead I get a bunch of stuff that seems more like it should be close to what you start out with but they took away from you so as to give you upgrade options. I don't like that I need to unlock the ability to try higher level hacks, why can't it just be mega hard at level 5 and give me upgrades that improve my chances.
-don't like the hacking, I'd of preferred something more puzzley that I could have occasionally succeeded at even at low skill levels.
-The range of weapons aren't cool, I wanted stuff like the first boss had. Big ass guns coming out of my arms, etc.
-really stingy with ammo. Lame for someone who is sick of the stealth and wants to go in guns blazing as much as possible.
-long loading times combined with trial and error gameplay. Things get better as you upgrade but basically if you don't save a whole bunch expect to spend a lot of time watching loading screens.

I find it doubly frustrating as it seems that a lot of my problems could be alleviated quite easily and it would make the game into something really special for me. For example the stealth could stay the way it is, I'm sure there are people who love it but alternate upgrades could allow me, for example, to use boosted reflexes to slow time and in turn let me rip through enemies in a level like some sort of ninja.
Sneaking through level without being seen = ninja.


mujun said:
I'm really disappointed in this game. I turned the difficulty down to easy and I'm trying to get through it quickly.

My expectations were obviously not in line with what this game is trying to be. There is also quite a lot of what I consider to be bad design choices.

Basically I was expecting something like Mass Effect combined with Batman but instead got a very stealth focused game that seems like it won't ever let me be the bad ass I want to be.

Things I like:
-amount of options in terms of approaches

Things I really don't like:
-lots of short cuts are missing, no quick travel, shops aren't marked, mission markers can be confusing, etc
-i've seen the full weapon and upgrade list, I'm never going to be a badass. Instead I get a bunch of stuff that seems more like it should be close to what you start out with but they took away from you so as to give you upgrade options. I don't like that I need to unlock the ability to try higher level hacks, why can't it just be mega hard at level 5 and give me upgrades that improve my chances.
-don't like the hacking, I'd of preferred something more puzzley that I could have occasionally succeeded at even at low skill levels.
-The range of weapons aren't cool, I wanted stuff like the first boss had. Big ass guns coming out of my arms, etc.
-really stingy with ammo. Lame for someone who is sick of the stealth and wants to go in guns blazing as much as possible.
-long loading times combined with trial and error gameplay. Things get better as you upgrade but basically if you don't save a whole bunch expect to spend a lot of time watching loading screens.

I find it doubly frustrating as it seems that a lot of my problems could be alleviated quite easily and it would make the game into something really special for me. For example the stealth could stay the way it is, I'm sure there are people who love it but alternate upgrades could allow me, for example, to use boosted reflexes to slow time and in turn let me rip through enemies in a level like some sort of ninja.
Yo, ugh.


TheExodu5 said:
This really wasn't the game for you. You'd be better off playing Gears of War 3 in a few weeks.

You are making fun of me aren't you!

If you had suggested Gotham City then I would have taken you seriously.

I'll be honest, I think the stealth could have been handled a lot better. Seems to me that they were trying to avoid being gamey (take downs take forever to finish and often expose you to enemies) despite the fact that you can't take a piece of rope with you to get down from fire escapes (which you would be able to climb down anyway) or can't jump higher than a foot high unless upgraded.

I realize now that it's a stealth game with RPG elements but I don't think it even does the stealth part that well. Batman does it much better, imo.

Otheradam said:
Why are you trying to get through it as quickly as possible? That's no way to enjoy a game. I really like the game so far, because I'm playing it in the way the developer wants you to- as stealthly as possible (and they reward you more for doing so), but if I were to come in expecting an action game, i would be upset too, it's just really meant to be played in that style.

Because it feels really tedious to play it the "stealth" way. Generally speaking I don't have the patience for that type of gameplay but there are exceptions, Batman: AA is one, I spent plenty of time planning my approach and retried a lot rooms but I never stopped having fun.


Linkzg said:
well, Jensen was a cop. His backstory makes it pretty clear that he was in it for the right reasons.

plus you always have the option to ask about your reward and occasionally get scolded for asking.

For the record, I don't agree with him. Like you said, he was a cop and it's not like they portrayed him as some cold hearted bastard or anything.
mujun said:
You are making fun of me aren't you!

If you had suggested Gotham City then I would have taken you seriously.

I'll be honest, I think the stealth could have been handled a lot better. Seems to me that they were trying to avoid being gamey (take downs take forever to finish and often expose you to enemies) despite the fact that you can't take a piece of rope with you to get down from fire escapes (which you would be able to climb down anyway) or can't jump higher than a foot high unless upgraded.

I realize now that it's a stealth game with RPG elements but I don't think it even does the stealth part that well. Batman does it much better, imo.
The stealth is super-gamey, guards act like robots.


3chopl0x said:
After reading this, I'd just like to say you sir are a fucking idiot and earn the honor of being the first on my ignore list!

You probably won't see this post but if you can't handle what was obviously only my personal opinion and pretty evenhanded, if you ask me, then I don't see why you want to be a member of a forum, a place designed for the exchanging of opinions.
Is there a way to store items in this game? I kind of ran out of ammo for my stun gun and I don't really want to sell it since I'll use it again when I find more ammo.


Shalashaska161 said:
Is there a way to store items in this game? I kind of ran out of ammo for my stun gun and I don't really want to sell it since I'll use it again when I find more ammo.
You can drop items anywhere in the game and they'll never disappear. You should see the massive piles of meticulously sorted loot I left in front of the gas station in Detroit.
Walking into jensens apartment for the first time blew me away when the windows opened up.

Anyone else get a bit teary when
You read that some arsehole took your dog
Coxswain said:
You can drop items anywhere in the game and they'll never disappear. You should see the massive piles of meticulously sorted loot I left in front of the gas station in Detroit.
Man I figured stuff would disappear after awhile. I'm way too used to videogames doing that sort of shit. Time to turn my apartment into a garbage dump then. :lol


The Cryptarch's Bane
AusRoachman said:
Walking into jensens apartment for the first time blew me away when the windows opened up.

Anyone else get a bit teary when
You read that some arsehole took your dog

A friend of yours and Megan's took the pup in, but couldn't keep it. It had been 6 months :(


Just finished the game. Reloaded a few times to see all the endings, cool stuff. Really loved the game overall. The only complaint I can think of is that the hub cities felt sort of artificial. Not really sure what it even was exactly, but they just weren't very convincing for me. Detroit more so, Hengsha was pretty cool.

Everything else was great. Didn't get the pacifist achievement, but I went stealth pretty much the whole way through. Lots of fun.

Seems to me like Sarif's ending is the most likely candidate for continuation if they decide to connect this to the next game. That was probably my favourite. Could see them using Taggart's as well, though.
3chopl0x said:
After reading this, I'd just like to say you sir are a fucking idiot and earn the honor of being the first on my ignore list!
Er, calm down?
HeadlessRoland said:
I already explained it, I said cloaking is largely useless because it does not grant you anything that is required to progress but it has a huge downside to being unable to use a take down if activated.

This makes using cloak and take downs together mutually exclusive...just as I said (strangely enough you said so yourself as well being as how you have to hide and wait for regen...). This is why most active augs are useless. Because they provide minimal benefit with a huge downside to not being able to use a take down. It takes less time to simply walk somewhere sneaky and have a takedown in your back pocket, than it is to zerg across the room cloaked and then being unable to use one.

Cloaking was the first thing I maxed out after hacking, I know how worthless it use (still good for tiny bursts to get through lasers if one is lazy).
Cloaking has a huge benefit, necessary or no. Takedowns aren't necessary either.

I maxed out cloaking right after hacking as well, I know how worthwhile it is.
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