Rolling Girl
So do I but it seems many people have been calling for a more streamlined Dante ala DmC.
Make a babby easy automatic mode for them then.
So do I but it seems many people have been calling for a more streamlined Dante ala DmC.
So do I but it seems many people have been calling for a more streamlined Dante ala DmC.
Where were they when DmC bombed? And when DMC4 became the best selling game in the series?So do I but it seems many people have been calling for a more streamlined Dante ala DmC.
dat dt
The official site updated with lots of cool things.
Yamato has 3 different combos, Beowolf has 2. DT Lunar Phase is great. Information on Vergils DT stuff and his concentration gauge. Sick Vergil Graphics. Increased proud/red orb rate.
Nice, thanks for the heads up. There's a lot of good stuff in there.
Where do you see the increased proud/red orb rate? It'd be nice if they leak some tweaks to the underlying game in a particular spot we can keep an eye on.
It's in one of the sub-sections in the menu. I remember reading it to.
Higher orb drop rate and proud soul acquisition rate. It also says there are now auto-saves.
Yeah, he sounds like he'll be a really difficult to master. As it should be. I'm very impressed with what I'm reading so far. Does he just have the two weapons (Yamato/Beowulf)?
I can't wait to hear what Trish and Lady will be like.
Sounds amazing though. Apparently you can use multiple swords for multiple teleports.air trick is now linked to the sword shooting thing rather than being it's own thing, huh
i wonder if it'll be more interesting than just that, like sword air tricks are instant but regular air trick has recovery
air trick is now linked to the sword shooting thing rather than being it's own thing, huh
i wonder if it'll be more interesting than just that, like sword air tricks are instant but regular air trick has recovery
DMC4:SE Official Site said:Round Trip - Hurl Force Edge at an enemy. It will create a whirlwind vacuum that sucks the enemy in while carving them up.
■ Upload Schedule
part 2 : 2015.04.10 (Fri)
part 3: 04.17 (Fri)
part 4 : 04.24 (Fri)
part 5 : 05.01 (Fri)
That DT render. If we really aren't getting a physical edition, I can make my own. Hell, I'll probably do that anyway.
So Vergil's Round Trip can pull enemies in and deal damage. I'm liking the sound of that.
Vergil get's drive now?
website source (+ some more unseen pics):
Vergil getting pause combos is such good news.
Sounds amazing though. Apparently you can use multiple swords for multiple teleports.
That DT render. If we really aren't getting a physical edition, I can make my own. Hell, I'll probably do that anyway.
You could always import the JP version if you need something for the shelf. Region free afterall!
Hope they tell us more about Bloody Palace soon. Time limit thrown out the window and a floor select (after you finish it once) would be very appreciated.
The increased resource pool is such a welcome addition, making for better balance and growth. It gives me hope that maybe they'll be making some additional tweaks to Bloody Palace. Your floor select option would be a way to get around adding a fully functional boss rush mode (provided they actually add all the potential bosses into Bloody Palace).
Yeah a boss rush is a must whichever way they decide to do it, most of them are a blast to fight and being able to experiment with 5 characters without going through any hoops would be a god send.
It's certainly not the most elegant solution, but I'm trying to see what shortcuts Capcom might employ because I'm not convinced they'll add a ton more since they have their hands full with three new characters for a remaster.
I certainly hope so and can't think of a reason not to give it to him.Is Vergil going to get Air Hike?
Forgive me for asking this silly question however since Vergil has already access to Force Edge and Beowolf, does it mean his presense in DMC 4 is after DMC3/DMC1?
has someone tried sending a tweet to Itsuno asking about if Nero is Vergil's son thing?
its possible that he might answer it.. most likely not..but its possible
dat dt