If I get a guest pass, I'll probably just come home from work on Monday and immediately sleep until 1 AM CST so I can play until work.
Isn't it 2am CST?
If I get a guest pass, I'll probably just come home from work on Monday and immediately sleep until 1 AM CST so I can play until work.
Isn't it 2am CST?
It was not really account hacking that was the issue in D2, it was hacked character and servers. WoW is where the account stealing started, since there was way more money in that.
Isn't it 2am CST?
Spoilers from the... past?
Yeah but I want to wake up before the launch and make coffee or something :x
Edit: On the subject of account hacking, my account isn't eligible for the automated retrieve account process? Neat. Do I bother going through support for an account I don't care about...
Guys I need a work out plan for D3. This is what I was thinking.
Kill a unique -- 5 push ups , 5 situps
lvl up -- 5 push ups , 5 situps
Find a rare -- 10 push ups , 10 sit ups
Kill boss -- 20 push ups , 20 sit ups
Clear Act -- Run a mile, Hit the gym.
could be made into a drinking game as well...
A friend managed to get his hacked account back within 24 hours. It's really down to if want to bother waiting or not. If you don't have any licenses attached to the account you could probably abandon it but personally I'd just recover it.
Only if its after beating the game on inferno. Gotta stay competitive on that ladder.
The book also has info on lesser evils that: "haven't shown themselves in sanctuary yet"
Now I know what to expect from them if they do make an appearance! Especially if they invite me to their realms!
I thought that was kind of big. I don't mind though but I can see other ppl minding tbh.
ladder is gone isn't it?
Excellent idea! I'll be doing this for sure.Guys I need a work out plan for D3. This is what I was thinking.
Kill a unique -- 5 push ups , 5 situps
lvl up -- 5 push ups , 5 situps
Find a rare -- 10 push ups , 10 sit ups
Kill boss -- 20 push ups , 20 sit ups
Clear Act -- Run a mile, Hit the gym.
could be made into a drinking game as well...
Yes, you're paying for the CD key that gets linked to your Battle.net region, however thanks to Global Play you can play on whichever region you so desire.$79.95 AUD for a digital version is a bit of a butt pummelling. If I buy a digital version when i'm in the USA in a few months, will I still be able to play it when I return to Australia? We need to start a worldwide economy for this kind of shit, should just be buying it in US dollars.
ladder is gone isn't it?
Excellent idea! I'll be doing this for sure.
A friend managed to get his hacked account back within 24 hours. It's really down to if want to bother waiting or not. If you don't have any licenses attached to the account you could probably abandon it but personally I'd just recover it.
$79.95 AUD for a digital version is a bit of a butt pummelling. If I buy a digital version when i'm in the USA in a few months, will I still be able to play it when I return to Australia? We need to start a worldwide economy for this kind of shit, should just be buying it in US dollars.
Anyone else order it from Wal-Mart today or yesterday?
That final chapter is baaaaller...
guess the movie ...
$79.95 AUD for a digital version is a bit of a butt pummelling. If I buy a digital version when i'm in the USA in a few months, will I still be able to play it when I return to Australia? We need to start a worldwide economy for this kind of shit, should just be buying it in US dollars.
Wut spoilers?SO IT BEGINS
The devil is just trying to corrupt your mind, there are no spoilers.
...Unless you count Léon/Diablo crossover fanfic spoilers.
Wut spoilers?SO IT BEGINS
He spoiled something in the comment I quoted, but since it's in quote form it isnt shown on my message.
It's about the final chapter in the Book of Cain, which is also a spoiler for a scene in Diablo 3.
d[-_-]b;37800996 said:I'm trying to hold off on picking this up.... have finals this week, would like a collector's edition, how much are those going for?
HahahahahaHe spoiled something in the comment I quoted, but since it's in quote form it isnt shown on my message.
It's about the final chapter in the Book of Cain, which is also a spoiler for a scene in Diablo 3.
He spoiled something in the comment I quoted, but since it's in quote form it isnt shown on my message.
It's about the final chapter in the Book of Cain, which is also a spoiler for a scene in Diablo 3.
Wow, Steelseries took notice of the line and gave them a bunch of stuff as-well! PC-community ♥
Dude did you even read the quote :lol
You give too much credence to my lore writing capabilities, but I dare say I am flattered.
This will soak up some time while waiting.
Force Strategy - Diablocast ep57: On The Eve Of Destruction
They should take notice of this thread... This is practically a digital line.
Oh shit lols.
Yeah I feel like such an idiot now. Apologies to everyone, tension has been high lately. Getting paranoid about spoilers.
$99 from Wal-Mart. Will take a while to ship to you, but it's the only place with CE's currently available in the US.
I will E-Blow them.
Stand in line, folks!They should take notice of this thread... This is practically a digital line.
Stand in line, folks!
You can find and craft them. The one legendary I saw that could be crafted cost 6 digits though :/So you can actually craft Legendaries and find them? Or only find them?
I edited my post with ".........." as in there are more than that but they couldn't fit the picture.13 copies for yourself?!
If you've pre-downloaded the digital version of the game in EU English or German before 10:00 AM CEST (9:00 AM GMT) on Saturday May 12, you must obtain the new downloaders to be able to install properly once the game is released on May 15. We apologize for the inconvenience, and ask that you please let friends and acquaintances know so they can begin downloading the working installer that's now available.
(installers in the link) http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4410912/
^This script hides all Youtube-comments. There will be spoilers on Youtube so you better to install this script!That's why i use this script. Works great!
FOR GOOGLE CHROME: http://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hbeblcelbmadebneggicbpkjhlppjoen?hl=fr
FOR FIREFOX http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/14530
Apparently it's important for people that were in the beta to manually remove some files from their system before installing the full game.
Just another warning/reminder.
You should really have a blizzard authenticator for this game. Either an IOS/Android version, or the actual physical generator. There's going to be *alot* of hacked accounts, and you don't want to be one of them. Your password, no matter how complex it is, isn't safe.