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Diablo III PS3/360 |OT| Bringing Hell to consoles


It basically started this genre of games.

Just a few points as to why the game is a classic:

*Purely randomized content that leads to increased replayability
*Deep customization/skillsets among the various classes
*Phenomenal loot and item system allowing you to spec characters in a lot of ways
*Great dark atmosphere and art design
*Solid lore, classical sound track
*Excellent online features for the time including stuff like Ladders

What always had me coming back for more (initially) aside from the random items was the build learning process. It seems like today, some people "don't have the time" (even though they will spend 100+ hours playing said game) for making a character only to find out it's not 100% optimal, forcing them to have to start a new character of that same class all over again. In the earlier days, experimentation is what made the game so endearing, and after you failed once or twice, you should have had an understanding of what to do or not to do. I loved having classes that were dedicated to specific skills, because they played so different from another and also gave you a reason to play the same class multiple times. Diablo 3 doesn't have that yet.

Sure, one can bring up the argument for cookie-cutter "optimal" builds, but that didn't really exist nearly as much in the early days. Yeah, some skills were obviously those you'd want to pick over others, but the game had enough skills that didn't totally suck that allowed for variant builds (Remember the Singer Barb in CD2? Awesome and fun, yet entirely niche for a long while) and the entire building process to see if it worked was often the carrot at the end of the stick for me. Then when they introduced synergies, it helped the build diversity even more for a while. Diablo 2 had many builds per class that worked very well in multiplayer in Hell difficulty. Diablo 3 seems to only have 2-3 builds per class (tops) that perform good to great and there's really no room for experimentation. You do that while leveling, or at 60 for a few hours until you realize that most of the skills are simply lacking.

I haven't played it and I probably won't, but from all I've read or watched, Path of Exile is the closest one can get today to the Diablo 2 experience.

edit: This game is becoming almost completely unplayable on the PS3 now. I just had my fourth save error (third in only 24 hours). Something is happening while the game is saving so that it acts like you've never played the game and it saves it as that state, even if your save file shows characters on it. Backing up saves doesn't really matter except to prevent huge amounts of lost time, but for short term sessions it's a complete crapshot whether or not you'll lose all of your things. You also have to make sure that the last time the system tried to save your game that it actually loads before trying to save it to the USB, or you just end up with a screwed up save that won't do anything for you as a backup.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
It basically started this genre of games.

Just a few points as to why the game is a classic:

*Purely randomized content that leads to increased replayability
*Deep customization/skillsets among the various classes
*Phenomenal loot and item system allowing you to spec characters in a lot of ways
*Great dark atmosphere and art design
*Solid lore, classical sound track
*Excellent online features for the time including stuff like Ladders

Deep it may be, it was also extremely punishing, as if you don't pick the "correct" skills to invest in it *will* bite you in the arse way later. I still have a vivid memory of my Assassin unable to take on Diablo on Chapter IV due to her skillset and... well, have to restart :(

I understand a patch was made available so that skill points can be allocated, but it happened after me swearing off that game due to the Assassin incident :(


Finished up my wizard this morning, so that's two down. Wizard felt insanely powerful by the end, with about 220K damage, so I think I'll be OK to jump straight in to master 1 with her.

WD next, although I'm not feeling it at the moment. I might actually start on the monk, to get away from ranged for a while.

wtf? ive had one crash on xbox where i lost about 10 mins - is this common on the PS3?
Not a single crash so far on the PS3.

Nice. I wish they'd make some usability changes as well though - like better filter options for crafting and the ability to sort challenges by status (or scroll more quickly).


I'm at a point now where it's pointless to even try to continue until the patch arrives. I now have a 50/50 (or so) chance that when the game saves at any point to the hard drive, that it will screw up. So I essentially have to spend 2x - 3x as long just to make the same progress. And it's only the "same" if something amazing didn't drop and get eaten.

I've been accused elsewhere of "hacking" or "duping", but I don't do any of that shit. About the only thing I've resorted to were a few reset rolls on crafted gear after losing 30+ hours of progress. I can't seem to make it out of Act 2 now, because every single time I make it to the Archives and try to save, it does the same crap. It's so ironic too. This all started happening right after I was talking about how ultra lucky I'd been with gear.


Finished up my wizard this morning, so that's two down. Wizard felt insanely powerful by the end, with about 220K damage, so I think I'll be OK to jump straight in to master 1 with her.

WD next, although I'm not feeling it at the moment. I might actually start on the monk, to get away from ranged for a while.

Not a single crash so far on the PS3.

Nice. I wish they'd make some usability changes as well though - like better filter options for crafting and the ability to sort challenges by status (or scroll more quickly).

I have a paragon level 53 wizard that i've put 400 hours into on the pc and the best i can manage is 170k:(. I just can't get those upgrades. I don't use the real money action house and any decent upgrade on the gold auction house is ridiculously expensive. I'm tmepted to get this on the ps3 but i think i'll hold off till the big patch tbh.


The corrupt save issue affects both consoles.

Don't doubt it, but I'm seeing waaaaay more complaints about PS3, at least here. Between me and my friends we have well over 500 hours and no issues. Maybe I should start making save backups on 360 (assuming the saves are copayable there).


Don't doubt it, but I'm seeing waaaaay more complaints about PS3, at least here. Between me and my friends we have well over 500 hours and no issues. Maybe I should start making save backups on 360 (assuming the saves are copayable there).
There appear to be more people talking about the PS3 version in general here, which might go some way to explaining why that is. I've no idea on how widespread the issue is on either console to be honest (obviously enough that a patch is coming).
Don't doubt it, but I'm seeing waaaaay more complaints about PS3, at least here. Between me and my friends we have well over 500 hours and no issues. Maybe I should start making save backups on 360 (assuming the saves are copayable there).

They're not - you can move but not copy.


Not exactly the same thing, but it's close enough (just takes another minute). Just move your save to a USB and then save it on your computer.

Has the 360 had save corruption issues as well? The problem with 360 is that unless you use a utility like xtaf you have to back up the entire USB stick, you can't just back up an individual save.


Has the 360 had save corruption issues as well? The problem with 360 is that unless you use a utility like xtaf you have to back up the entire USB stick, you can't just back up an individual save.
There are people in the battle.net thread linked above saying they have the issue on 360.


Has the 360 had save corruption issues as well? The problem with 360 is that unless you use a utility like xtaf you have to back up the entire USB stick, you can't just back up an individual save.

Yeah, if 360 saves can only be moved and not copied you have to do some funny business to get around it (it's nothing like PS3 saves).


Yeah, if 360 saves can only be moved and not copied you have to do some funny business to get around it (it's nothing like PS3 saves).

Which pisses me off when they make saves non copyable. I assume they are doing this in a vain attempt to prevent duping but the hackers are going to have ways around it anyway so it just screws the legitimate users.


I just got 1.02 update on PS3

LMFAO. And that's after I went through the troubleshooting process, thinking that I found a temporary fix (I haven't updated yet):

I tried two things, the first of which is completely nonsensical, but I tried it anyway thinking it might be some kind of save bloat thing going on.

1. My stash with my SC characters had 200/210 items, so I simply sold off all of the excess items I'd never actually need again and then had one of my mules unload another 50 items, bringing the stash down to 109/210.

2. I made a backup of every save for every game that would allow it on the PS3, then deleted the saves off of the system. Then I deleted the Diablo 3 save and used a backup save, hoping that it would write the save onto a different sector of the HD than where it kept previously saving.

Initially, I'd do the Cave of the Betrayer and the Vault of the Assassin, get to the Archives, wait for the auto save, warp to town and then exit the game. It would mess up the save 100% of the time without fail, and this happened eight times in a row.

After doing the above steps, I did the Cave, then tried to save. It worked.
Then I did the Cave and Vault, then tried to save. It worked.
Then I went from the Cave, killed Kulle, then cleared the Oasis and tried to save. It worked.
Then I did everything from above and finished Act 2 and tried to save. It worked.

For my troubles though I got probably two of the best weapons you could possibly get for a Monk.

Square gems should now only drop in Hell difficulty, which is also where the required items to combine them drop.

About fucking time!

Full notes: http://diablo.somepage.com/news/1662-diablo-iii-console-patch-102-is-live
Well, Barbarian to 60 last night and starting Inferno in earnest. What sort of Paragon level will the Inferno playthrough get me to - roughly?


Noobish question, but after my first play through do I touch paragon levels or just proceed to do hell then inferno and then paragon levels? Only ever played the vanilla PC version, now on the PS3 all the difficulty options and paragon options are a little confusing. Cheers.


Junior Member
Noobish question, but after my first play through do I touch paragon levels or just proceed to do hell then inferno and then paragon levels? Only ever played the vanilla PC version, now on the PS3 all the difficulty options and paragon options are a little confusing. Cheers.

Paragon levels start as soon as you hit level 60.


Junior Member
Well, Barbarian to 60 last night and starting Inferno in earnest. What sort of Paragon level will the Inferno playthrough get me to - roughly?

Paragon levels are much more slow going than regular levels. Depending on if you run master difficulty and if you use a ruby in your helm, maybe 3 or 4 paragon levels after you clear inferno.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
why is it i see all the same legendary's dropping on inferno. its really starting to piss me off now. i have a really good weapon and source. but my armour sucks and whenever i get an armour drop its pieces of shit like hammer jammers over and over again


why is it i see all the same legendary's dropping on inferno. its really starting to piss me off now. i have a really good weapon and source. but my armour sucks and whenever i get an armour drop its pieces of shit like hammer jammers over and over again

Get used to it. I don't know exactly what's going on, but the game seems to generate two loot lists. One is the "smart drop" list that makes items that your class can use drop a bit more, with the appropriate primary stat, and then a secondary list that will keep dropping the same legendaries again and again and again. The secondary list seems completely random, but finite. Meaning each different character you have could see the same six to ten items ad nauseum, but another character will see a different six or ten dropping repeatedly. Or it could simply be a list of say, 60 possible items that could drop and half of it's dedicated to your class, but the end result would be the same as if it were two different lists.

As far as armor goes, you aren't completely out of luck. The crafted Archon gear is some of the best...just random when crafting, but more often than not you'll get an upgrade if your gear is lacking.


Starting to get bored w/ grinding out the last trophy - Anyone got any Gold Find gear they can part with? Looking to speed this up as much as possible :)


OK, what do I have to do to be able to use Tempest Rush 100% of the time?

Well, Barbarian to 60 last night and starting Inferno in earnest. What sort of Paragon level will the Inferno playthrough get me to - roughly?

Paragon levels are much more slow going than regular levels. Depending on if you run master difficulty and if you use a ruby in your helm, maybe 3 or 4 paragon levels after you clear inferno.
I've cleared inferno now with two characters, still only at level 5. :(


OK, what do I have to do to be able to use Tempest Rush 100% of the time?

It's mostly just spirit gear as well as taking spirit regen passives, mantra and Sweeping Wind. I haven't actually tried the build yet myself, but I can see it being problematic due to SW constantly falling off and you having to waste spirit to either refresh it or recast a new one. Happens non stop on my Monk with Cyblone. Monster density feels like it's only 2/3 (if that) of the console version in the most packed areas, even way less in the open areas. You also want 25% run speed before TR.


Also, I'm not really sure how many Paragon levels someone "should" have from simply clearing Inferno once, but the difficulty needs to be set to at least Master 1 to see any real progress. It also speeds up once you have a Hellfire ring (35% XP) as well as a good helm that has a socket for a good ruby.


This is a long shot, but I am looking to trade for [The Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis]. One that is strength based with a socket. iLVL 63. I try to trade normally with people use the BattleNet forums, but people are retarded on there.
Checked out the demo on XBL and I'm game for purchasing the game this weekend. Any pointers for a dormant Diablo II PC (3-way) dialup player returning to Diablo III on Xbox 360 now? I've played the D3 demo for about 20 minutes, haven't played D2 in like 10 years and ready to go balls deep into Hell (again).

Please help me out to a good start without spoilers and note I used to suck with the ranged characters if that helps with some tips for D3. Cheers mates.


It's mostly just spirit gear as well as taking spirit regen passives, mantra and Sweeping Wind. I haven't actually tried the build yet myself, but I can see it being problematic due to SW constantly falling off and you having to waste spirit to either refresh it or recast a new one. Happens non stop on my Monk with Cyblone. Monster density feels like it's only 2/3 (if that) of the console version in the most packed areas, even way less in the open areas. You also want 25% run speed before TR.
Yeah, I'm pretty early so I was being partially facetious - but it's so much fun running around with that I'd love to try it when I get to 60 and gear up. got SW last night, it's great but as you say hard to keep up with lower mob density. :(

Thanks for the build anyway, I'll keep it in mind.

Also, I'm not really sure how many Paragon levels someone "should" have from simply clearing Inferno once, but the difficulty needs to be set to at least Master 1 to see any real progress. It also speeds up once you have a Hellfire ring (35% XP) as well as a good helm that has a socket for a good ruby.
Yeah, mine is from two runs on easy (just completing the game with each character before picking one to continue with). No XP rings yet, but I am using a good ruby in the helm. I'm in no hurry anyway.

This is a long shot, but I am looking to trade for [The Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis]. One that is strength based with a socket. iLVL 63. I try to trade normally with people use the BattleNet forums, but people are retarded on there.

Does anyone have an extra Flawless Star Emerald design they wouldn't mind trading?
There's a trade thread somewhere, although I don't have the link handy at the moment.

Pimpn Drop Bear

Neo Member
I need to take a moment to say goodbye to the witchdoctor I just lost on hardcore mode....
Level 60 Paragorn level 4... died on some random floor fire trap when I bumped it up to master 1.... I was pretty good about storing a bunch of stuff constantly in my chests, didnt lose leorics signet ring and was lucky enough to pick up the plans for Ashearas Uniform Set and give them to the blacksmith... but man.... it sucks... dont know if ill start another hardcore character haha...


This is a long shot, but I am looking to trade for [The Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis]. One that is strength based with a socket. iLVL 63. I try to trade normally with people use the BattleNet forums, but people are retarded on there.

Unless they've changed the roll properties that's not possible; the weapon only rolls with one random property, Dexterity is always rolled on it, that's not a random roll. You could get one with either Str or a Socket, but not both. I don't think they've changed it, every one I've seen posted has had the same rolls with the one random property.

I also literally can't find the console trade thread in Community either, so I'm still looking for the following blacksmithing plans (360 softcore):

Quick Draw Belt
Umbral Oath
Unending War
Wall of Bone
Black Bone Arrows
Blood-Magic Blade
Fire Brand
Robes of the Rydraelm
Rozpedin's Staff
Seven Sins
The Helm of Command
Wonderous Deflectors

Set Plans:
Born's Defiance
Captain Crimson's Finery
Demon's Skin
Hallowed Defenders

I have the following extras to trade for the above:

Asheara's Uniform x3
Aughild's Victory
Lost Boys x2
Starspine x1


Ha, glad they patched the game to put flawless square gems in after I spent hours and hours in Hell to get marquise rubies and emeralds.

I kinda think the "smart loot" is a little too smart. I'd like to make an alt but I very rarely get anything that would be worth something for them. I guess the archon plans and hellfire ring can still give me a good start. I'm thinking of going with either a monk or Demon Hunter next. Kinda stinks doing a barb and not really having another class I can easily alt into since they don't share a primary stat.

I didn't see anything about a fix for the freeze I get when sometimes talking to the jewelcrafter. This probably doesn't make sense, but every time it's happened to me there were tornadoes - 3 times it happened when I sprinted and my tornadoes were active, 1 of the times it happened another player was near me with his wizard and threw some tornadoes up just goofing around. Probably a coincidence, but I haven't had the game freeze on me when talking to the jewelcrafter under any other circumstance.

Also, no black damage fix. Black damage items are basically useless right now, which is the opposite of what was going on in the pc version.


That extra long demo has me hooked! Nice visuals, smooth framerates and getting more lethal is addicting.

Never played a Diablo before and don't have friends on PS3 who play it but can this be the game for me? Is it so much better co-op that I shouldn't bother? What can I expect overall?
Ha, glad they patched the game to put flawless square gems in after I spent hours and hours in Hell to get marquise rubies and emeralds.

I kinda think the "smart loot" is a little too smart. I'd like to make an alt but I very rarely get anything that would be worth something for them. I guess the archon plans and hellfire ring can still give me a good start. I'm thinking of going with either a monk or Demon Hunter next. Kinda stinks doing a barb and not really having another class I can easily alt into since they don't share a primary stat.

I didn't see anything about a fix for the freeze I get when sometimes talking to the jewelcrafter. This probably doesn't make sense, but every time it's happened to me there were tornadoes - 3 times it happened when I sprinted and my tornadoes were active, 1 of the times it happened another player was near me with his wizard and threw some tornadoes up just goofing around. Probably a coincidence, but I haven't had the game freeze on me when talking to the jewelcrafter under any other circumstance.

Also, no black damage fix. Black damage items are basically useless right now, which is the opposite of what was going on in the pc version.

Did they make Jewelcrafting even easier than on PC? I never got the highest tier of Gem because of never having the recipes, gold, fodder gems, etc... required.

Also, what were "black damage weapons"? I don't remember them from my time on PC in the least.


Did they make Jewelcrafting even easier than on PC? I never got the highest tier of Gem because of never having the recipes, gold, fodder gems, etc... required.
Seems the same as far as I can tell, although it might be cheaper overall. I don't have anything above radiant star yet though, no recipes have dropped.


I remember in the PC version, it took A LOT of gold to craft a marquise jewel. I'm talking millions, as far as I can remember. It's much cheaper in the console version. I've found it hard to get a lot of the jewels I need to combine in order to craft marquise jewels. I've spent probably close to 200 hours on the console version and have only managed to craft one marquise ruby. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.


I remember in the PC version, it took A LOT of gold to craft a marquise jewel. I'm talking millions, as far as I can remember. It's much cheaper in the console version. I've found it hard to get a lot of the jewels I need to combine in order to craft marquise jewels. I've spent probably close to 200 hours on the console version and have only managed to craft one marquise ruby. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
No, the problem has been the ridiculous abundance of square gems in inferno - which you can't craft with Tomes of Secrets. Now that is fixed, combining should be much less painful to gather for.
I searched through the thread, but does anyone know if the digital version of Diablo III is coming to Xbox live games on demand tomorrow? I only found one post on the internets mentioning it, but who knows where the source of that information came from.


I'm pretty salty, my friend (playing as a Barb) found a fucking ridiculous Bonesaber. Couldn't take a pic but wrote down the stats, was:

1566.3 damage
298 Dex
+.27 Attacks per Second
+6% Attack speed
2.9 Life Steal

God fucking damn.


Yeah, I'm pretty early so I was being partially facetious - but it's so much fun running around with that I'd love to try it when I get to 60 and gear up. got SW last night, it's great but as you say hard to keep up with lower mob density. :(

Actually, I was screwing around with it last night since I'd been looking for an excuse to use the Messersmidt's Reaver that dropped. My actual DPS was a bit lower and due to the required passives so was my mitigation so I had to drop from Master 4 to Master 1, but it was neat to mess around with.

What I found out though is that you don't need any specific gear to keep TR going (having 25% run speed helps though), but of course you'll want a decent two-handed weapon that you can actually kill with. From passives and Mantra alone I was getting back 12 spirit a second. While I'm not sure how many times per second TR ticks while channeling (it has to be more than once a second because it says it's only 10 spirit while channeling, but my spirit was draining), I could keep it up an extremely long time. Longer than you would normally need to, so you can use it pretty much indefinitely in between packs that you have to run to. I didn't realize that TGP actually affected passive spirit regen too and not simply the spirit you get back from a generator.

This is what I was using. I don't belive it's anywhere near as powerful as my other build with my other weapons, but it's fun as hell on the lower Master levels.


Eventually I want to have two items for spirit regen so I can dump CoR and pick up Fleet Footed (that actually allows you to break the 25% speed cap prior to TR, so you can hit 60% run speed).

@Bonesaber; when my game was still screwing up ever hour, I'd save the game every single time a decent legendary dropped after losing two great upgrades. I kept thinking "This sucks, but these aren't the best weapons that could have dropped anyway, so I'm hoping something better drops, especially a Bonesaber". And one did, and it was a massive improvement. Later on a fist weapon that not only had IAS, but also a flat increase to attacks per second and it has a 39% chance to stun on hit...which is INSANE (shit literally stunlocked Diablo and helped me destroy ubers on Master 3) dropped. I don't know if those are the two best Monk weapons now, but they have to be pretty damn close. And I didn't even roll the perfect stats on them either. The listed DPS for Monks is extremely deceptive too. Mine only shows 225k right now when my buffs are up, but when you count Cyclone, MoC and Exploding Palm (with the 12% damage buff), it's much, much higher than that. I noticed a similar trend with my 150k Barbarian, who had a much easier time than my almost 400k Wizard with almost everything. This also really explains why so many Demon Hunters bitch about their lacking DPS compared to Barbs and Monks who have "lower" DPS. It's because Demon Hunters who go with typical bow builds only really have the DPS that's showing up on their character window. There's no ancillary damage happening with them.

No, the problem has been the ridiculous abundance of square gems in inferno - which you can't craft with Tomes of Secrets. Now that is fixed, combining should be much less painful to gather for.

I'm not sure if this what was actually happening, or if I was just getting an unusual drought, but I thought "Cool, now perfects should drop instead of what would have been a square", but it actually feels like all they did was remove squares dropping, but that didn't actually increase your chance for perfects. The gems I was ending up with last night seemed a lot less than it was prior to the patch when you count the squares. So if that actually is what happened, I'm not sure how this actually fixes anything. Because it would be the same as simply not bothering to combine the squares that were dropping before the patch. A bit too premature though to say that's what is really happening and if I was simply unlucky.


Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try when I get high enough.

I'm not sure if this what was actually happening, or if I was just getting an unusual drought, but I thought "Cool, now perfects should drop instead of what would have been a square", but it actually feels like all they did was remove squares dropping, but that didn't actually increase your chance for perfects. The gems I was ending up with last night seemed a lot less than it was prior to the patch when you count the squares. So if that actually is what happened, I'm not sure how this actually fixes anything. Because it would be the same as simply not bothering to combine the squares that were dropping before the patch. A bit too premature though to say that's what is really happening and if I was simply unlucky.
I played some master I with my wizard last night (I've been doing nothing but levelling so I fancied a change) and every single gem that dropped (act I) was flawless.

It was tougher than I expected, but then I don't have much in the way of defence (or defensive abilities) so I'll probably need to tweak that build. I don't want to give up my Storm Armour!

Managed to die on a couple of elite packs, and once to the Skeleton King (trapped in his fucking minion spawn, with TP on cooldown). Considering it gets tougher right after that I'm sure I'll need to change.


Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try when I get high enough.

I played some master I with my wizard last night (I've been doing nothing but levelling so I fancied a change) and every single gem that dropped (act I) was flawless.

It was tougher than I expected, but then I don't have much in the way of defence (or defensive abilities) so I'll probably need to tweak that build. I don't want to give up my Storm Armour!

Managed to die on a couple of elite packs, and once to the Skeleton King (trapped in his fucking minion spawn, with TP on cooldown). Considering it gets tougher right after that I'm sure I'll need to change.

No idea what your build is, but Archon is pretty much "god mode" and allows you to face tank most (not all, but pretty much most) elite pack mixes. In fact, there's absolutely nothing that gives my Wizard too much trouble on Master 4 except for the Rakanoth uber fight. I actually have to drop it down to Master 2 to do that fight without changing to the typical CM/WW build.
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