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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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One thing that sucks about being AH-less and even trade-less now is that there's really not much customization at all. Before with the AH I could make a build and be like "I need more life steal for this" and then go find some on the AH. I could put in parameters of what I wanted for some pieces and get started. Now I literally just wear the best shit I find. Cool... but that also means build is largely dictated by what the hell you find.

And that mixed with no permanence at all in skills means there isn't actually any "builds." You're not building a character. You're finding shit and changing skill load outs. There's no conscious building involved.

And the typical pattern now will be "Find something that you can't do jack shit with because you can't trade it or sell it, and you've already got something slightly better. So you get no progress at all. Fuck."

I agree with some of that, but I disagree that there isn't room for customization. For one, you have paragon points, which you can use boost a stat you find lacking (like Life on Hit, or Movement speed). The mystic can fix gear to better fit a particular build you'd like to run. Yeah, you are constantly at least tweaking your skill choices to get the most out of your gear, but there is still plenty of room for player choice.

Not Spaceghost

One thing that sucks about being AH-less and even trade-less now is that there's really not much customization at all. Before with the AH I could make a build and be like "I need more life steal for this" and then go find some on the AH. I could put in parameters of what I wanted for some pieces and get started. Now I literally just wear the best shit I find. Cool... but that also means build is largely dictated by what the hell you find.

And that mixed with no permanence at all in skills means there isn't actually any "builds." You're not building a character. You're finding shit and changing skill load outs. There's no conscious building involved.

Why do you think the mystic exists?

Sure it's slightly limited, you should be allowed UNROLL something and roll a different stat but in the end it allows for diversity where previously you relied on the AH.

Hell last night my friend rolled all their cold damage gear into lightning damage and made a stun build on a whim.

I think that's a lot better than the fucking AH. The AH just ruined the fun of everyone. Even if you got an upgrade you felt like you were better off selling it and buying something else. That's not fun at all.


Not true at all. That's what the mystic is for. The fact that you are constantly finding gear that's actually relevant to your character gives you more options for getting the piece you need. The mystic gives you the option to fix the one stat that didn't fit your build.

The mystic helps, sure, to a degree. I don't think it helps a ton, though. The typical pattern for the mystic is that you change a skill something and then when something else comes along you can't do shit with that old piece because you've locked it to your account. And what stat you have to re-roll is largely dependent on what the RNG threw at you. A lot of the time it's just re-rolling the same 3 things; main stat, vit, and/or socket, because the game didn't give you one of those.

Don't get me wrong guys I'm not shitting on what we got. As I said before, I'm pretty hopelessly addicted. I just wish there was a bit of a middle ground where I could do something with some of the shit I'm getting. Some economy maybe. Something like that. I mean in Diablo 2 if I wanted a specific weapon or armor for my build I didn't have an AH either. I did have 2 routes to get it. I could farm like crazy for it specifically or I could farm like crazy and hope to get something equivalent to trade. I liked that.


5 legendaries today: 3 weapons, 1 chest, 1 belt.

Only able to use armors because crusader is a dumb class that needs to be buff or remove heavenly strength...fricken pigeon-holding me into 2H for dps/toughness with shield.
Blizzard need to consider of giving a 30% buff like Barb/Monk if using 2H for Crusader.

Crusader isn't fun at all even with 400k dps =/.
All their skills are on a long CD, or just plain worst when comparing to other classes. Like 3/4 of the movesets for Crusader are just copy/paste of other classes.

Right now I am playing the class as a support with Justice+healing, and just hammer+thunder all day...Sure my team and I won't die, but seeing other classes having fun while you just holding hands is not the point of Diablo.

Late to this but this sounds like you're just running a bad build. Here's my build. Most the cooldowns are fairly low (Condemn and Shield Glare are almost always up) and I run 25% CDR to bring the Law and AC down to bearable levels for Elite pulls. It basically plays like a melee version of Cluster Arrow DH. Massive Wrath dump on the right-click and and then an AoE damage skill on a cooldown. The Law is an on-demand version of Cindercoat's passive, basically.

All these Crusader builds that focus on Judgement + Bombardment interactions are, in my opinion, just fundamentally flawed right now. The CDR needed for those sort of builds to truly be relevant is massive. Condemn and Shield Glare do so much while being on low cooldown: Cooldown is great Damage for the Cooldown and Zealous Glare makes Shield Glare into a great Wrath generator that also gives a 4s stun essentially.


Have they hotfixed the one drop on that crafting material that drops of Malthial yet? Reaper's Wraps sound great for a WD (especially the build I'm using), but I couldn't get the material to drop for me... :(


It's kinda hilarious how much better Condemn is compared to Fallen Sword. They do similar damage only Fallen Sword has almost twice the cooldown of Condemn. Absolutely ridiculous.

And that mixed with no permanence at all in skills means there isn't actually any "builds." You're not building a character. You're finding shit and changing skill load outs. There's no conscious building involved.
There IS conscious building involved. I have been building a Physical damage Monk all this time and I have not faltered from that build... I Enchant the gear to my build. And before this I was running a Lightning Monk where I enchanted the gear for that spec.

Normally you just do whatever until you get this amazing Legendary and you theory craft a build around it. Then you start looking for items that compliment what the Legendary is about and make a build.

Which is basically how it was in D2. You got an amazing Legendary... you were like "oh man I want to make a build around this". Only difference here is that now you don't have to re-roll a character to make a new build around this new Legendary.

There is no character build permanence though and this goes to the age old argument of if stat/skill re-specs should be allowed in RPGs. And to that I say Diablo is an action RPG and stat/skill changes in action games are common place so it really depends on how you see this game now (more as an action game or more as a RPG).
Yes and they also will use arcane dynamo and other procs.

Sweet baby jesus that's awesome. I just got a Triumvirate that's a slight DPS loss but I'll use it for the +arcane/lightning/fire damage then. Thanks!

I'm curious about whether the equipped meteor runes have any effect. Could be very strong with that last rune that gives a high damage meteor on a cooldown.

If it's a skill then I'm sure it will be affected. I just wasn't sure about Tal Rasha's because they get summoned automatically whenever I use an elemental type spell.


Have they hotfixed the one drop on that crafting material that drops of Malthial yet? Reaper's Wraps sound great for a WD (especially the build I'm using), but I couldn't get the material to drop for me... :(

Nope :( Maybe today? It is maintenance day.


bounties are so much more rewarding that rifts lately. i don't really enjoy rifts unless it's just absolute batshit mobs wall to wall.. the loot is slower, the time spent is longer, and they're less fun, imo.

I agree 100%. I've only run 3 rifts so far and they took FOREVER. 2 of those kept doing the final dungeon from act5. Long hallways with timed gates and an occasional enemy here and there. I've got 80+ rift stones and no urge to use them at all. Bounties only for me.


I think rifts and bounties complement each other very well.
bountes are mission based while rifts are pure monster slaying, and both offer a lot of diversity in their own way.
I enjoy doing both, and I think its great, ROS, and the adventure mode specifically, is all about diversity, and thats why I think its the most fun and rewarding diablo yet.
Crossed 700k with my DH tonight. I've been using a fire build (+31%) Cluster Arrow and Bola build with a Cindercoat and and the instant Bola quiver (both of which are level 60 sadly). Damage is pretty delicious. I can burst like a motherfucker using the passive that gives 40% to boost to enemies above 75% health. The initial hit crits for about 14m and the following grenades do about 3m a piece on crit. Three of those in a row is some crazy shit. Next I need a magefist and hopefully a better bow. The one I have now isn't too bad with 2400dps, 600 dex and a socket but I need that brown text.

Only issue with the build is, even though Cluster Arrow has a reduced cost, it's a huge resource hog. DHs resource regen is awful. But with the channeling pylon, it's like the fucking apocalypse lol


It's kinda hilarious how much better Condemn is compared to Fallen Sword. They do similar damage only Fallen Sword has almost twice the cooldown of Condemn. Absolutely ridiculous.

FS's mobility does have some uses, and I've used the massive aoe knockback to peel stuff off of other players at times. Still feels a bit long though, certainly, especially without the CDR rune.


It's kinda hilarious how much better Condemn is compared to Fallen Sword. They do similar damage only Fallen Sword has almost twice the cooldown of Condemn. Absolutely ridiculous.

Fallen Sword also has a massive attack animation where you're doing nothing which is the other big reason it's kind of terrible. Even if it's awesome.

QA was asleep on testing parts of this class. Condemn doesn't get CDR from Rally, Blazing Sweep's DoT component is ~1.7% Weapon Damage instead of 170%, Fires of Heaven hitbox is wonky as hell with slight elevation differences / minor losses of line-of-sight, Skywarden's Random Law resets the timer seemingly whenever, Armor of the Kind Regent doesn't seem to double-cast Smite every attack (?!), etc. Then there's just the numbers vs animation issues with things like Blessed Shield, Shield Bash, Fallen Sword, and so-on.
FS's mobility does have some uses, and I've used the massive aoe knockback to peel stuff off of other players at times. Still feels a bit long though, certainly, especially without the CDR rune.

FS long animation has its use as a attack dodge when you aren't at baller levels and gear yet. I am able to break out of walls or dodge a high damage attack from bosses or elites with FS. Crusader definitely needs to be tweaked but I am still enjoying it so far, then again I am only at lvl 31.



I'm at roughly 1m dps and I think about 4.5m toughness. Something like that. You can't see the re-rolls, but yea.

I like my set weapon a lot though because I can vault away from the enemy and often they'll fight the illusion/clone. In addition, with having 3 wolves that also draw the attention of the enemy, it's often fairly trivial to create and maintain space between me and my targets. That leads to some fairly comfortable clearing when taking things at a steady pace. Particularly when I get a couple of Sentrys set up (which the orange leg weapon's unique ability greatly helps with).

That being said (positives out of the way), I'm not enjoying DH without my Kridershot. I'm really, really not. Kiting around fights gets kinda tiresome after awhile and most of the hate generator primaries bore the fuck out of me. So many are just single-target affairs. Hungering arrow's pierce is cute but it's not enough, and Entangling's slow and chain just...meh. I haven't given proper time to Bolas so I'll try it today to see if there's more to like, but I don't expect much. I just never feel like I'm doing the kind of raw AOE damage (or single-target damage) that I'd like to deal...or that I'm used to dealing. It feels like I'm just chipping away slowly at one target when there are 30 on the screen and it's taking too long. I got my Kridershot maybe the second day after hitting 60 and it was just the best shit ever wiping out entire screens of enemies with speed, and going cold turkey back to a standard setup just fucking sucks. I plan on changing up my build today by removing my Death Mark (UGH) and replacing it with Preparation --> Punishment, dumping Cluster Arrow (UGH) and replacing it with a cooldown ability like Rain of Vengance or Vengeance. With that I may have a viable pseudo elemental arrow build where EA is my primary Hate spender with Sentry as my small Hate damage over time spender, sustained by Preparation and my passive Hate regen from my items to keep me going. Rain of Vengance as my big damage cooldown skill to wrap it up. Idunno.

That being said, I've put significant time into all classes but WD and Barb at this point and lemmie tell ya somethin: no 1m dps feels as good as Wiz 1m dps. You just can't pour it on and clear waves with other classes like you can with Wiz. The class is a Build-A-Bear: damn near any combination of skills will do. Everything feels great. Lightning builds, Fire builds, Arcane builds, Cold builds...there's some legit shit you can put together with any of the above and wreck faces. Shit, mix and match elements with that 70 passive and continue to profit! It feels much harder to extract similar effectiveness from other classes.

My "rain" Wiz, for refrence sake: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DreamVisions-1571/hero/3314095 (around 1.3m dmg buffed, about 6.5m toughness. Every item has re-rolls but don't show unfortunately. You can get an idea, at least.)

Once the game finally finds me worthy of a leg source of some merit, I'll be a problem. Until then...

God Bless that Mystic. She's turned many a piece of gear from loser into winner. My Reaper's Wraps, rings, helm...are a prime example. Actually, every piece my Wiz and DH are wearing have been Mystic'd to great benefit.

I see what you're saying. I largely agree. DH's room clearing is pretty crappy. I used to use Frost arrow and could do a decent job but it's nothing compared to a wizard or even a dps monk. That's why I tried switching to a Cluster Arrow build yesterday. I just greatly miss the slows for kiting. I was almost invincible before against most mobs just for kiting ability but now the fast ones chew me up as fast as I can roll away.

But that said, the build is pretty decent. I use grenades and work around that synergy. I have grenades for left click, grenadier passive, Vengeance with grenades, and the grenades from Cluster arrow with some +%fire damage to top it all off. Works out pretty well.


CA uses so much damn hatred. I look forward to getting a Krindershot one of these days.

I guess from here I'm just working on improving the individual numbers of all my gear to get to that 1mil mark. That and replace my rings completely. Even after re-rolls they are pretty shit.


So i started Act V with my 60 lvl Barbarian on Torment 1 and its going pretty good so far but a little slow, any reason i should continue on Torment or change to Master?

I want to play the Crusader in Adventure mode but i need to finish Act V first.
So i started Act V with my 60 lvl Barbarian on Torment 1 and its going pretty good so far but a little slow, any reason i should continue on Torment or change to Master?

I want to play the Crusader in Adventure mode but i need to finish Act V first.

First proper Act V boss is where T1 became untenable for me. Seems it happened with others.
So that monk build was fun with reduced CD and SSS and IS. It just wasn't effective. Respeced my monk and I'm face rolling T2. It sucks the build is rather cookie cutter vac monk, but it's still fun. I dropped dashing strike for IS on elites to get them down faster.

Sucks the profiles are so inaccurate. I'm sitting on 600k DPS unbuffed and 7.5 million toughness. You can see the rad stun fist I found that makes rift bosses a snooze feet. Lol

I've geared in +30% to EP, +28% lightning and another +25% or so to CS. My cyclones do good DPS.



So i started Act V with my 60 lvl Barbarian on Torment 1 and its going pretty good so far but a little slow, any reason i should continue on Torment or change to Master?

I want to play the Crusader in Adventure mode but i need to finish Act V first.

You'll definitely bump that down to at least master if not expert. Might as well do it now. The difficulty ramps up as you level and will outpace your gear improvements.
So i started Act V with my 60 lvl Barbarian on Torment 1 and its going pretty good so far but a little slow, any reason i should continue on Torment or change to Master?

I want to play the Crusader in Adventure mode but i need to finish Act V first.

It progressively gets harder as you level, almost everyone has to lower the difficulty once or even twice to finish the Act.


As I said in clan chat; Blizzard messed up itemization D3/RoS. I proposed something I thought was painfully obvious/common sense but this is just me.

In my opinion what Blizzard should have done is only have certain legendaries and sets in different torment levels. I don't mean randomly either, I mean torment 1 gives you X,Y,Z legendaries that gear you appropriately to take on Torment 2, that gives you X,Y,Z legendaries to take on Torment 3 and repeat. They should have created more legendaries to help fill each torment level as well putting more powerful variants of legendaries in higher torment levels. Obviously this would need fleshing out a bit, but generally I always assumed this was the idea behind any lootwhore ARPG.

As it stands right now, outside of the theorized higher drop rates and XP/gold bonuses there is little incentive to do higher difficulty torment levels.
Locking some gear behind t1 is ok but beyond that I think it starts to become an increasingly negative aspect to game mechanics. I think these would be more viable and enjoyable solutions:

1. Increase leg/plan drop chances at torment levels and make it more transparent as to what the increases are.

2. Gem drops tiers should increase withn torment level not plateau at imperial. So by torment 6 there should be a chance for the highest tier gem to drop.

3. Items dropped at torment and above get free enchants equal to the torment level they dropped at. Ergo a t1 item gets one free enchant while a t6 item gets 6. Since enchants for legs are locked behind forgotten souls, this would be pretty appealing I think.

4. Another option might be to allow torment players to increase the chance of certain types of items dropping for them. Like if I really need a new amulet, then maybe I can increase the chances of amulets dropping over other items. This chance would increase at higher torment levels. Not sure how viable this is but it would be nice.

In anycase I'd rather see more advantageous mechanics over straight leg drop chance increases.
Two T2 characters. I think I'll work on WD tonight and see if I can get him up to t1 efficient levels.

Think ... I kinda like wiz and monk main.


I'd still like a way to dump more Fragments into better Rifts. Would be a nice way to reintroduce Magic Find to the game.

Tom Penny

So that monk build was fun with reduced CD and SSS and IS. It just wasn't effective. Respeced my monk and I'm face rolling T2. It sucks the build is rather cookie cutter vac monk, but it's still fun. I dropped dashing strike for IS on elites to get them down faster.

Sucks the profiles are so inaccurate. I'm sitting on 600k DPS unbuffed and 7.5 million toughness. You can see the rad stun fist I found that makes rift bosses a snooze feet. Lol

I've geared in +30% to EP, +28% lightning and another +25% or so to CS. My cyclones do good DPS.


How do you survive without dashing strike? I do ok soling T1 but I'm trying to figure out a way to open a slot for epiphany for elite mobs but dashing strike is so valuable to get out of sticky situations. I reverted back to my combo strike EP build. Some stuff works far better in groups than solo too.


I'm having a really rough time at level 44 on Master. I'm curious if anyone has a good crusader build they can share?

Thanks in advanced!
2. Gem drops tiers should increase withn torment level not plateau at imperial. So by torment 6 there should be a chance for the highest tier gem to drop.

4. Another option might be to allow torment players to increase the chance of certain types of items dropping for them. Like if I really need a new amulet, then maybe I can increase the chances of amulets dropping over other items. This chance would increase at higher torment levels. Not sure how viable this is but it would be nice.

I like these ones. Higher tier gem drops could be akin to getting HRs in LoD. Increasing the chances of certain items dropping is also cool as you'd be able to gear out another character (ex. increase mojo's or voodoo masks) while playing on a monk or barb.

I'd still like a way to dump more Fragments into better Rifts. Would be a nice way to reintroduce Magic Find to the game.

They could even implement it PoE style. If you pay 5/10/20 etc more shards you get more random properties applied to the rift, both bad and good. Things like more monsters but more damage.


For all of you Witch Doctors, I've seen some build and most of the Witch Doctors uses FireBats-Vampire Batsand not Soul Barrage-Well of Souls?
Whys that?

Soul Barrage/Well of Souls seems pretty popular to me.

Personally though, I don't like using it since it's Cold damage and doesn't have any synergy with my gear. Firebats (I also use Plague of Toads depending on build) also doesn't require a passive slot.

Not Spaceghost

I'm having a really rough time at level 44 on Master. I'm curious if anyone has a good crusader build they can share?

Thanks in advanced!

I believe at 44 you should have access to most of the runes I use in my build

It's semi gear heavy but at low levels it should work fine, though you may wanna do away with the critical rune on laws of valor and use something else.


God Bless that Mystic. She's turned many a piece of gear from loser into winner. My Reaper's Wraps, rings, helm...are a prime example. Actually, every piece my Wiz and DH are wearing have been Mystic'd to great benefit.
How did you get your Reaper's Fear for the wraps? Did it drop on your first Mal kill or did you farm it? I have the plans but they're saying the drop is bugged. I'd love to craft those bracers.


Fallen Sword also has a massive attack animation where you're doing nothing which is the other big reason it's kind of terrible. Even if it's awesome.

QA was asleep on testing parts of this class. Condemn doesn't get CDR from Rally, Blazing Sweep's DoT component is ~1.7% Weapon Damage instead of 170%, Fires of Heaven hitbox is wonky as hell with slight elevation differences / minor losses of line-of-sight, Skywarden's Random Law resets the timer seemingly whenever, Armor of the Kind Regent doesn't seem to double-cast Smite every attack (?!), etc. Then there's just the numbers vs animation issues with things like Blessed Shield, Shield Bash, Fallen Sword, and so-on.
I like falling sword as a way to get out of combat as needed with my build. Having it also heal me on use is clutch as well.

Yeah their other items not working blows, but I'm certain condemn works with rally. I've watched my bar and the timer go faster when hitting.
So I has a legendary sword that shipped with 6% dmg. Is it worth it to start spending countless gold and forgotten souls trying to reroll that into IAS? Or another stat?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
So I has a legendary sword that shipped with 6% dmg. Is it worth it to start spending countless gold and forgotten souls trying to reroll that into IAS? Or another stat?

Does it have a socket?


I hope they fix Weapon +Damage% to work with Elemental rolls.

I like falling sword as a way to get out of combat as needed with my build. Having it also heal me on use is clutch as well.

Yeah their other items not working blows, but I'm certain condemn works with rally. I've watched my bar and the timer go faster when hitting.

I've timed it against my Shield Glare cooldowns. There's no reason I can get two Shield Glares off cooldown while waiting for Condemn. A 3s base cooldown difference doesn't somehow equate to getting a 12s skill back twice before 15s passes once.

And Fallen Sword has it's uses as a mobility/utility thing but it's a pretty lackluster damage skill due to the massive windup. Which is unfortunate because it's cool as fuck.


Have they hotfixed the one drop on that crafting material that drops of Malthial yet? Reaper's Wraps sound great for a WD (especially the build I'm using), but I couldn't get the material to drop for me... :(

Hoping today, but I don't know if it's going to come in as a hotfix. They have it listed under issues with the current patch, which might mean it won't come in until the next patch? We'll see I guess.
Always, ALWAYS, a socket. Dat crit damage.

It already has a socket. You can see it here:


(at work so I pulled the screenshot from my BNET profile)


I'm having a really rough time at level 44 on Master. I'm curious if anyone has a good crusader build they can share?

Thanks in advanced!


You can't get the Zeal rune and final passive yet, but that's about it. I'm using this build ever since DSmalls shared it and it's great :D Of course, if you get legendary items with those orange diamond affixes, you might need to change a rune or so.


I hope they fix Weapon +Damage% to work with Elemental rolls.

I've timed it against my Shield Glare cooldowns. There's no reason I can get two Shield Glares off cooldown while waiting for Condemn. A 3s base cooldown difference doesn't somehow equate to getting a 12s skill back twice before 15s passes once.

And Fallen Sword has it's uses as a mobility/utility thing but it's a pretty lackluster damage skill due to the massive windup. Which is unfortunate because it's cool as fuck.
Hmmmm, I think you're right. Falling sword comes back faster, and it's longer! I think it works with it, it just has issues actually receiving the CD reduction "ticks". Bleh, must be a nightmare for QA.

Falling sword on it's own is kinda ok on damage but would probably shine if you could move twice before CD on the regular and not just with the legendary.
How do you survive without dashing strike? I do ok soling T1 but I'm trying to figure out a way to open a slot for epiphany for elite mobs but dashing strike is so valuable to get out of sticky situations. I reverted back to my combo strike EP build. Some stuff works far better in groups than solo too.


This is my solo build. The only problem I have on t1 is standing in double affixes (standing in desecrate and lightning), which I might be able to fix with allres gems. I find it a lot of fun, too. I just need to upgrade my gear for more IAS and adding in some +damage to spells. And better weapons of course.


I believe at 44 you should have access to most of the runes I use in my build

It's semi gear heavy but at low levels it should work fine, though you may wanna do away with the critical rune on laws of valor and use something else.

Great thanks. I'll check it out.

Also, whos the best sidekick? The Enchantress right?


So how does the Elite Kills counter work when playing in groups? Is it the person who gets the last shot that gets the credit or does it credit the whole group?

Quoting myself from earlier.


I'm stressing out so much over this because I'm crazy. I feel like I'm playing Dota 2 trying to get last hits. Haha


I know I'm being a huge douche, but why everyone so obsessed with trying to "fix" no trading / higher torment shit?

It works exactly how its supposed to. Why does higher torment have to have better drops? Please explain to me why it does? What possible advantage is there to this setup? Right now you can play on any difficulty you enjoy within torment and get drops, and the increased leg droprate for higher torments is there primarily to make up for decreased kill speed, not to reward higher difficulty. If people want to play at T4, they can, if they want T1, they can. T4 has more gold and exp, these are more than reason enough to move up T levels, and there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't move onto T2 when you can do it at 9x% the speed you can do T1 (unless HC).

I don't need higher legs / per hr in Tx+1 to incentivize me to move up a T level. Some people are different, and just want absolute max kill speed on T1, guess what, theyre free to play that way if thats their thing. Sounds boring to me, but this is the beauty of not tying drops to higher Torments. People can play as they so choose.

ANY, and I mean ANY change to trading to allow it in any form that is not now in the game will mean a corresponding decrease in overall drop rates. Do people not understand that the reason you find legendaries every 90 mins now is because you cant trade them? Why are people complaining that they got a forgotten soul? Is this worthless to you? I do agree in around a month they will start losing value as you get less and less items that make you want to reroll them due to your gear getting better and better, but this is a pretty minor complaint! There probably should be a way to trade Souls into Blood Shards / Gold, but that's it.

What's people's primary complaint right now? That sets are hard to complete!? OMG! Game is out a week now and you don't have your 6 piece yet? Cry more please. You realize the game is basically over once you finish these right? Completing a set now is the biggest carrot in the game, everyone with complete sets is a god among mortals, using unique builds that other's cant. They all self found these set items. I don't know about you, but to me this is cool as hell.

Trading can get fucked. Clan trading is the dumb too. That's exactly what I want, bot clans that sell access. Sounds absolutely amazing. Better yet, clans kicking people out for not trading enough, even better. Every system will be gamed to the detriment of all. All of the Blizzard games are trying as hard as possible to discourage botting, and absolutely preventing it from setting the economy. Theyre not going to change their minds on this.

Know what sounds like a better idea to me? When you want an item you don't have you have to.....play the game and go kill monsters. Mind blowing, I know.
I struggle to play Demon Hunter which is my favorite class. Demon Hunter's room clearing abilities leave ALOT to be desired. Shit many things leave alot to be desired. Hatred generators blow ass. Sorry but both Hungering and Ensnaring are shit and utterly boring, no rune has changed that for me. Really I feel frost arrow needs to be a generator because it's one of the few skills DH have that help with room clearing. I have so many issues with DH sometimes, but dammit if they're not a fun class to play despite it all. With that stated, I've found myself playing my Wizard much more nowadays. Wizard in the end is easily the best at EVERYTHING. Single target? Check, AOE? Check, Room clearing? check. I mean why do I even bother playing any other class? And what do I hear most from the idiots? Nerf Wizards? Uh no, how about buff other classes you shortsighted idiots. And if anyone just got offended by that then good because you're an idiot too.


Then I've been lucky with items. I have so much +fire and +Lightning/Electrocute to the point I'm kind of stuck as this Fire/Lightning build. Then to top it off, I'm using which honestly is the most fucking amazing Source (Myken's Ball of Hate) for a lightning build wizard bar none! Pair it with a high attack speed and you will melt through mobs oh so quickly (meanwhile on DH, you have to spam your hatred spender just to take down one solitary creature lololol).

If I ever get a level 70 Thunderfury…g fucking g. As I also stated earlier. I am totally willing to trade all three of my level 60 Thunderfuries and my level 60 Fulimator for a level 70 Thunderfury.

Locking some gear behind t1 is ok but beyond that I think it starts to become an increasingly negative aspect to game mechanics. I think these would be more viable and enjoyable solutions:

1. Increase leg/plan drop chances at torment levels and make it more transparent as to what the increases are.

2. Gem drops tiers should increase withn torment level not plateau at imperial. So by torment 6 there should be a chance for the highest tier gem to drop.

3. Items dropped at torment and above get free enchants equal to the torment level they dropped at. Ergo a t1 item gets one free enchant while a t6 item gets 6. Since enchants for legs are locked behind forgotten souls, this would be pretty appealing I think.

4. Another option might be to allow torment players to increase the chance of certain types of items dropping for them. Like if I really need a new amulet, then maybe I can increase the chances of amulets dropping over other items. This chance would increase at higher torment levels. Not sure how viable this is but it would be nice.

In anycase I'd rather see more advantageous mechanics over straight leg drop chance increases.

That works too.
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