Yeah, I'm really excited to see what the extra costume are. I'm hoping Dante and Vergil will get some DmC threads (complete with black hair Dante). But personally, I hope they just go nuts with it and have something that are completely different.
Yeah, I fully expected them to reuse existing content. Of course, there are new assets and features they made for this, but for the most part, it's mostly stuff from the past games. Which is fine, of course. Nothing wrong with that.
Vergil super move is definitely Dimensional Slash / Maximum Vergil. Keep in mind Judgement Cut was redesigned from the cutting orbs to that net of glowing blue slashes.
Vergil, Lady and Trish heavily reuse existing assets, and in the case of Lady and Trish it's probably the main reason why we're getting them. Their models already exist in the game, and there's quite a few moves that can be recycled, especially for Trish. That said they will probably have some new moves. Lady seems to have a special Twosome Time move using her Scorpion SMGs from DMC3 with a target reticule, in addition to her Kalina Ann moves. Reusing moves while adding a few new ones will make things easier if they're planning to include them as characters in DMC5, as then they could simply replace or redesign many of the recycled moves with new ones, but keep the ones they've already made for DMC4SE.
Yeah, I fully expected them to reuse existing content. Of course, there are new assets and features they made for this, but for the most part, it's mostly stuff from the past games. Which is fine, of course. Nothing wrong with that.