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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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Core runs are still the fastest legendaries/hour right now, so it seems likely that they'll have to nerf chests next. (Either that or tie chest rewards to monster kills somehow).

I don't know why they haven't just cut down the number of chests that spawn there yet.

edit: already pointed out, should read more.

But making the rest of the game better is ... well, better. I mean, wouldn't the next step be to find the next best area for just popping chests? It's a band-aid fix to just alter Core.

It would be, yes, but Core's a really obvious outlier. There's no reason for a guaranteed corridor to also have the highest chest density in the game.
Might enchant a rare helm and shoulders and mess with this along with Paragon to see how long it takes. May be worth it. It so powerful even with my horrible weapons and DPS right now.

I don't have Ytar right now, but that + diamond in helm would go a long way. Not sure if it's been mentioned but CDR is multiplicative, not additive, so it gets worse the more you add. In fact, without a shrine, it is impossible to have Epiphany up at all times. But you can get close. Not sure it is worth all the slots unless you are running Epiphany + SSS.

As good as Epiphany is, I find I only really need it for elites and it seems to be up almost every time I encounter a champ or group, so I'm focusing on other damage.


I did this. It's not worth it. My T3 capable monk was squishy at T1.

I mean, what are you really losing on those slots? I guess if you're relying on a Life% Gem (or just go unsocketed normally?) and need Main Stat/VIT/AR/Life% on Shoulders? I think getting to ~25% from Paragon + Socket + Shoulder is a fine amount without actually sacrificing much. Going beyond that is cutting into actual stats a bit too much.

Hell, Shoulder is kind of pushing it since you do lose a Skill% or VIT/AR if you go for it here. More sensible to get the CDR from Set bonuses ... if the RNG gods shine on your crafting luck :x

Fixing the chest run problem could be done in any number of hidden and sensible ways. The one that wouldn't ruin the NORMAL flow of the game would just be to require you to kill enemies every now and then.

Cheat drop rate = 0
Kill some enemies. Cheat drop rate = normal

This would make the T6 runs impossible for me since I actually take about 2 minutes to kill a normal spider in CoA with my chest running set\build. I'd go back to playing the game the way I used to. And I'd feel happy knowing that I'm not missing out on legendaries by playing the game in a very boring way AND chests still function as they normally do.

It's a fringe thing but Waypointing to an area and having breakables near it would mean that none of them yield anything until you kill something.

It would be, yes, but Core's a really obvious outlier. There's no reason for a guaranteed corridor to also have the highest chest density in the game.

Sure, but I'm just saying that I'd rather them leaving it untouched and doing more to mob drop rates instead of only tweaking chest density here and saying it's all done, y'know? LIke, the fact people do Core runs is more of an example of a bigger problem.
The biggest thing is that Wizard has a leg up on getting to a good amount of Damage since they have so many sources of +Damage%. And then they have really good build diversity to take advantage of various +Elemental% drops.

Pretty much, Blizzard should simply bring other classes up to wizard's level and make them just as diverse. But that requires thought and work, and it's much easier to simply listen to the whines of idiots and swing nerf bats.

Thankfully they have yet to do such with wizards.
How about they actually make it worth it to kill mobs then people wouldnt have to run chests for their legendaries. Bring it back to pre 2.0.


The biggest thing is that Wizard has a leg up on getting to a good amount of Damage since they have so many sources of +Damage%. And then they have really good build diversity to take advantage of various +Elemental% drops.
The internal +10/+20% damage buffs really confuse me design-wise. Why go through all this effort to diversify, saying that the talent tree having "mandatory" bonuses is a problem, only to put this kind of thing in?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Pretty much, Blizzard should simply bring other classes up to wizard's level and make them just as diverse. But that requires thought and work, and it's much easier to simply listen to the whines of idiots and swing nerf bats.

Thankfully they have yet to do such with wizards.

"They should just make everyone else as good as the one class that is clearly the best" is a good idea, but it's also totally naive and never going to happen. Outliers are brought in line with the rest, not the other way around.


I think it's possible to stack enough spirit regen, CDR, and RCR to make LTK spam sustainable without a spirit generator, but I haven't gotten my hands on a Cindercoat and a good slow diabo to cover the remaining gap yet.

Sure, but I'm just saying that I'd rather them leaving it untouched and doing more to mob drop rates instead of only tweaking chest density here and saying it's all done, y'know? LIke, the fact people do Core runs is more of an example of a bigger problem.

Oh, absolutely. Right now the game's in a weird state where the intended endgame content, rifts, isn't as rewarding as popping open various kinds of boxes nonstop, and that desperately needs to be addressed.


Anybody know the max cool down % you can get with Monk in addition to the 20% with the Ytar passive. If there was a way to run Epiphany LTK every 30 seconds..since it last 15 seconds..you could spam it every 15 seconds and wreck shop..

beacon 0.20
diamond 0.13
paragon 0.10
shoulders 0.08
gloves 0.08
helm (kekeg) 0.08
wep1 0.10
wep2 0.10
ring1 0.08
ring2 0.08
ammy 0.08
CC set 0.10
Born set 0.10

Total -- 72.15% CDR without Worship

Courtesy of Druin over at BoG :)

Tom Penny

I don't have Ytar right now, but that + diamond in helm would go a long way. Not sure if it's been mentioned but CDR is multiplicative, not additive, so it gets worse the more you add. In fact, without a shrine, it is impossible to have Epiphany up at all times. But you can get close. Not sure it is worth all the slots unless you are running Epiphany + SSS.

As good as Epiphany is, I find I only really need it for elites and it seems to be up almost every time I encounter a champ or group, so I'm focusing on other damage.

:( I use it on elites mostly. LTK is basically SSS for 15 seconds straight. Well worth it to me if I could get it run at a reasonable speed. It would greatly speed up clear speed in general methinks.


I'm enjoying reaper of souls a lot but today I started thinking about what I'm actually playing so much for, end-game wise. To be honest Im just doing rifts and bounties to gather better gear cause that's cool now while everyone sort of restarted on a new slate. But really, I'm just playing rifts/bounties to farm and be able to play more rifts/bounties (faster?). Starting to wonder how long this will last


My 56k Damage with my Barbarian looks anemic to these 1.5million being shown here... :(

Don't worry, my 340K Crusader can barely get a swing in before non-Crusader party members lay waste to everything. When he does, he runs out of steam in a second so I'm stuck swinging at the enemy like a dummy while everyone else bombs it to oblivion in terrific fashion. If there were a "sigh" emote, I'd probably be using it a lot.

I'm enjoying reaper of souls a lot but today I started thinking about what I'm actually playing so much for, end-game wise. To be honest Im just doing rifts and bounties to gather better gear cause that's cool now while everyone sort of restarted on a new slate. But really, I'm just playing rifts/bounties to farm and be able to play more rifts/bounties (faster?). Starting to wonder how long this will last
Yep, the content is fun but I can see a lot of people being tired of rifts & bounties a month from now.
I think it's possible to stack enough spirit regen, CDR, and RCR to make LTK spam sustainable without a spirit generator, but I haven't gotten my hands on a Cindercoat and a good slow diabo to cover the remaining gap yet.

Oh, absolutely. Right now the game's in a weird state where the intended endgame content, rifts, isn't as rewarding as popping open various kinds of boxes nonstop, and that desperately needs to be addressed.

I think I saw some discussion about that on the Monk forums. I think it's possible, but requires getting several good legendaries.

I would love if they just upped the drop rates and/or mob densities in rifts. They are slightly worse than running adventure mode right and walking for a few seconds in a rift without hitting a mob (several times per level) is really annoying.


I've never seen anything more than rates in any chest in this game. I wish I could feel excited when I see a chest.

Neither did I. I would prefer to see much rare chests overall, but with a considerable better loot chance, than that much and nothing really special. I think I never dropped a single leg from them... and I always open it when I find one, since some people reccomend it.


Don't worry, my 340K Crusader can barely get a swing in before non-Crusader party members lay waste to everything. When he does, he runs out of steam in a second so I'm stuck swinging at the enemy like a dummy while everyone else bombs it to oblivion in terrific fashion.

Roll a wizard broski


Total -- 72.15% CDR without Worship

That ~2s of downtime.

Don't worry, my 340K Crusader can barely get a swing in before non-Crusader party members lay waste to everything. When he does, he runs out of steam in a second so I'm stuck swinging at the enemy like a dummy while everyone else bombs it to oblivion in terrific fashion.

Meanwhile, at nearly 1M sheet damage, I can nearly kill a T3 pull before the DPS get there so it does get better eventually.
:( I use it on elites mostly. LTK is basically SSS for 15 seconds straight. Well worth it to me if I could get it run at a reasonable speed. It would greatly speed up clear speed in general methinks.

Do you mean LTK when Inner Fire is on? If so, TR+Epiphany will also get you that instead of LTK.
I mean, what are you really losing on those slots? I guess if you're relying on a Life% Gem (or just go unsocketed normally?) and need Main Stat/VIT/AR/Life% on Shoulders? I think getting to ~25% from Paragon + Socket + Shoulder is a fine amount without actually sacrificing much. Going beyond that is cutting into actual stats a bit too much.

Hell, Shoulder is kind of pushing it since you do lose a Skill% or VIT/AR if you go for it here. More sensible to get the CDR from Set bonuses ... if the RNG gods shine on your crafting luck :


The lost passive slot, paragon and the %life all hurt. Though agreed, not stupidly. Once I started slotting gear spots for it though ...

IMO, reduced CD stuff is probably only good on a weapon. That way one isn't giving up AR/armor/vit to get it.

Even with 55 reduced CR, I still couldn't spam SSS or IS like I wanted too.

You're probably correct that slotting a couple thing here and there won't hurt much. I just wouldn't recommend going all in on it.


I think I want to level my Witch Doctor to 70 now, he's 60 currently. Will be nice to have 2 70's (my other is Barbarian).

Anywho, I haven't played him since vanilla D3. And he's currently using Darts/Frogs combo. What are some good builds these days, hopefully something fun and different than my Darts/Frogs, anyone?

Funnily enough, with the changes to WD signature spells, everyone is trying to find reasons NOT to use them. Try using Fire Bats with Vampire Bats or Soul Barrage with Well of Souls and Rush of Essence.

Personally I'm still using Poison Darts, Plague of Toads, and even Firebomb sometimes. Depends on my build/gear.
"They should just make everyone else as good as the one class that is clearly the best" is a good idea, but it's also totally naive and never going to happen. Outliers are brought in line with the rest, not the other way around.

Sad but true. The wizard is a fun class to play. Making the other classes more fun to play = everyone is happy.

Nerfing wizard = nobody is happier. Wizards are decidedly unhappier.

I've never seen anything more than rates in any chest in this game. I wish I could feel excited when I see a chest.

A few days ago I finished a bounty and was about to waypoint to the next one when I decided to open a chest. Out popped a legendary chest armor =)

It's weird though. I've only seen them come from normal chests. Never the resplendent\radient chests.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I've never seen anything more than rates in any chest in this game. I wish I could feel excited when I see a chest.

I've gotten most of my best drops simply from killing random monsters. I bust open every barrel, chest, rack, etc, simply because I'm curious and hoping, but overall I get the best results from simply killing huge amounts of monsters as fast as possible. It has the side effect of being the most fun for me too. Simply doing chest runs and running past every monster over and over and over again would bore me to tears and kill any enthusiasm I have for the game right quick.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
So, I wasn't aware that enchanting increased in cost each time, so I just dropped 10 mil and now have 300k. :|


I'm enjoying reaper of souls a lot but today I started thinking about what I'm actually playing so much for, end-game wise. To be honest Im just doing rifts and bounties to gather better gear cause that's cool now while everyone sort of restarted on a new slate. But really, I'm just playing rifts/bounties to farm and be able to play more rifts/bounties (faster?). Starting to wonder how long this will last

This is pretty much what Diablo has always been - play to get good loot, which in turn allows you to get better loot even quicker. Even in the Diablo II days I really could only play for a month or so at a time before I got bored and put the game down for a year or two. The idea that they've put in some kind of 'endgame' at all (as lacking as it is, currently) is a big step up over Diablo II, and I expect they'll come up with other ideas in the coming years too.

(Just no raid-like content, please. There's already plenty of MMOs out there to scratch that particular itch.)
If nothing else, I don't think I'd do it as a Monk. Crusader, sure. Monk? Hm...dunno about that.

I mean, what are our long CD skills? SSS, IS, Epiphany and ...

BF, BoH and Serenity too I guess, but I'm definitely not slotting reduced CD for those.

Not Spaceghost

The high end gems PLUS the mats and gold are really what gets to me. Seems a bit much.

Yeah having gems being a part of rerolling stats on certain jewelry is REALLLLY annoying. Crafting gems is expensive and there isn't a particularly easy way to get gold.

I worry what's going to happen once my pre 2.0 funds run out.

I started the xpac with about 40 million gold, I'm now down to 1 million. Damn royal gems.

Ouch and I thought I got hit hard, I started with 29mil, I'm down to 4.
I might create maps of acts and all the locations of bounties, sometimes I just forget where one is and its just a waste of time backtracking and circling the map.


Just vendor every Rare item. I'm up a few million gold per day for that. Starting with ~100M, down to ~50M, back up to ~90M.

I mean, what are our long CD skills? SSS, IS, Epiphany and ...

BF, BoH and Serenity too I guess, but I'm definitely not slotting reduced CD for those.

Yeah. It's an easier sell for Crusader with all the 12, 15, 20s cooldowns that CDR makes them "just use whenever up" levels which helps a lot.


Seek victory, not fairness
Don't worry, my 340K Crusader can barely get a swing in before non-Crusader party members lay waste to everything. When he does, he runs out of steam in a second so I'm stuck swinging at the enemy like a dummy while everyone else bombs it to oblivion in terrific fashion. If there were a "sigh" emote, I'd probably be using it a lot.

Try hitting the keys on your number pad. Maybe one of those quotes fits.
Question for you guys, what should I reroll on the fist weapon for a socket? I assume damage?



So because of items with level requirement drops and an awesome hellfire ring, my crusader is rocking 30k dps... at level 37.

Gonna see if I can handle torment 2 or 3 on her later today. Sure I'll take a lot of damage but things will be dieing super quickly as well.


For me, D3 endgame is when youre capable to do the hardest difficulty possible. Im not sure if T5 or T6 is doable for someone however. Also, its fun to try other classes and see if you identfy with their gameplay, and try to reach that level with those too.

But I dont have much time actually (I am really pushing things for being able to play as much as I am). So I will soon come back to play just at about 1 hour per day. At least I have no interest at other PC games... I even stopped buying steam stuff because I never play them. To me, just Diablo 3 on PC and my PS4/Vita SP games are enough.
Just vendor every Rare item. I'm up a few million gold per day for that. Starting with ~100M, down to ~50M, back up to ~90M.

I'm starting to do this as well. I have over 2k of each crafting mat, veiled crystal, arcane dust and reusable parts. Time to stop salvaging.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Question for you guys, what should I reroll on the fist weapon for a socket? I assume damage?


6% Dmg. It is my understanding that since the primary damage mod on the weapon is elemental, the %damage mod doesn't actually add much.
Epiphany fire rune then LTK with the rune that is like 526% fire damage that's like 1000% fire damage for 15 seconds. I can never get tempest rush to work right.

I was doing low level farming on Sunday and TR+Inner Fire is hilarious. Running around and things all over the screen are getting hit by what looks like a SSS while they are up.

Edit: 6% damage ^^


Gave in and did a couple more runs last night:

Got this bad boy for my Templar:

Enchanting Favor

I've since stacked him with Strength and Crit abilities so he hits for over 200k and can't die. I experimented against Gohm letting him kill Gohm without me interfering, took a long time but it worked lol.

Got a nice legendary Chest piece from my blood shards but then proceeded to waste all my resources trying to roll slots onto it instead of the armor bonus. So to continue all your sentiments I'm down to 100k gold from 10M since the expansion. Too many gems crafted that I don't even use. Can we even trade anymore?
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