TI: You know, just looking at it I mean. I haven't actually played it. By the way, I met the DMC3 director at E3 last year. While I was out drinking at some bar, this Japanese guy comes wading through the crowd up to me, and he says, "You're Itagaki-san, aren't you?" Pretty outgoing for a Japanese guy, wouldn't you say? Anyway, so I say, "Yes, I am. Who the hell are you?" Yeah, there were two of them there then. I remember. I have a great memory [laughs].
So, he says, "I am the director of Devil May Cry 3; pleased to meet you!" and I said, "Pleased about what, dumbass!" I was drunk at the time, after all. He was young, so I slapped him on the back and said, "You just work hard so that one day people will say 'Team NINJA in the East [Tokyo], Capcom in the West [Osaka]'." The product of his labor after that little pep talk was DMC3. It got decent reviews here in Japan, and I think he did pretty well for a young guy. If he's lucky, he might make something even better next time."