The Silver
Sparda had to die somehow and I doubt it was something boring like old age, time to bring in the thing that killed Sparda as the next big bad I say.
Sparda had to die somehow and I doubt it was something boring like old age, time to bring in the thing that killed Sparda as the next big bad I say.
But didn't Sparda lose most of his powers when he came to human world tho? If that was the case then killing him shouldn't be that big of an achievement.
I don't recall anything like this happening. Is that from DMC1?
Nah, DMC3. Arkham said that in order to close the hell gate Sparda sacrificed his demonic powers along side a priestess or something like that.
That doesn't necessarily mean he was weaker in the human world, though. That just means he sacrificed himself, or part of himself, to close the gate.
If your sacrificing something then it means you are giving up on it and probably won't get it back, right? So if Sparda sacrificed his demonic powers then it most likely means that he lost those powers, so in turn he should have been weaker after closing the gate.
And I think it was a little bigger than just a piece of his powers. I mean look at how strong Arkham became after obtaining it, or how it helped Dante to become even stronger than Mundus. I think it's safe to say that Sparda became pretty weak after losing that amount of power, I think he even became less stronger after he gave his necklace to Eva.
That's why I say beating him shouldn't be that big of an achievement at that point.
Vergil having fathered a son shortly before the events of DMC3 at the ripe old age of 18-something by a woman that was never mentioned or even hinted at, and him having gotten to know said woman after a chance visit to Fortuna, or going to Fortuna to place baby Nero there for whatever reason. Nero being Vergil's son isn't convoluted. It's the chain of events that led to that scenario that are.
As for the series going forward, I do kinda expect DMC5 to have a pretty Vergil-centric plot (moreso if DMC4SE's Vergil cutscenes are pre-DMC3 stuff and don't contain an explanation for how Vergil can come back to the human world post-DMC1), but I expect it to lay the unfriendly part of the rivalry to rest (though arguably DMC3 already did that) and that yeah, going forward we'll probably just see more-powerful demons come forward (with the Sparda family drama finally resolved in a satisfactory fashion in DMC5).
IIRC, DMC2 stated that Argosax ruled the demon world before Mundus did (it's been a while so I could be wrong about that). No reason Mundus can't have a successor too.
As for the series going forward, I do kinda expect DMC5 to have a pretty Vergil-centric plot (moreso if DMC4SE's Vergil cutscenes are pre-DMC3 stuff and don't contain an explanation for how Vergil can come back to the human world post-DMC1), but I expect it to lay the unfriendly part of the rivalry to rest (though arguably DMC3 already did that) and that yeah, going forward we'll probably just see more-powerful demons come forward (with the Sparda family drama finally resolved in a satisfactory fashion in DMC5).
IIRC, DMC2 stated that Argosax ruled the demon world before Mundus did (it's been a while so I could be wrong about that). No reason Mundus can't have a successor too.
That, or perhaps they could they could go the other way, with some powerful Demon Lord who was sealed away long before Argosax, Mundus and Sparda were things...and now has come back thanks to the power vacuum that exists.
Either way, someone or something that would finally be a thing that Dante and crew would have to deal with on their own, and not rely on some aspect of Sparda's legacy to win the day, because it was a thing that Sparda never had a chance to deal with.
Eh, to be totally honest I'd rather they not even bother making it super crystal clear that whatever new threat is something Sparda didn't have to deal with, that it surpasses Mundus or whatever, et cetera.
Any time your fiction starts explicitly talking about "power levels" you've completely failed at storytelling.
But didn't Sparda lose most of his powers when he came to human world tho? If that was the case then killing him shouldn't be that big of an achievement.
Eh, to be totally honest I'd rather they not even bother making it super crystal clear that whatever new threat is something Sparda didn't have to deal with, that it surpasses Mundus or whatever, et cetera.
Any time your fiction starts explicitly talking about "power levels" you've completely failed at storytelling.
It's less about the "power level" aspect, and more of a "alright, Dante, this ain't something that relates to some other aspect of Daddy's legacy, so you're now truly on your own!" type of a thing.
So long as we're dealing with either plots relating to Daddy's magical macguffin sword or some other mess Daddy left behind for him to clean up, it limits the storytelling potential, in my opinion. We'll just get repeats of DMC1, 3 and 4's stories, and we'll start falling into the same type of trap that IGA-era Castlevania fell into.
I *do* think, given where the series seems to be going in terms of design with multiple playable protagonists, that the basic formula for the good guys winning is going to be less about Dante having a full heart/believing in himself/that set of tropes and more about the weird-ass Devil May Cry shop family all working together well as a team and being greater than the sum of their parts.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see DMC5 make you fight different stages of the final boss with each different playable character, for example.
That's definitely the case, yeah. DMC4 kinda went out of its way to point out that the Savior was less of a threat than Mundus and that Dante/Trish didn't take it super seriously, which was a curious decision.
I'm not against "surprise, angels are evil too" except that'd really transparently stray into Bayonetta territory. Maybe they can have enemies from space or from the future or something, or a demon that's capable of absorbing the power of other demons or something. I dunno. More powerful/less powerful is boring, but different is absolutely needed.
So basically Monster Hunter, Hellsing, Sengoku BASARA x Marvel vs. Capcom edition?
I'm down.
That's definitely the case, yeah. DMC4 kinda went out of its way to point out that the Savior was less of a threat than Mundus and that Dante/Trish didn't take it super seriously, which was a curious decision.
I'm not against "surprise, angels are evil too" except that'd really transparently stray into Bayonetta territory. Maybe they can have enemies from space or from the future or something, or a demon that's capable of absorbing the power of other demons or something. I dunno. More powerful/less powerful is boring, but different is absolutely needed.
Now we know how Berial became the ruler of the demon world.
How the hell Eva fell for that face.
While I think that what you are saying would be a very tragic and fitting end for Sparda, at the same time I don't see how it would be possible.Ah, I see what you're saying. But Sparda abandoned Eva to go back to the demon world, probably reluctantly and at the expense of his own powers, in order to seal it away and make the human world safe. I thought he basically locked himself back into the demon world without powers, which was essentially a death sentence.
^^ Is that an official pic or fan made? I've seen it before a few times but don't know what the actual source is.
^^ Is that an official pic or fan made? I've seen it before a few times but don't know what the actual source is.
PensivePen said:I know I'm ready for Dante and co to take on Azathoth.
The Sparda model in DMC3 looks so terrible. What the hell where they thinking? This is how Sparda is supposed to look:
I know, it's from UMvC3, but there are no good pictures of his DMC1 model on the web.
DMC3 being on the PS2 and Mahvel being on 360/PS3 with a stellar art direction is probably why that happened. Just saying...
DMC1 was on PS2 as well and Sparda didn't look like a crackhead in that game. The DMC3 model is just garbage. That's why.
I don't expect more clarification about what happened to Sparda because, frankly, the timeline doesn't really make sense. Sparda disappeared like a thousand years after DMC1 (after falling in love with Eva and switching sides), but Dante and Vergil aren't one thousand years old and their mom didn't die 900-something years ago.
As far as Heaven is concerned, I wouldn't mind seeing them. After all, between the Fallens from DMC3 and the Angelos from DMC4, it just does more to showcase that Arkham's quote from the manga about the two really aren't that different probably was true, anyway.
But on the other hand, maybe it'd be better to keep them more implicit. I still think it would be interesting if Nephilim (re: closer to the original mythos, than DmC's take) existed, and could present new friend/rival/enemy (or enemies) for Dante and crew to fight. That way, you could still have an angelic presence involved, but perhaps without actual Angels showing up.
That's definitely the case, yeah. DMC4 kinda went out of its way to point out that the Savior was less of a threat than Mundus and that Dante/Trish didn't take it super seriously, which was a curious decision.
Enemies based on Goetia demons could fit as well, especially with a visual interpretation similar to Kaneko's.
Speaking of which, I'd really like it if he contributed to the series again - it's not like he's working on anything else at the moment.
Involving actual angels or sending Dante to Paradiso would be too much, but nephilim or more fallen angels would work, either as regular bosses or major antagonists. Enemies based on Goetia demons could fit as well, especially with a visual interpretation similar to Kaneko's.
Speaking of which, I'd really like it if he contributed to the series again - it's not like he's working on anything else at the moment.
I kinda wish we were getting a training room with this rerelease (on consoles, you PC people and your debug modes are lucky). Guess that'll stay a DmC: Devil May Cry exclusive thing.
Eva might not necessarily have had a human lifespan - it's possible that Sparda lived in the human world with her for a thousand years, beneath notice due to his drastically weakened state, with Dante and Vergil only born recently. Sparda was hunted down by the legions of the reawakened Mundus shortly after their birth, with Eva following a few years later.
Involving actual angels or sending Dante to Paradiso would be too much, but nephilim or more fallen angels would work, either as regular bosses or major antagonists. Enemies based on Goetia demons could fit as well, especially with a visual interpretation similar to Kaneko's.
Speaking of which, I'd really like it if he contributed to the series again - it's not like he's working on anything else at the moment.
I've been thinking, with everything that DMC borrowed from RE series it's a damn shame that they never bothered to implement the notes/files idea into DMC. Just imagine how much world building could have been done if the series had notes from the very first game. They could have told the history between Mundus and Sparda, the events before that, how Sparda and Eva met, hell they could have even introduced new demons and antagonists for later games.
Man I really hope they implement something similar in DMC5. It's a very cheap yet effect way for world building and telling back story of non-main characters.
I've been thinking, with everything that DMC borrowed from RE series it's a damn shame that they never bothered to implement the notes/files idea into DMC. Just imagine how much world building could have been done if the series had notes from the very first game. They could have told the history between Mundus and Sparda, the events before that, how Sparda and Eva met, hell they could have even introduced new demons and antagonists for later games.
Man I really hope they implement something similar in DMC5. It's a very cheap yet effect way for world building and telling back story of non-main characters.
There are files and notes in DMC1.
Yeah, I really liked the DMC 1 enemy notes. Wish they'd have done that with DMC 3 and 4.
There are files and notes in DMC1.
They don't really need to talk about power levels. Just say that Mundus feared the new antagonists, and that Sparda was either unaware or unable to fight them. As long as the new antags aren't just some upstart that conquered Hell in Mundus' absence. That wouldn't be very exciting after how easily Berial died.
you mean the enemy descriptions? they did.
The curious thing is that Dante never fought a full powered Savior, the story made clear a few times that the Savior was "incomplete" or "flawed" wich is why Dante could beat it , i wonder how it would be if it was a Savior with Vergil ,another Dante, or something.
Even if this is true, I wish Capcom never decides to revisit the Savior concept because I don't want to fight another Savior
The curious thing is that Dante never fought a full powered Savior, the story made clear a few times that the Savior was "incomplete" or "flawed" wich is why Dante could beat it , i wonder how it would be if it was a Savior with Vergil ,another Dante, or something.
The Goetia demons are already kind of used, at least their names and probably some kind of inspiration, Bael, Barbas and Berial belong to this group.