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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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RNG hates me.

So I go on my monk as a break from my crusader and the slow damage/shitty drops I've been getting. You know that 2 handed sword my crusader found that I posted the other day? It had dex on it and no str and no socket, so essentially unusable? My monk found the same fucking thing again. Then after being frustrated with no upgrades at all I decided to re-roll some shit on my amulet. After about 500k gold worth of topaz upgrades and rerolling I did not get what I wanted. Then in a sort of stroke of luck I gambled and got a legendary claw! Yay! Except that it's pretty junk without a socket. So I sacrifice every legendary in my stash to get more souls to waste on it (since I just wasted them on my amulet), and ... NOTHING. No socket yet. Did some more rifts and got one more legendary to sacrifice and still no socket.

So frustrating. Hours in and no upgrades at all and mostly just the game laughing at me.


Play a less-geared character!

This just doesn't work as a viable alternative for me. Going from my well geared main to some shit geared alt just isn't fun at all. I kill things slower, even though I drop the difficulty to below torment, making me also miss out on the chance of getting the torment only items in the process.

I wish smartloot didn't work like it does atm. Blizzard should just allow trading. And change smartloot to not be be based on the class you're playing. Instead just have loot roll smartly for any random class. These two changes would add longevity to the game, fix the issue of gearing followers, make it possible to gear alts without having to "start over", and it would incentivize interacting with other players.


RNG hates me.

So I go on my monk as a break from my crusader and the slow damage/shitty drops I've been getting. You know that 2 handed sword my crusader found that I posted the other day? It had dex on it and no str and no socket, so essentially unusable? My monk found the same fucking thing again. Then after being frustrated with no upgrades at all I decided to re-roll some shit on my amulet. After about 500k gold worth of topaz upgrades and rerolling I did not get what I wanted. Then in a sort of stroke of luck I gambled and got a legendary claw! Yay! Except that it's pretty junk without a socket. So I sacrifice every legendary in my stash to get more souls to waste on it (since I just wasted them on my amulet), and ... NOTHING. No socket yet. Did some more rifts and got one more legendary to sacrifice and still no socket.

So frustrating. Hours in and no upgrades at all and mostly just the game laughing at me.
Dat Myriam though....


TR Farming build

I think I posted this before, but it's what I'm going for. Not the top end. I just want the base. As long as I can pick up some allres pieces that aren't too much of a DPS drop and find some spirit gen I should be able to handle T1.

Edit: Art. I want your gear! haha nice build.

Thanks. I sooo badly want 2-piece sunwukong + firewalkers + hexing pants + soj. Haven't found 'em yet.


formerly sane
I noticed this morning I was getting 0 items out of vessels half the time, something I've never seen. Not even gold dropped. Nice to see the increase in rifts, I was getting bored with them.

Bored they are one of the easiest and best ways to get your paragons up quickly. Blizzard has nerfed a lot of runs that pre expansion were great for xp but I find a rift or two then boom another level.


I have 800k dps/9.5m toughness and I'm not at the top of the pack. Just figure out what stats you want in each slot (cc/cd on rings/amu for example) and keep an eye out for rares that are one reroll away from being ideal. Kadala is great for finding this sort of thing.

could you link your char? I'm doing complete shit dmg as my crusader and would like to see one done properly


I feel like Tempest Rush: Tailwind doesn't actually do anything if you have max movement speed already. Am I wrong here?


My TR monk currently crushes T1 and happily does T2. Have lots of room for gear improvement though.

I haven't tested this at all personally, but from what I've heard, Tailwind is currently bugged and not boosting speed at all, regardless of whether or not you're at gear/paragon speed cap.
Has anyone been able to notice the increased rift drop rate? Or is it just something that sounds nice on paper but has no real effect?

I've done 4 today and I've only dropped a plan


could you link your char? I'm doing complete shit dmg as my crusader and would like to see one done properly
Scy has a great Crusader. It's excellent to have in groups and the burst damage is pretty insane.


Doesn't seem to display the shield though for some reason (I guess bug with Heavenly Strength). His actual DPS is well over 1 million and crushes stuff on T2.

Basically just stacks up on Holy damage skills and on affixes. It's also one of the few Crusader that is stacking up on attack speed (Zeal + Law of Valor + Akarat's Champion + Attack speed on gear). The main thing is the Heaven's Fury as a resource spender when it is normally a skill like Condemn where it's on a big cooldown. The last rune makes it a resource spender and it's probably the best resource spender the crusader has now.

The Law of Valor active effect rains down Nephalem Glories all over the map and in a group allows you to have near perma Nephalem Buffs. You can probably combine it with the Nephalem Glory passive as well if you want.

He can probably get more damage out of his skills by getting stuff like Condemn and Heaven's Fury +% skill on gear.

Has anyone been able to notice the increased rift drop rate?
I noticed it myself.

Did like 8 Rifts yesterday. Got 4 Legendaries and 2 plans. People in my party were getting Legendaries too. This was on T2 though.


Has anyone been able to notice the increased rift drop rate? Or is it just something that sounds nice on paper but has no real effect?

I've done 4 today and I've only dropped a plan

RNG being RNG. I don't think 25% is big enough of a jump to feel it considering RNG and the already low drop rate. I mean if you feel you typically get a leg every 2 hours at the most due to RNG hosing, you should still expect 1.5 hours without a leg at times. Since some rifts can be completed in <10 minutes, I'm not super surprised at 0 leg drops, but that does suck. Damn you RNG.
could you link your char? I'm doing complete shit dmg as my crusader and would like to see one done properly


The armory is borked as usual (and hasn't updated since yesterday) but you get the idea. The only major issue I have with my gear right now is the lack of AR. I survive just fine though so I haven't bothered too much rerolling for it. I'll definitely focus on it with whatever new gear I get.

My build changes daily and is based purely on how I like to play. I wouldn't pay too much attention to it.
Has anyone been able to notice the increased rift drop rate? Or is it just something that sounds nice on paper but has no real effect?

I've done 4 today and I've only dropped a plan

Yesterday in a T2 rift two dropped within 5 seconds of each other. Both from random white monsters. Never happened to me before.


Some Difficulty stuff I'd like to share, because I see a lot of stuff here thats just wrong about T1 being bees knees for everything.

I clear T2 99.99% as fast as T1. There is no benefit for me playing on T1 period, as it is just less gold, exp, and loot across the board, even adjusted for time.
I clear T3 solo 90% as fast as I do T2, which to me is fast enough to be worth doing over T2. I would guess that it is slightly less legionaries per hour than T2 at this speed.
T3 in groups is cleared significantly slower than T2, to the point T3 is not worth doing over T2 groups.
I get more exp and loot per hour doing T2 groups, than I do T3 soloing, solely due to kill speed.
T3 groups will eventually be worth doing over T2 groups when overall DPS increases, maybe even T4, but I doubt it.

As your gear gets better and better, the stat increases from paragon level exp are going to actually be more lucrative than finding loot. 12 paragon levels could look something like 15 main stat, .3 crit, 15ar, xx LoH. That amount of paragon stats seriously might be more than the mean time to find a legendary that could provide an increase of a similar amount.

TLDR - Saying T1 is always the best is like saying CC is always better than CD. It does depend on where youre at.


OK so I'm playing a lightning crusader and had 2 Odin's Son 1h maces drop for me yesterday within 2 hours of each other. Does smart loot factor in the spec you are using? 1h maces are completely useless to crusaders and I may have to switch to holy to get some 2-handers to drop.


As your gear gets better and better, the stat increases from paragon level exp are going to actually be more lucrative than finding loot. 12 paragon levels could look something like 15 main stat, .3 crit, 15ar, xx LoH. That amount of paragon stats seriously might be more than the mean time to find a legendary that could provide an increase of a similar amount.

Partly true until you take into account build-changing items like Kridershot, Blind Faith, Cindercoat, etc..


As your gear gets better and better, the stat increases from paragon level exp are going to actually be more lucrative than finding loot. 12 paragon levels could look something like 15 main stat, .3 crit, 15ar, xx LoH. That amount of paragon stats seriously might be more than the mean time to find a legendary that could provide an increase of a similar amount.

TLDR - Saying T1 is always the best is like saying CC is always better than CD. It does depend on where youre at.

Yes, this is currently the case for myself and basically everyone I play with. It is also a monumental flaw. What your stating is that this game is just an enormous XP grind since the odds of finding better loot that would allow you to play higher Torment levels is so low.


Partly true until you take into account build-changing items like Kridershot, Blind Faith, Cindercoat, etc..

You'd have these by then.

Yes, this is currently the case for myself and basically everyone I play with. It is also a monumental flaw. What your stating is that this game is just an enormous XP grind since the odds of finding better loot that would allow you to play higher Torment levels is so low.

Eh, who cares honestly? I mean, T1-4 are the only levels that can be efficiently done ever as far as I can tell. I don't think T5 or T6 could ever be worth it, unless some absurd builds are discovered. I mean you can get to T2 in a week of play, T3 in a month maybe, T4 in ...no idea. Is this really a flaw?

Also, a blue accidently let slip the Torment leg drop rates boost for T1 and T2

Great question! (I was actually looking for a good thread in which to drop this information.)

So, the 25% bonus to Legendary drops in Nephalem Rifts is multiplicative and will actually stack with the scaling Legendary drop rate bonus in Torment 1-6.

This means if you're playing through a Rift in Normal-Master, you'll have a 25% bonus to Legendary drops. If you're playing through a Rift in Torment 1, you'll have a 43% bonus to Legendary drops (1.15 * 1.25 = 1.43). If you're playing through a Rift in Torment 2, you'll have a 65% bonus to Legendary drops (1.32* 1.25 = 1.65). And so on.

Hope that helps clear some things up a bit. (Also, I really hope my math checks out. >.>)

Note that we're going to continue to keep an eye on Rifts and how rewarding they are (or, more importantly, how rewarding they feel). We've already seen some great feedback from players on that topic that we're taking a look at now. This buff is just a small change we could make quickly, and we're definitely looking forward to your feedback over the next few days.


As much as I'm still loving RoS, I do have a few criticisms. Am I alone in thinking that a lot of what they did to get people back in was just inflation? People were excited to get upgrades left and right, but at some point that has to stop. The only reason everyone was getting so many upgrades was because the pre-patch loot was fucking useless since they inflated stats so much. They also turned legendaries into what used to be rares and rares are now like blues... sort of. I'm talking drop rate, excitement, and usefulness for them. They added some new stats and things to the items that are exciting, sure, but I don't think they fixed the fact that everyone is still gunning for mostly the same fucking stats on everything. Crit chance and damage are still way too powerful. As I posted before and as many others have posted: For the most part if you get a weapon and it doesn't have a socket, it's fucking useless. Not much other shit will make up for not being able to put an emerald in there.

They made a lot of cool item effects, though, but they're exclusively specific legendaries. It would have been more interesting to see some of those effects spread out.

They also failed a bit in not integrating some of the new states like the chance to do area damage. I'd love to do area damage, but the game isn't giving me any fucking clue if that would be better for me or not, so 9 times out of 10 I'll go with the thing the game says is better. People realize the elemental skill damage plus stuff is really good, too, but the game also doesn't fucking say that. We need a sheet dps per skill or something like that.

Also smart loot is cool and all, but it's in this weird middle ground. If I'm playing with my monk and I get a legendary that he shouldn't be using it's going to be this weird monk version of something. That means my crusader can't really use it without re-rolling. And that's aside from the fact that then he's probably re-rolling a main stat and sometimes you need to re-roll for a socket if it's a weapon or something... and then that brings me to the fact that the re-rolls for legendaries are completely fucking unreasonable. Give us another way to get the materials and jesus christ don't charge as much for gem upgrades if that's what we need for some re-rolls.


Plz blizz put Shields with 2h and change heavenly strength to be like weapon master.

+ 1H with shield: 5% crit
+ 2H no shield: 10% AS
+ 2H with shield: 10% CD


Looks like its a stacking 15% buff per T level

Normal-Master = 0 bonus + 25% bonus for rifts = 125%
T1 = 15% bonus + 25% bonus for rifts = 1.15*1.25 = 1.4375 = 143.75%
T2 = 15% T1 bonus + 15% T2 bonus + 25% for rifts = 1.15*1.15*1.25= 1.653125 = 165.31%
T3 = 1.15*1.15*1.15*1.25= 1.90109 = 190.11%
T4 = 1.15^4 * 1.25= 2.186257= 218.63%
T5 = 1.15^5 * 1.25= 2.514196 = 251.42%
T6 = 1.15^6 * 1.25= 2.8913259 = 289.13%


I really need to get to t1 to get that sweet increase. Pretty close too, 400k DPS unbuffed and an armor heavy 3m in toughness

Tom Penny

OK so I'm playing a lightning crusader and had 2 Odin's Son 1h maces drop for me yesterday within 2 hours of each other. Does smart loot factor in the spec you are using? 1h maces are completely useless to crusaders and I may have to switch to holy to get some 2-handers to drop.

I want an Odin son. Roll an lighting monk :)


He can probably get more damage out of his skills by getting stuff like Condemn and Heaven's Fury +% skill on gear.

They share the same slot so it'll most likely be one or the other (aka, Heaven's Fury). Hallowed Protector for the +20% Holy on my Shield and retooling my Shoulders and Chest to get +15% Heaven's Fury is part of my long-term goals. I've been lazy / dreading the CDR loss for the Shoulders, though I know 20% vs 25% CDR isn't a big deal.

I'm still just dumping all my Blood Shards into 2Hers in the hope I get the Heaven's Fury Flail. That will triple my right-click damage. Triple.

Yesterday in a T2 rift two dropped within 5 seconds of each other. Both from random white monsters. Never happened to me before.

Wait, did we ever settle who got to do the gloom and doom post?

TLDR - Saying T1 is always the best is like saying CC is always better than CD. It does depend on where youre at.

Basically. T2 is probably the sweet spot for random_invite groups I can put together and T3 is ideal if I get all the right people on and we don't get fucked on the mob types.


So buff to rifts and 50% exp this weekend.... ok I think that's enough to get back on my Monk and continue the search for the thunderfury. I'll at least get a ton of exp towards paragon levels.

Melee DH is actually pretty damn good though in the time I played. I could stay alive far longer than my toughness indicated. I'm not a fan of grenades or bolas though so the primary attacks kinda sucked and I didn't really enjoy those but vaulting around using fan of knives is pretty damn fun. A class/build I'll give some time to every now and then...

torment rifts as soon as the exp bonus goes live tonight though. The Thunderfury will be mine!


Looks like its a stacking 15% buff per T level

Someone fucked up the math in this. Check out the jump from T3 to T4.

Normal-Master = 0 bonus + 25% bonus for rifts = 25% bonus overall
T1 = 15% bonus + 25% bonus for rifts = 1.15*1.25 = 1.4375 = 43.75% bonus overall
T2 = 15% T1 bonus + 15% T2 bonus + 25% for rifts = 1.15*1.15*1.25= 1.653125 = 65.31% bonus overall
T3 = 1.15*1.15*1.15*1.25= 1.90109 = 90.11% bonus overall
T4 = 1.15^4 * 1.25= 2.186257= 218.63% bonus overall
T5 = 1.15^5 * 1.25= 2.514196 = 251.42% bonus overall
T6 = 1.15^6 * 1.25= 2.8913259 = 289.13% bonus overall

It's supposed to be 118.63% for T4, 151.42% for T5 and 189.13% for T6.


They share the same slot so it'll most likely be one or the other (aka, Heaven's Fury). Hallowed Protector for the +20% Holy on my Shield and retooling my Shoulders and Chest to get +15% Heaven's Fury is part of my long-term goals. I've been lazy / dreading the CDR loss for the Shoulders, though I know 20% vs 25% CDR isn't a big deal.

I'm still just dumping all my Blood Shards into 2Hers in the hope I get the Heaven's Fury Flail. That will triple my right-click damage. Triple.
/the struggle to one million shieldless DPS is real


Does that 2H really put out 3 Heaven's Fury at one time?

That's fucking stupid. Also I would be cautious about if it works with every rune. The monk Fist of Az doesn't work with every Exploding Palm rune... only 3 out of the 5.


15% bonus from Normal to Torment is way too low. No wonder it barely felt like an upgrade before.

Certainly you don't clear Torment 1 15% slower than Normal.
15% bonus from Normal to Torment is way too low. No wonder it barely felt like an upgrade before.

Certainly you don't clear Torment 1 15% slower than Normal.

Also, no bonus from Normal-Master is a strange decision. I can't see why you would do anything other than farm normal when you aren't geared for T1.
Also, no bonus from Normal-Master is a strange decision. I can't see why you would do anything other than farm normal when you aren't geared for T1.

Paragon XP bonuses and double blood shards are a decent reason. There definitely exists a point in the gear spectrum where torment 1 is a pain but Expert isn't.


Does that 2H really put out 3 Heaven's Fury at one time?

That's fucking stupid. Also I would be cautious about if it works with every rune. The monk Fist of Az doesn't work with every Exploding Palm rune... only 3 out of the 5.

Paragon XP bonuses and double blood shards are a decent reason. There definitely exists a point in the gear spectrum where torment 1 is a pain but Expert isn't.

True, but when I hit 70 finishing Act V, I was right about there with my monk and it didn't take long to gear up doing Normal runs. The ability to clear mobs fast gave me a lot more loot to look at and I wasn't looking for BiS, just whatever would get me to T1 level.

My point is just that I will likely be doing the same once I hit 70 on alts.

Only reason I see is to get Imperials. I likely put more value in them then they are actually worth though.

I've put quite a few hours into T1 and I feel like I never see imperials drop. I know I have, but I just feel like they are so few and far between.
Not a bad hour and a half (all from a single set of bounties and a rift run).


Not the greatest of stuff, but certainly nice to now have a few level 70 Legs.
Aren't I a pretty fellow :D.

Dat helm! I've been rolling blood shards on helms on my WD hoping for that. It pairs nicely with envious blade (100% crit @ full life on creatures) since the crit roll is on apply and not during the individual ticks so it will do ridiculous dps from start to finish.
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