Astral Dog
They could just make it like Dragon's Crown where the characters are hanging out at Dante's and then you just pick one to tackle a mission.
Would also work great for co-op.
Yes maybe "worry" was the wrong word, its more wondering about what could happen, story wise with all these characters, some would had to be neglected or even plot would be unfocused but it doesn' t bother me so far it has been good.I have to disagree.
More characters. More moves. More weapons. More bosses. More more more.
Keep the story streamlined and tailored to a handful of characters, but make all the characters playable after the story is over. Don't lock traversal to some character specific skills. Make all missions available for all characters. Make training, bloody palace, mission mode, and co-op mission mode available for all characters.
DMC is absolutely begging to be a combat sandbox game. It's a natural next step for the series.
I am not saying to make all of the characters story relevant. That would be absurd and probably destroy any consistency, flow, or pacing. But make them playable after the fact.
That idea about using other characters on small parts or special missions is very good, could be a way of doing it instead of making their own campaigns.