DMC5 should begin with Dante on a mission and Vergil raiding his shop. Vergil playable with Alastor, Beowulf, Lucifer, Artemis, Agni and Rudra.
Seriously though, having a villain raid his shop and fighting bosses wielding weapons of the past games would be awesome.
I actually had an idea for this. Dante's Devil Arms are stolen, and humanoid constructs called Homunculus created by the new villains are made in possession of them. The Homunculi can channel a demon's power and unleash it similar to a DT, but instead they effectively transform into the actual demon. Meaning we could have boss fights against Alastor, Ifrit, Sparda, Lucifer, Gilgamesh, Pandora, along with Beowulf, Nevan, Agni & Rudra, Cerberus and Artemis.
Imagine, if you will, a cathedral resembling something out of Bloodborne. A rusty chandelier swinging high up above the ground is the only sound besides the sound of distant thunder that echoes through the vast emptiness of the grand hall. At the end of the room, a dark figure stands in the shadows, sword in hand. Suddenly, lightning strikes outside, illuminating the whole room. The figure speaks "Well if it isn't my eternal rival. It's about time you showed up." A purple lightning bolt from above strikes the figure, revealed to be Alastor. Synth organs ala Ultraviolet starts playing, then a remixed version of Lock & Load kicks into full gear as he says "I am Alastor. The weak shall give their heart and swear eternal loyalty to me." The fight against Alastor commences.
Uh, DMC1 has DT exclusive moves. Though I'll admit I only ever played through DMC2 once on normal just to say I did it, so maybe you're talking about something else I'm not aware of. Agreed about Vergil, but I doubt if he returns again they'd reuse that set, the way I see it it's just much cheaper than designing a completely new combat style and animations, something I doubt they'd do for a rerelease like this.
DT exclusive moves, yes. But I'm talking about DT exclusive super moves, like Nero's Showdown and Maximum Bet. DMC2 was the first game that had those.
Shown here. Lucia also has two.
Anyway, I'm worried about future games because DMC3 had two unique characters, fourteen weapons total, with 7 styles, and almost everything had new or redone animations. Here there were two unique characters, with 8 weapons, five styles + Devil Bringer, and while the Devil Bringer has a ton of unique animations, only Nero's abilities with his two weapons and two of Dante's weapons were completely original with unique animations, with a couple of new or redone animations for Dante's other weapons.
It's clear that doing all those unique Buster animations used a lot of time and resources, which is why I'm worried something similar will happen for DMC5, where instead of having the richness of content that DMC3 did, there will be something that will dilute that effort.
I'm beginning to think that some of you guys don't actually know what a plot hole is. Vergil having a son is completely possible and won't contradict anything from past games.
If you wanna know what an actual plot hole looks like try Mass Effect 3's original ending.
Nero being Vergil's son isn't a plot hole. It's just really convoluted and dumb. Which is fine.
here's a question:
if trish never has to switch weapons, how does she use pandora in the trailer and have the pandora crisis meter in the HUD shots?
if she's got both luce&ombra alongside pandora how does that work if she's got some dedicated buttons for stuff similar to nero
Maybe Pandora uses double button inputs similar to the Gun specials in DmC.