IIRC, Berial doesn't say that he's the new ruler of the demon world, it's phrased more like he's one of several, as though it's sort of fallen to turf wars in Mundus's absence. He calls himself the "conqueror of the Fire Hell," which is definitely not the entirety of the demon realm. (It's also possible that "conqueror" is a slight mistranslation and he's not so much the person who *conquered* that region of the demon realm so much as he's its foremost warrior or something).
There are files and notes in DMC1.
The Goetia demons are already kind of used, at least their names and probably some kind of inspiration, Bael, Barbas and Berial belong to this group.
I know but I'm not talking about that kinda notes. When I say notes I mean stuff like Revelation 2 that give you a general idea about what happened in the past, what kind of person theis, what were does experiments for, etc etc. Notes like that are things that could really help make DMC's universe and lore much more interesting.Overseer
Eva lived for hundreds of years because she was an Umbra Witch. Believe.
The Goetia demons are already kind of used, at least their names and probably some kind of inspiration, Bael, Barbas and Berial belong to this group.
I can handle this at 4K/60fps pretty damn easily right now.
I hope they don't fuck that up.
I can handle this at 4K/60fps pretty damn easily right now.
I hope they don't fuck that up.
No foolin? Holy shit, what rig do you have?
i5 2500k-970 (but my 780 could also run it like that, and the 580 also had not too many problems with some super-sampling, though probably not 4k).
Haven't tried unlocking the framerate, but i'm confident it could go much higher than that, too.
This game is very light, and gorgeous, thanks to a very solid art direction.
i5 2500k-970 (but my 780 could also run it like that, and the 580 also had not too many problems with some super-sampling, though probably not 4k).
Haven't tried unlocking the framerate, but i'm confident it could go much higher than that, too.
This game is very light, and gorgeous, thanks to a very solid art direction.
I'm replaying DMC4 now and I'm SUPER rusty. I'm having a hard time re-wraping my mind around Dante's style switches.
Well, i guess Vergil will have his DMC3SE taunts.Wonder how the taunts will be for the new characters. Not expecting Nero levels of awesome but at least like Dante would be nice.
Well, i guess Vergil will have his DMC3SE taunts.
As for Trish and Lady:
"I've got a fever and the only cure is more dead Angelos"
Yeah that's exactly what I meant. It's just a great yet simple way for fleshing out the world and characters. I would be genuinely surprised AND disappointed if we didn't get something similar in DMC5, especially when you consider that so many other games including Capcom's own RE series have been using this method to tell there back stories for years.Something like the regular notes you'd find in the RE series; the Bayonetta games' journal entries and Metroid Prime's scan logs, then? It'd definitely help make the world feel less sparse; and flesh out plot and characterisation without having to drown the game in cutscenes. Mallet Island and the Temen-ni-gru worked due to being inherently supernatural and isolated, but Fortuna felt dead and artificial without any sign of habitation - providing backstory and fluff through files would have helped immensely in making it a more interesting place, similar to how the culture and history of Noatun and Vigrid were fleshed out by background information despite only functioning as a backdrop to their games' events.
I haven't played a Devil May Cry game since 4 came out 7 years ago, I'm super excited for DMC4:SE but I wanted to revist the series again before diving in 4 again so I went to get the Collection(PS3).
I'm probably just going to replay 3, I recall loving that game.
Here's Devil May Cry Japanese Twitter account if you're interest,though i think it only posts stuff from the official site.
One thing about Nero is how great it feels to have enemies be built around a character so well and being able to use enemies as 'weapons' against other enemies. Like being able to hold up enemies as a shield while attacking a shielded Blitz or Chimera Assault, using dogs and swords as projectiles etc.
I do enjoy that about Nero (mostly - I'm not a fan of the way Buster is handled in most boss fights at all, where it's just a way to do a bunch of free damage when you've successfully put the boss into a stun state). But it definitely does come with an increased cost to enemy design and a feeling (in DMC4's case) that everything was designed very much around Nero's toolset (though that goes well beyond Buster - Nero's DT (the way it instantly cancels anything you're doing and has massive priority over whatever pretty much any enemy is doing, can remove Blitz shields, stuns most enemies, et cetera) and charged Blue Rose shot are really essential tools for DMC4 and, while Dante does have all the tools he needs to fight any enemy in the game, it's undeniable that getting to some of those tools is a bit clunkier for Dante than it is for Nero.
I'm definitely hoping that DMC5 and onward gives Dante the Ricoshot for E&I charging instead of just dealing higher damage. Blue Rose is definitely the best (in terms of flexibility and utility) single firearm in the series so far without even having a Gunslinger moveset.
I'm replaying DMC4 now and I'm SUPER rusty. I'm having a hard time re-wraping my mind around Dante's style switches.
Well, i guess Vergil will have his DMC3SE taunts.
As for Trish and Lady:
"I've got a fever and the only cure is more dead Angelos"
Agreed. Ricoshot is such a great addition. It of course does increased damage than standard gun fire, but it can be charged to three levels like Nero's charge shot, works as a crowd control move, has combo/juggling potential, and it can be just charged. I hope the give something equally interesting to the Shotgun. I didn't really find the DmC Shotgun charge shot to be all that interesting.
Shotgun charge has never been particularly interesting, whether in DMC3, DMC4, or DmC - it's just been a way to deal higher damage (though DmC at least did a bomb thing somewhat akin to Blue Rose's LV3 charge, albeit with less utility because of differences in enemy design). But Shotgun Stinger's pretty great. Fireworks and Backslide... eh. Not the worst thing for crowd control but not super interesting either outside of something like LDK mode.
I'd honestly make charged Shotgun shots phenomenally great from a physics perspective (really strong for juggling or downing enemies, etc).
The shotgun has always been pretty stiff, and its moves are limited in their usefulness. Backslide for example is great for styling purposes if the player is skilled enough, but otherwise it's a bit redundant. Being able to shoot behind you is great in theory, but I never found myself actually using it because most enemies are too fast for it to be worth the risk of being stuck in that animation for the duration of it.
As for its charge shot, I've thought of a couple different possibilities. One was a sort of burst shot version with a wide hitbox. Not so much a damage dealer but something to knock enemies back or stun them. The other was a sort of chain lightning effect, where enemies would explode, spreading fragments that would spread and then make other enemies go through the same effect, though the damage and hitbox would increasingly reduce. Or take the Fireworks train of thought further and have Dante throw it in an arc like a boomerang. Work as crowd control, and it could also have some mild juggling properties on airborne enemies.
I want Trish's MVC3 taunt. "*yawns*... i'm already bored."
You should try it at 120fps. It runs like butter.
Btw, do you know if GeDoSaTo works with DMC4?
True, though at the same time it's interesting to see a character that is so open and so flexible that he can easily survive if thrown into pretty much any game out there. That in itself is a pretty big accomplishment.
True, though at the same time it's interesting to see a character that is so open and so flexible that he can easily survive if thrown into pretty much any game out there. That in itself is a pretty big accomplishment.
7 years?! Wow. This reminds me I haven't put time into a DMC since around DMC3's launch. At that time, I thought it was the pinnacle of action gaming. I mean, it was, but I thought it was going to usher in a generation of equally competitive action games. Then the next consoles came out and shooters dominated.I haven't played a Devil May Cry game since 4 came out 7 years ago, I'm super excited for DMC4:SE but I wanted to revist the series again before diving in 4 again so I went to get the Collection(PS3).
I'm probably just going to replay 3, I recall loving that game.
Please check in Weekly Famitsu April 16, 2015 issue (released April 2, 2015) for more information!
Google Translate:
Vergil confirmed as Majin Vegeta.
7 years?! Wow. This reminds me I haven't put time into a DMC since around DMC3's launch. At that time, I thought it was the pinnacle of action gaming. I mean, it was, but I thought it was going to usher in a generation of equally competitive action games. Then the next consoles came out and shooters dominated.
Looks like they'll show Vergil's DT and his "Concentration" fighting style, i guess we'll see it tomorrow on Capcom TV stream.
Hopefully things will be a little better this generation - DmCDE, Bayonetta 2 and TW101 were fairly good, and even Korra wasn't the total abomination it could have been. With 4SE, DMC5 and MGR2 to be releasing soon (possibly Scalebound as well, but the actual game structure is still a mystery), the genre's in a better place than it has been for a while; especially if Hellblade and Devil's Third manage to end up being decent.
7 years?! Wow. This reminds me I haven't put time into a DMC since around DMC3's launch. At that time, I thought it was the pinnacle of action gaming. I mean, it was, but I thought it was going to usher in a generation of equally competitive action games. Then the next consoles came out and shooters dominated.
Hopefully things will be a little better this generation - DmCDE, Bayonetta 2 and TW101 were fairly good, and even Korra wasn't the total abomination it could have been. With 4SE, DMC5 and MGR2 to be releasing soon (possibly Scalebound as well, but the actual game structure is still a mystery), the genre's in a better place than it has been for a while; especially if Hellblade and Devil's Third manage to end up being decent.
Either I'm missing some news or neither of those games have been confirmed yet
DMC5 is speculation.
MGR2 was teased and then Kojima/Platinum were like "NO GUYS WE WERE JUST CELEBRATING THE MGR 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY" which 0 people believed.
DMC5 is speculation.
MGR2 was teased and then Kojima/Platinum were like "NO GUYS WE WERE JUST CELEBRATING THE MGR 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY" which 0 people believed.
Konami is still continuing the metal gear franchise and since MGR was pretty popular, I think it's still going to be a thing.So if he's gone... is that even happening anymore?
Kojima was minimally involved with MGR so the series can and probably will continue without him.
He was the one who personally asked them to work on it and pushed the relationship (there were a whole bunch of pics on twitter of him visiting them not too long ago).
I'm sure PG would love to continue working on the series but we don't know how Konami will decide to handle the MG series moving forward.
Not to mention KojiPro is no more (with various key members leaving with Kojima) and they helped PG a lot with the project (weren't they the one's handling the cutscenes etc.)?
It talks about Vergil's concentration mechanic and about his DT. Funnily enough Concentration is referred as a style, So either Dark Slayer has been replaced or it's just their phrasing and not an indication that it's an actual style.
Edit: Damn, that late edit.
I doubt he'll have more styles, this is basically his thing. Kind of wish vergil had styles though, but dedicated dodge button will be easier for newcomers.. instead they could give vergil different effects you pick from the dpad, but probably not...It talks about Vergil's concentration mechanic and about his DT. Funnily enough Concentration is referred as a style, So either Dark Slayer has been replaced or it's just their phrasing and not an indication that it's an actual style.
Edit: Damn, that late edit.