No, just reach lvl 10.
We sure that wasn't just for the beta?
No, just reach lvl 10.
We sure that wasn't just for the beta?
im part of the demon hunter master race,who's with me?
Wait, I see. I see.
Reminds me of how glad I am they are not allowing HC chars access to the RMAH.
im part of the demon hunter master race,who's with me?
Btw there's more where that came from
Check this site
If anyone is looking for some good wallpapers this site has all the classes and they all look pretty cool, so check them out![]()
Found a sexy wizard wallpaper
Now I'm having second thoughts on going Monk..
Figure I'll just ask this here..
My internet is acting up again, random drops and get that little fancy yellow exclamation point on my wireless connection saying limited access.
I'm not a dummy, but most wireless/internet lingo confuses me, so is there some software that logs internet activity and spits it out in easy to read format? "hey, things didn't work here, this is why" etc etc..
I use to think it was my router being a piece of junk, but it is fine for weeks at a time, and now this weekend is when it decides to turn to crap, and if it keeps it up, playing "always online" is going make me constantly worry about actually being online.
I barely remember Diablo 1 or 2 =/ And I even got to beta test D2 LOD! Blizzard sent me the disc via FedEx and I thought it was the coolest thing ever
I wonder if I still have the beta disc and if its worth anything
Btw there's more where that came from
Check this site
If anyone is looking for some good wallpapers this site has all the classes and they all look pretty cool, so check them out![]()
Guys as I write this, I have a project for my literature class and need to make limericks.
SO far this is what I came up with.
(P.S Limericks has a rhyme scheme of AABBA)
Code:A man with excited dream Caused a dramatic small scene He questioned what month and year it was And was told, then he started to buzz Diablo 3 on May 15
Makes sense, buying something then losing it all soon after.
Apparently it's important for people that were in the beta to manually remove some files from their system before installing the full game.
Do we need to delete the diablo 3 files within the battle.net folder, or the entire folder itself?
I never got into the closed d2 beta, but I played the stress test and I still have that disc I think. I remember having to download like a 100mb iso or something from blizzard on a 56k connection
Wireless engineer here. PM'd you.
the whole folder dude.
Now I'm having second thoughts on going Monk..
I can bet a lot of hardcore players are going to buy on third party websites to gear up so they have a better chance of not dying.
That site credible? No such problems with SC2 and doesn't that bnet folder contain stuff from all blizz games? (can't check right now)
Thats why I'm asking. I've played SC2, WoW, etc. so I'm just wanting to make sure I dont screw anything up before I delete the battle.net folder.
Come on son
I want that Daibo
Only other hardcore players, which is going to make prices on HC items pretty ridiculous. I don't think 3rd party farmers will have regular access to inferno items for quite a while. Trading with softcore would break the HC economy.can you only buy from other HC characters or do any difficulty players can trade with you? I suspect alot of ppl will also not want the mandatory paypal fees.
Me said:
Apparently it's important for people that were in the beta to manually remove some files from their system before installing the full game.
Cant decide on a class. I'm leaning Monk, but the Asian style of the Wizard, and the Archon ability appeals to me.
Such a hard choice.![]()
Cant decide on a class. I'm leaning Monk, but the Asian style of the Wizard, and the Archon ability appeals to me.
Such a hard choice.![]()
One of the many reasons I bought the CE.
My witch doctor will look good with wings.
Tyrael is the best character from the whole Diablo lore. God damn I LOVE Tyrael and his art.
Only 16 hours left! We can do this!