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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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I am a horrible person, but I enjoy and get enraged by people crying over droprate in T6 chest runs and/or people having the *luck* to have the best items complain that they cant do t5/t6 anymore thanks to a slight nerf.

It just brings me through a wild range of emotions, like a rollercoaster. First Tristam Problems, hell yeah!

This is how I feel about all the bitching to be honest; all of it comes off as entitlement/privilege whining. "X class can do Y now and I can't! whaaa."; "I've been playing this game for 30 mins and I can't get a leg drop! This game sucks!"; "I can't do T4 with my horribly itemized character! But I totally got that sweet sheet damage yo! This game blows!"

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Entitlement Personified


2 legendaries and one legendary plan were waiting for me on this giantic rift level. Probably I will not see another leg in some hours :(

Also, Reaper's Wraps are HUGE for Crusader (and I guess Barb and Monk). The resource boost it gives you is amazing.


Couple questions here that I'm not sure of, hoping you guys can offer some insight. Does + physical damage and + phalanx damage increase the damage done by the minions you summon if you use bowman or guards? Or would + physical just apply to black weapon dps and only increase it from there?

Considering making some sort of minion build for crusader just to see how it would do.

+Physical damage boosts Phalanx damage, yep, or any Physical skill. Just same way +Holy or +Lightning works.
I've definitely seen him pick up more than 15 items during a single game, honestly he just steals my greys/whites and nothing ever happens. He beat me to picking up a few Ascended items too. It's not a huge problem but I just want to benefit from the goblin at least once.

I need to look for a replacement ring. Every other slot is either (almost) a maxed out rare or a legendary. Makes it hard to determine what is worth using blood shards on since rings and amulets cost so much more per roll.
I am a horrible person, but I enjoy and get enraged by people crying over droprate in T6 chest runs and/or people having the *luck* to have the best items complain that they cant do t5/t6 anymore thanks to a slight nerf.

It just brings me through a wild range of emotions, like a rollercoaster. First Tristam Problems, hell yeah!

It's just a video game. I don't think getting emotional either way is warranted.

Some of the responses in this thread (not necessarily yours) continue to baffle me. It's like fun is not important and entitlement is rampant. People are legit getting put on tilt about shit that really doesn't matter. It's a game. Just play it. If you genuinely can't have fun because you're perpetually frustrated about what you don't have or what someone else is doing that's better than what you're doing, it's time to find another video game to play.

Keep your perspective and remember that having fun is still the point of playing the game, please. Salt is best on fries, not on threads.

Also, Reaper's Wraps are HUGE for Crusader (and I guess Barb and Monk). The resource boost it gives you is amazing.

Reapers are the best bracers in the game. Easily. Of that there is no doubt. I will roll a pair for each class and they will never be replaced once I get satisfactory rolls on them unless I have to for some end-game class set completion.


I thought most people were STILL using frozen orb even though Mirrorballs existed. It's still incredibly strong.

I actually started out with MM conflag. I only switched to arcane because I found gear with arcane\disintegrate that were otherwise really good.

I've sinced moved back to MM conflag. With 3 missiles and piercing, That's a lot of AOE dmg. And now, with stacks still working on all 3, I can only imagine that will get nerfed too. Right? There's no way they're going to leave it like that..

I honestly don't see why it has to be nerfed. It honestly kind of sucks for clearing trash. The fact that it takes a while for the damage to build up prevents it from ever clearing super quickly. Its a build that gets worse the lower the torment level, it requires super specialized gear, because +MM dmg and +fire dmg are almost completely ignored in other wizard builds, no wizards gamble for cindercoats and magefists. The coef on conflag is also poop soup. Further, using MM conflag as your damage dealer really makes using any other attack a waste of time. It *could* be nerfed, but unlike the previous nerfs this one really isn't as warranted. There is an argument in favor of the nerf with extra missiles not providing loh, so in that sense these maybe should not stack the burn. Who knows? I'd assume since they did a pass on mirrorball already, they would of removed it already. The fire build wasn't unknown, though most people werent using it due to the very specific gearing requirement.

Not Spaceghost

Same goes for your build, you could re-roll those bracers for 20% lightning damage bonus which would outweigh the crit hit chance bonus. Imagine 20% more damage on all your whirlwind attacks.

People need to start paying more attention to elemental bonuses.

Oh trust me I've been trying to get a thundergods for what feel like weeks, and those bracers aren't worth rerolling honestly they're too crummy waiting on something better to reroll. What else can score lightning damage anyways? Boots? My neck is already excellent, but I like having a high crit chance, it feels more versatile especially since I can make use of all the assloads of crit damage on my weapons.


Oh trust me I've been trying to get a thundergods for what feel like weeks, and those bracers aren't worth rerolling honestly they're too crummy waiting on something better to reroll. What else can score lightning damage anyways? Boots? My neck is already excellent, but I like having a high crit chance, it feels more versatile especially since I can make use of all the assloads of crit damage on my weapons.

Magefist (Kadala gives this) I run with occasionaly which can be re-rolled for Lightning Damage. My Cindercoat (Kadala can give this) i think can be re-rolled for lightning damage as well. Some legendary amulets can be re-rolled for elemental damage as well.

Edit: After a little research I don't think you can re-roll those elements? ):

I would still re-roll your bracers, but I feel ya on the forgotten souls. I've re-rolled my cindercoat about 10 times trying to upgrade from 2 to 3 slots and haven't gotten lucky.


bahahhahaha are you serious? You're using one of the best weapons, and STILL one of the best sources the game has to offer and you're talking like blizzard just nerfed the shit out of you. I even main a wizard and find this hilarious, I can only imagine what other people think of it.

Mirrorball was hardly nerfed hard. Yeah the way life on hit worked with it was changed because it was pretty overpowered on top of how stupidly overpowered the source is already. TF doesn't proc off all 3 missiles is what I'm assuming you're saying. Which again this is not even close to a big deal because TF continues to proc like crazy no matter what you do. If its just the 1 out of 3 missiles that procs it now, It's hardly a big deal.

I'd assume you're just reading the official wizard forums if that's what you're basing your information off. Which are honestly such a waste of time. People saying Mirrorball is completely useless because it doesn't give you Arcane Power on crit for all 3 missiles, saying if you use this to get your arcane power back you should just change builds. Why? I don't even have a level 70 mirrorball and MM continues to be a fantastic spell to get my AP back. Even if Blizzard nerfs the conflag ticks from Mirrorball it will still, hands down, be the best source in the game for most builds.

This may be a bit of a surprise to some, but I actually play the game to see how changes are. I don't really care about the TF nerf, and I switched to prodigy to compensate for the Mirrorball nerf. Just because I noted these changes were to something I used doesn't mean I was going to cut my wrists over it.
I'd assume since they did a pass on mirrorball already, they would of removed it already. The fire build wasn't unknown, though most people werent using it due to the very specific gearing requirement.

Not really sure where else to go with my wizard. I'm at a point with my gear that I NEED to specialize in order to get improvement. I've yet to see a Cindercoat or magefist. Or anything that innately gives fire dmg, for that matter. So if I do a fire build, it would be half-assed.

I wonder if they're going to "nerf" the T6 hell rift bounty. I can easily fly through that. I don't know if any better way of getting exp\gold.
I hope that's the name of the next expansion.

I'd be happy if it was simply the thread title for OT2.

Not really sure where else to go with my wizard. I'm at a point with my gear that I NEED to specialize in order to get improvement. I've yet to see a Cindercoat or magefist. Or anything that innately gives fire dmg, for that matter. So if I do a fire build, it would be half-assed.
Mix it up and go Elemental Exposure.

It's silly to feel like you have to get to + in one 60%-100% elemental to be an effective Wizard. Get what you can where you can and have fun. If you can't solo T4...who gives a shit?

The Cowboy

Yeah, I immediately replaced searing locusts with Haunt yesterday. My only complaint about Haunt vs .locusts is that it seems easier to tell that locusts has been applied on enemies through all of the chaos on screen, whereas Haunt is rather ambiguous.
I put on the healing rune with it, its pretty easy to see (like a purple/pink swirl) and it makes it almost impossible to die. Its actually quite shocking how easy it is to spam it on everything and just tank all the damage, it doesn't even dent your mana at all as the regen cancel the cost out.

Not Spaceghost

Magefist (Kadala gives this) I run with occasionaly which can be re-rolled for Lightning Damage. My Cindercoat (Kadala can give this) i think can be re-rolled for lightning damage as well. Some legendary amulets can be re-rolled for elemental damage as well.

Ah right mage fists! Too bad I've only ever gotten horrible ones before.

I however don't think cindercoat can be rerolled into lightning, but I'll give it a shot I think I have one in my bags...without sockets though.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Oh man I must have those Reapers Wraps on my Crusader. Will be farming for that next.

I have a sword that has a chance to regen resource on monster kill (seems like a 10-15% chance)+combined with this would be nice

Honestly that combo is probably best suited to whirlwind barbs as they can go everywhere

I would have a hard time parting with my bracers that Grant 50% run speed for like 3-4 seconds when you break a piece of the environment... So useful for my crusader (when combined with firewalkers)

I do 10 bounties before most people do 5 with those bracers... And steed is a good buffer between the lulls


Not really sure where else to go with my wizard. I'm at a point with my gear that I NEED to specialize in order to get improvement.

I mean, this is how every class is. You start gearing specific Element and Skills to get through. And then eventually it becomes gearing specific items with specific Elements/Skills.

I'd be happy if it was simply the thread title for OT2.

Okay, I can settle for that.

Tom Penny

I'm guessing the change Shard of Hate to only proc on crit hit although I was wearing a Visage helm the other day and it was proc'ing poison circles left and right.


Not Wario
I don't feel the urge to pursue Reaper's Wraps on my crusader that bad. Cindercoat boosted Blessed Shields don't cost too much to begin with, (14 wrath ish) I've emphasized fire damage and cc/cd over as so I don't dump as fast, and provoke/shield glare keep me topped off on wrath all the time. Furthermore my current pair- promise of glory- allow the shield glare already in my build to reliably keep a few stacks of Nephalem Glory up nearly all the time, giving a mobility starved class some much needed extra movement. I looked through the other bracers and I'd consider maybe replacing them with strongarm and bringing condemn-vacuum in the build, but it's going to be hard to find a pair with the perfect 20% fire dmg I currently have on the PoG and I'm not even sure that extra knockback dmg is worth the ms utility.


Not really sure where else to go with my wizard. I'm at a point with my gear that I NEED to specialize in order to get improvement. I've yet to see a Cindercoat or magefist. Or anything that innately gives fire dmg, for that matter. So if I do a fire build, it would be half-assed.

I wonder if they're going to "nerf" the T6 hell rift bounty. I can easily fly through that. I don't know if any better way of getting exp\gold.

If you don't like the skills where you have to stand still to use them, your only option is really Meteor. Meteor in a way suffers from the same issue of Orb that you're probably not going to get max damage out of it though, but its damage isn't bad regardless. Have fun rerolling all that arcane orb damage on your items though. I still think Frozen Orb is viable if that's your problem, but you basically have to use prodigy now.

I don't know where you stand in terms of toughness, but I'm at 1m buffed sheet dps with 57% cold damage and a Stone of Jordan and 9.4m toughness. I do T4 fine generally and I'm probably pretty close to T5. If you're not really close to those numbers, you probably need to do T3 for a bit.
I don't feel the urge to pursue Reaper's Wraps on my crusader that bad. Cindercoat boosted Blessed Shields don't cost too much to begin with, (14 wrath ish) I've emphasized fire damage and cc/cd over as so I don't dump as fast, and provoke/shield glare keep me topped off on wrath all the time. Furthermore my current pair- promise of glory- allow the shield glare already in my build to reliably keep a few stacks of Nephalem Glory up nearly all the time, giving a mobility starved class some much needed extra movement. I looked through the other bracers and I'd consider maybe replacing them with strongarm and bringing condemn-vacuum in the build, but it's going to be hard to find a pair with the perfect 20% fire dmg I currently have on the PoG and I'm not even sure that extra knockback dmg is worth the ms utility.

Then don't pursue them? Simple process. Not every build burns through resource. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. No need to feel like you need to justify it to anyone else. For those who want to be perpetually at max resource with minimal effort and don't really need some other orange effect on their bracers, they are probably the best bracers to have in the game. The end.

Personally, I've never played a build with any class that didn't want perpetually high resource availability. But those are the builds I've preferred. Lashing Tail Kick/Cyclone Monks, Disintegrate/Torrent/whatever Wizards, Elemental Arrow/Cluster Arrow/Rapid Fire DH's, etc. are all winning with Reaper's Wraps. I can see it being much less valuable for those rolling with a cooldown-based build like a Blackhole/Archon wiz or similar.


Also, Reaper's Wraps are HUGE for Crusader (and I guess Barb and Monk). The resource boost it gives you is amazing.

Especially in public games where more mobs die and more people can pick up the globe. Playing with 3 other friends last night I was using Seismic Slam almost non-stop on my Barb when there were tons of shit on the screen. My Barb couldn't slam fast enough.


It should but it might be slowish. You've got the crit to support it and the toughness / damage but without shard it might feel slow.


This is my barb for comparison, shard of hate really makes the build because of it's insanely high proc coefficient with whirlwind, you're welcome to give the build a shot without shard though, but I basically put this together for shard. It's more fun than my crusader at the moment.

If you get some life per fury spent and maybe play with your passives to use unforgiving you could easily make it into a near perma WW build that also heals you.

It could be fun but honestly a regular HotA build would probably be better without shard.

Thanks. I'll give it a shot.

Maybe, you have almost no All-Res so you might find elites tough, but damage wise you are OK. Start thinking about getting more All-res instead of Vit and pick a skill element and find a bracer that uses that element (I see you use Maniac on Frenzy so you can look at my barb). Your damage is fine but you look a little paper buffed on the toughness side since it is all Vit related. A very easy fix is sacrifice some damage on the chest and place All-Res gems in there. After your crit damage you are plenty powerful for T1.


Re-rolling the crit chance on your bracers to 15% fire damage will boost your effective dps immensely since you have the frenzy maniac rune.

The gear I'm wearing now is all found in a few hours. I'll craft some diamonds and drop them in my chest. I didn't realize I was so vit heavy though. Thanks!


Not Wario
Then don't pursue them? Simple process. Not every build burns through resource. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. No need to feel like you need to justify it to anyone else. For those who want to be perpetually at max resource with minimal effort and don't really need some other orange effect on their bracers, they are probably the best bracers to have in the game.

Personally, I've never played a build with any class that didn't want perpetually high resource availability. But those are the builds I've preferred. I can see it being much less valuable for those rolling with a cooldown-based build like a Blackhole/Archon wiz or similar.

I was more saying it just to encourage looking at the other options available in the slot, not that they're bad or that others shouldn't use them. I think they're pretty good, but I suspect if my spender centric build (all my skill slots aside from the generator and spender are utility- my damage comes almost entirely from my spender) can handle not having them, other builds might be able to afford to look elsewhere as well.

Granted, if I had the gear to check out the fissure build people are trying right now, I probably would go for a lightning pair. 20 wrath discounted further by cindercoat is a pretty far cry from 30 wrath with no discount options and a skill that wants you to constantly drop them just to setup its damage.


The gear I'm wearing now is all found in a few hours. I'll craft some diamonds and drop them in my chest. I didn't realize I was so vit heavy though. Thanks!

No problem, it looks good for only a couple hours. Focusing too much on damage and vit for T1 can be a mistake when you want to move to higher difficulties later where you need more All-res. Starting to focus on that now will be slower goings initially in T1 but it'll benefit you in the long run. Slots are perfect for swapping between Strength and All-Res to balance appropriately.

BTW, I didn't see you had two moves with cold damage and your frenzy with fire damage. You may want to re-roll your braced to cold not fire, depending on how heavy you use frenzy.


I have like 30% bonus arcane dmg from my items so I'm going right now with this Arcane only Wizard build:


I use Arcane Torrent primarily, with supporting spells: Black Hole, Hyda and Archon when shit hits the fan, and teleport for good escapes/go-ins with a stun rune.
I didn't see any Torrents in most of wizard build - does it suck that much and i don't know about it? What should i change?
If you don't like the skills where you have to stand still to use them, your only option is really Meteor. Meteor in a way suffers from the same issue of Orb that you're probably not going to get max damage out of it though, but its damage isn't bad regardless. Have fun rerolling all that arcane orb damage on your items though. I still think Frozen Orb is viable if that's your problem, but you basically have to use prodigy now.

I don't know where you stand in terms of toughness, but I'm at 1m buffed sheet dps with 57% cold damage and a Stone of Jordan and 9.4m toughness. I do T4 fine generally and I'm probably pretty close to T5. If you're not really close to those numbers, you probably need to do T3 for a bit.

I'm not an orb wizard. Not at all. Before the patch, I ran arcane magic missile and disintegrate.

Buffed up, I'm:


But that's with unwavering will. I struggle on T3 if I have to move around to avoid certain elites, which drops my toughness a lot. So I don't think that's the build I want to stick with. Which is why I've been experimenting. I don't have a lot of skill specific or elemental dmg items, so switching is easy.

It's silly to feel like you have to get to + in one 60%-100% elemental to be an effective Wizard. Get what you can where you can and have fun. If you can't solo T4...who gives a shit?

I want to feel like I'm making progress. Being able to solo T4 rifts would mean I've improved from where I've been for a while. That is all.


Would be nice if a kridershot dropped to go with my awesome new cold damage reaper's wraps.

Could only dream. I run frost arrow myself and would love for that to drop for me. Actually, that, calamity, or Nats slayer. Everytime I see a orange bow hit the ground I get excited. It's then a Cluckeye.


Someone please tell me that Blizzard have said something along the lines of "we're aware of how awful the average density of mob in rifts are currently ,and are planning to fix this shortly".

I'm getting so goddamn frustrated running through rifts where the mob density is so low that I can litterally run through several rooms and find zero mobs with depressing regularity, and then when I find some mobs it's 3 mobs hanging out with no other mobs close to them.

So please, someone tell me they're fixing this...Because despite my negative oppinion on a lot of the things in the game, at least the combat is genuinely fun when there's actually a lot of mobs. However right now rifts feel more like a marathon simulator than an arpg game...
I have like 30% bonus arcane dmg from my items so I'm going right now with this Arcane only Wizard build:


I use Arcane Torrent primarily, with supporting spells: Black Hole, Hyda and Archon when shit hits the fan, and teleport for good escapes/go-ins with a stun rune.
I didn't see any Torrents in most of wizard build - does it suck that much and i don't know about it? What should i change?


no, torrent does not suck. yes, most arcane wizards build around torrent.


I'm not an orb wizard. Not at all. Before the patch, I ran arcane magic missile and disintegrate.

Buffed up, I'm:


But that's with unwavering will. I struggle on T3 if I have to move around to avoid certain elites, which drops my toughness a lot. So I don't think that's the build I want to stick with. Which is why I've been experimenting. I don't have a lot of skill specific or elemental dmg items, so switching is easy.

I want to feel like I'm making progress. Being able to solo T4 rifts would mean I've improved from where I've been for a while. That is all.

I honestly don't think any build where you have to stand still is viable in T4+, stuff just hits too hard. Maybe it is if you have a ton of life regen and on hit.


Granted, if I had the gear to check out the fissure build people are trying right now, I probably would go for a lightning pair. 20 wrath discounted further by cindercoat is a pretty far cry from 30 wrath with no discount options and a skill that wants you to constantly drop them just to setup its damage.

As far as I can tell, Fissure is pretty terrible.

And, yeah, my Lightning build (which is 1H) doesn't need bonus Wrath generation and my Fire build has Cindercoat. So ... I guess I need Holy or Physical Reaper Wraps for those builds.

Edit: Though, I'd like them for those builds just because but we're looking at 19% skill damage 490+ STR 97+ AR 5.5%+ Crit they need to roll to at least match my current pairs.

Tom Penny

Has anyone been able to figure out when the benefits of % fire, lighting skill etc..out weigh crit chance, crit damage and attack speed?


Ah right mage fists! Too bad I've only ever gotten horrible ones before.

I however don't think cindercoat can be rerolled into lightning, but I'll give it a shot I think I have one in my bags...without sockets though.

I don't think anything that can't naturally roll a specific elemental damage (outside of SoJ maybe) can be rerolled to another (so magefist is out). If you stick with lightning WW I think your options for elemental damage are SoJ, bracers of your choice, neck of mostly your choice, Thundergod belt, and an Andariel's. I think that's all you can get for a barb but I might be missing something. There is the mace as well obviously, but, if you are going lightning WW you should probably be aiming for SoH and TF.
Someone please tell me that Blizzard have said something along the lines of "we're aware of how awful the average density of mob in rifts are currently ,and are planning to fix this shortly".

I would love that to be the case, but I haven't seen any mention of it yet. The time to clear a rift can be really drawn out too.

This is why some people just continue to do Wretched Mother runs over and over again. I haven't tried it but considering my luck with rifts lately, I may consider it.


Late to this but you'll generally want Diamonds, not Rubies, in your gear unless you're super steamrolling the content. The mitigation bonus you get from it is larger than any other bonus you can slot so it's just ideal from a min/max perspective as it lets you get more important bigger damage stats on your other slots.

I've been favoring rubies in my quest to 1 million damage. I get +960 Str from gems and then more from the Finery passive. In a "balanced" build I do about 825K buffed and have 5 million toughness. I suppose if I want to be able to run higher difficulty rifts, I should focus on getting my toughness up, and then maybe I'll be able to forgo vit over other stats on my items.


Okay, so this may sound stupid, but how many mats are too many? At least until you have to consider mining more?

As you can tell, I have not crafted anything yet (even though everything is level 12)

1 or 2 stacks of 1000 is probably enough to transition but you can do it at 1 stack if you're not crafting much. Just be warned that helm? crafts use like 70 of them a piece so it's possible to burn through them really fast if you're crafting things that want a lot of them.


I have like 30% bonus arcane dmg from my items so I'm going right now with this Arcane only Wizard build:


I use Arcane Torrent primarily, with supporting spells: Black Hole, Hyda and Archon when shit hits the fan, and teleport for good escapes/go-ins with a stun rune.
I didn't see any Torrents in most of wizard build - does it suck that much and i don't know about it? What should i change?

I used AT exclusively until I got Mirrorball, and I may go back to it. Use arcane dynamo and a fast primary to build stack. I also used black hole, but besides that 3 buffs, as Archon sucks imo once you get the +AT on all your items. You want around 4 APOC to sustain vs crowds indefinitely, or you can use Lightning Armor / PoTS. Resource cost reduction via PP may be needed if you have no APOC. AT is better the beam imo, not close at all when I compared them, especially since BH. AT has much better coef and LoH/procs are actually not worthless with AT, unlike beam. As funny as it sounds, increased arcane power via PP isn't the worst either, since you don't need infinite AT, you just need it to last long enough to kill everything. With 4 APOC you will only go dry vs rift bosses.
Has anyone been able to figure out when the benefits of % fire, lighting skill etc..out weigh crit chance, crit damage and attack speed?

I think that's a function of your existing crit chance, existing crit damage, and existing attack speed...and how much you have to give up at a given slot for the %elemental damage buff.

It's worth mentioning that CC, CD, and AS are more flexiblity over time at the cost of some damage. If you want to change your build to a new element (for sake of diversity, because of nerfs, or some build-changing elemental-based item that recently dropped), you won't be pigeon holed or otherwise have to deal with the prospect of having to re-gear from scratch, which happens when you built your full kit towards a specific element. But...you'll do less damage without mass affixes.


I had an amazing run last night, in five hours I had five legendary drops and several legendary recipe drops.

This is what my Barb is looking like at the moment. Traded out my blackthorn belt for my current one. Not sure if the loss to vitality is worth the extra attack speed.

Any comments on improvements would be appreciated. My Hota is wrecking fools though.


You'll get clobbered later on for not having enough Res All. It is looking good though. You are about in line with my strength, vit and crit dmg but you'll get crushed on higher torments without more all-res. Try re-rolling your chest armor's Armor stat for 3 sockets and get a bonus of 270 res-all. That'll greatly increase your toughness and survivability.

You have a ton crit dmg but your crit hit chance is only at like 20%. Maybe try buffing that a bit, you'll see a lot of damage gains there. (Re-roll the gloves cooldown stat for 10% crit chance). I'd maybe trade the MF stone on the helm for a Life % stone, you'll gain over 70k life.

Those changes should be enough to push you into T3. Elemental stacking should soon be a priority to make that push into T4.

Edit: I may even re-roll the armor on the belt for Res-All. Just a thought. The IAS looks good for your build since you have a good amount of LPH
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