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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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Roll a wizard broski
I will eventually, but not just yet. I enjoy Crusader a lot, it's just in party mode I'm often too weak or slow to get my licks in. I just need to keep gearing him; I've been able to raise his damage consistently with each run.

Meanwhile, at nearly 1M sheet damage, I can nearly kill a T3 pull before the DPS get there.
I'm actually using your solo build to great effect. I really liked using Falling Sword and Fist of the Heavens, but spamming HF turned out to be more damage. I imagine you tweak things in groups, which I haven't done, so you can understand that group members often dispose of the enemy before my poor crusader can really get things going. My goal is to ultimately reach 1M. Baby steps...

For the first time in a while I decided to hop into a public game (I usually solo/play with friends).

Within about 15 minutes, one of the people in the group links a Death's Bargain, bragging like he's just hit the jackpot.

I said "it's not that good, the secondary is pretty shitty" at which point he accused me of being a newbie, with no idea what I was talking about.

So I asked him how much life per second he had. His response was "none, but I have plenty of life per hit".

Nearly shook my head out of the damn window.
Why can't you just be happy for him, man
For the first time in a while I decided to hop into a public game (I usually solo/play with friends).

Within about 15 minutes, one of the people in the group links a Death's Bargain, bragging like he's just hit the jackpot.

I said "it's not that good, the secondary is pretty shitty" at which point he accused me of being a newbie with no idea what I was talking about.

So I asked him how much life per second he had. His response was "none, but I have plenty of life per hit".

Nearly shook my head out of the damn window.


Meanwhile, at nearly 1M sheet damage, I can nearly kill a T3 pull before the DPS get there so it does get better eventually.

Not to be snarky, but any other class would obliterate a crusader at 1m sheet damage for farming. I shudder to think what a wiz or wd would do with 1m sheet damage. I doubt you'd even get your wrath full before they were picking up loot.


For the first time in a while I decided to hop into a public game (I usually solo/play with friends).

Within about 15 minutes, one of the people in the group links a Death's Bargain, bragging like he's just hit the jackpot.

I said "it's not that good, the secondary is pretty shitty" at which point he accused me of being a newbie, with no idea what I was talking about.

So I asked him how much life per second he had. His response was "none, but I have plenty of life per hit".

Nearly shook my head out of the damn window.

Life Per Hit is awesome, you silly goose.


All I use is FireBomb - Flashfire for DPS, critting for 2.4mil per throw.

I use addling frogs and they can crit for over 2 million for me. That was before I got my new Rhenlo Flayer last night.

The Flayer claims my frogs will explode twice, now, but I have a feeling it's bugged / lying. If it's true, why would I EVER stop using frogs? I wanted to transition to Firebomb, too....

So frogs are critting over 2 mil, acid cloud is critting everything it hits in the huge AE for 3 million, and I'm still not strong enough.

Just vendor every Rare item. I'm up a few million gold per day for that. Starting with ~100M, down to ~50M, back up to ~90M.
I was doing that and then I ran out of Veiled Crystals yesterday.

The best way I've found to make money in the game is to powerlevel your friends, though. They go from level 1 to whatever and you reap all that glorious torment 6 style gold drops ....

I made several million in less than 30 minutes just blasting through helping a buddies level 1 Witch Doctor.
For the first time in a while I decided to hop into a public game (I usually solo/play with friends).

Within about 15 minutes, one of the people in the group links a Death's Bargain, bragging like he's just hit the jackpot.

I said "it's not that good, the secondary is pretty shitty" at which point he accused me of being a newbie with no idea what I was talking about.

So I asked him how much life per second he had. His response was "none, but I have plenty of life per hit".

Nearly shook my head out of the damn window.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..Life per hit is rad.


For the first time in a while I decided to hop into a public game (I usually solo/play with friends).

Within about 15 minutes, one of the people in the group links a Death's Bargain, bragging like he's just hit the jackpot.

I said "it's not that good, the secondary is pretty shitty" at which point he accused me of being a newbie with no idea what I was talking about.

So I asked him how much life per second he had. His response was "none, but I have plenty of life per hit".

Nearly shook my head out of the damn window.

I have a friend that is a little bit like that too (but not that arrogant).

I am no D3 expert, but I learned A LOT here and playing with the clan. My friend everytime link a gear or weapon like it was godly, when it really wasn't... at the start I was saying it wasn't that good to advise him he could find better things soon enough, but he always insisted that he guaranteed it was THAT good for him. The result is that I've never seen him killing anything efficiently, even after more than 100 hours playing with the same char.

Nowadays when he links his gear I just say that it really looks good, since he do never take in consideration what I say, like I were a noob. However I do actually enphatize when he links a really nice gear.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..Life per hit is rad.

Yeah I just got a blood shard trade in for chest armor that has +1900 lph. I'm at 6k lph and 6k lps with about 9m in toughness (500ish All Res, still trying to roll slots for All Res gems on that chest now). It takes A LOT to kill me right now.
I have a friend that is a little bit like that too (but not that arrogant). I am no expert, but I learned A LOT here, and my friend everytime link a gear or weapon like it was godly... at the start I was saying it wasnt that good, but then he says that he guarantee it is THAT good for him; the results are that he almost do never killed efficoently even with more than 100 hours with the same char. Nowadays I just say that it really looks good, since he do never take in consideration what I say, like I as a noob.



Maybe someone needs to link Death's Bargain so it makes sense.

I'm actually using your solo build to great effect. I really liked using Falling Sword and Fist of the Heavens, but spamming HF turned out to be more damage. I imagine you tweak things in groups, which I haven't done, so you can understand that group members often dispose of the enemy before my poor crusader can really get things going. My goal is to ultimately reach 1M. Baby steps...

The big part of the group stuff is I run Divine Verdict (though I use it solo now since my Chest + Smite has basically doubled my Wrath generation) for the 20% Damage and Answered Prayer for the +10% AoE Damage +10% MSPD for clears.

Not to be snarky, but any other class would obliterate a crusader at 1m sheet damage for farming. I shudder to think what a wiz or wd would do with 1m sheet damage. I doubt you'd even get your wrath full before they were picking up loot.

I have a nearly 1M sheet Wizard myself and I think both the Wizards I normally run with hit that number so I'd like to think I know what their damage output looks like. I have full Wrath going into the pull and burn it at the start. My time is then spent getting it back to full for the next fight, not really trying to build it up from 0 for the current fight.

Edit: Not to say I'm like doing Wizard or whatever levels of damage. Just that it's not zero impact damage. I get bored on T3 runs and randomly solo pulls / I go ahead of the pack to make sure we're basically fighting non-stop.


Fixing the chest run problem could be done in any number of hidden and sensible ways. The one that wouldn't ruin the NORMAL flow of the game would just be to require you to kill enemies every now and then.

Cheat drop rate = 0
Kill some enemies. Cheat drop rate = normal

This would make the T6 runs impossible for me since I actually take about 2 minutes to kill a normal spider in CoA with my chest running set\build. I'd go back to playing the game the way I used to. And I'd feel happy knowing that I'm not missing out on legendaries by playing the game in a very boring way AND chests still function as they normally do.
I like this idea, put a quest for chests that opens when 10 or more enemies have been killed on that floor. I'm good with anything that doesn't impact the way I'm playing just cause some people are figuring out the best run. I don't like how loot goblins and radiant chests and shit get nerfed for me just playing the game as normal because someone happens to find the optimal way to abuse them.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Last time I did this, I ended up with a Level ~50 (40? Somewhere around there) Thunderfury.

Never again ;__;

I'm almost afraid to level my monk because I know I'll get like a mid-60's Thunderfury.
Not to be snarky, but any other class would obliterate a crusader at 1m sheet damage for farming. I shudder to think what a wiz or wd would do with 1m sheet damage. I doubt you'd even get your wrath full before they were picking up loot.

I have 1 million sheet DPS on my wiz in like two days of playing on him. Lol
"They should just make everyone else as good as the one class that is clearly the best" is a good idea, but it's also totally naive and never going to happen. Outliers are brought in line with the rest, not the other way around.

But if the rest of the classes aren't as fun or flat out suck to play as, bringing wizards down to said level isn't going to magically make those other classes fun. Wizards are fun to play as because of said diversity not in spite of it. Removing that diversity just makes the class less fun to play as but doesn't address the issue that is...some of the other classes are a snoozefest.

Like you can nerf wizards down to crusader levels...crusaders will still suck.


Has anyone had any legendary gloves other than the Gladiator Gauntlets when gambling for gloves?

Because my mage has been gambling for them constantly, and so far I've had *4* copies of that one legendary and no other. The odds of that seem so astronomically small its not true.
My Wiz is like 750k sheet (self-buffed), but hugely specced into cold, especially now with an Azurewrath for effective DPS of well over 1mil.

Could get higher if I took Glass Cannon, for example, but sheet isn't everything anymore.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
i give up trying to join the gaf clan messaged numerous people to no avail, thanks fluffy for your reply though.
i know how it feels, i'm with you on that.

cluster arrow is an interesting one to experiment with because it has additional grenade damage. but i think all you see visually is the dmg from the initial explosion, not sure. did you have min dmg = max dmg in your testing to remove variations in damage?

I made it to show edps, attack min/max/avg and spell min/max/avg. Its a bit messy right now and this version is working with some of the modifiers. I need to clean it up a bit and make it easier to use for others though :p. I also need to add some fields for multiplicative bonuses once I figure out how the all play together. Hopefully I can hammer that out tonight.

I made it so anyone can edit this since I keep the master copy on my PC in excel.


Dear Flying Spaghetti Monster don't nerf chests. They did it before and it's the most anti fun and terrible solution to a relatively small problem. I would rather let people run the boring exploit than kill the anticipation of opening chests again.
Cant they just remove the chests from that area?


Seek victory, not fairness
beacon 0.20
diamond 0.13
paragon 0.10
shoulders 0.08
gloves 0.08
helm (kekeg) 0.08
wep1 0.10
wep2 0.10
ring1 0.08
ring2 0.08
ammy 0.08
CC set 0.10
Born set 0.10

Total -- 72.15% CDR without Worship

Courtesy of Druin over at BoG :)

Hmm, that's worth considering. With 20 spirit regen from epiphany and 15 seconds up / 2 seconds down, that's enough to run perma-TR with dual wield at nearly 2 APS. Since TR is so great for triggering procs (Thunderfury, Moonlight Ward, Andariel's, etc), that would be very effective.

Actually, considering the crowd control immunity with Epiphany, I think that's probably going to be the most effective thing monks can do. I'll give it a shot.
Hmm, that's worth considering. With 20 spirit regen from epiphany and 15 seconds up / 2 seconds down, that's enough to run perma-TR with dual wield at nearly 2 APS. Since TR is so great for triggering procs (Thunderfury, Moonlight Ward, Andariel's, etc), that would be very effective.

Actually, considering the crowd control immunity with Epiphany, I think that's probably going to be the most effective thing monks can do. I'll give it a shot.

If you can get the gear to run Epiphany + TR with enough damage and mitigation, it's definitely going to be very efficient for farming.

I'll be interested to see how to pull it off with reasonable gear though.
but sheet isn't everything anymore.

There will always be an obsession over showing off your DPS stat on your profile page. If I cared about that I'd drop my Mirrorball for a legacy Triumvirate with the 18% dmg boost :p But Mirrorball = way more DPS than my sheet will ever ever ever reflect :)

I want a legendary potion, ANY legendary potion so bad.

They're so nice... but I got the one with the crappy "30k extra life over 5 seconds." Ugh. I want to walk through walls....


Seek victory, not fairness
If you can get the gear to run Epiphany + TR with enough damage and mitigation, it's definitely going to be very efficient for farming.

I'll be interested to see how to pull it off with reasonable gear though.

Yeah, I expect I'll have to drop sweeping wind and the Inna's set. That's fine, I had been wanting to get rid of it anyway.
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