No thanks, I don't want QTEs & shitty minigames in DMC5. Just give Itsunu free reign, DMC4 was made like 8 years ago & to this day it's still the deepest character action game BY FAR.
Yup. Didn't like that one game they made with ticket boots
No thanks, I don't want QTEs & shitty minigames in DMC5. Just give Itsunu free reign, DMC4 was made like 8 years ago & to this day it's still the deepest character action game BY FAR.
Maybe it'll be like DMC3:SE where there are codes for the unlockables. I sure hope so.
So is that a no? PC version already had those features.
Pretty lame if so. I love remasters and hate the prevalent remasters suck mentality on Gaf, but even im sick of lazy remasters with no effort put in to modernize the graphics engine.
Release Date is 18th of June for the Xbox One and PS4 version, 24th of June for .
PC version
It's the truth.
The original Japanese release of DMC4 was completely in English.
Think they'll remaster some textures too? or just port right away the pc version?
I have very fond memories of DMC4. I'm pretty hyped for this one, however I'm not sure if I should get the PS4 or PC version.
shamelessly stolen joke:
in the opening cutscene for vergil's scenario, a demon smashes through a storefront and a fedora falls on vergil's head. he looks into a mirror conveniently that has fallen in front of him:
"not in a million years"
That would be great, lol.shamelessly stolen joke:
in the opening cutscene for vergil's scenario, a demon smashes through a storefront and a fedora falls on vergil's head. he looks into a mirror conveniently that has fallen in front of him:
"not in a million years"
Taken from 4gamer, could someone check the link(jap)?Are there new details or it just says what we already know so far?
-Playable Trish
-Gloria skin
-AAnd I get to spite DmC again by buying this over it?
-Playable Trish
-Gloria skin
-AAnd I get to spite DmC again by buying this over it?
shamelessly stolen joke:
in the opening cutscene for vergil's scenario, a demon smashes through a storefront and a fedora falls on vergil's head. he looks into a mirror conveniently that has fallen in front of him:
"not in a million years"
shamelessly stolen joke:
in the opening cutscene for vergil's scenario, a demon smashes through a storefront and a fedora falls on vergil's head. he looks into a mirror conveniently that has fallen in front of him:
"not in a million years"
Loving these.
I was really hoping to see an older Vergil appearance. Oh well. My hype is over 9000.
Vergil looks like Demitri from Darkstalkers a bit.
I don't think DmC's feelings are going to be particularly hurt if you play this game, guys.
i asked this question to earlier in another thread about which game had deeper combat between DMC 4 and DmCE and pretty much everyone said DMC 4 is deeper, and the fact that DMC 4 is possibly has the deepest combat system in all of gaming
what is it about DMC 4 that makes it so in depth?
shamelessly stolen joke:
in the opening cutscene for vergil's scenario, a demon smashes through a storefront and a fedora falls on vergil's head. he looks into a mirror conveniently that has fallen in front of him:
"not in a million years"
i asked this question to earlier in another thread about which game had deeper combat between DMC 4 and DmCE and pretty much everyone said DMC 4 is deeper, and the fact that DMC 4 is possibly has the deepest combat system in all of gaming
what is it about DMC 4 that makes it so in depth?
I watched the trailer with the Japanese voices.
Do not want. Part of what makes DMC stylish is how Dante sounds in english.
I love being able to hear Reuben Langdon again as Dante since I lost my DMC4 360 copy ;-;
Taken from 4gamer, could someone check the link(jap)?Are there new details or it just says what we already know so far?
Your first link doesn't work FYI.Pardon the graphics, it looks like this guy is running the game on low PC settings but here you go.
And then there is this one:
I don't even know if these are any good these are just the first two youtube gives me when I type "Devil May Cry 4 combo video"
You're more than welcome to look at any of the other 1.5 million youtube combo videos that shows why DMC4 is boss.
At risk of being poked with the stick of shame for liking DMC2......will we ever see Lucia again? D:
I watched the trailer with the Japanese voices.
Do not want. Part of what makes DMC stylish is how Dante sounds in english.
I love being able to hear Reuben Langdon again as Dante since I lost my DMC4 360 copy ;-;
Do we have a dual voice option for this version? I want JP voice.
Ask that question if we ever get a game that finally just moves things forward on the "timeline" after DMC2.
I wouldn't mind seeing her again (and maybe making it so she can join Trish+Lady and they collectively become "Dante's Angels"). But it's really on Itsuno and his crew if they finally just own up to the fact that the second game exists and just press onward.
Like I said either in this topic or any of the others...they can just say Dante was having an "off day" or was drunk during the events of DMC2!
At risk of being poked with the stick of shame for liking DMC2......will we ever see Lucia again? D:
Never. As far as Capcom is concerned, she doesn't exist.
But even if I don't share your fondness for DMC2, I still would like her to return in some way - she still has plenty of material for a reimagined moveset filling in a niche not covered by the 4SE cast; as well as being the only non-white playable character in the series. The current roster feels incomplete in a way without her - it'd be perfect if she appeared in 5 alongside 4SE's additions.
He does look older, you think he's gonna let a beard start growing? Lol
He does look older, you think he's gonna let a beard start growing? Lol
That was my first impression when looking at the new design. The clean shaven look makes him appear younger than his brother, well he did in my eyes.
Bleh, wish they would stop treating it like the black sheep of the family. But your right , lets see if DMC 4 SE or DmC DE sells more. Will decide the future of the series.....
Vergil in DMC 4 SE is pre DMC 3.
I'm surprised people still believe this. DmC is finished.
Why do you guys say this like it's a fact? Did they release any info?