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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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I think the Forgotten Soul drop rate is separate (around 25%), so your finding of 1 in 4 is accurate.
The point is that it was the only orange drop I saw (these were all T2 solo, by the way). Sure, it's RNG, just wanted to put my first impressions out there against those of luckier people.

Unlucky I guess. Do you clear the rifts or just kill the guardian? Cause lot of people seem to close the rift too soon. Has been the case when I play public.
Depends on the rift, if it has tons of web-throwing spiders, skydivers or just shit density I'm not going to spend more time in it than I have to. From those four rifts mentioned I fully cleared one.


And after spending 455 shards on chests for a Garwulf, the very next rifts shards to Kadala pops one. Hrm get rid of movement speed or the armor for 3 sockets.


You... Opened rifts and avoid the ones that take longer?


Eh? I'm not saying I leave the game and make a new one, just that I'm not going to explore every nook and cranny of a rift I don't enjoy. Of course I always look around for elites/chests and kill the guardian.


And I'm done with this game. After so many play sessions with no upgrades and a trickle of useless 2H legendaries for my wizard, I just need to stop playing. I had fun with Act V, got a bunch of toons to 70 but the end-game is simply unrewarding, unsatisfying and unfun to play. After getting nothing from multiple rift runs and spending a few hundred shards on Kadala I got a shitty 2H mace for my wizard, just, fuck it.

Let me guess, you've played a grand total of 2 days at level 70 and this game has yet to give you all the super fat loots you're entitled to right?
I had a good night tonight. I found a sweet witching hour and crafted three of the ashera's set. My base DPS is now 9.1 million with +90 to fire skills. The ashera's set brought up my toughess too. I'm sitting on 6.4 million toughness now with 1100 AR or so 7k or so armor and 45% dodge.

I still need a good SoJ and that stinking fireaxe again.


Witching Hour is still beast

Did you have to use an int character to get the drop? I can see that you rerolled dex


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Since the thread is moving so fast, I'm expecting OT2 any day now. I went ahead and finished up work on OT2 tonight. Here's a real preview.


I'll post it along with a link at the end of this thread when we're all ready to jump after we hit 20k posts.
Oh, have you put it on order or something because I thought you'd have to ask the person who made the original OT if it's fine to make the second OT once it is getting closed :).


The point is that it was the only orange drop I saw (these were all T2 solo, by the way). Sure, it's RNG, just wanted to put my first impressions out there against those of luckier people.

It's beneficial now to clear out entire rifts instead of closing them up after killing the boss, since legendaries have a decent chance to drop from non-boss mobs or chests.

Ended up getting 5 legendaries from a single T2 solo rift earlier.


And I'm done with this game. After so many play sessions with no upgrades and a trickle of useless 2H legendaries for my wizard, I just need to stop playing. I had fun with Act V, got a bunch of toons to 70 but the end-game is simply unrewarding, unsatisfying and unfun to play. After getting nothing from multiple rift runs and spending a few hundred shards on Kadala I got a shitty 2H mace for my wizard, just, fuck it.
Lol a few hundred shards. Congrats because that only takes about 30min to an hour... also its funny how you complain about 2handers, but it sounds like thats what you were spending your shards on. 1h weapons are there for a reason. But please blame the game for your mistake.


It's beneficial now to clear out entire rifts instead of closing them up after killing the boss, since legendaries have a decent chance to drop from non-boss mobs or chests.

Ended up getting 5 legendaries from a single T2 solo rift earlier.

I'll definitely be doing that from now on with the 100% increased leg chance, except for the worst of the worst rifts.


Just logged out. I logged in a few hours after the hotfix went live to try it and couldnt stop playing. Got 3 set pieces and another 5 legendaries plus a ton of forgotten souls in T1 and T2 public games. Craaaaaazy good drops. Blew all my Kodala shards and got nothing, but I cannot really complain about that.

I'll definitely be doing that from now on with the 100% increased leg chance, except for the worst of the worst rifts.

Yep the groups I was in realized this pretty quickly too. The rift guardian is nice for the forgotten souls and shards, but the drops were coming from the champ packs and even a goblin once. Man the loot is so much better in Inferno 2 and even 1 now.
Let me guess, you've played a grand total of 2 days at level 70 and this game has yet to give you all the super fat loots you're entitled to right?

No, I have 4 level 70 heroes. Two started from scratch with loot 2.0. Two were levels 60's from vanilla, one of which was decently farmed and I could solo T2 viably, T3 was pushing it. I've been farming them up so I can at least swing in about Torment 1 on average. One can do alright in Torment 2, T3 is dicey. I've run hundreds of bounties and I dunno how many rifts. Turned in a few thousand bloodshards. The reward hasn't been there.

Also, you're kind of a douchebag.


rifts don't feel too different to me... drop rate is real low so doubling it doesn't impact much but kadala..... so much better now


The argument for closing rifts once you kill the guardian is that you will have equal chance of getting whatever that's left in the existing rift compared to opening a new one. Unless you're on a rift floor that is packed with elites, it makes no difference to just open a new rift. The upside is that you will do more rift guardians in the same time (for forgotten souls), but the downside is naturally you'll need to use more keystones to kill the same amount of mobs.


15 souls, poof, never got more than 1 socket. Second time in last couple of days 10+ souls trying to get a enchant right.

Edit: 18 total to get 3 sockets, stupid Mystic.


So I was advised to not kill Malthael until level 70 and on Torment difficulty. I'm currently 53 and am playing on Expert, and could probably bump it up to Master, but I'm already at
, which the internet tells me is the end of the story. How do I go about getting my levels up quickly without finishing the game? Do dungeons reset if I go back to previous Acts or something?


So I was advised to not kill Malthael until level 70 and on Torment difficulty. I'm currently 53 and am playing on Expert, and could probably bump it up to Master, but I'm already at
, which the internet tells me is the end of the story. How do I go about getting my levels up quickly without finishing the game? Do dungeons reset if I go back to previous Acts or something?

If you haven't beaten the game before just go kill him and unlock adventure mode. That one extra legendary isn't worth the delay on that.


Just got a nice Blackthornes belt to complete a 4 set so now I'm immune to desecration, poison and molten. I feel like my barb is bugged though because ive gotten 4 pc Blackthornes and have not seen a single piece of IK yet or any set pieces for any of my characters.
No, I have 4 level 70 heroes. Two started from scratch with loot 2.0. Two were levels 60's from vanilla, one of which was decently farmed and I could solo T2 viably, T3 was pushing it. I've been farming them up so I can at least swing in about Torment 1 on average. One can do alright in Torment 2, T3 is dicey. I've run hundreds of bounties and I dunno how many rifts. Turned in a few thousand bloodshards. The reward hasn't been there.

Also, you're kind of a douchebag.

Yea, you sound entitled as hell. I haven't gotten a upgrade for my wizard in days; I'm not shocked because I'm at the point gear wise that the chances of legendaries dropping that are better than I have are pretty damn low. I'm on the right side of the bell curve at this point and that's how lootwhore/ARPGs work. But I play because eventually I will get one, and it's simply a fun game to play with others. Your issue is any and all enjoyment for you stems from getting new legendaries constantly and immediately. This is like entitlement personified. If you want such reward constantly then roll a new character; that way every piece of legendary that drops is an upgrade and once you get to the right side of the bell curve, shelf that character and start anew.


He's kidding, and the answer is not really. Even with 100% drop increase people are not getting consistent increases, you think that MF scaled 10% for legendaries will make a noticeable difference? :p


Just did some rifts. Either got 2 legs or 0 legs per run so pretty much averagin 1 leg per run. And gambled a shitty source too.

Oh and Ray of Frost sucks ass, even with the legendary source that makes it pierce. Wasted a bunch of souls rerolling stuff to try it out but it felt like it did less damage than my primary which doesn't get any of my +cold bonuses.
And another 2 rifts and nothing. So 7 rifts today with one legendary with the new patch and before that I had like 10 with 2-3 legs. perhaps. It probably is just unfortunate RNG for my right now but yeh, overall it's still a pretty darn low rate.

I mean I've gotten what, a 7.5legs/hour ration with my run yesterday. And now I've found 1 in like 80mins :|


I doubt the sample sizes are still large enough for you to draw conclusions on anything.

If you did 10 rifts and got nothing, that's not a big enough sample size. We do not know what the legendary drop rate is, presumably it's rather small.

While 100% instead of 25% sounds a lot, if the legendary drop rate was normally 0,0001% before (for example), and in rifts with the 25% bonus 0,000125%, you would now get 0,0002%. It's not a lot, is it?

Do the math and give the patch some time. IMO the game is more fun when you're playing it instead of playing it and waiting for some godly legendary to drop, and all you get are thrash 2h swords :p


The worst rifts are still the ones that has barely enough mobs for you to clear without backtracking or killing everything one by one.


I should have listened to you guys. I beat Act 5 at lvl63 and got two legendaries. Some dude I was playing with said he got nothing when he beat it so I was like okay maybe it doesn't. Fuckkkk.

I'm gonna play that act over again though because dude ran through like a madman. I don't care if it's slower, I'm a completionist and I actually listen to NPCs the first time around! Should have just gone solo...

Also, consider this. I made it alone, by the time I kicked adria's ass I was 69 (Master up to Uzrael, expert after that). Malthael obviously dropped a 70 leg, but you got instead 2 lv63 legs which you probably will replace with same good rare, if you want the guaranteed legs you'll need to reset quests.

BTW, are the hotfixes already live?
Leg drops in rifts are better, although I haven't been flooded with them.

So far the only drop rate fix that's made a huge difference to me is the increase in legendary crafting mat drops, those things are handed out like candy now.


Did the game get harder? I could solo t1 rifts with my monk with ease before, but now I die constantly. Or do the game scale with paragon levels as well?

Also no upgrades in about a weeks play. wtf :/

The Cowboy

Does no one monitor the EU clan/community?, just wondering as i put in a request to join the EU clan a few days ago and have yet to get a response - TheCowboy#2318

It could be that i put the request into the wrong one/person?.
Also, todays 1st rift was fun, finally got the pony's and bear's in a graveyard :D - also got the mats for the reapers wraps, with my mogos 20 yard pick up radius they're great (so easy to keep high mana).


For what it's worth (not much), 2 legendaries in 4 T1 runs, clear to rift guardians.

I don't think clearing everything is a big difference in getting legendaries. I'd estimate that getting the rift guardian is probably about 70-80% cleared anyway?

The Cowboy

Did the hotfix do something with pets? Or are they still really good?

I hope I can play this weekend!

A Blue post on the US boards confirmed the pet change is on purpose - they are meant to scale with CHD now so it won't be hot fixed.

Wish granted. :)

This is indeed an intended change, and the amount of benefit provided to pets does not have a cap. Critical Hit Damage now scales for all pets, from Witch Doctors to Demon Hunters. This actually also includes stationary pets, such as Sentries and Hydras.

Apologies for the delay in communication on this one, but we always want to be sure the information we're providing is full and accurate, and it took me some time to check with all the appropriate folks that this was an actual change and not a bug. We'll be updating the patch notes to reflect this information as well.
As also stated in the Blue post, its actually also listed in the patch notes now.
•All pets, including Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter pets, now scale their damage with Critical Hit Damage
I don't think clearing everything is a big difference in getting legendaries. I'd estimate that getting the rift guardian is probably about 70-80% cleared anyway?

That really depends on the Rift, I've had them go on for ages with dozens of elite packs after Rift Guardians.
Okay, so 8 Rifts by now, 1 legendary there. Now I spent 450 bloodshards and... nothing.

Either I killed RNG Jesus's dog or the legendary drop rates are still abysmal.
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