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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


EmCeeGramr said:
this game

it owns so much

the hacking owns

the stealth owns

the art owns

the environment owns

the atmosphere owns

the exploration owns

the choice owns

i still haven't killed a single person or fired a single bullet from a lethal gun

i own

I've kept it non-lethal but I admit I killed people pre-aug.

But that was a different time.

And a different Jensen.


would anyone confirm if boxed copies are integrated into steam? That is when you install them, are your required to launch through steam


Red Blaster said:
Need help, doing the mission in the Detroit Hub
involving O'Malley. I've gone to the location of the package but all I see are three large crates, do I have to break those open or something?

You need to pick up the crossbow, which is sitting in the pile of trash in the corner. Don't worry about the three large crates. You can't move them unless you have the strength aug and all they do is open another path into the gang area. ;)
Hawk269 said:
WoW...Pretty impressed so far. Game runs great, but barely taxing my GPU's, which is no complaint. Running DX11 at 1080p with everything set to max.

Just a couple of questions, since I am still fairly ne to PC gaming....

1. For the Shadows, is Normal or Soft the better one? I noticed Soft is the last one, so I assume it is better.

2. Would it be better to force Vsync and Tripple Buffering via the driver or in-game? Is one or the other better?

3. For the AA, the last one you can choose is MLAA, is FSAA High better, worse?

Thanks for any an all replies...and the game has some good humor. In the intro, I decided to listen in on the girls as they were using the toilets. I also decided to jump up and try to look in one of the stalls..as I did one of the girls looked up but didnt say anything. The funny thing was that I did that before you are suppose to get your visual thing fixed and when I talked to that guy he made a comment that I should not be in the ladies bathroom. Thought it was pretty funny.

The whole toilet thing is lifted from the original game, there was the same joke in it, and this is a reference to it.

1. Soft is better.
2. From the game should be preferable, since it provides the options.. why mess with a third party app? ;)
3. I think FXAA High is slightly better, but there's no clear winner between it and MLAA.. It's up to you to experiment if you think what you've already selected doesn't do a very good job. :)


Kuro Madoushi said:
Wow the controls take some getting used to. I was hiding behind a desk and the controls went crazy and i was either peaking when i didn't want to peak and aiming when i didn't want to aim...

Then, when I was sick and tired of stealth, I just went gun crazy. But I found it hard to aim. Strange that I didn't have these control issues in Alpha Protocol.
Are you using a mouse instead of a 360 controller? You might also try messing with triple buffering/vsync. I may try whatever someone said about plugging in a controller, then playing with a mouse for fixed motion. We'll see I guess.

*edit* I wish I could actually play this game tonight. Trying to launch froze Steam, I can't connect to Steam, there's no offline option, I got in once again but froze Steam trying to download the offline content, and now I can't connect again. Auuuuugh.

Man phoenix university online must be like harvard in the year 2026


erotic butter maelstrom
Goddamn almost free to return to this game.

So far I haven't killed anybody except for a few dudes in the very first part. It's much more satisfying to methodically KO an entire room. I plan on sticking with non-lethal tactics, I will only kill civilians.


Aftershock LA
Waiting in line at GS to pick up my copy. Getting excited...
Edit. No copies. What a monumental waist of time. I hate gamestop.


I'm interested in this game, but I haven't played a Deus Ex game before. I have a pc that can run the older one, is necessary to play through that in order to understand the story?


See You Next Wednesday said:
What exactly is FXAA? The game look clean in some parts, but definitely has a shimmering effects on straight diagonal lines.
Its postprocess AA(similar to MLAA) and it will generally give you shimmering effects on lots of lines,especially in a game like Deus Ex where there are a whole bunch of those thin lines and especially while in motion.


Bread said:
I'm interested in this game, but I haven't played a Deus Ex game before. I have a pc that can run the older one, is necessary to play through that in order to understand the story?

'eh I don't remember much about the first one and I'm understanding this one pretty well so far :p
Just played for 3 hours, damn its good, im still gauging how far ahead the enemies can detect you in a straight line. spoiler:
easliy fixed by an AUG that adds the cone vision of enemies soon

Its really rewarding getting the Ghost token when you clear everything without being detected.

Cant wait to play again, right now i need to attend to adult matters :(.


Sadly i am having trouble on the first REAL mission of the game, maybe it's because i suck at stealth games or i just dont think things too clearly.

Digging the game i just need to slap myself and focus, i am highly disappointed in the voice acting so far, some good but a lot.. questionable and the stiff ugly animation during cut-scene/conversations is ehh.. but the soundtrack and atmosphere is AWESOME.

about to hook up my tritton 720s, turn off the lights and focus on this bitch.

Also is the augmented version worth it? i have it pre-ordered across town but decided to just buy the normal ps3 version at another store on the way home from work, i dont mind selling this copy to a friend and picking up the augmented if its really worth it, otherwise ill throw that $70 at dead island.
played the first mission.... awesome! game runs smooth, although in a few spots at the start i seemed to notice some stuttering but it went away. not sure if that was random or what.

anyways, gameplay/cover mechanic feels nice. graphics look pretty good too!


MNC said:
Tell Steam/SE, I mean that's just plain bad.

I initiated a support ticket with S-E. Hopefully I hear something good from them!

Had I known that it was actually the Tactical Pack, I would've given it to someone since I'm trying to play a full stealth run.


I haven't played the game yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I just wanted to jump in here and mention my facepalm moment today.

So, I was at a store today, and I hear an ad over the intercom:

"Gamers! Buy 'Doos Ex' today! A unique art style...blablabla..."

I felt like an idiot for all of the times that I used to pronounce it that way, but an entire business doesn't pronounce it correctly? That's sad.


EmCeeGramr said:
heh what a nub

*looks at ghost achievement and gets cyber-grin*

Haha yeah getting Ghost to pop up at the end of an encounter is pretty badass.

I've also killed a couple of anti-aug NPC civilian bigots. They had it coming.


Branson said:
Ugh. I feel like restarting because of
The hostages in the first mission. Makes me mad I got there late because I was exploring the beginning place you start at.
eh. I thought that was just a dialogue. now I gotta restart all the way to start


Ugh...these mouse controls are awful. Why do they have separate X/Y sensitivities by default? Can't stand that. Tons of input lag as well.

There's even input lag without vsync...unacceptable. Tiny bit of mouse acceleration as well.



Apologies if this has been asked before but its been bugging me for a while, is there a quick way to just drop a gun your holding? Without having to open up the inventory, clicking it, then selecting drop. The amount of times iv'e had dud guns and wanted to chuck away...
TheExodu5 said:
Ugh...these mouse controls are awful. Why do they have separate X/Y sensitivities by default? Can't stand that. Tons of input lag as well.

There's even input lag without vsync...unacceptable. Tiny bit of mouse acceleration as well.


I've not played enough personally to really nail down whether they are in fact bad. I did decide to stick with KBM because of all the looking around I'll be doing trying to find hidden stuff, and thats a buttload quicker on a mouse than with a gamepad


Game certainly gets better once you're out into the city. I just can't put my finger on what is missing for me. Im enjoying the game, it plays good, looks good artistically, the story is fun so far, but I just don't have the feeling that I have injected video game crack into my veins. Its simply a very solid game for me so far, somewhere well above IW and well below DX.


Load times are pretty quick on a Vertex 3, btw...<10 seconds.

I don't know if I'll be playing the game yet until I can get this mouse lag issue figured out...


grkazan12 said:
Hey guys so what's the consensus on MLAA and FXAA High ?. Just can't tell the difference between them.
At 1080p difference should be absolutely unnoticeable.MLAA should shimmer more in movement though...
In anticipation of maybe buying this game, I've been reading reviews, watched the GT review (mainly for watching gameplay footage, the actual review was awful: only naming negatives and then awarding an 8.7) and I'm just not feeling it yet. Is this the sort of game you need to play to truly appreciate? Some of the environments I've seen look absolutely gorgeous, then other times it's blander than bland. Not too happy about the way most NPC's look either.

Anyway, not trying to be a buzzkill. I just wanna get hyped for this game, but it's not happening as of yet. Help a junior out, GAF?


TheExodu5 said:
Ugh...these mouse controls are awful. Why do they have separate X/Y sensitivities by default? Can't stand that. Tons of input lag as well.

There's even input lag without vsync...unacceptable. Tiny bit of mouse acceleration as well.

It's the Underworld engine, someone said. Try playing around with vsync, triple buffering, and/or using the 360 pad as well. Or launch with the 360 pad, then unplug it and use the mouse. And wait, there are separate X/Y sensitivities? That's MORE control than most games give people, right? You're a PC gamer who doesn't want options? :mad:

ShipTheCheese said:
I've been reading reviews, watched the GT review (mainly for watching gameplay footage, the actual review was awful: only naming negatives and then awarding an 8.7) and I'm just not feeling it yet. Is this the sort of game you need to play to truly appreciate? Some of the environments I've seen look absolutely gorgeous, then other times it's blander than bland. Not too happy about the way most NPC's look either.

Anyway, not trying to be a buzzkill. I just wanna get hyped for this game, but it's not happening as of yet. Help a junior out, GAF?
You have months of positive impressions from GAF, lots of good/decent reviews (at least 70%-80% or higher), and lots of media. What kind of games do you enjoy? What do you enjoy in games? Knowing nothing about you except that all of the information available on the game so far fails to interest you, how are we supposed to know whether you'll like it? :p


TheExodu5 said:
Yeah, the mouse is being smoothed as well. Either that, or they're emulating an analog stick with the mouse. I'm surprised no one here is really noticing it. There's a thread on the Steam forum about it.


edit: on the HR forum too


I think I'm going to leave the game for another day. It's pretty unplayable for me at this point.

I'm not really down with the times, but would this be an appropriate time to quote your tag?

The big reveal of the upper tier of Shanghai is so good though. They've really managed to take the two directions common to Asian cities and blend them together without feeling too cheesy. I hope there's a bit of a hub in the upper city, although it doesn't seem likely at this point :(


Blizzard said:
It's the Underworld engine, someone said. Try playing around with vsync, triple buffering, and/or using the 360 pad as well. Or launch with the 360 pad, then unplug it and use the mouse. And wait, there are separate X/Y sensitivities? That's MORE control than most games give people, right? You're a PC gamer who doesn't want options? :mad:

Nothing fixes it. Separate X/Y sensitivities is okay...what's not okay is for them to have completely different ratios. The X sensitivity is at least twice as fast as the Y sensitivity, so you need to play around with the numbers to get it "close" to right. The mouse is ungodly sensitive at defaults, so I had to put them to 1 and 2, respectively...which is another issue. This means the mouse controls in game are bypassing the Windows sensitivity, which is very annoying for us users with really high DPS mice. It means we have far higher sensitivity than we should.

Aon said:
I'm not really down with the times, but would this be an appropriate time to quote your tag?

No. My tag was given to me by someone who is not familiar with these issues. This also has nothing to do with vsync or triple buffering, in this case, as turning them off does not remove the acceleration and smoothing.


Congrats to anyone who will finish this game without being detected by any ennemies...I already gave up in the first mission lol.After about 10 reloads,I changed my tactics and I`m avoiding ennemies if I can but I went guns blazing on a few occasions...game is awesome so far.
TheExodu5 said:
No. My tag was given to me by someone who is not familiar with these issues. This also has nothing to do with vsync or triple buffering, in this case, as turning them off does not remove the acceleration and smoothing.

LOL sorry man I know the feeling your tag is NOT an all encompassing fix for mouse lag as whoever gave it to you clearly was lead to believe... however, that was funny. =)

I'll let you know if I notice when my game finishes downloading in two hours =(


Okay...what the fuck. Turning off SSAO fixes the mouse issues. The fuck.

Interficium said:
mind is blown by tag + post content combinations. self-fufilling prophecies.

I'll never stop looking for the truth.

Johnny2Bags said:
LOL sorry man I know the feeling your tag is NOT an all encompassing fix for mouse lag as whoever gave it to you clearly was lead to believe... however, that was funny. =)

I'll let you know if I notice when my game finishes downloading in two hours =(

Fair enough. I am incredibly sensitive to these issues, so I do tend to make a big issue out of it. Bad mouse controls are nearly game breaking for me...it really kills my sense of immersion.
Put about 4-5 hours in the 360 version today, and goddamn is this game amazing. I have one question though, where do I get the stuff in the Tactical Enhancement Pack? I can't find the guns or the augmentation point anywhere.
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