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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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I think I've read the same topic as you at D3 official forum. But man, I can't understand all of those complains about the drop rate!

I mean... I believe the reward system needs some improvements, need some balance to make higher levels of difficulty more interesting to play to loot then Normal or T1 only, but I believe this will be fixed by Blizzard soon. HOWEVER drop rate is not really the problem here! I get that sometimes the RNG do not help and give you nothing, but when you're with the "good RNG" you will drop stuff! The luck times come and go away to everyone.

I can't stand this guys saying that the drop rate need to be even higher!! Come on... theyre asking to a drop rate like 2 legs per hour (if not more, later)... and that seems too much and would definitely hurt the game in a period of time! I believe that Blizzard should find a way to make higher levels of difficulty more rewarding without prejudice the lower levels, and then implementate a more smart system (like percentage of chance to drop legendaries that roll stats higher then the ones youre using). Maybe even a better chance to loot with better rolls at higher levels. But no way they should rise the drop rate even more to please this guys who want a collection of legs per day!

Yeah think I'm going to craft a helm with a socket and try t6 runs some more and see if I get anything.
As I said in clan chat; Blizzard messed up itemization in D3/RoS. I proposed something I thought was painfully obvious/common sense but this is just me.

In my opinion what Blizzard should have done is only have certain legendaries and sets in different torment levels. I don't mean randomly either, I mean torment 1 gives you X,Y,Z legendaries that gear you appropriately to take on Torment 2, that gives you X,Y,Z legendaries to take on Torment 3 and repeat. They should have created more legendaries to help fill each torment level as well putting more powerful variants of legendaries in higher torment levels. Obviously this would need fleshing out a bit, but generally I always assumed this was the idea behind any lootwhore ARPG.

As it stands right now, outside of the theorized higher drop rates and XP/gold bonuses there is little incentive to do higher difficulty torment levels.


As I said in clan chat; Blizzard messed up itemization in D3/RoS. I proposed something I thought was painfully obvious/common sense but this is just me.

In my opinion what Blizzard should have done is only have certain legendaries and sets in different torment levels. I don't mean randomly either, I mean torment 1 gives you X,Y,Z legendaries that gear you appropriately to take on Torment 2, that gives you X,Y,Z legendaries to take on Torment 3 and repeat. They should have created more legendaries to help fill each torment level as well putting more powerful variants of legendaries in higher torment levels. Obviously this would need fleshing out a bit, but generally I always assumed this was the idea behind any lootwhore ARPG.

As it stands right now, outside of the theorized higher drop rates and XP/gold bonuses there is little incentive to do higher difficulty torment levels.

Honestly this sounds terrible to me. I really don't like a gated itemization approach. I like the idea that a really rare incredible drop can hit at any difficulty level that can skyrocket my dps. The randomness of the drops is what keeps you playing.

To me there's plenty of incentive to play higher difficulties with better xp and gold rewards by itself let alone the unspecified increased chance of legendaries.

It's pretty obvious that you just play the highest difficulty you can still clear effectively for efficient farming.

There are already some gated items like set pieces and gems and that's enough.


Any DH's with 750k+ dps feel like linking your profile? Looking for some gear tips to keep moving on up. I'm sitting at 600k now and want to keep climbing.


I kinda want Blizzard to introduce a new Nephalem Cube.

Going back to town is OK but sometimes I just want to salvage everything on the spot and continue.
As I said in clan chat; Blizzard messed up itemization in D3/RoS. I proposed something I thought was painfully obvious/common sense but this is just me.

In my opinion what Blizzard should have done is only have certain legendaries and sets in different torment levels. I don't mean randomly either, I mean torment 1 gives you X,Y,Z legendaries that gear you appropriately to take on Torment 2, that gives you X,Y,Z legendaries to take on Torment 3 and repeat. They should have created more legendaries to help fill each torment level as well putting more powerful variants of legendaries in higher torment levels. Obviously this would need fleshing out a bit, but generally I always assumed this was the idea behind any lootwhore ARPG.

As it stands right now, outside of the theorized higher drop rates and XP/gold bonuses there is little incentive to do higher difficulty torment levels.

This is how the game was pre 1.03 and everyone hated it because no one could progress. Having slightly better stat ranges might be ok, like an extra 25 str/dex/int per torment level, but gated gear sucks. :(

There does need to be some kind of incentive to play higher T levels though.


So I got a Cindercoat and a level 60 Mask of Jeram for my WD. I was going to run Vampire Bats to spawn Fetishes, but what other flame spells should I use? I also have a bracer (legendary) and amulet with fire damage, but should the amulet be physical damage instead for the pets? I also have an extra Stone of Jordan that I could re-roll for fire or physical, but it lacks cc, chd, or as.

Pre-ROS, Post 2.0 I was running a Fire Zombie Charger Build which I enjoyed. I can't give you a specific build right now since I'm at work though. I do remember I used pyrogeist + the mana regen passive (when you deal damage with a WD signature spell or whatever it regens your mana faster) Leeching beasts Zombie dogs (since my gear wasn't optimal I needed the health regen) and Fire Gargantuan and BBV Rain Dance for burst damage against elites.

Tom Penny

Drop rate stinks now. I liked when it was 200 hundred hours for one legendary that didn't even roll in any of your primary stats.

On a side note I was excited to see a legendary set recipe. Then laughed out loud when a royal gem was required. Who wastes a royal gem just to hope and item you get is a good roll? Seems insane.


Neo Member
Drop rate stinks now. I liked when it was 200 hundred hours for one legendary that didn't even roll in any of your primary stats.

On a side note I was excited to see a legendary set recipe. Then laughed out loud when a royal gem was required. Who wastes a royal gem just to hope and item you get is a good roll? Seems insane.

You seem to contradict yourself a bit no?


I'm hopelessly addicted to this game, but the loss of the AH and everything being bind on account sometimes depresses me. I feel like I'll soon hit a wall where I can't even make much incremental progress because I can't sell anything on the AH. I keep getting legendary amulets that I can't do anything with, because I'm already equipped with really good ones. Can't auction them to get something for me, can't trade them, can't even give 'em away.

I do love what they did (mostly because it's a different game and I feel like I'm playing a different game from what I played with the original D3), but I do think they may have went a smidge too far in the other direction.


What about higher chance to drop better stats roll each level of difficulty? For example: 0% at normal (the way it is, completely random), 2% at hard - 10% at Torment 1 and so on. So, you would be more lileky to drop better stuff for you in legenderies dropped in higher difficulty levels. That would make people want to jump to higher difficulties.
Honestly this sounds terrible to me. I really don't like a gated itemization approach. I like the idea that a really rare incredible drop can hit at any difficulty level that can skyrocket my dps. The randomness of the drops is what keeps you playing.

To me there's plenty of incentive to play higher difficulties with better xp and gold rewards by itself let alone the unspecified increased chance of legendaries.

It's pretty obvious that you just play the highest difficulty you can still clear effectively for efficient farming.

There are already some gated items like set pieces and gems and that's enough.


Any DH's with 750k+ dps feel like linking your profile? Looking for some gear tips to keep moving on up. I'm sitting at 600k now and want to keep climbing.

I have 105m gold, for me there is no incentive to make get more at all. I don't replace items at anywhere near enough frequency to burn through it spending it on gems. XP? I ended up getting 8 paragon levels last night in T1. Not that I even really care about my paragon levels much (I know I'm speaking for myself in regards to those two, but I'm sure many people share the same mentality).

Gated itemization can work. They could always allow any item to drop from any torment level but the chances of you getting say a 1300-1500 damage/700 Int Thunderfury increase significantly the higher your torment level. If you play on lower torment levels, you're more likely to get a lesser level 70 Thunderfury. As I stated there needs to be variants of legendaries stats wise (I mean just more than Int/Dex variations) I mean a range. Thus your satisfied for that huge jump in DPS, and at the same time there is still a real incentive to play on say T2 over T1. XP and Gold are honestly not the best incentives for people to go to a higher torment level IMO. The best incentive in a lootwhore game is...the loot >.>


I have 105m gold, for me there is no incentive to make get more at all. I don't replace items at anywhere near enough frequency to burn through it spending it on gems.

Gated itemization can work. They could always allow any item to drop from any torment level but the chances of you getting say a 1300-1500 damage/700 Int Thunderfury increase significantly the higher your torment level. If you play on lower torment levels, you're more likely to get a lesser level 70 Thunderfury.

I think that would hurt the game a lot.
Higher toment should have higher chance to get legs, thats all. but the gearing process would be terrible if lower torments would drop actual worse items.
I think that would hurt the game a lot.
Higher toment should have higher chance to get legs, thats all. but the gearing process would be terrible if lower torments would drop actual worse items.

Yea this is basically how vanilla D3 was, and we can see how that worked out.

Not Spaceghost

There does need to be some kind of incentive to play higher T levels though.

I think it is working as intended, even in the olden days of monster power people would only ever do the MP they could clear the fastest while also the one that gave the best bonuses. It is why most people ended up farming inferno mp4 or so, which I think makes sense since t1 is closer to being in between what used to be mp3 and mp4.

Fact is only the people doing 300k + dps in pre 2.0 land were doing things higher than the current equivalent of t3. The only difference being groups farming keys and trying to build hellfire rings, something which is still in the game.


Wasn't how vanilla D3 was at all. Vanilla D3 was basically nothing dropped and if you wanted legs you went to the AH.

That is bullshit. Stuff from the AH was found by other players. For every bad luck you had, someone ELSE had luck. (Not literally, ofc.)

I managed to gear up just fine from pre-nerf/buff Vanilla D3, went almost till the end of Act3 from mostly self found. Found a 840dps 1h when all I could afford from the AH were 500-600dps

I thought in Vanilla it was the gear you needed was in Acts you couldn't farm.

Yes. You could "sorta" gear up in Act1, then get three-shotted by mobs in Act2. I played a Wizard there with full defense, full kite, Blizzard+Venom Hydra+magic missile kite, teleport, frozen armor, all that jazz.
Then you hoped for the LOW chance that an ilvl63 rare will drop with good stats. If that repeated enough times, you moved forward.

Oh, and Inferno Belial? You memorized the WHOLE fight, and made Zero mistakes during the meteor phase. If you did, you died, no matter what. That was a pinnacle in ARPG game difficulty. Still to be repeated. (Maybe Uber Atziri tops it, it uses similar "move out of the area or die" patterns).


I wouldnt change a lot on the current itemization, the only thinkg I'd like to see would be the ability to trade yellow crafting mats for leg crafting mats, lets say 100 for one.


So how does the Elite Kills counter work when playing in groups? Is it the person who gets the last shot that gets the credit or does it credit the whole group?

Yes. You could "sorta" gear up in Act1, then get three-shotted by mobs in Act2. I played a Wizard there with full defense, full kite, Blizzard+Venom Hydra+magic missile kite, teleport, frozen armor, all that jazz.
Then you hoped for the LOW chance that an ilvl63 rare will drop with good stats. If that repeated enough times, you moved forward.

Haha that's what I remember. I did Act 1 on Inferno with few problems, moved to Act 2 and those damn wasps, man... That was when I originally stopped playing.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
As I said in clan chat; Blizzard messed up itemization in D3/RoS. I proposed something I thought was painfully obvious/common sense but this is just me.

In my opinion what Blizzard should have done is only have certain legendaries and sets in different torment levels. I don't mean randomly either, I mean torment 1 gives you X,Y,Z legendaries that gear you appropriately to take on Torment 2, that gives you X,Y,Z legendaries to take on Torment 3 and repeat. They should have created more legendaries to help fill each torment level as well putting more powerful variants of legendaries in higher torment levels. Obviously this would need fleshing out a bit, but generally I always assumed this was the idea behind any lootwhore ARPG.

As it stands right now, outside of the theorized higher drop rates and XP/gold bonuses there is little incentive to do higher difficulty torment levels.

While I kind of agree with your last sentence, I strongly disagree with the rest of what you said. I don't want certain items relegated to certain difficulties only, thats a horrible idea. Now, adding some higher degrees of MF to the upper torment levels, sure I'm all for that. The XP bonus they currently have is nice, but not a lot of incentive for people who can already run T6 who already have high Paragon levels anyway. Adding incentives to difficulties would be great, but gating items behind walls would make things worse IMHO.

Honestly I'm fine with the way it is now. It could use some tweaking but it's miles better than what we had a year ago.


Might as well ask here since I've tried to Google but haven't been able to find a definitive answer...

Does anyone know if the +meteor damage and +elemental damage has any effect on the meteors summoned by the wizard's Tal Tasha 4 set? I'd test myself but I can't see all the numbers with so many meteors flying around.

Yes and they also will use arcane dynamo and other procs.


Any tips on how to increase the DPS for my Monk? I see people with nearly all Rare gear, but they have nearly 700k Damage or so, and that's not taking the bonus elemental damage or bonus skill damage into effect.

I get about 400k I believe, but are there any tips I'm missing? I can easily solo Torment 1, but I don't know what I should be trying to focus on. Any other monks got any tips?

Here's my current build.

OF course, the Mystic stuff isn't showing up, like the STR on my Hallowed Breach was replaced by the socket. ( I originally built it on my Crusader.)

Also, what would be better to focus on for trying to grab some better gear? Bounty runs or Rift runs?

I also haven't been able to Mystic too much stuff. Running super low on Veiled Crystals and money.

Here's my current build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Brandson-1312/hero/12803954

My in-game unbuffed damage is a bit over 500k with a shield. If I dual-wield, I'm a bit over 600k. Dual-wielding, fully buffed with combo strike and 2 spirit generators, one being wothf (blazing fists), I'm at 822k. I've found this setup dual-wielding works pretty well on torment 1 regular monsters. When I fight elites, I have to put on a shield most of the time to survive because I'm using quite a lot of legacy gear with low armor values. I also rely a lot on mantra of healing, so I lose a bit from not having overawe, but the shield bumps my crit chance to 65%. With my shield build, every hit of crippling wave (mangle) hits for 100k+, and crits go for 1.1m+. Each hit of SSS hits for 4m+ and the cooldown is down to about 10-12 seconds depending on dual wield or not.

Note that a lot of my gear values on my profile are wrong. For example, every single stat on my helmet is undervalued significantly for some reason, and I didn't even enchant it. I got my helmet and shield from Kadala. Her items sometimes seem to roll higher stats than normal rares.

Getting about 90% crit damage in your amulet and socketing your un-socketed weapon with an emerald would bump up your damage significantly.

For me, my main goal right now is to get a level 70 amulet of some kind that's better than my legacy one, and better weapons. I only just got that Arreat's Law spear last night, but I know that there are MUCH better weapons out there. A weapon with high damage, high dex, a socket, and its own bonus to crit damage or crit chance is ideal. You're probably looking at legendaries for that.


Seek victory, not fairness
Might as well ask here since I've tried to Google but haven't been able to find a definitive answer...

Does anyone know if the +meteor damage and +elemental damage has any effect on the meteors summoned by the wizard's Tal Tasha 4 set? I'd test myself but I can't see all the numbers with so many meteors flying around.

I'm curious about whether the equipped meteor runes have any effect. Could be very strong with that last rune that gives a high damage meteor on a cooldown.


Oh, and Inferno Belial? You memorized the WHOLE fight, and made Zero mistakes during the meteor phase. If you did, you died, no matter what. That was a pinnacle in ARPG game difficulty. Still to be repeated. (Maybe Uber Atziri tops it, it uses similar "move out of the area or die" patterns).
Belial was a prety simple retard check

Obvious "don't stand in the fire" is obvious.


I'm curious about whether the equipped meteor runes have any effect. Could be very strong with that last rune that gives a high damage meteor on a cooldown.

I am absolutely sure they do not.

Belial was a prety simple retard check

Obvious "don't stand in the fire" is obvious.

Hah. If you mean "do not make a single mistake in an arpg over the coarse of a 3-4 min fight" is a "retard check", then good for you, because nothing before or after that fight matches that.
Also, I have seen many well-geared and apparently "skilled" players fail that one for a long time.

Edit: Also, there are parts in that fight when you have to do more than just avoid circles that sign when meteors come. Sometimes the whole screen is full of them, you have to move to a fresh circle, wait till meteor drops beside you, move back *before* the next one hits you on the spot, repeat if necessary. It was quite stressful and demanding pre-MP times.


Man, Elemental Exposure is so powerful that it's practically mandatory to run a build that can generate all 4 stacks. The only way it wouldn't be used is if you have a huge % boost to a single type of elemental damage. Even then, it's worth it to switch a skill or two so you get the extra 5% damage per elemental damage type.It's even more powerful if your main damage dealer is fire or cold (Frozen Orb is by far the best for this build, it's honestly OP) so you can use Conflaguration/Cold Blooded. You have to sacrifice some toughness to really get the maximum damage boost but it absolutely melts face.


I am absolutely sure they do not.

Hah. If you mean "do not make a single mistake in an arpg over the coarse of a 3-4 min fight" is a "retard check", then good for you, because nothing before or after that fight matches that.
Also, I have seen many well-geared and apparently "skilled" players fail that one for a long time.

Edit: Also, there are parts in that fight when you have to do more than just avoid circles that sign when meteors come. Sometimes the whole screen is full of them, you have to move to a fresh circle, wait till meteor drops beside you, move back *before* the next one hits you on the spot, repeat if necessary. It was quite stressful and demanding pre-MP times.
I had zero issues with Belial. Actually the second phase was the hardest one if you had low DPS (like every barb did at the time).

I guess years of hard mode/heroic raiding in WoW makes you pay more attention to surviving.

You basically had to pay attention for 20 seconds every minute or so, hardly a tremendous task. (Note, i found Ghom and ZK to be way harder because of their anti melee behavior)


I had zero issues with Belial. Actually the second phase was the hardest one if you had low DPS (like every barb did at the time).

I guess years of hard mode/heroic raiding in WoW makes you pay more attention to surviving.

That I agree with, yeah. I am not saying it was impossible. But it was hard in an ARPG context. Barbs used shields back then, right? So did Wizards, only without that 30% reduction that the melee classes had -.-

Tom Penny

Here's my current build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Brandson-1312/hero/12803954

My in-game unbuffed damage is a bit over 500k with a shield. If I dual-wield, I'm a bit over 600k. Dual-wielding, fully buffed with combo strike and 2 spirit generators, one being wothf (blazing fists), I'm at 822k. I've found this setup dual-wielding works pretty well on torment 1 regular monsters. When I fight elites, I have to put on a shield most of the time to survive because I'm using quite a lot of legacy gear with low armor values. I also rely a lot on mantra of healing, so I lose a bit from not having overawe, but the shield bumps my crit chance to 65%. With my shield build, every hit of crippling wave (mangle) hits for 100k+, and crits go for 1.1m+. Each hit of SSS hits for 4m+ and the cooldown is down to about 10-12 seconds depending on dual wield or not.

Note that a lot of my gear values on my profile are wrong. For example, every single stat on my helmet is undervalued significantly for some reason, and I didn't even enchant it. I got my helmet and shield from Kadala. Her items sometimes seem to roll higher stats than normal rares.

Getting about 90% crit damage in your amulet and socketing your un-socketed weapon with an emerald would bump up your damage significantly.

For me, my main goal right now is to get a level 70 amulet of some kind that's better than my legacy one, and better weapons. I only just got that Arreat's Law spear last night, but I know that there are MUCH better weapons out there. A weapon with high damage, high dex, a socket, and its own bonus to crit damage or crit chance is ideal. You're probably looking at legendaries for that.

Try epiphany the fire rune with lashing tail kick the fire rune...it's like doing SSS for 15 seconds straight. Save it for elites and unleash it on them.


That I agree with, yeah. I am not saying it was impossible. But it was hard in an ARPG context. Barbs used shields back then, right? So did Wizards, only without that 30% reduction that the melee classes had -.-
I killed Belial with 6k DPS

Your wizard had much much more :p


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
For all of you Witch Doctors, I've seen some build and most of the Witch Doctors uses FireBats-Vampire Batsand not Soul Barrage-Well of Souls?
Whys that?

firebats + vamp bats = heavy initial cost but then free to keep casting. so what I will typically do is run in, lay down wall of zombies to taunt everything into a big massive gooey pile, then just vamp bats it all down. this combined with adequate life on hit at times has kept me at full life on torment II with stuff swarming me.
I think a good approach would be to remove the Torment levels altogether, they're completely pointless. Balance the XP required for paragon levels, keep the gold rate as it is, keep the item drop rate as it is.

In return, allow some sort of customization with rifts. Let that be the area where you can artificially inflate the difficulty of your end-game, put in some sense of sacrifice in return for the reward.

Example. You find 4 rift keystone fragments, but you also find a legendary rift keystone fragment (the fragment of experience, to give it a lame name). You can opt to create a rift using this legendary keystone, which will spawn a rift that provides a 1000% EXP bonus, but also spawns enemies with extra health and chucks a few of the more lethal elite/champion affixes into the possible pool that can be drawn from. Can't make it through that rift? Oh well, tough luck, stone wasted, try again next time.

It would also eliminate the constant need by the community to just remove the actual act of playing the game, in favour of finding some ridiculous thing you can do to gain experience the fastest, even if it literally involves entering and exiting an area over and over and over again on T6 until the right random event spawns.
That is bullshit. Stuff from the AH was found by other players. For every bad luck you had, someone ELSE had luck. (Not literally, ofc.)

I managed to gear up just fine from pre-nerf/buff Vanilla D3, went almost till the end of Act3 from mostly self found. Found a 840dps 1h when all I could afford from the AH were 500-600dps

Not bullshit at all you literally just said it. If you didn't find something someone else found it and put it on AH. Itemization was based around the AH. Couldn't beat Act 1? Go on AH and get the necessary gear. Couldn't beat Act 2? Again hit up the AH. You can sit there and say you didn't have to do it, but that doesn't make it a truth of how the game worked. Almost any/everyone who isn't in denial will tell you the same thing. Itemization was based purely around AH and it sucked ass.
Not bullshit at all you literally just said it. If you didn't find something someone else found it and put it on AH. Itemization was based around the AH. Couldn't beat Act 1? Go on AH and get the necessary gear. Couldn't beat Act 2? Again hit up the AH.

This is how I played Diablo 3 and is what caused me to quit a few months after release.

I would do loot run for hours and hours. I ran a massive magic find set. I'd end up with 2 stash tabs full of unidentified rares and I'd identify them all at once. 99% of it was salvaged and very few items were sold on the AH for a tiny price. A single legendary would always come as a shock, but the stats were always garbage and there were about 331 better ones on the AH already. So I usually salvaged them.

After a week or so of making absolutely no progress, I called it quits.

It's definitely better now. I like the fact that I'm currently using 3 legendary items I found myself and they are all pretty freakin good. The rest of my rares were also found via mobs\bosses\shards.

The game is definitely better now without the AH. I wish they didn't ruin a lot of the legecy legendary items though. Some are just boring now. The new Witching Hour belt is just... zzzzzzz (for example).


Not bullshit at all you literally just said it. If you didn't find something someone else found it and put it on AH. Itemization was based around the AH. Couldn't beat Act 1? Go on AH and get the necessary gear. Couldn't beat Act 2? Again hit up the AH. You can sit there and say you didn't have to do it, but that doesn't make it a truth of how the game worked. Almost any/everyone who isn't in denial will tell you the same thing. Itemization was based purely around AH and it sucked ass.

This can only work if you build up a model on anecdotal data. My point being that people DID find great stuff, otherwise it would not have been put up in the AH in the first place.


This can only work if you build up a model on anecdotal data. My point being that people DID find great stuff, otherwise it would not have been put up in the AH in the first place.

Sure, that's just the nature of RNG. If out of several million players, a few thousand were lucky enough to find lots of good loot and actually have fun playing the game rather than play Auction House Simulator Pro III, that's pretty shitty. It's not "anectodal" when practically everyone you ask hated the game because the AH was the only way they got upgrades.


This can only work if you build up a model on anecdotal data. My point being that people DID find great stuff, otherwise it would not have been put up in the AH in the first place.

Sure. They found great stuff but probably not for their class lol.

The typical pattern was: "find something that sells for lots and lots of money, sell it and use that money to buy equipment for your char"


One thing that sucks about being AH-less and even trade-less now is that there's really not much customization at all. Before with the AH I could make a build and be like "I need more life steal for this" and then go find some on the AH. I could put in parameters of what I wanted for some pieces and get started. Now I literally just wear the best shit I find. Cool... but that also means build is largely dictated by what the hell you find.

And that mixed with no permanence at all in skills means there isn't actually any "builds." You're not building a character. You're finding shit and changing skill load outs. There's no conscious building involved.

Sure. They found great stuff but probably not for their class lol.

The typical pattern was: "find something that sells for lots and lots of money, sell it and use that money to buy equipment for your char"

And the typical pattern now will be "Find something that you can't do jack shit with because you can't trade it or sell it, and you've already got something slightly better. So you get no progress at all. Fuck."


One thing that sucks about being AH-less and even trade-less now is that there's really not much customization at all. Before with the AH I could make a build and be like "I need more life steal for this" and then go find some on the AH. I could put in parameters of what I wanted for some pieces and get started. Now I literally just wear the best shit I find. Cool... but that also means build is largely dictated by what the hell you find.

And that mixed with no permanence at all in skills means there isn't actually any "builds." You're not building a character. You're finding shit and changing skill load outs. There's no conscious building involved.

Not true at all. That's what the mystic is for. The fact that you are constantly finding gear that's actually relevant to your character gives you more options for getting the piece you need. The mystic gives you the option to fix the one stat that didn't fit your build.
Any DH's with 750k+ dps feel like linking your profile? Looking for some gear tips to keep moving on up. I'm sitting at 600k now and want to keep climbing.


I'm at roughly 1m dps and I think about 4.5m toughness. Something like that. You can't see the re-rolls, but yea.

I like my set weapon a lot though because I can vault away from the enemy and often they'll fight the illusion/clone. In addition, with having 3 wolves that also draw the attention of the enemy, it's often fairly trivial to create and maintain space between me and my targets. That leads to some fairly comfortable clearing when taking things at a steady pace. Particularly when I get a couple of Sentrys set up (which the orange leg weapon's unique ability greatly helps with).

That being said (positives out of the way), I'm not enjoying DH without my Kridershot. I'm really, really not. Kiting around fights gets kinda tiresome after awhile and most of the hate generator primaries bore the fuck out of me. So many are just single-target affairs. Hungering arrow's pierce is cute but it's not enough, and Entangling's slow and chain just...meh. I haven't given proper time to Bolas so I'll try it today to see if there's more to like, but I don't expect much. I just never feel like I'm doing the kind of raw AOE damage (or single-target damage) that I'd like to deal...or that I'm used to dealing. It feels like I'm just chipping away slowly at one target when there are 30 on the screen and it's taking too long. I got my Kridershot maybe the second day after hitting 60 and it was just the best shit ever wiping out entire screens of enemies with speed, and going cold turkey back to a standard setup just fucking sucks. I plan on changing up my build today by removing my Death Mark (UGH) and replacing it with Preparation --> Punishment, dumping Cluster Arrow (UGH) and replacing it with a cooldown ability like Rain of Vengance or Vengeance. With that I may have a viable pseudo elemental arrow build where EA is my primary Hate spender with Sentry as my small Hate damage over time spender, sustained by Preparation and my passive Hate regen from my items to keep me going. Rain of Vengance as my big damage cooldown skill to wrap it up. Idunno.

That being said, I've put significant time into all classes but WD and Barb at this point and lemmie tell ya somethin: no 1m dps feels as good as Wiz 1m dps. You just can't pour it on and clear waves with other classes like you can with Wiz. The class is a Build-A-Bear: damn near any combination of skills will do. Everything feels great. Lightning builds, Fire builds, Arcane builds, Cold builds...there's some legit shit you can put together with any of the above and wreck faces. Shit, mix and match elements with that 70 passive and continue to profit! It feels much harder to extract similar effectiveness from other classes.

My "rain" Wiz, for refrence sake: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DreamVisions-1571/hero/3314095 (around 1.3m dmg buffed, about 6.5m toughness. Every item has re-rolls but don't show unfortunately. You can get an idea, at least.)

Once the game finally finds me worthy of a leg source of some merit, I'll be a problem. Until then...

Not true at all. That's what the mystic is for. The fact that you are constantly finding gear that's actually relevant to your character gives you more options for getting the piece you need. The mystic gives you the option to fix the one stat that didn't fit your build.

God Bless that Mystic. She's turned many a piece of gear from loser into winner. My Reaper's Wraps, rings, helm...are a prime example. Actually, every piece my Wiz and DH are wearing have been Mystic'd to great benefit.
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