Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

Yeah, I'm tempted to do it too. The campaign was annoying to go through back in 2008 and it hasn't aged gracefully either (backtracking, awful grapple puzzles, etc.). Does anyone know if buying the blue orbs bypasses the need to go through the secret missions, or does it just come from the store-bought blue orb pool?


Santa May Claus
anyone else playing on PC?
im pretty sure Force Edge Combo A is bugged
especially when another tap y combo works perfectly fine

Force Edge Combo A isn't a pause combo.

Basically, you need to mash Y during the second slash. If you just straight up mash Y, you'll get Force Edge Combo A. The Million Stab only comes out if you do enough inputs during the second slash. You might have to purchase Million Stab first.

If it's not coming out, you're not mashing fast enough. It's easier when you're actually hitting enemies because the hitstop gives you more frames to input.

I just opened my PC version and threw on Turbo to check. It works.
Just beat story with Lady/Trish

Lady's shotgun charge level 3 is fucking nuts. Just use that and enemy step between jump shots and go to town.
Yeah, I'm tempted to do it too. The campaign was annoying to go through back in 2008 and it hasn't aged gracefully either (backtracking, awful grapple puzzles, etc.). Does anyone know if buying the blue orbs bypasses the need to go through the secret missions, or does it just come from the store-bought blue orb pool?

Store blue orbs come from a completely different pool than the blue orb fragments you get from secret missions. You've got to do both.

That said, all you need to do to unlock basically everything is play the campaign three times (once on Devil Hunter, once on Son of Sparda, once on Dante Must Die) and you can pick one for a Dante/Nero playthrough, one for a Lady/Trish playthrough, and one for a Vergil playthrough.




What the fuck have I been doing all my life? Here I was dying in Mission 2 LDK as Vergil doing the beginning over and over again. I finally reach Belial, die from scrubness, and lo and behold, I hit continue and I'm back with all my souls.

Shit son.
Oops, I meant the microtransaction blue orb pool. I did everything legit on vanilla and wouldn't mind paying $2 to bypass some of the grind I've done before.


Santa May Claus
Guys, please don't encourage microtransactions like Bloody Palace unlocks. That shit should just be in the game already as an unlock code. Even at $1.50, it sets a precedent. Just think of completing the game once as a way to accumulate Proud Souls for the upgrades. It's only a few hours. Special Costume/Blue Orb unlocks I think are a little different.



What the fuck have I been doing all my life? Here I was dying in Mission 2 LDK as Vergil doing the beginning over and over again. I finally reach Belial, die from scrubness, and lo and behold, I hit continue and I'm back with all my souls.

Shit son.

Even if you quit, you keep all your souls. That was a change made in the original DMC4 from DMC3. It gives you all the Proud Souls you would have gotten up to the point you died.


Guys, please don't encourage microtransactions like Bloody Palace unlocks. That shit should just be in the game already as an unlock code. Even at $1.50, it sets a precedent. Just think of completing the game once as a way to accumulate Proud Souls for the upgrades. It's only a few hours.

Even if you quit, you keep all your souls. That was a change made in the original DMC4 from DMC3. It gives you all the Proud Souls you would have gotten up to the point you died.

Man, I had no idea. Gonna beat this on LDK. I'm destroying as Vergil now.


It's nice that put in some, albeit very little effort into adding the presentation for Trish, Lady and Virgil. Giving it some context is always nice.

Slow start for me today, just trying to get a feel for the game again.

What's Turbo Mode do exactly?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
installing now, only played up to the first boss when i played original so this is gonna be great for me :D


Boosts the gamespeed overall by 20%. It's recommended.

I have it on, due to everyone saying they were using it. I just didn't know what it did.

I need to stretch my in-game legs on this a bit now.

Also, the whole 59 hz thing on PC is annoying as hell. It was like that in the normal DX10 version on PC. Anyone know what the deal is about that?


Just started the game as Vergil, and the controls feel good as I'd imagined! I need to unlock all of the movesets... currently he doesn't feel as quick and agile as the fedora Vergil. But then again, I'm comparing the fully unlocked DmC Vergil, so that's not a fair comparison.
Just started the game as Vergil, and the controls feel good as I'd imagined! I need to unlock all of the movesets... currently he doesn't feel as quick and agile as the fedora Vergil. But then again, I'm comparing the fully unlocked DmC Vergil, so that's not a fair comparison.

Make sure you're trying out the weapon swaps. I don't know if it's just me, but Yamato feels way better in terms of starter movesets than the rest of his kit, so that can help a lot while you're working up the Proud Souls to unlock Shin Vergil.

Even with just a couple of purchases in Yamato I already feel like the ability to look super cool is always there, and it's entirely my fault if I fail to look rad.


Well, it is surely a nice coincidence.


I hope the tools for the original game are updated to be compatible for 4 soon - I put together Jeanne and Mistral skins for Trish; but I can't seem to extract, edit or even view the SE files in order to get them working.
Vergil is just too easy to use and everything just dies so fast. I find playing lady more fun due to different style.

Yea. Hopefully someon makes a trainer like the original dmc4 pc version that lets you play on god must die in bloody palace. enemies have more health and activate devil trigger instantly.

The game crashes sometimes when I mess with the resolution settings. I hope we see a patch really soon so the game is as optimized as the original version was. This sucks for me so far. Even metal gear rising runs on my pc fine on lower settings.
While it's not anywhere near as bad as Batman currently is, I think most of the performance issues stem from the extra visual effects they added to this version. Since they can't be turned off, you can either run the game well or can't at all. It's a pretty big blemish on what was formerly one of the best console to PC ports out there, but at least it's nothing that couldn't be fixed with a patch.

Hopefully they didn't lock the files down to the point where we can't get mods working. Dante's metagame probably wouldn't be where it is now if it wasn't for debug mode.



I hope the tools for the original game are updated to be compatible for 4 soon - I put together Jeanne and Mistral skins for Trish; but I can't seem to extract, edit or even view the SE files in order to get them working.

Please do a Bayonetta one too.


lol i take everything back about lady being an evolution of gunslinger style holy fuck the charge lvl3 moves for lady are broken geeeeeeeeeezzz


You guys were right. Having a blast now. Once I upgraded Lady's skills a bit she becomes a lot more fun. I love how when you do lock-on plus forward O she does a stinger like attack with her shotgun when it's equipped. So badass.


Pre-ordered on PSN (EU)

Automatic download started at 7pm, game unlocked at 11pm. Yep, that's one hour before the end of the release day.

Still have to download 10GB of data to do anything aside from playing the first mission with Nero. PSN is so slow it's going to take about 10 more hours.

The bonus theme has the typical Devil May Cry menu sounds, and 2 random images, badly cut, with a very high contrast that makes it difficult to navigate the home menu.

So, if you haven't pre-ordered: good call.


Preordered 2 weeks ago, downloaded and it doesn't work!!! It says the content cannot be used. WTF! I paid with PayPal. Using PSN Europe.


Started preloading too late. 15/20gb with 40 mins left until the game unlocks. Doesnt help that my internet decides it wants to not work. Despite the fact that the Ps4 speed estimate gives me 30 down and 5 up. Will i still be able to only do the first mission until it finishes downloading or will i be able to play more?


Preordered 2 weeks ago, downloaded and it doesn't work!!! It says the content cannot be used. WTF! I paid with PayPal. Using PSN Europe.

From what region exactly? In Belgium they're getting it on the 24th for example.

After the game has been installed, an additional 20GB of "Application data" has to be downloaded, at least partially. Check in the download notifications.



IIRC, the three spots the orbs are in are randomized with each try.

1. Fallen chandelier
2. Under moving spike object
3. Behind the mirror on the right side of the second floor
4. In the center of the small room before going to the underground lab behind the Sanctus statue
5. Second floor near swinging chandelier. There's an archway you can jump onto a little further out

That's all I can remember. It's a bitch, that's for sure. Use Nero specifically to make it easier, as his devil bringer will shine when you get close.


From what region exactly? In Belgium they're getting it on the 24th for example.

After the game has been installed, an additional 20GB of "Application data" has to be downloaded, at least partially. Check in the download notifications.
I'm living in the Netherlands. Already downloaded 20 GB. There's no time limit anymore. Still doesn't work. It should unlock on 24th June, it's already 24th June goddammit!


IIRC, the three spots the orbs are in are randomized with each try.

1. Fallen chandelier
2. Under moving spike object
3. Behind the mirror on the right side of the second floor
4. In the center of the small room before going to the underground lab behind the Sanctus statue
5. Second floor near swinging chandelier

That's all I can remember. It's a bitch, that's for sure. Use Nero specifically to make it easier, as his devil bringer will shine when you get close.

Thanks, I just beat it. Since Vergil has no tell of when your near one i was just running from place to place hoping i'd get lucky.



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Died again, had to use a gold orb. Timing those Grim Tricks to dodge Credo's swipes is fucking harder than you would think.

So shameful of me to lose like this. Damn you B ranking!

God, not looking forward to how much I'll suck shit as Lady against him.
You have to hit him with multiple rockets or a charged rocket. I just did it earlier today on SoS.

he recovers his shield like super fast.

At best i can only charge like 1 rocket...

this is weird, i even emptied the entire DT right after his final stinger in front of him and he just got his shield back...


Santa May Claus
he recovers his shield like super fast.

At best i can only charge like 1 rocket...

this is weird, i even emptied the entire DT right after his final stinger in front of him and he just got his shield back...

DT seems to do nothing. I know, I tried. I think he sustains the rocket damage after multiple sequences, so just keep trying.
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