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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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I know this is asking for too much...

But I wished that class specific Sets could be gotten from the gambler as well. Right now the only way to substantially increase my stats (I don't mean sheet stats I mean effective DPS and toughness) is through set pieces (two Innas plus two of the new Monk set legendaries and a Ring of Royal Grandeur). I am pretty sure I have hit a wall as well.

I guess I can craft Reaper Wraps and hope for a godly Helm until then.


I know this is asking for too much...

But I wished that class specific Sets could be gotten from the gambler as well. Right now the only way to substantially increase my stats (I don't mean sheet stats I mean effective DPS and toughness) is through set pieces (two Innas plus two of the new Monk set legendaries and a Ring of Royal Grandeur). I am pretty sure I have hit a wall as well.

I guess I can craft Reaper Wraps and hope for a godly Helm until then.

Do you have a thunderfury/shard of hate or moonlight ward? Some item effects are insanely huge DPS buffs.
Nothing like farming rifts with your girlfriend. <3


Truth facts.

Funny sometimes though since we're both kind of squishy.


Unconfirmed Member
Welp, I guess I'll consult the Oracle of Scy as well. What would you change about this? http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Noray-2106/hero/38675576

I feel like I'm in a pretty good place, can do T3 with few problems. My short wishlist is a better Maximus, a good ammy (Countess Julia/Vaxo pls), Coven's Criterion (ugh bounty farm) and rolling higher fire dmg on bracers/fire damage on SoJ.


Welp, I guess I'll consult the Oracle of Scy as well. What would you change about this? http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Noray-2106/hero/38675576

Praying harder for Blazing Sweep to get fixed.

The big standout is you'd probably benefit more from All Resist on the Blackthorne pieces but they rolled single resists so eh; I guess they rolled abysmally low VIT or something? Getting Skill Damage% would probably help push your damage up high enough to improve clear speeds. Punish on the Belt and Pants and Sweep on the Boots. Besides that, it's really just better numbers on most the other slots, maybe Sockets on the Pants to get some more Diamonds in there.

As far as the skills go, they look fine. You could probably get more damage out of Shield Glare over Judgment since you have a decent enough crit chance already. Not sure if you really need Vigilant, either, though Finery doesn't really add all that much (~4% Damage and ~420 Armor).

mad jelly on the grandeur ring


Unconfirmed Member
Praying harder for Blazing Sweep to get fixed.

The big standout is you'd probably benefit more from All Resist on the Blackthorne pieces but they rolled single resists so eh; I guess they rolled abysmally low VIT or something? Getting Skill Damage% would probably help push your damage up high enough to improve clear speeds. Punish on the Belt and Pants and Sweep on the Boots. Besides that, it's really just better numbers on most the other slots, maybe Sockets on the Pants to get some more Diamonds in there.

As far as the skills go, they look fine. You could probably get more damage out of Shield Glare over Judgment since you have a decent enough crit chance already. Not sure if you really need Vigilant, either, though Finery doesn't really add all that much (~4% Damage and ~420 Armor).

mad jelly on the grandeur ring

Thanks - The Blackthorne rolls were poor, most didn't even roll Vit. Worst thing about BT is they never roll AllRes, which is why my Allres is pretty poor. I probably will roll sockets on the pants for diamonds. Not sure about Shield Glare, I like the actual utility of judgement of locking mobs down for Falling Sword, they have a tendency to move out of the way before it lands, and the guaranteed crits is a nice bonus and helps the group as well (I'm almost always in a group).

And yeah, I got super lucky with my Grandeur roll. Spent like a dozen hours farming the damn thing though :x


So after my Wizard disenchanted probably over a hundred two-handed weapons, my first ever legendary gloves drop. Knew right away what they were, but didn't expect this kind of roll.


Not perfect, but pretty damn close after rolling away the resist all. Too bad I can't actually fit them in with my current build though. If I ever end up with a WoW, I'll probably use these.

I know this is asking for too much...

But I wished that class specific Sets could be gotten from the gambler as well. Right now the only way to substantially increase my stats (I don't mean sheet stats I mean effective DPS and toughness) is through set pieces (two Innas plus two of the new Monk set legendaries and a Ring of Royal Grandeur). I am pretty sure I have hit a wall as well.

I guess I can craft Reaper Wraps and hope for a godly Helm until then.

In a game all about RNG, set items just feel too random. There's no real method to acquiring them aside from playing on at least T1 and just getting lucky. I have two Tals and two Vyr's, but I need one more of each still for the four piece of both. I have no way pursue them either aside from playing daily for at least a few hours a day. They might not even be the optimal items for my build either, (I do use Archon by default, and the Vyr's bonuses seem to be bugged atm), but both four piece bonuses seem "fun".
Having a fair bit of fun with my Crusader after getting it to 70 on Wednesday evening. Unfortunately my drops have been really average, mostly only having 2-3 stats. I have a fair amount of toughness but my damage is so shit that it makes T1 too slow. Unfortunately have rolled almost everything to at least be usable, just waiting on some better drops to replace them now.

Can't make up my mind about skills and passives either. Change them almost every 10 minutes.

Levelling my crusader, pick up a legendary that gives 20% to fire damage and the coven shield to reduce blocked damage.

I think I finally understand the hype now.
my whole build changed. Now I'm melee pure, sweep with fire.
When I block, I explode with fire and gain a few thousand life.
When I turn on Akarats champion and spam sweep, I explode with more fire with every 20 wrath.

When im surrounded I block-explode so much I cannot see my character.
It may not be as effective as fissure rune is right now, but goddamn it looks cool.


Does anyone have a link to a Witch Doctor Pet build? I have been gambling gear for mine with shards and was looking for a build to use. Got an awesome Thing of the Deep from Kadala last night. That 20 yard pick up radius is awesome.


I'm not Omnicent, but in my case the "perfect" CDR gear I'm aiming for to use perma AC is:

-Shoulders: 8%
-Helm: 12.5%
-Amulet: 8%
-Gloves: 8%
-Ring 1: 7% (I think there are leg rings that can go up to 8%, but a rare can be good enough for this).
-Weapon: 10%
-Paragon: 10%

For a -48.6~ cooldown reduction. With full Akkhan set that would mean less than 2 seconds of AC downtime. Of course that 48.6 is pretty hard to reach while still getting *good* DPS/survival gear, but there are ways to solve that, either sets (Captain Crimson or Born) or the great Akarat's Awakening that lets you go with some less CDR.

In my case is a bit easier tho, as I only need 20 Crit Chance on my dream build.

I only have 30 CDR in my build (I will aim for more in the future to get full time Akarat's Chanpion). I rely on other things to get me low cool-downs (though I need to still verify one of the main skills I use. I kind of assumed I needed it because there were instances I'd have Laws of Valor back up within 1-2 seconds after it was on cool-down. Going by mechanics it should increase my procs on Rally, but it's not good to make an assumption.

Only came up with the build setup yesterday(not wholly my idea, but I was trying some other skills that the builds I was running before never recommended and it just clicked for me yesterday. I'm positive I'm not the only sader that runs a similar cool down build since I have seen the basic skills I use mentioned on other forums by a few people when seeing if anyone else had a build similar to mine posted anywhere. Seems that things may be over tuned, but like they post I read I'm on this train till it crash and burns. So much fan spamming cooldowns for 20seconds) and there is a lot of testing/documenting/fun to over the next few weeks.

For max CDR you will want a Ring of Royal Grandeuer and roll with 5 Akkahn + 2 captain crimson (belt + boots/pants, whichever you don't have the crusader set. That gives you 10% extra reduced cool-down and 10% resource costs (as you mentioned). You can mix this with the level 70 Born's, but then you lose the 6 peice set bonus, so it's not worth it unless they lower the cool down on Akarat's Champion). Thats my game plan

And on Akarat's Awakening, it's something I thought of on my drive to work this morning(which is also why I want to test out one of my key skills to see if I change up the rune. There is also weapon based things to consider, but I have no FoTF so I can't test that out until rngesus deems me worthy to get one). I'd lose some damage, but I'd gain damage back from being able to drop even more cool-down reduction.

Main reason I have not posted my build is because it's still a work in progress and I'm only in T1 (spent a few mil trying to roll a socket into my Skycutter and now I need to work on a 130% crit damage gem). I can pm it to you though, since I would love feedback / idea swaps.


Is this the sword all the kids are clammoring about? Got it on my wiz, it it any good with him? looks like it would be about equal damage with my wand with the emerald in it. I can still roll the vit, but there isn't anything too great to reroll to besides AS or % damage.
Also for the love of all that is holy, STOP giving me blackthorne's pieces. Nothing worse then being and torment and seeing a green item hit the floor only to be blackthorne's. :(
nbraun80 said:


Is this the sword all the kids are clammoring about? Got it on my wiz, it it any good with him? looks like it would be about equal damage with my wand with the emerald in it. I can still roll the vit, but there isn't anything too great to reroll to besides AS or % damage.
Also for the love of all that is holy, STOP giving me blackthorne's pieces. Nothing worse then being and torment and seeing a green item hit the floor only to be blackthorne's. :(

The proc is good.


I've just picked this up last night, I only finished the game once when it came out in 2012. My level 51 mage was still waiting for me.Anyhow it's weird how the game feels.. generous now. I keep getting super good rare items, I picked up my first legendary item (in my first run, I never managed to get one once. EVER). I'm going thru the new final act right now and my character feels overpowered quite a bit.

But still it feels good to be back. I must admit I barely read on the game and I feel kinda dumb because I bought the digital deluxe edition with the so called "Spectral Hound minion" .. I have no idea on how to even summon it (??), but it seems that the hound doesnt do anything? what a waste of money ;_;

Also, I'm pretty excited about the rift dungeons; but after quickly reading stuff up, it seems that you can't access them when you want, and you have to find a bunch of stuff to conjure them if you want to explore them? Can you save once you are inside? And do they go on forever?


Is this the sword all the kids are clammoring about? Got it on my wiz, it it any good with him? looks like it would be about equal damage with my wand with the emerald in it. I can still roll the vit, but there isn't anything too great to reroll to besides AS or % damage.
Also for the love of all that is holy, STOP giving me blackthorne's pieces. Nothing worse then being and torment and seeing a green item hit the floor only to be blackthorne's. :(

Im guessing it depends on how reliant you are on Hydra dmg.

I'm experimenting with a build that is straight lightning (focusing on electrocute/arc lightning and wave of force), and so far Thunderfury has been great. It's a toss up as to whether id try for AS or keep the VIT. Toughness is important for my particular build since I need to be right in the thick of the enemies for arc lightning, but AS would help increase the frequency of stuns.

As for the blackthorne's gear, I still get excited because worst case I get a forgotten soul :p I keep burning through my stock


Fellow Crusaders, I got my Fate of the Fell the other day but I can't decide on what rune to use for Heaven's Fury?

Do I use the rune that gives me a total of 3 beams in a wide area or 5 smaller beams? I want to know what one give me more damage output but I can't seem to figure it out on my own.



Within the space of 5 minutes, picked up a Cindercoat. Pretty much perfect, just need to roll into 3 sockets.

Went to my good lady Kadala, decided to gamble so that I could salvage some rares for crafting mats.

Thought to myself "man, I could do with a new helmet". Got a Broken Crown with attack speed and crit. Nice.

Still had shards left, thought to myself "man, I could do with some better gloves". My good lady Kadala gives me an almost perfect Magefists, just need to roll crit damage. Rolled almost perfect crit damage on my second try.

I'm sorry friends. Broken Crown, Cindercoat and Magefists in 5 mins. Demon Hunter went from pretty shit to pretty insane. Also got a really good Etreyu Scy picked up earlier.

I love you game.

you're a jerk.

That's exactly what I need for my DH. I spammed shards and rifts last night with nothing to show for it. Maybe RNG will be more on my side today.

Is there a way to get the mat for Reapers Wraps without resetting your game? Can you just farm Mal over and over for a drop?

Yes. They fixed that. He can now drop it like any other legendary material mob.


Is there a way to get the mat for Reapers Wraps without resetting your game? Can you just farm Mal over and over for a drop?

Yes correct, you do not need to reset the game.

How much DMG should i have for Torment 1 & 2?
Personally my opinion is you need to be doing 300k+ for T1, but it varies on class. 300K is very easy after just doing a few runs on expert / master and getting a lot of good yellow drops at level 70.

I never play solo though so it helps having other people to help carry you if you are a little low.
I'm going thru the new final act right now and my character feels overpowered quite a bit.

But still it feels good to be back. I must admit I barely read on the game and I feel kinda dumb because I bought the digital deluxe edition with the so called "Spectral Hound minion" .. I have no idea on how to even summon it (??)

Also, I'm pretty excited about the rift dungeons; but after quickly reading stuff up, it seems that you can't access them when you want, and you have to find a bunch of stuff to conjure them if you want to explore them? Can you save once you are inside? And do they go on forever?

If you feel overpowered you might want to turn the difficulty up to get extra experience and more drops :). You can always drop it back down if it's too hard. Near the lower left corner of your screen should be an envelope icon, click that to get your Hound and other stuff. No the Hound doesn't do anything besides follow you Haha.

As far adventure mode goes, you have to get 5 rift Keystones in order to open a rift. These Keystones are easy to get, you just have to do bounties (a bounty is just any random event in the act, when you make a game it randomly chooses 5 in each act). Each rift is random, they can be up to 10 floors right now. Blizzard is planning on adding tiered Rifts where each rift you best will unlock a harder rift, but that's not in the game yet.


Also, I'm pretty excited about the rift dungeons; but after quickly reading stuff up, it seems that you can't access them when you want, and you have to find a bunch of stuff to conjure them if you want to explore them? Can you save once you are inside? And do they go on forever?

if you got keystone fragments you can open a rift anytime you want. i probably have about 150 fragments. it only takes 5 to open a rift. you just go in and clear them until the boss spawns and kill him then you can close it or finish the level. they do not go on forever.

Personally my opinion is you need to be doing 300k+ for T1, but it varies on class. 300K is very easy after just doing a few runs on expert / master and getting a lot of good yellow drops at level 70.

i made a post over on reddit about this. it is very frustrating to see people in torment 2 with 180k dps and in torment 3 with 250k dps. PLEASE do not join them if you can't solo them. very simple. stay in torment 1 until you get gear. it's selfish and unfair to the group to carry you. 9 out of 10 times last night i had to leave because of this. people can't do damage and die to everything. i had ONE good group where we all had 600k+ damage and it went swimmingly.


Does anyone have a link to a Witch Doctor Pet build? I have been gambling gear for mine with shards and was looking for a build to use. Got an awesome Thing of the Deep from Kadala last night. That 20 yard pick up radius is awesome.

This was my build, I loved it. Get your attack speed up and you will have an army of fetishes. I also prefer to play a support role with my WD, thus the mass confusion, but with the new crit damage buff to pets you will be face rolling people.


I did lose my character last weekend (play HC of course), but only because I got fucked and was hit with 5-6 elite packs in the cemetery in a rift and even for my WD it was too much. I died but thankfully my buddies lived. I'm working on gearing my new WD now using this same build. I played a LOT of my WD and this was the build I liked the most.

Hope it helps.
so... think a bounty bugged out on me?

Just running normal bounties to get yellows quick for crafting mats, get to the last bounty of Act 1 in the Halls of Agony 3 where I have to kill enemies, open a bloody chest and kill a named guy.

I've done the first two, explored the entire area, every nook and cranny and the named guy hasn't shown up.

Anyone had this before? Know a fix?


so... think a bounty bugged out on me?

Just running normal bounties to get yellows quick for crafting mats, get to the last bounty of Act 1 in the Halls of Agony 3 where I have to kill enemies, open a bloody chest and kill a named guy.

I've done the first two, explored the entire area, every nook and cranny and the named guy hasn't shown up.

Anyone had this before? Know a fix?

He's supposed to show up in the same area as you opened the chest, he comes out of an iron maiden near where the chest is.


so... think a bounty bugged out on me?

Just running normal bounties to get yellows quick for crafting mats, get to the last bounty of Act 1 in the Halls of Agony 3 where I have to kill enemies, open a bloody chest and kill a named guy.

I've done the first two, explored the entire area, every nook and cranny and the named guy hasn't shown up.

Anyone had this before? Know a fix?

I did the same Bounty before and the guy is supposed to emerge from the iron maiden after you open the bloody chest, and it didn't happen to me either. Guess it's bugged

Also, best condemn rune to use with blade of prophecy? I Figured the cooldown reduction one for mass condemn spam on elite packs, cause the Vaccuum one didn't seem very effective on elites. The Instant explosion one is kinda nice to hit monsters that have a tendency to flee


Does anyone have a link to a Witch Doctor Pet build? I have been gambling gear for mine with shards and was looking for a build to use. Got an awesome Thing of the Deep from Kadala last night. That 20 yard pick up radius is awesome.
This is my pseudo pet build:


I have this knife:

And this hat:

I don't need to summon dogs because they proc so much from circle of life. In fact what I want is the proc so most dogs only live for a few seconds before getting sacrificed. The dagger proc and the hat bonus keep the mobs stunned, the bats are my primary attack and a solid 50% of my DPS comes from the army of fetishes created by constant bat attacks.


This was my build, I loved it. Get your attack speed up and you will have an army of fetishes. I also prefer to play a support role with my WD, thus the mass confusion, but with the new crit damage buff to pets you will be face rolling people.


I did lose my character last weekend (play HC of course), but only because I got fucked and was hit with 5-6 elite packs in the cemetery in a rift and even for my WD it was too much. I died but thankfully my buddies lived. I'm working on gearing my new WD now using this same build. I played a LOT of my WD and this was the build I liked the most.

Hope it helps.

I will probably experiment with it at some point. I like to have Garg in my builds so I can summon him to destroy champion packs. Thanks.


I will probably experiment with it at some point. I like to have Garg in my builds so I can summon him to destroy champion packs. Thanks.

If you wanted to change up the build I gave you I guess my choice would be to replace BBV.. But that BBV helps tons on champion packs because that is the only time I use it. But give it a try and just play around. My build is not perfect, just what I liked the best ;).

On really tough elite packs you pop Mass Confusion, Pirahnas, and BBV bam bam bam and they just melt when your fetishes go to town.
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