Son Of Sparda
A cool hint you say...
A cool hint you say...
Nero's "mom to be" secretly watching/admiring Vergil while he is slaying dozens of demons in the opening, would be cool.Would be cool if its something 'hidden' like Dante watching Nero in that one cutscene.
dat dt
They're so goofy, with the toothy grins and scales and faux clothing. I wish every character's devil triggers looked as good as Dante's do in DMC1 and 4.I'm lovin' this version of Virgil's DMC3 Devil Triggers.
Hopefully Dante also receives the same treatment, DMC3 Devil Triggers were the best looking in the series in my opinion
Some of Kazuma Kaneko best work also.
So they are finally going to confirm that Vergil is Nero's father.
They're so goofy, with the toothy grins and scales and faux clothing. I wish every character's devil triggers looked as good as Dante's do in DMC1 and 4.
DMC4SE Vergil's new DT looks like a lizard creature who dressed up as an old lady for Halloween. Or a drag queen's nightmare. Pure silliness.
I doubt Revengeance 2 is even happening anymore given that Kojima was the one pushing the PG relationship.Anyone else thinks that themotivationconcentration bar would be a great addition to Revengeance 2?
The original game heavily insists on not getting hit and being effective while attacking, the concentration bar would be a great way to add depth (which is something that heavily lacked in Revengeance)
Every action game made would benefit from a mechanic like this.Anyone else thinks that themotivationconcentration bar would be a great addition to Revengeance 2?
The original game heavily insists on not getting hit and being effective while attacking, the concentration bar would be a great way to add depth (which is something that heavily lacked in Revengeance)
Exactly i think this is still the best of them all.
But different variations for every weapon is cool, of course. maybe should be more different.
Anyone else thinks that themotivationconcentration bar would be a great addition to Revengeance 2?
The original game heavily insists on not getting hit and being effective while attacking, the concentration bar would be a great way to add depth (which is something that heavily lacked in Revengeance)
DMC4 DTs are the best.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow and God of War Ascension use pretty similar systems. Especially in case of GoW:A in which filling the gauge even gives you new moves.Every action game made would benefit from a mechanic like this.
Kinda surprised it has never been done before.
DMC3 triggers for life.
Is there going to be any changes/tweaks for Dante and Nero?
Poor Distorted Real Impact. ;__;Apparently, they will have some balancing changes, but it's been confirmed that Nero's moveset will be unaltered. I'd assume the same for Dante.
I'm still really confused, so is vergil being back cannon to the story or just a playable character with some weird cutscenes.
Sorry if this has been answered, didn't see.
I'm really happy to hear that it'll be easier to get upgrades. Maybe now I won't have to play through the game 3+ times just to get them.
Yeah, and with 5 playable characters the old Orb/Proud Souls system would have been really unbearable.
I actually wonder qhat kind of costumes we'll get for each character. I can see Dantes DMC1 outfit making a reappearance, and likely a DmC one too (mainly since DmC included classicDantes outfits).
Nero will probably have a shirtless equivalent,maybe just a coatless one. I'd like to see his scarf appearance from the artbook too.
Vergil, again I see a DmC outfit (sans fedora) and his robed appearance maybe? Or a Credo costume since they share Motion Actors? Both Dante and Vergil must have a Sparda costume too. Love the purple.
Trish obviously has Gloria, but I wonder what her other will be. Eva costume like Dantes Sparda one? That'd be cool.
Lady I've no idea though. Her DMC3 outfit is happening, but outside of that I can't think of anything.
Does anyone else want a prequel of DMC 1 where you get to play as Sparda?
I think I want that more than anything else...Imagine a moveset that combined the best of Dante/Vergils moves into one insanely incredible Sparda.
Almost forgot sunglasses Trish(cheap as fuck, Capcom would make that for sure).
Sengoku Basara Cross-over costumes! At least Dante Masamune and Ishida Vergil
Aren't the sunglasses her DT, though? I'd imagine that'd be shared between all costumes (or present on her Super variant) rather than given their own costume slot.
Does anyone else want a prequel of DMC 1 where you get to play as Sparda?
I think I want that more than anything else...Imagine a moveset that combined the best of Dante/Vergils moves into one insanely incredible Sparda.
Diesel Jeans costumes in DMC4SE. lol
But aren't those suppose to be pre-order bonuses tho?Dante:all DMC3 unlockable costumes,DMC2 one,something new
Vergil:all DMC3 unlockable costumes(but if they put corrupted Vergil then...),2nd teaser costume,something new
Nero:coatless costume,scarf costume,Gene costume,Trish:Gloria costume(already confirmed),Eva costume,Full DT skin a la Super Nero,fanservice costumeWitch costume
Lady:DMC3 cotume(already confirmed),the other DMC3 costume,fanservice costume
This please!
Love it when they include casual wear in fighting games (DOA5 has lots of good ones).
It's really just Dante who's in need of some tweaks. Nero's limited but perfect.Apparently, they will have some balancing changes, but it's been confirmed that Nero's moveset will be unaltered. I'd assume the same for Dante.
It's really just Dante who's in need of some tweaks. Nero's limited but perfect.
I'm hoping they nerf Distorted Real Impact and distortion/full steam in general without getting rid of them altogether. I'd love to see Royal Guard get beefed back up to where it was in DMC3 though.
If people are gonna do absolutely huge single-hit damage with Dante, it should be all about learning separate timing per-enemy rather than just the timing for one single move that crushes everything in the game.
I'm hoping Distortion Full Steam Real Impact is still usable as a Blitz killer (in combination with Pandora for removing the shield, natch) but no more taking off half of a boss's health bar, seriously.
Don't like it don't use it >_>
It's a really cool mechanic, but it's a little too powerful.
I will say that DRI does help make the Savior boss fight go by quicker, which is a blessing. Hopefully they make some modifications to that fight because it's pretty terrible.
DRI is just a bug, isn't it?
It's not like this is a fighting game so stuff like this is cool imo, and pretty badass actually. So freaking satisfying to land the DRI just right amongst enemies and have the screen freeze up during the hits.
These moves made it feel like Dante was a powerhouse, otherwise he feels weaker than Nero. And they are optional to use so a win/win for everyone.
It will be interesting to see if they make any AI or fight adjustments, though it doesn't look like they can do much to save that Savior fight aside from making it go quicker.
Real Impact hits hard regardless. I think DRI should still be in there, hitpauses and all, just the damage modifier tweaked.