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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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So, been doing Act 5 cache runs on my DH trying to get that stupid 1h xbow since last night. Got bored did a normal rift on the DH, not even a forgotten soul drop. Then tried that Core of Arreat run on T6 for 45 mins, nadda. Drop it to normal, did it again, got a shitty bracer.

Thoroughly disgusted, I switched to Crusader and was gonna do T1 Rifts, but figured I'd do a mother run once on T2, got nothin. Then thinking why not try Core of Arreat on T2 once too. Zone in, immediately run into a stinger champion and They drop:

Figured, I'd clear the rest and Azmodan and he dropped a Lyekurn's Diary legendary crafting mat for Corruption.

So, I'm assuming I should reroll the CD reduction instead of the 9% dmg for a socket right?

Edit: Also a question about the Scourge. It was initially a lower dmg roll hence I tried to enchant a Holy dmg on it. I didn't think to reroll the vitality into attack speed because for some reason I thought atk spd on a weapon is different than on rings/etc aka bad. That isn't true I'm guessing now?
So I started a Crusader specifically for the tears. I had some stuff I needed to re-roll. My monk is at 799K DPS before any buffs now :)

First I got the magefist. This promted me to think about fire builds. I then re-rolled CC onto the Andariel's that was pre ROS but post patch 2.0. I also re-rolled fire onto the strong arm bracers I have and re-rolled CD into my helfire for a near BiS hellfire ring. All of these needed tears.


Then I decided I wanted to dick around with fire build TR. So I rolled fire onto the bracers that add MS upon breaking an item.. I still need to roll the pants for something better (hopefully a plus to TR), but it needs 40 tears a roll so I'll have to visit that after leveling my crusader more.



Did about 3-4 hours of core runs yesterday. Found 16 legs thereabouts. Apart from Kulle Aid and a high roll Ouroboros ammy, most were not great. Worst part was I found two fucking Butchers axe when I already had one in my inventory and I absolutely hate that hero in Dota. Feels like I am being trolled.

Also,I have found something like 30 legs on my Wiz since RoS and almost half of them have been useless bracers. I have not found any chest, glove or Wiz-specific items (wand, source, hat). It's really strange.


Im genuinely surprised they let Crusaders ship like they did. Being sort of mediocre and all outside of you having all the good legs to morph it into a better state.


6 rifts in a row and not a single legendary. This is with none dropping during the bounties inbetween either. wth is going on. Going to bed, disgusted-like.


Im genuinely surprised they let Crusaders ship like they did. Being sort of mediocre and all outside of you having all the good legs to morph it into a better state.

Yeah, most of their skillset just seems off. But I'm hopeful that it'll get to where it needs to be. It's not like a radical redesign or anything is needed. Just better numbers will solve most of it.


What should I do with this re-roll? I'm a frenzy barb with 590k life as it is and 290k dps before frenzy, 10% buff and my 40% of stacked additional fire damage.

I don't really need the Vit, didn't have it before and I was fine.

What will give me more dps the attack speed or strength?



They just need to buff the numbers a bunch on Crusader. It's terrible for all their spenders imo. And whoever thought "MAKE IT ALL COOLDOWNS" needs to be fired.


6 rifts in a row and not a single legendary. This is with none dropping during the bounties inbetween either. wth is going on. Going to bed, disgusted-like.

It's all random, man. Sometimes it's feast, sometimes famine. The universe doesn't hate you. The game doesn't hate you. Tomorrow you'll do better.

man the wording for shield moves is so... awkward... still trying to figure out the best setup and rotation to maximize damage for shield bash... which is still way too expensive... does it become way OP with high end gear?
I know you're a wizard defender and all, but wizzies should be brought down a bit and crusaders should be brought up.

There really isn't an argument to be had, Wizards as they currently stand are far more powerful than every other class in the game. Everyone is quick to blame Frozen Orb for this, but in the end that isn't really the problem. No other class has near the synergy. Most classes are pushed down one avenue or another. Wizards can make each element viable. On top of that, Wizards have the best DPS stacking in the game. UW, GC, and Audacity put Wizards in a different tier.

Now the general trade off for the damage would be mitigation/toughness. The thing is Wizards are not nearly as squishy as you would expect them to be. The main reason for this is Intellect. Without even trying I have over 1300-1600 All Res (mind you I'm using Glass Cannon which reduces my All Res by 10%). Buffed and using UW and GC I'm at 1550-1800+ All Res. In the end that is 1.2m dmg and 11.6m toughness, plus 60% cold dmg and various other shenanigans. If I switch out GC for Blur, I'm sitting at 1.1m dmg and 15.7m toughness with 60% cold.

I love my Wizard, it is the only class that I have truly played. I can admit that they are OP, while I would prefer that Blizzard buff other classes I just don't think that is likely to happen. The game has been out for what? Ten days and we are already walking on T2-3.


Finally got Shrine gloves. Rolled str (I'm a wiz) that's super cool.

Glad the smart loot worked for 5 of the shields I had though. Fuckin eh.


What should I do with this re-roll? I'm a frenzy barb with 590k life as it is and 290k dps before frenzy, 10% buff and my 40% of stacked additional fire damage.

I don't really need the Vit, didn't have it before and I was fine.

What will give me more dps the attack speed or strength?


The Strength.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I think balance wise I would much rather see the following.

I am only going to talk about Monk because that's the class I have spent the most time with:


*Change one of the LTK runes to either Physical or Holy damage. They have two Fire damage runes on LTK and one of the Physical runes they have sucks massive cock.

*They need to add actual elemental variety to Wall of Light and increase its damage... it pathetic cost ratio vs LTK. Right now there's like 4 runes with Holy damage and one with Physical damage... need Fire/Lightning/Cold rune options.

*Needs Lightning/Holy Mystic Ally runes.

*Way of Hundred Fist... Hands of Lightning rune needs to be Lightning damage (because it has fucking Lightning in its name!). Spirited Salvo can be Fire damage instead or it can switch with Fist of Fury because that would make more sense as fire damage.

*Crippling Wave needs a Lightning and Holy damage variant.

*Deadly Reach Piercing Trident needs Cold damage, Foresight needs fire damage and Strike from Behind needs Holy damage.

*Sweeping Wind Inner Storm should be Holy damage.

*Tempest Rush needs a Lightning rune.

*Remove resource cost from Seven Sided Strike and give more rune element variety.

I like all of these.

WotHF not having a lightning rune is the only reason I don't use it right now.
But I would really, really like to be using it.

And the bells seem pathetic compared to LTK right now with their nearly double resource cost for not much more damage.

edit: What was the change they did a long time ago that slowed down Fists of Thunder? I seem to remember that skill being much, much faster then it is now last time I played my monk around launch. Was it the AS nerf they did?


On the day I complain about not getting any weapon drop this dropped:


The attack speed is very slow though.


Neo Member
I know Wothf doesnt have a lightning rune, but it still seems to do more damage for me compared to DR. I use FoF and have a TF and Fulminator and 15% Lightning on my bracers. Wothf always seems to generate the most spirit and produce the best damage.

Also, yes. FoT is now complete garbage.
Bad game design. If it is 1 out of 6 classes that are over-tuned the answer is not to just buff the other 5 classes.

While this is probably true, the other classes do seem to lack as far as skill synergy is concerned. Power is only one aspect of the wiz's success.

I also agree that we're advancing too fast. T3 ten days after release is pretty quick.
Blizzard subscribes to a whole different mindset. Barbie were imba back then..... So Blizzard went ahead and nerfed other classes!

Different team back then, no?

While this is probably true, the other classes do seem to lack as far as skill synergy is concerned. Power is only one aspect of the wiz's success.

I also agree that we're advancing too fast. T3 ten days after release is pretty quick.

No doubt, I think the vast majority of classes could use a slight buff over all in that department. I guess what I meant is the idea that all five classes should be buffed to Wizard levels is not really a good idea. On the flip side that doesn't mean that Wizards should be nerfed down to Crusader levels. I'm sure there is a middle ground that could be reached.
Calling it a night. Here's what my Monk looks like and his paper stats. Nothing amazing, but I'm slowly making the climb to 1mil dps :). Just glad I'm not one of the Wiz bandwagon-jumpers :p




Gave Torment 1 a try today. I could kill things but at such greater risk and at so slower a pace I don't think it's worth it over Normal yet. My gear is in a better spot than it was before my farm runs tonight though, so I'll give it another try tomorrow.
I know you're a wizard defender and all, but wizzies should be brought down a bit and crusaders should be brought up.

Why should they be brought down? Because they're good and can kill stuff if you can get them geared out? If this game had a competitive aspect I'd completely agree with the need to nerf them, but since the game doesn't. I find the nerf cries pointless. But overall it wouldn't bother m, I'd still play wizard and chances are it'd still be a better class than the others. I just find it funny people cry for nerfs in a game in which said nerf won't help them at all with their class problems. I'm just slow to wrap my head around the whining to be honest. It really has nothing to do with the class and more to do with I don't see the point in nerfs period. We could be talking about WD (a class I'll never play) and my argument wouldn't change. I'm not competing against WD, Wizards, Barbs, etc so I don't care how powerful they are. All I care about is will the class I am playing be just as diverse and fun? Example being Crusader, I like the class, but it's boring as shit and you can nerf every other class into oblivion and back and Crusader would still be a boring very limited in scope class lacking any type of diversity who's funneled into a certain playstyle/build due to the fact...they're all largely the same and boring.

They can tune down wizards, but chances are high wizards will STILL have the best synergy and diversity of any class. Diversity within each class was one of the main bullet points the development team strived for with ROS; they didn't like how everyone pretty much gravitated to one or two particular builds; that within itself should tell you how utterly off the mark they are with some of the other classes. Nerf them, and people will probably still play them as long as the nerfs are logical. If they break random shit just to get them down to other class levels. Nothing will be gained for any other class. People will stop playing Wizard, or will find that one build that's OP (thus killing blizzard's goal for ROS and class diversification) and the cycle will continue.

As I stated, unfortunately D3 has absolutely no competitive aspect so really asking for nerfs does nothing. Nerf wizards because they synergize too well, okay how does that adversely effect the other classes which the wizard class has absolutely no bearing on because blizzard scraped PVP unfortunately (because that would require real class balancing, something they're horrible at...point in case 8 years of WoW).


Bad game design. If it is 1 out of 6 classes that are over-tuned the answer is not to just buff the other 5 classes.

How does nerfing a class help other classes in Diablo ?

I know one, so that non-wiz users can feel better knowing other classes are as miserable as theirs!



Why should they be brought down? Because they're good and can kill stuff if you can get them geared out? If this game had a competitive aspect I'd completely agree with the need to nerf them, but since the game doesn't. I find the nerf cries pointless.

I mean, I guess man. I don't think anyones crying for a nerf so much as stating the obvious. It's not like Demon Hunters and Smoke Screen, 4 Monks cycling Serenity, Wizards Force armor nerf and more haven't all happened since release. Blizzard didn't care that there was no PvP then, and they won't care now. It's really easy to spot that one of these classes is not like the other. The nerf is coming, whether or not some folks want it or care is really rather irrelevant. I do however think its a good thing to talk about so that people who have no idea can at least prepare for it and not be surprised when it happens.

It would be nice if they buffed the other classes so everyone had such great synergy, but 20 years of gaming tells me the path of least resistance effort is the way these things usually go.

How does nerfing a class help other classes in Diablo ?

It doesn't at all. Im sure we would all prefer they buff other classes. I will say this though, when ladders hit, I really don't want class balance to be out of whack.... Perfect class balance is a pipe dream, but it could certainly be better than it is now. I really don't want to see ladders where 90% of the top spots are one class because its just THAT much better than the rest.
I mean, I guess man. I don't think anyones crying for a nerf so much as stating the obvious. It's not like Demon Hunters and Smoke Screen, 4 Monks cycling Serenity, Wizards Force armor nerf and more haven't all happened since release. Blizzard didn't care that there was no PvP then, and they won't care now. It's really easy to spot that one of these classes is not like the other. The nerf is coming, whether or not some folks want it or care is really rather irrelevant. I do however think its a good thing to talk about so that people who have no idea can at least prepare for it and not be surprised when it happens.

It would be nice if they buffed the other classes so everyone had such great synergy, but 20 years of gaming tells me the path of least resistance effort is the way these things usually go.

Sad but true. I'm not gonna pretend I'm shocked when the nerf comes; I'll call it lazy but I won't be shocked. Though there is a difference in the nerfs you're presenting. People were basically just spamming those singular abilities versus this which is people are basically saying nerf X class because it's a well synergized class compared to the others. It's not like wizards are going around soloing T6 Malthael/rfits and shit (That would be barbs).

Frozen orb being reduced to like 1-2 hits is fine with me, I don't even use the skill.


Balance is still important in a non competitive game. You want players to have to think about the options available. When one option trumps everything it trivializes all the other options available in a game. This is even within classes like Frozen Orb trumping the other Orbs or LTK trumping WoL.

Everyone here wants class balance. Ideally the other classes should be buffed in terms of synergies and options. However, this is the real world and developers have to achieve balance with minimal changes because time and resources are limited. Right now the easiest path to balancing is clear.

The problem with super buffing the other 5 classes to Wizards level is that you risk another WOTB/Nirvana type situation where some class ends up having a game breaking build. That's 5 times the risk of creating even more balance problems.


It is possible to roll the one socket here into three right?
mystic says it can (1-3) but i'd like to be sure before I dump another 20 forgotten souls into it

Balance is still important in a non competitive game. You want players to have to think about the options available. When one option trumps everything it trivializes all the other options available in a game. This is even within classes like Frozen Orb trumping the other Orbs or LTK trumping WoL.

Everyone here wants class balance. Ideally the other classes should be buffed in terms of synergies and options. However, this is the real world and developers have to achieve balance with minimal changes because time and resources are limited. Right now the easiest path to balancing is clear.

The problem with super buffing the other 5 classes to Wizards level is that you risk another WOTB/Nirvana type situation where some class ends up having a game breaking build. That's 5 times the risk of creating even more balance problems.

I agree real class balance is a pipe dream, I say buff other classes mostly tongue in cheek. That stated, the ideal goal is that players look for options within their classes before they go looking for options in other classes. The fact is for many classes there are no "options" within their own class. Thus they simply go where there are options and that is wizard. Even then, nerfing wizards isn't going to make people of other classes not want to move to another class regardless. Blizzard has 8 years worth of information showing them that nerfing one class doesn't make another class that sucks any better. Ask hunters how much better their class got back when they had lacerate but Blizzard swung the nerf bat to rogues. Hunters were still not happy, people still didn't play the class and rogues despite the nerf at the time were still the most played class by a small margin because they were the most fun class to play. So what did blizzard do? They went and retooled many of the other classes, they weren't super deep retoolings but they did enough to make other classes fun.


It is possible to roll the one socket here into three right?
mystic says it can (1-3) but i'd like to be sure before I dump another 20 forgotten souls into it


Yes. And thats my least favorite reroll.... Freaking sockets on set/leg vests. The mats each reroll is crazy, and I NEVER get 3 sockets, always 2.

Level 20 something Crusader, craft the highest weapon I can.
Reroll for a socket.
Put in a level 70 gem (+160) damage
Stat sheet goes from 200 damage to over 2000.

Torment never stood a chance (temporarily). So much fun wrecking face.


Has anyone experimented with the crusader "use a 2h as a1h" passive combined with all his other tricks to increase attack speed?

Using that above mentioned SK mace as a 1h with zeal and atk speed law and fervor passive and what ever else to increase atk speed could be pretty boss.

The DPS value from increase the speed on a slow attacking weapon like that should be insane.


It would be a bloated sheet rating that doesn't reflect how much damage you'd expect your Wrath spenders to actually dump.

Also, personally, I don't like Fervor. Most packs tend to die at the same time so it doesn't help all that much.
Dumb question but other than Bounties and Kadala, there is no way to farm for specific legendaries right?

Well there really is no way to farm for a specific legendary at all . Additionally, Kadala cannot give you Torment level items (no class specific set pieces, T level items, or Bounty specific items). Pretty sure at least.

Not Spaceghost


And with this necklace that concludes diablo 3 for the night.

It was a good show. Decided to give hammers with thunderstruck another shot and while I still have a lot of gripes about hammers in general thunderstruck makes em more bearable and they are actually a great dump. Though there are times I've wanted to scream outside saying "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO DAMAGE I SAW YOU CONNECT!"

But such is life.

Gonna craft the shoulders that match with my boots because it's basically impossible to get worthless shoulders anyways. As long as they have vit and strength they'll work out fine, but the set bonus gives me 100 res all which should be a pretty big chunk of toughness.


And with this necklace that concludes diablo 3 for the night.

It was a good show. Decided to give hammers with thunderstruck another shot and while I still have a lot of gripes about hammers in general thunderstruck makes em more bearable. Though there are times I've wanted to scream outside saying "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO DAMAGE I SAW YOU CONNECT!"

But such is life.

Gonna craft the shoulders that match with my boots because it's basically impossible to get worthless shoulders anyways. As long as they have vit and strength they'll work out fine, but the set bonus gives me 100 res all which should be a pretty big chunk of toughness.
yay 1 million crusader!
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