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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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Stop and open them? Fill another tab and keep going? What should I do?

I don't know why I do this to myself.


Looks like I was wrong but still, I've had that item a few times and every time I've tried it it's been terrible.

Maybe clearing low hp white trash on normal but I've never seen the damage from it's secondary do much more than tickle an enemy.
You are meant to stack that stat on your other secondary affixes. So if you have Life per kill on your items the damage becomes more noticeable.

It's a secondary stat so you might as well put it on all your items. If you can get 15K life per kill in every stat for 150K life per kill then that's where the damage from the proc becomes noticeable (still mediocre IMO but better than nothing). Unless the damage can crit in which case it's probably not that bad.

Deleted member 325805

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Stop and open them? Fill another tab and keep going? What should I do?

I don't know why I do this to myself.

Just don't open them all at once, many people have lost everything due to a disconnect.

The Cowboy

Very weird, I was just levelling my barb and am currently level 65, every single drop be it blue or yellow is level 61 (every single thing I've had from a whole bounty run is L61?). Never seen dropping like this before, I'd expect some to be lower - but everything level 61?.

Just read up on it, intended (really crap) design it seems.


I've been so lucky when rerolling weapons to have sockets on the first or second try, but for the life of me I can't get a single good drop on chests or legs.


A Legendary Chest drops.


*Identifies Legendary... it's a Cindercoat with good rolls (Dex, Vit), 1 socket and LIGHTNING RESISTANCE which is what my Monk is stacking.



Found a thunderfury tonight :)))) my lightning barb is happy. It had native open socket too :) rolled 7% IAS on it afterwards. Now I need tgods belt!


Run 6 T2 rifts, don't get shit.

Do a chest run for 1.5hrs and get 11 legendaries... It was crazy earlier, I never saw that many drops in that time period before. It was legendary happy hour.

Well got my 4pc Marauders bonus plus my chest that adds 2 more wolves, plus my follower, there's 9 things running around the map for me. Funniest thing ever, my own personal army.

All I need now is a Krider shot or calamity and I'll be happy.

This is the pre-nerf Arreat Core chest run? Or is this another chest run post-nerf?


WD just nabbed the +pet dmg helm (+91%). Rolled vit/int/res all/socket. Not sure what I want to roll out of. I really like mana regen and not sure how much I should go after crit due to the pet limitations with crit dmg.


That Cindercoat is ridiculous, good shit. Found a pretty solid Thundergod's Fury today on my DH I can give to my Monk. Other than that, I found this gem which I'm posting a screenshot of per Ash's request. I had no idea this existed until I got it out of a random cache, assuming it's one of the cache-exclusive ones:


Re-rolled the Hatred regen to the socket (first try!). Only lost 11k dps over my previous weapon (Izzucob) and the proc ability seemed pretty ridiculous, so figured I would give it a go. I had a surprisingly hard time getting a good screenshot of it in action because you need a good size mob to get several up, but the traps/caltrops would usually expire before everything was dead, or there were so many enemies you couldn't clearly see them. But just as a poor example:


You definitely can have multiples up of each, I've seen three turrets, etc. I'm not sure if you can have more than a total of 3 things up at one time, again because the caltrops/traps usually expire one way or the other before that becomes an issue so I'll need to mess around with it some more. The only bummer is that unless I'm super unlucky as far as I can tell Hatred spenders, or at least Cluster Arrow, doesn't trigger it. Did two rifts fully unloading 5-6 Cluster Arrows into every group I could before doing any Bola shots and as far as I could tell at least it wouldn't proc from that. All in all though this was an extremely pleasant surprise and I'm really happy with it to the point that with this and the instant-explode Bola quiver (which is why I'm using Bola) I'm not even mad I don't have a Kridershot.

Also worth noting that I think I got SUPER lucky with the rolls; in the exact same cache run my Wizard friend got one as well, but it was total trash; it rolled something like Vit, bleed damage, and then something else really stupid other than Max Disc and no socket.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Finally got enough drops to begin running torment 1 rifts solo. It isn't on farm and certain affixes are brutal but still... feels good to get over that weird pre-Torment gear hump where you see nothing but 100s of rare items that are 6-10% less dmg than what you have equipped.

It didn't take anything crazy, either. A ring with Int and two other dmg-boosting stats, and an offhand with the same.


That cindercoat is insane. Reduces resource cost on fire skills? Lol cmon, thats just crazy. Then the 3 sockets and the primary stats and +Fire Damage...

That Cindercoat is ridiculous, good shit. Found a pretty solid Thundergod's Fury today on my DH I can give to my Monk. Other than that, I found this gem which I'm posting a screenshot of per Ash's request. I had no idea this existed until I got it out of a random cache, assuming it's one of the cache-exclusive ones:


Re-rolled the Hatred regen to the socket (first try!). Only lost 11k dps over my previous weapon (Izzucob) and the proc ability seemed pretty ridiculous, so figured I would give it a go. I had a surprisingly hard time getting a good screenshot of it in action because you need a good size mob to get several up, but the traps/caltrops would usually expire before everything was dead, or there were so many enemies you couldn't clearly see them. But just as a poor example:


You definitely can have multiples up of each, I've seen three turrets, etc. I'm not sure if you can have more than a total of 3 things up at one time, again because the caltrops/traps usually expire one way or the other before that becomes an issue so I'll need to mess around with it some more. The only bummer is that unless I'm super unlucky as far as I can tell Hatred spenders, or at least Cluster Arrow, doesn't trigger it. Did two rifts fully unloading 5-6 Cluster Arrows into every group I could before doing any Bola shots and as far as I could tell at least it wouldn't proc from that. All in all though this was an extremely pleasant surprise and I'm really happy with it to the point that with this and the instant-explode Bola quiver (which is why I'm using Bola) I'm not even mad I don't have a Kridershot.

Also worth noting that I think I got SUPER lucky with the rolls; in the exact same cache run my Wizard friend got one as well, but it was total trash; it rolled something like Vit, bleed damage, and then something else really stupid other than Max Disc and no socket.

Yeah I have one of those too on my DH, its got a really neat proc. I didnt even think it was working until I noticed all the purple dots on my map. Then I realized they were mines and sentry turrets. Its a great proc, but strangely I think Itll be worth more in high torment farming where packs can take a while to kill. If you can kill a pack before the mines and turrets proc then it doesn't have much dps value, but in longer battles, man that could be the coolest proc in the game.


So, is this good enough to restore the reputation of Diablo III? I kinda liked it from the beginning, although I recognize the obvious flaws.
I absolutely need more freakin topaz but i can't get them. They aren't dropping. I need them for 2 different item rerolls and I still havent crafted every flawless royal I need.

This is definitely the most frustrating part of not being able to trade gems.


So, is this good enough to restore the reputation of Diablo III? I kinda liked it from the beginning, although I recognize the obvious flaws.

Seeing the reactions even in terms of loot when it drops..it drops feels so good. And it's so mutch fun with the Nephalem Rifts, Bounty's and Adventure mode.


Seek victory, not fairness
Infinite Avalanche: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ys_1LRZ4EI

Gain 3 charges with tectonic rift, cycle 750 fury which would give another charge. From that point on, if you cast one avalanche (only) that counter is restored as soon as you spend any fury. One attack, another avalanche, repeat for massive damage.


Also, there was a post on Korean battle.net which said that the moonlight ward is intentionally not dropping right now - probably pending a fix. http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/22bwvf/moonlight_ward_is_no_longer_obtainable/

Not Spaceghost

Oh god oh no oh god oh no.

I finally had enough hand me down gear for my barb that I took him out on a test drive, he was dual weilding a shard of hate the bonesaber, both fantastically rolled, he had a few peices of + lightning damage gear so I pumped him full of lightning damage and I'm scared. I think...i genuinely think that even though my barb only does 880k dps (vs my crusaders 1.1mil) and only has 7m toughness (vs my crusaders 11m) that he's just insanely stronger...and most of that is because SHARD OF HATE IS SO GOOD.


blah, lame day today. nothing good really dropped, but it's pretty hard for me to get an upgrade.

really hope moonlight amulet gets fixed soon. need a 70 one.
blah, lame day today. nothing good really dropped, but it's pretty hard for me to get an upgrade.

really hope moonlight amulet gets fixed soon. need a 70 one.

Same here. The only way I could get an upgrade now is to drop enough topazes to reroll some stats. But I've been getting every gem except that one. I don't get it. So frustrating.

God Enel

Is there a page where all the legendaries and sets are listed? Googled but couldnt find anything. The german sites are shitty. What are the top items for mages?

And what about the hellfire ring? Just started playing since a long time.
Decided to open up some caches before going to bed. Got legendary shoulders and boots that are both small sidegrades. The boots also are the ones that increase life regeneration for every second you stand still, which I do a lot of (unwavering will and all).

So now there's only a few slots left to fill in with legendaries.



So, is this good enough to restore the reputation of Diablo III? I kinda liked it from the beginning, although I recognize the obvious flaws.

The game feels much more rewarding now than it did before, and a new act + adventure mode obviously adds variety to the loot grind. But honestly there's still a lot of stuff that could be much better.

Stats on most items still boil down to needing the same boring stats as pre 2.0. Though with a few new stats like +dmg and +skill dmg adding a few more options. I'm personally getting pretty tired of shoulders, chests, belts, pants and boots pretty much only needing main stat + vit + all res ( and sockets for chest and legs ). While gloves, rings and amulets are your default big dmg slots, where you just try and get as much main stat + atk speed + crit chance + crit dmg. It's just a boring and predictable way that the items work atm. Especially because this also applies to legendaries and set items.

No trading is just silly, and in combination with how smartroll currently works, means getting loot for followers or alts is virtually impossible. It's just a big frustration element in the game as it stands.

Adventure mode is a mixed bag. Bounties get real boring, real fast due to their shitty and repetitive objectives ( there's only something like 4-5 different types of bounty missions ). Rifts can be really fun when you get levels with high mob density. However 90% of the time you are running through levels with pretty low mob density, which makes for a pretty dull gameplay experience imo.

And like I said at the beginning, the game is much more rewarding than before. However there's a serious lack of incentive to play on anything higher than torment 1. Legendary drop chance doesn't really seem to scale very well with difficulties, there's no difference in the quality of legendaries depending on difficulty, and you get access to all torment only items by playing torment 1.

Crafting and gem upgrading also have issues right now. Gem upgrading is currently insanely expensive, anyone who didn't have a huge pile of gold ready when RoS was released are gonna be constantly broke if they try to go get high level gems.
Crafting is in a terrible state atm. Legendary crafting makes no sense at all. They need a trivial white item for no good reason, and also needs a legendary crafting material that currently have very low drop chance ( which is being buffed very significantly in "an upcoming patch" ). And then just for good measure, some legendaries/set pieces also needs a max level gem. Why only some of them need that gem? I have no idea.
Crafting rare items is also pretty bad. At lvl 60 you could find a ton of rare recipes that taught you to craft items with 4, 5, 6 stats. As well as the best rare recipes that always had str/int/dex/vit on them. At lvl 70 however, there's none of that for whatever reason. The rare items you can craft are the ones you learn when you level the blacksmith, that's it. And they are these terrible crafts that just has 4-6 stats. I truly don't understand the complete lack of rare recipes in RoS, it honestly makes zero sense to me.

So uh, you know. It's definitely better than vanilla d3. But there's still a lot of stuff that could be way better.

Decided to open up some caches before going to bed. Got legendary shoulders and boots that are both small sidegrades. The boots also are the ones that increase life regeneration for every second you stand still, which I do a lot of (unwavering will and all).

So now there's only a few slots left to fill in with legendaries.


Could you link to your armory page? Would love to see your gear in detail. I have a few mill more toughness than you on my wizard, but my sheet dmg is only about half of yours.


Pretty happy with my wizard right now as well

Still need to roll my CD higher on my neck since it only rolled 51, but I'm up to 85% fire damage without using Firebird's Eye.

Also, my Crusader is starting to shape up pretty well, I just need like 100 souls to reroll all his gear.
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