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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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You should drop the green gem from the weapon. Pets can only do +50% crit damage. Use a red gem. Your sheet dps will drop but you will kill stuff faster.

And for all the pet WDs here using pets and Spirit Barrage/Rush of Essence for mana. Try playing without those skills. I recently dropped both for Big Bad Voodoo and Pierce the Veil. I thought I would be running out of mana but with the 0 channeling cost of Vampire Bats it hasn't been a problem at all.

My gear etc: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/BarelyOK-2277/hero/2969907.
Ruby is better than Emerald when it comes to WD?


What holy build are you going for tomorrow?

One thing is sure: I'm 99% sure I'll drop hammers. Then it's a debate about whether I go holy or lightning. I like playing block builds, so I'll likely keep Punish (Roar) as my wrath generator regardless. Then there are two paths I'm looking at:

-Fist of the Heavens (Fissure) as my wrath spender
-Provoke (Charge Up) to regen wrath and shock stuff up

-Shield Bash (Shattered Shield or Pound?) as my wrath spender
-Fist of the Heavens (Divine Well) as my wrath spender
-Condemn (Unleashed) to blow stuff up

That Mace was ODYN SON so the LIGHTNING BUILD IS A GO TOMORROW!!! (provided I can socket it)


  • Slash - Electrify
  • Fist of the Heavens - Fissure
  • Falling Sword - Part The Clouds
  • Condemn - Vacuum
  • Laws of Valor - Answered Prayer (gotta go fast)
  • AC - Rally
Passives: Divine Fortress, Righteousness, Finery, Wrathful


  • Slash - Zeal
  • Fist of the Heavens - Divine Well
  • Condemn - Vacuum
  • Laws of Valor - Answered Prayer
  • Heaven's Fury - Blessed Ground
  • AC - Rally

Passives: Holy Cause, Righteousness, Finery, Wrathful

I think currently with my gear the Holy spec will be stronger, but the Lightning build will be fun as fuck to mess around with.


For a Pet-heavy WD (Currently using Big Stinker and Leeching Beasts), what's the best combo of active abilities to go with it? I currently have the 2 Voodoo Colldowns on my bar, and using Firebom/Eels, but it doesn't feel all that effective.


I'd still imagine Fist of the Heavens being kind of lackluster. Unless the three casts you have kills everything, you'll be spending most of the time using those lousy wrath generators which they don't seem to be adjusting too much.


I'd still imagine Fist of the Heavens being kind of lackluster. Unless the three casts you have kills everything, you'll be spending most of the time using those lousy wrath generators which they don't seem to be adjusting too much.

Well, going Lightning I'd find a way to use Provoke with Charged Up since it's 50% that applies to every damage source that occurs and that generates a ton of Wrath. Otherwise, Zealous Glare handles Wrath Generation if you need it desperately. Fist of the Heavens from my testing Fissure earlier today (though, admittedly, I have good gear) was pretty good in T1 4 player for soloing stuff. Raising that DoT to 400% instead of 80% and upping the base FotH damage seems to be pretty significant to me. We'll see.

As for the generators, they're lousy in terms of generating Wrath. In terms of just raw damage output, the Crusader generators have some of the highest (if not the highest) numbers. I mean, Punish is up to 270%. That's almost on par with some spenders.
Current Crusader. I can do most things on T1. Can't kill some of the bosses though. I need to see what the patch does tomorrow before I make any changes.
Once I have the materials to do so, I will attempt to enchant my bracers to either Attack Speed or Lighting Damage.


Think I'm going to pick this up with all the praise the new expansion has been getting.

Haven't played D3 at all, but played D2 quite a bit (although that was a long time ago). I want to play a character that can walk up to the baddest mofos Hell can throw at me and trade blows with them until they fall over dead - should I play Crusader? I don't want to have to chug potions every 3 seconds because I can't take a hit from a decently-powerful enemy.


I have such a love/hate relationship with this game.

On the one hand, I kinda enjoy playing it. On the other hand, I recognize that I'm doing the same thing over and over for hours, whithout any really challenge, with every benefit and upgrade/progress being artificial. I feel like I'm wastiny my life playing it, one click at a time. It's always like "hey, I should uninstallit now, just play for one more hour before".


Think I'm going to pick this up with all the praise the new expansion has been getting.

Haven't played D3 at all, but played D2 quite a bit (although that was a long time ago). I want to play a character that can walk up to the baddest mofos Hell can throw at me and trade blows with them until they fall over dead - should I play Crusader? I don't want to have to chug potions every 3 seconds because I can't take a hit from a decently-powerful enemy.

If you want to trade blows I'd think barb would be a better choice.


Think I'm going to pick this up with all the praise the new expansion has been getting.

Haven't played D3 at all, but played D2 quite a bit (although that was a long time ago). I want to play a character that can walk up to the baddest mofos Hell can throw at me and trade blows with them until they fall over dead - should I play Crusader? I don't want to have to chug potions every 3 seconds because I can't take a hit from a decently-powerful enemy.

You won't chug potions every 3 seconds with any of the characters.
Think I'm going to pick this up with all the praise the new expansion has been getting.

Haven't played D3 at all, but played D2 quite a bit (although that was a long time ago). I want to play a character that can walk up to the baddest mofos Hell can throw at me and trade blows with them until they fall over dead - should I play Crusader? I don't want to have to chug potions every 3 seconds because I can't take a hit from a decently-powerful enemy.

Play a Thorns Crusader!


After reading a little bit about the classes on the official site, I'm split between Barb, Crusader, and Monk. Is there a frequently-updated site that gives a basic rundown of the popular builds for each class?
Think I'm going to pick this up with all the praise the new expansion has been getting.

Haven't played D3 at all, but played D2 quite a bit (although that was a long time ago). I want to play a character that can walk up to the baddest mofos Hell can throw at me and trade blows with them until they fall over dead - should I play Crusader? I don't want to have to chug potions every 3 seconds because I can't take a hit from a decently-powerful enemy.

As it currently stands, go Wizard and do not look back. Not a joke either, Wizard as it currently stands.


Diablo Fans, it is basically the MMO-Champion version of D3.

That's pretty much what I was looking for, thanks!

Edit: One last question - for someone starting from scratch, what would the typical game mode/difficulty/whatever progression be? Play through the story on Normal, bump up the difficulty, play though again, etc.?
That's pretty much what I was looking for, thanks!

Edit: One last question - for someone starting from scratch, what would the typical game mode/difficulty/whatever progression be? Play through the story on Normal, bump up the difficulty, play though again, etc.?

Play through the story once on the difficulty of your choosing and then do adventure.
That's pretty much what I was looking for, thanks!

Edit: One last question - for someone starting from scratch, what would the typical game mode/difficulty/whatever progression be? Play through the story on Normal, bump up the difficulty, play though again, etc.?

If you are truly starting from scratch I would go Hard or Expert, your call on how long you want to deal with crap. You can constantly alter the difficulty to your liking, so do not feel like you are tied to one or another.


DO NOT kill the Act 5 boss on anything other than Torment 1. If you are playing on the US severs I'll be more than happy to help you. Other than that play w/e you like. If you can manage it go Torment 1 throughout. No worries though, just have a good time.

Wizards/Witch Doctors are probably in the best shape at the moment.


first time in forever i get a wand drop. pray to rnjesus its a woh...nope. fucking forgotten soul is what it was. then a few minutes later a sword. of course its not a tfury or shard of hate.

he's just toying with me now.


Are there any sites that have collected different builds?


I have no idea what I should be gambling for now. I finally got a Mirrorball after around 3k shards, but it was only +1. It was pretty good for generating arcane power back with Glacial Spike, but I greatly prefer Electrocute, especially with my current weapon. It also allows me to use Elemental Exposure in multiplayer for a group 15% damage bonus on top of Cold Blooded if no other Wizards are using it. Finally gambled a Myrkul's an hour ago, and that thing is incredible for both arcane power as well as debuffing quickly.

About 85% of the weapons that have dropped for me have been two-handed. I don't know if the game is trying to tell me something, but I'm getting pretty sick of it. My current main hand was the first lvl 70 drop that my Crusader ended up with...
Gambling on a main hand just seems like an extreme long shot to get something better too. Andariel's might be good for my current build, but I'm not sure if it would really be that much of an upgrade over what I'm using. Amulets also seem like a long shot. Maybe try for Magefists or Frostburn?



If you are truly starting from scratch I would go Hard or Expert, your call on how long you want to deal with crap. You can constantly alter the difficulty to your liking, so do not feel like you are tied to one or another.


DO NOT kill the Act 5 boss on anything other than Torment 1. If you are playing on the US severs I'll be more than happy to help you. Other than that play w/e you like. If you can manage it go Torment 1 throughout. No worries though, just have a good time.

Wizards/Witch Doctors are probably in the best shape at the moment.

Why is that? For the guaranteed Legendary?


Question about toughness and survivability in general: Do I prioritize resistances or vitality? I just got a new Cindercoat for my Demon Hunter and I rerolled the vit on it to all resist. Did I do the right thing?

Why is that? For the guaranteed Legendary?

Yep, you get guaranteed legendaries and on top of that you have the chance to get a torment only legendary.



I have no idea what I should be gambling for now. I finally got a Mirrorball after around 3k shards, but it was only +1. It was pretty good for generating arcane power back with Glacial Spike, but I greatly prefer Electrocute, especially with my current weapon. It also allows me to use Elemental Exposure in multiplayer for a group 15% damage bonus on top of Cold Blooded if no other Wizards are using it. Finally gambled a Myrkul's an hour ago, and that thing is incredible for both arcane power as well as debuffing quickly.

About 85% of the weapons that have dropped for me have been two-handed. I don't know if the game is trying to tell me something, but I'm getting pretty sick of it. My current main hand was the first lvl 70 drop that my Crusader ended up with...
Gambling on a main hand just seems like an extreme long shot to get something better too. Andariel's might be good for my current build, but I'm not sure if it would really be that much of an upgrade over what I'm using. Amulets also seem like a long shot. Maybe try for Magefists or Frostburn?


Awesome, thanks for the guide link.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Torment is fucking hard, man. And yet it seems you have to play torment to get the equipment strong enough for torment...


Stopped playing this shortly after release and only started up again with ROS (Stupidly deleted my old chars so I'd have no temptation to come back..), had quite a productive day, Damage jumped from 360k to 470k and Toughness from 3.8m to 6.5m..Knew it was going to be a good day when a Thunderfury dropped on my first Rift.

Seem to be having some connection issues now so I think I'm done for today.


If I reset the quest again, will I get guaranteed Legendary from Malthael once more?

Torment is fucking hard, man. And yet it seems you have to play torment to get the equipment strong enough for torment...

Absolutely not true. You can easily get good gear from Normal-Master.
If you feel like you need Torment gear to face torment, then the build is not good enough.

Rethink your defensive options/tools, your damage synergies, all that jazz.Also, ignore that toughness stat. The real question is: can you sustain your own life regen via LOH/LOK/LOpS, and do you not get instakilled by the heavy hitter's attacks.
Not true. You can get everything that you need to be Torment ready playing Normal.


T1 is honestly a joke, it is hardly a step up at all. I was actually talking to Ballis tonight about how under-tuned Torment seems to be. Torment 3 is my pref. farming difficulty (in terms of efficiency) which is really kinda of silly considering we are only a few weeks out from launch. T4 really is not much harder it just takes five minutes or so more per Rift clear, which doesn't seem worth it.

Farm w/e you are happy with for about three-four hours a day, a few days to a week. If you cannot do T1 easily at that point then you should reevaluate your build.


Good to know. Is that true for both campaign and adventure mode?

I think you only get the guaranteed legs on your first kill in campaign mode. Adventure mode is completely separate, you can kill Malthael whenever you want but you'll only get normal loot. You could reset quests though and run through campaign again but I find adventure mode to be more fun to play.
I have no problem with that. It should be doable in less than 4 hours with the Wormhole wizard of mine.

Gotta say though, if it's just legendary efficiency you are looking for, then reseting campaign for Malthael really isn't the way to go. I mean if he at least would provide a guarantee crafting material drop, but even that he doesn't right now.



T1 is honestly a joke, it is hardly a step up at all. I was actually talking to Ballis tonight about how under-tuned Torment seems to be. Torment 3 is my pref. farming difficulty (in terms of efficiency) which is really kinda of silly considering we are only a few weeks out from launch. T4 really is not much harder it just takes five minutes or so more per Rift clear, which doesn't seem worth it.

Farm w/e you are happy with for about three-four hours a day, a few days to a week. If you cannot do T1 easily at that point then you should reevaluate your build.

Just to add a little to this, I feel like blizzard has the difficulties tuned right now for T1 to be sort of the entry point for level 70 chars, as even a full rare geared character can handle T1 pretty easily, as long as the rares are rolled well anyways. Even reading the difficulties as Blizz wrote them though, we shouldn't even be touching Master until we have "several pieces of legendary equipment" This obviously isn't the case. Personally, I think blizz should re evaluate the scaling of the difficulties to make a smoother curve through the torments. 1-3 are pretty much the same to me, 4 starts to slow down, 5 I can handle but why bother, 6 is slow as hell, even when I'm pushing out full damage.

They should also make the higher torments worth doing in terms of bonus mf, the mf gain compared to the health and damage increase is absolutely silly.


That Mace was ODYN SON so the LIGHTNING BUILD IS A GO TOMORROW!!! (provided I can socket it)


  • Slash - Electrify
  • Fist of the Heavens - Fissure
  • Falling Sword - Part The Clouds
  • Condemn - Vacuum
  • Laws of Valor - Answered Prayer (gotta go fast)
  • AC - Rally
Passives: Divine Fortress, Righteousness, Finery, Wrathful


  • Slash - Zeal
  • Fist of the Heavens - Divine Well
  • Condemn - Vacuum
  • Laws of Valor - Answered Prayer
  • Heaven's Fury - Blessed Ground
  • AC - Rally

Passives: Holy Cause, Righteousness, Finery, Wrathful

I think currently with my gear the Holy spec will be stronger, but the Lightning build will be fun as fuck to mess around with.

Thought about doing a similar build myself. The Fist of the heavens Buff is definitely the change that interest me the most. Even if it is still lackluster though I can co back and use Blessed Hammer again.
So I ventured into T1 slow rifts yesterday and while I survived just fine it was just too slow, I thought I was geared ok for it, but after one-shooting everybody on normal T1 Torment felt too slow I only 2 legs compared to the more constant drop I get from normal bounties so it didn't feel that satisfying for me. I do however want to farm Torment for the chance of set items.
can someone give some tips for my Monk, what numbers should I be at, skills and gear?



Hipster Princess
Yay, sitting @ 1mill unbuffed dps now :)

It seems I get at least 1 upgrade (even if minor) for my wiz a day. I really need to get some good leg rings/ammy/belt. Damn rare stat limits are holding me back.


Question about toughness and survivability in general: Do I prioritize resistances or vitality? I just got a new Cindercoat for my Demon Hunter and I rerolled the vit on it to all resist. Did I do the right thing?

Yep, you get guaranteed legendaries and on top of that you have the chance to get a torment only legendary.

Resistances. I find Vitality so overrated, but then again, we still need it just to soak some damage. Mitigation is way better though

I'm thinking of resetting all my quests and doing the whole campaign in Torment 1. I kinda enjoyed it, and only played through it once.

Do I lose Adventure Mode if I reset them?


Really enjoying my Witch Doctor right now. Using this build did a bit of a tweak Acid Cloud is good but since mobs are moving all the time when your doing solo i am using zombie bears instead and works very great.


Lots of variety to do with the WD and have around 313k damage at the moment.
I have been using a similar build, except I use Darts as primary to get Vision Quest to proc. I also use Rain Dance Voodoo for tough boss or packs or if Im running with Wizard friend instead of Hex. I kill things off quickly, so no need for crowd control. Im sitting around 330k dmg when I logged off earlier.
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