Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June


I am a huge Dino Crisis fan myself so I can understand the frustration. Capcom yet again fucking up by not having a Dino Crisis game around the time a new Jurassic Park movie is coming out.

Then again this is the same company that fucked up license negotiations for Marvel 3 when Marvel was blowing up. If Capcom signed up a contract even HALF as good as the guys who are making Marvel Heroes did... then Marvel 3 would probably be the most played fighter out right now simply due to continuous hype and support.

But Capcom gonna Capcom. As hype as I am for DMC5 being revealed in the future.... I am always very anxious about it. There are so many ways Capcom can fuck it up even under the guidance of Itsuno.


SC6 has been hinted for quite a bit now by Namco, wouldn't be that shocking but I would still be surprised considering Namco is still pushing T7 at the moment. Last thing they need is more fighting game cannibalization which occurred in the previous generation.

Well, the good thing about SC/Tekken's relationship is that it would cater to different markets. SC6 would most likely only be made for the console market, while T7 would continue to be in arcades for at least another year and some change. So it would stand to reason that the two products would have some measure of space between them.

But the main thing is that the teasing was much more a recent thing; a lot of us thought the series was dead after SCV being rushed, received middling reception by the casual base and then Bamco sending the series to sing and dance on the F2P street corner for the last few years. And of course, we still have to wait and see if Bamco is interested in actually taking care of the series again and not just have it be the "stepchild" compared to Tekken. But hey, I'm willing to BELIEVE and hope for the best.

It'd be funny if, after all these years, they'd finally made good on the original teases from back around SC3's development and included Dante (and Vergil?) in SC6.


Capcom has never really had its fingers on the pulse of entertainment media. They're usually too-little too-late.


Actually yeah, considering the consistency with which Itsuno's team has released games:

Devil May Cry 3 2005
Devil May Cry 4 2008
Dragon's Dogma 2012

I see no reason for them to take around 5 years for a DMC5. All the momentum they have going for the series right now (and they clearly tried hard to build said momentum) will be lost in late 2016 and especially 2017.

This would be assuming Itsuno's team went right into work on DMC5 after Dragon's Dogma was finished up, which I don't think is likely because I highly doubt Capcom would greenlight DMC5 a year before their reboot of the series was about to come out. I think the earliest possible scenario where Capcom would have given the go ahead to DMC5 would have been in early 2013 after DmC stumbled out of the gates, which would put DMC5 at either a 2016 or 2017 release. If Capcom were to reveal DMC5 at E3, I think early 2016 would be the most likely release window since, to my knowledge, Capcom isn't Squeenix and doesn't announce games 2 years+ before release.
Just placed my order for the asian version of the game. With the quickest Fed-Ex shipping option, it only came up to $46 or so, which was a nice surprise. Might buy another copy later and give it to someone in the free to a good home thread.


Santa May Claus
This would be assuming Itsuno's team went right into work on DMC5 after Dragon's Dogma was finished up, which I don't think is likely because I highly doubt Capcom would greenlight DMC5 a year before their reboot of the series was about to come out. I think the earliest possible scenario where Capcom would have given the go ahead to DMC5 would have been in early 2013 after DmC stumbled out of the gates, which would put DMC5 at either a 2016 or 2017 release. If Capcom were to reveal DMC5 at E3, I think early 2016 would be the most likely release window since, to my knowledge, Capcom isn't Squeenix and doesn't announce games 2 years+ before release.

The question becomes, what was Itsuno doing during that time then? Really he could have been doing anything. And we know that Capcom breaks apart teams and talent all the time to redistribute manpower where necessary. Itsuno may have been doing consulting on a number of projects. Maybe even dipped his hand into mobile. It was one of the reasons cited for the lack of a UMvC3 patch before the license ran out.

As for the 2+ year announcement thing, I agree that it hasn't been Capcom's M.O. for the past few years. It used to be something Capcom did all the time.


Part 2 of the interview with Shimomura and Itsuno is up! They talk about DMC world and characters, really really interesting.No mention about DMC1 though, i mean i know it is an interview with Itsuno and Shimomura (and they want to talk about the DMC they worked on of course) but no mention of DMC1 is a shame , especially when they talk about Trish.

Also Itsuno mentioning Devilman makes him godtier, and



Wow, Itsuno just casually confirmed that the DMC universe consists of just the human world and the demon world. Using Devilman as an example was pretty neat. It is pretty common in a lot of Japanese fiction to only have two worlds, after all. Devilman, Berserk, Darkstalkers, Disgaea, the Souls games (technically there's only one world in most of those, but there's a clear human-demon paradigm going on in those games), and in a lot of horror manga. Even stuff like the SMT games and Silent Hill.

Anyway, it's nice to finally have confirmation that there's no God or angels. There's no stopping them from just plain retconning that, of course. This is Capcom after all.


DmC canon am cry.

Also Bayonetta x DMC canon am cry.

Also this interview needs to be saved for posterity in case there are future debates on this. I swear this is one of those things that has been hotly debated by DMC story canon fans in the past.

Hopefully Itsuno gets the green light to add some Devilman grit into DMC.

Itsuno confirms that Vergil has a little "wildness" inside of him unlike the traditional Samurai. He attributes that to Dan Southworth being an American emulating the Samurai fighting style (though he says his use of Katana is flawless). So there's the explanation of why Vergil is using the A&R style Jet Stream in DMC4SE... sometimes he just wants to cut loose!


There's a discussion like that going on at the DMC4SE GameFAQs boards right now. People will probably still be in denial even after this. Lol.

I really liked Itsuno's words about Vergil. The "wildness" helps differentiate him from the other smooth, aloof Samurai-type assholes in anime and games.

Edit: And I doubt we're gonna see the DMC universe get more visceral. It seems they, or at least Kobayashi, is pushing for a cleaner, less gore-y world. At least it seems like that comparing 3 to 4.


Fuck Kobayashi... he should just stick to Sengoku Basara. At least return to DMC3's level of grittyness and gore. We need more scenes of Vergil cutting up demon's face in 4 pieces.

Can't wait for the Gamefaqs meltdown when Nero is re-confirmed as Vergil's son after DMC4SE.
Itsuno confirms that Vergil has a little "wildness" inside of him unlike the traditional Samurai. He attributes that to Dan Southworth being an American emulating the Samurai fighting style (though he says his use of Katana is flawless). So there's the explanation of why Vergil is using the A&R style Jet Stream in DMC4SE... sometimes he just wants to cut loose!

He really is his father's son after all. Now I'm curious to see Vergil properly pissed off. Must be a terrifying thing to see.


I wonder if this means that "angels" as a concept was propagated by Mundus. I guess he's the source of the Ascension ceremony stuff in 4, and the reason they all look like angels.

I still hold hope that they'll move away from Mundus and introduce some bigger and better baddies. He's a complete dead-end lore-wise.


Worth noting that Verendus is definitely not 100% right all the time, but he's usually pretty close. So hopefully his record holds up this time, because there is a ton of stuff that I want in that post.

True, but DMC5 is definitely a thing, even if it doesn't show at E3 or TGS. The stuff that doesn't turn out to be true is probably because a lot of Verendus' leaks are stuff that's far down the pipeline, so plans change down the line.

But in Devilman there is god and angels.

Really? Did they ever show up? I must have forgotten. I guess Itsuno did as well, lol.


He really is his father's son after all. Now I'm curious to see Vergil properly pissed off. Must be a terrifying thing to see.

We already saw shades of that in DMC3. "Why isn't it working...!?"

If they really allowed him to cut loose, that would be an interesting thing to see.

Anyway, that is interesting. Still poses a question about what exactly the likes of the Fallens fell from "grace" from, if there is no Heaven to be concerned with.

Astral Dog

But didnt the DMC 3 Manga confirmed angels too?

Anyways, there are no angels for now, thats ok it gives the series a sligthly more unique setting, although a hint here and there about angels which may exist somewhere in the world would be cool.

Edit: And I doubt we're gonna see the DMC universe get more visceral. It seems they, or at least Kobayashi, is pushing for a cleaner, less gore-y world. At least it seems like that comparing 3 to 4.
too soon to put all blame on Kobayashi, i would be very surprised if DMC 5 its not more gory than 4, just dont expect Bloodborne type setting.


Santa May Claus
Part 2 of the interview with Shimomura and Itsuno is up! They talk about DMC world and characters, really really interesting.No mention about DMC1 though, i mean i know it is an interview with Itsuno and Shimomura (and they want to talk about the DMC they worked on of course) but no mention of DMC1 is a shame , especially when they talk about Trish.

Also Itsuno mentioning Devilman makes him godtier, and

Absolutely wonderful interview. I especially like how they approached differentiating DMC3 Dante with Nero. These insights are really interesting.

I think most of us already assumed that there were no angels in DMC. There is very deliberate angelic imagery that is associated with demons (Mundus, Fallen, the final chapters of DMC1 and 3), which leads to the assumption that what we might consider angels in the world of DMC are actually devils. Which is also a play on the fact that Lucifer is a fallen angel in Christianity.

That's not to say there couldn't be different dimensions or time lines that could result in crossovers involving angels.


Fun fact about Devilman. It was the spiritual successor to a manga called Demon Lord Dante.

Edit: Man, today has been a good day. First a new Shadow Hearts game might be in development, DMC5 might be revealed this year, and Itsuno confirms there's no heaven in the DMC universe.

It ends with Satan's army being slain by angels. In the anime adaption there is a different ending though...

That's probably it. I've read the manga but never finished. I guess Itsuno and Shimomura only watched the anime, or remember it better than the manga.


But didnt the DMC 3 Manga confirmed angels too?

Anyways, there are no angels for now, thats ok it gives the series a sligthly more unique setting, although a hint here and there about angels which may exist somewhere in the world would be cool.

In the end, the manga just did more to suggest that there's "not much difference between the two groups", which could mean anything ranging from considering "angels" to be demons as well (a la SMT), or that any one of the above posts could be closer to the truth.

Either way, it would just does more to fall right in line with other Capcom works of this sort. In the likes of Ghouls n Ghosts, Darkstalkers and the like, you almost never hear about a "Heaven" to go along with the Demon World of that universe.
It ends with Satan's army being slain by angels. In the anime adaption there is a different ending though...
Weird how I never remembered the angels being there. I had always just assumed it was only God that made his presence known, and even then there wasn't any sort of physical form given to him like the demons were.

Either way, the comparison between Devilman and DMC still applies, it just means Heaven's involvement in any of the events with humans and demons is non existent, cause they don't seem to care or something. Unless of course they end up bring about Armageddon or some equally huge catastrophe.


Fuck Kobayashi... he should just stick to Sengoku Basara. At least return to DMC3's level of grittyness and gore. We need more scenes of Vergil cutting up demon's face in 4 pieces.

Can't wait for the Gamefaqs meltdown when Nero is re-confirmed as Vergil's son after DMC4SE.

That would be hilarious.
We already saw shades of that in DMC3. "Why isn't it working...!?"

If they really allowed him to cut loose, that would be an interesting thing to see.

Anyway, that is interesting. Still poses a question about what exactly the likes of the Fallens fell from "grace" from, if there is no Heaven to be concerned with.

why they fell from the grace of Mundus(or whoever was before him) of course.

With how people worship Sparda as a god, the very clear God/Heaven allusions with Mundus, and now the confirmation of no heaven, I think's it's very safe to say that most angelic imagery and religion probably came from demons.


I hope actual demon hunting plays a bigger part in Dante's story/character. in DMC5.
Witcher 3 has more actual demon/monster hunting than DMC.

You investigate some creature, track it down then prepare before fighting it (oil up your sword based on monster type, drink potions to counter their effects). These are usually boss level fights.

Though the combat in Witcher 3 is ass as are the enemy patterns. It's really everything else that it excells at. A DMC game retaining the game play/combat but have that level of content in other areas would be GOAT.


honestly i can't imagine dante is really the type to actually to tracking and other hunting stuff insomuch as just showing up to a place and acting like a huge shithead to attract demons so he can kill them

also lollin' at trish
'yeah we just wanted to make a character nobody could hate, so i guess that wasn't hard'


DMC has so much potential beyond the combat system if they just opened up the game world instead of having the linear mission system with RE-style closed environments.

I wonder if something like MGS5 is doing would work. It seems it has both main story missions and smaller sub missions in with several open world settings. Now having a sandbox like MGS5 doesn't fit DMC, but in a 3D metroidvania-style world it might work.

honestly i can't imagine dante is really the type to actually to tracking and other hunting stuff insomuch as just showing up to a place and acting like a huge shithead to attract demons so he can kill them

also lollin' at trish
'yeah we just wanted to make a character nobody could hate, so i guess that wasn't hard'

It could work if he got missions from Lady and they were like "Dante, there's a thing at X that is fucking shit up. Go kill the thing."

Just make it like Bloodborne man. The level design is open but it's not "open world", it's still fairly focused. You still have close quarters areas
for that tight combat experience.

It's also gritty and stylish as fuck. Some of those boss fights would not be out of place in a DMC game.

Yeah, it doesn't really matter if it's mission-based or not. I just want them to ditch the linear chapter system and the linear levels. I want to run around in spooky, weird environments 3D metroidvania-style and fight shit. Something like Cainhurst is so fucking cool while Fortuna Castle is just okay. And with DMC they can have modern environments as well. Lots of potential there if they go crazy with it like DmCs upside-down prison.


Just make it like Bloodborne man. The level design is open but it's not "open world", it's still fairly focused. You still have close quarters areas
for that tight combat experience.

It's also gritty and stylish as fuck. Some of those boss fights would not be out of place in a DMC game.


Junior Member
I am a huge Dino Crisis fan myself so I can understand the frustration. Capcom yet again fucking up by not having a Dino Crisis game around the time a new Jurassic Park movie is coming out.

Then again this is the same company that fucked up license negotiations for Marvel 3 when Marvel was blowing up. If Capcom signed up a contract even HALF as good as the guys who are making Marvel Heroes did... then Marvel 3 would probably be the most played fighter out right now simply due to continuous hype and support.

But Capcom gonna Capcom. As hype as I am for DMC5 being revealed in the future.... I am always very anxious about it. There are so many ways Capcom can fuck it up even under the guidance of Itsuno.
Fighting games & MMOs are completely different beasts, especially when it comes to getting the contract signed.


DMC has so much potential beyond the combat system if they just opened up the game world instead of having the linear mission system with RE-style closed environments.

I wonder if something like MGS5 is doing would work. It seems it has both main story missions and smaller sub missions in with several open world settings. Now having a sandbox like MGS5 doesn't fit DMC, but in a 3D metroidvania-style world it might work.

I still am partial to the Monster Hunter styled "Job Board" type of thing. It'd just work so well the "Devil May Cry"shop idea that's been tossed around here a lot.

Dante and his crew get job listings that unlock over the course of the game. Some pertain to the story and are the ones that MUST be completed in order to advance the plot, while the majority are just a variety of assignments that are key to a) getting Dante and co. more Orbs/etc. to spend with and b) raising Devil Hunter ranks so that you can eventually get access to more stuff (like post-game super bosses, extra weapons and etc.).

It'd open the way to a DMC having more content that would last for the casual gamer well after the 8-10 storyline has been completed, which is what I would hope they'd be aiming for.


Just curious, but why is no heaven a big deal ^^; ?

It's not really a big deal, but the DMC world is a lot more fun, to me at least, if there's just the human world and the demon world. There's a bit of cynicism to it, Berserk and Bloodborne-style, if it's a world without God or angels.

I still am partial to the Monster Hunter styled "Job Board" type of thing. It'd just work so well the "Devil May Cry"shop idea that's been tossed around here a lot.

Dante and his crew get job listings that unlock over the course of the game. Some pertain to the story and are the ones that MUST be completed in order to advance the plot, while the majority are just a variety of assignments that are key to a) getting Dante and co. more Orbs/etc. to spend with and b) raising Devil Hunter ranks so that you can eventually get access to more stuff (like post-game super bosses, extra weapons and etc.).

It'd open the way to a DMC having more content that would last for the casual gamer well after the 8-10 storyline has been completed, which is what I would hope they'd be aiming for.

That raises the question, though, how to merge that system with DMC? MonHun is an open world, after all.

And I think if it has a mission system with main missions and sub missions, they should shorten the campaign, since the transitional missions like "go get X to open Y to progress" missions would be a bit pointless.


That raises the question, though, how to merge that system with DMC? MonHun is an open world, after all.

And I think if it has a mission system with main missions and sub missions, they should shorten the campaign, since the transitional missions like "go get X to open Y to progress" missions would be a bit pointless.

MonHun's not really "open world" in the way that most would consider such, though.

When you take up a mission, you're placed into a set "level" map, broken up by areas. You can do a bit of exploring in order to gather materials, find select NPCs and the like, but it's largely just to serve a function for you and your target being able to change the venue of your fight as the battle goes on. You can't jump from the Volcanic map over to the Icy mountain map and then over to the Desert, because they're not connected in any way.

The way I could see this working for something like DMC, is that this idea could be adapted so that instead of confining Dante to a singular castle and its surrounding areas, you could stand to have Dante and crew taking jobs that take them all over. Starting with his City, and then all over the countryside "wherever the job takes him".

I don't want to get too offtopic, but since some people here seem to like Devilman as well: There is a new anime adaption planned for this year.

Sweet. I'll be on the look out!


I don't want to get too offtopic, but since some people here seem to like Devilman as well: There is a new anime adaption planned for this year.

Devilman is rad, so thanks.

MonHun's not really "open world" in the way that most would consider such, though.

When you take up a mission, you're placed into a set "level" map, broken up by areas. You can do a bit of exploring in order to gather materials, find select NPCs and the like, but it's largely just to serve a function for you and your target being able to change the venue of your fight as the battle goes on. You can't jump from the Volcanic map over to the Icy mountain map and then over to the Desert, because they're not connected in any way.

The way I could see this working for something like DMC, is that this idea could be adapted so that instead of confining Dante to a singular castle and its surrounding areas, you could stand to have Dante and crew taking jobs that take them all over. Starting with his City, and then all over the countryside "wherever the job takes him".

I'm not intimately familiar with MonHun. Excuse my ignorance.

Hmm. I guess that could work. It would have to be one big level or several mid-sized levels. Assuming several levels, there could be a city level (with the Devil May Cry shop, maybe), a castle level, and so on. The excuse for it story-wise could be that the various missions took place in different countries. So Dante's city would be somewhere in mid-western America (I think this is where Dante was supposed to live, at least), then a castle level would be in Europe, maybe a South American level with Mesoamerican temples/pyramids, etc.


It's kinda better if it's all one interconnected area rather than being a bunch of completely disjointed areas. DMC1 and DMC3 both did this. DMC4 did it as well despite the backtracking.

We don't really need Dante globe trotting all over. Keep the setting and story focused.


Santa May Claus
Having a hub world with selectable locations would be totally acceptable if Dante and co. actually traveled to completely different areas of the state/world to take on various missions, and I think this lends itself well to actual Devil Hunting Shop design of taking on different jobs.

It's kinda better if it's all one interconnected area rather than being a bunch of completely disjointed areas. DMC1 and DMC3 both did this. DMC4 did it as well despite the backtracking.

We don't really need Dante globe trotting all over. Keep the setting and story focused.

If Dante is tracking a specific antagonist, you can really open up the possibilities of locales. I don't think that would be a bad thing necessarily, as long as they're fully realized areas.


It's not really a big deal, but the DMC world is a lot more fun, to me at least, if there's just the human world and the demon world. There's a bit of cynicism to it, Berserk and Bloodborne-style, if it's a world without God or angels.
Hm, not my idea of fun. Besides, it's not like the story of the main series (be it the games or even the anime) is particularly cynical at its core to begin with. The opposite, really.


I ordered the Asian ver. of this game off of Play-Asia since I figured there wouldn't be any DLC costumes/content in general.. I might just buy and play the U.S. version now since I assume you can't redeem a voucher from another country on a US account, right?
Hey guys whats the reason everyone here seems to be swaying towards the import of this game? is there something in it that im missing? I thought all regions were the same content wise.
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