I had one of those too. It needs something like +500% Gold Find for it to be even remotely worth it. All of the drops of gold it procs were so small too.
try plugging in numbers.
Another good leveling trick if it is your alt, is to roll some massive level reduction on a Lvl 70 weapon and get your alt using that early.
Ball lighting is pretty rough.
Right now I'd say the best spec is Cluster Arrow. But that's resource hungry. Second best would be frost arrow. I ran with that all the way through the beginning of the expansion with some good success. It's ridiculously safe and you can pump out some decent damage against most mobs. You lose a little bit of dps on bosses though since they can't be slowed.
This was my frost arrow build:!VUbc!YZaabY
It's so safe because everything is slowed all the time and vault is your only discipline consumer so you can kite indefinitely. Sentries provide great supplemental damage. You can replace Numbing traps with something like steady aim too and get more damage out of it.
I ran 3 rifts last night not getting a single thing each run! I was so depressed haha.
At this point i agree with one of 2 of these, its getting really annoying now trying to get forgotten souls, I've been through 5 torment rift runs today so far, not 1 leg and not 1 forgotten soulI've come to the conclusion that forgotten souls are the biggest bottleneck of all time. Blizzard's next step should be to implement one or more, if not all, of my suggestions below.
-be able to buy forgotten souls with death's breath
-be able to buy forgotten souls with blood shards
-be able to buy forgotten souls with gold
-be able to buy forgotten souls with gems
-guarantee soul drop from t1+ rift boss
-make regular mobs have a chance to drop souls.
-be able to craft souls
-be able to pay some double digit amount of death breath to the mystic to remove a category from a possible reroll
Thx blizz.
I've come to the conclusion that forgotten souls are the biggest bottleneck of all time. Blizzard's next step should be to implement one or more, if not all, of my suggestions below.
-be able to buy forgotten souls with death's breath
-be able to buy forgotten souls with blood shards
-be able to buy forgotten souls with gold
-be able to buy forgotten souls with gems
-guarantee soul drop from t1+ rift boss
-make regular mobs have a chance to drop souls.
-be able to craft souls
-be able to pay some double digit amount of death breath to the mystic to remove a category from a possible reroll
Thx blizz.
Is +damage to elites not a desired stat? I don't see many people talking about it, but I have like 58% on my wizard and I notice a huge dps increase against packs and bosses.
Does anybody even bother with Magic Find - I mean, at a minimum would you put a Topaz in helm over other gems, even if you don't have any MF otherwise?
Is +damage to elites not a desired stat? I don't see many people talking about it, but I have like 58% on my wizard and I notice a huge dps increase against packs and bosses.
it's the 10% take more damage to fire you have detrimental? Is it noticeable?
I wear a top end topaz in my helm and I was thinking about making cains(?) set for the 3 piece MF bonus. I noticed a difference when I was wearing a helm with out it.
Is +damage to elites not a desired stat? I don't see many people talking about it, but I have like 58% on my wizard and I notice a huge dps increase against packs and bosses.
I haven't found a single piece of gear yet that has +dmg to elites. No sun keeper. No stone of jordan...
While I'm looking at your profile (so jealous btw, that's a lot of elemental dmg), do ice climbers ignore jailer and vortex?
It's a very good stat but just like many other stats it doesn't increase your sheet DPS which is why people don't use it as much as they should.Is +damage to elites not a desired stat? I don't see many people talking about it, but I have like 58% on my wizard and I notice a huge dps increase against packs and bosses.
Mirrorball without the two missile proc is not worth keeping right?
jailer - yes, vortex - no
Vortex is the worst. Especially when combined with something stupid like molten and arcane.
Does anybody even bother with Magic Find - I mean, at a minimum would you put a Topaz in helm over other gems, even if you don't have any MF otherwise?
I find vortex is the worst when you're pulled into a frozen that is unavoidable because it explodes when you land. Then you try to get away but you're hit with jailer.
This is what kills me 90% of the time.
Ice Climbers would be amazing... if I could actually find them. Even though I could get more significant stat upgrades from other pieces, this is where all of my shards are going into right now.
I find vortex is the worst when you're pulled into a frozen that is unavoidable because it explodes when you land. Then you try to get away but you're hit with jailer.
This is what kills me 90% of the time.
Ice Climbers would be amazing... if I could actually find them. Even though I could get more significant stat upgrades from other pieces, this is where all of my shards are going into right now.
I find vortex is the worst when you're pulled into a frozen that is unavoidable because it explodes when you land. Then you try to get away but you're hit with jailer.
This is what kills me 90% of the time.
Ice Climbers would be amazing... if I could actually find them. Even though I could get more significant stat upgrades from other pieces, this is where all of my shards are going into right now.
Edit: Thanks, garath. Hey you run DH right? How bad is ball lightning now? I'm having fun with it, but I feel like it is an old spec and got nerfed, but I'm not sure.
Is +damage to elites not a desired stat? I don't see many people talking about it, but I have like 58% on my wizard and I notice a huge dps increase against packs and bosses.
I've played about 70 hours on my DH in ROS (and almost nothing on my other characters, lol) so hopefully I can answer. Ball Lightning actually had its damage doubled in the 2.0 patch, but no one uses it. Lightning-spec DHs typically either use Cluster Arrow - Dazzling Arrow for the strong CC or Multishot - Fire At Will which does essentially the same thing as Ball Lightning in a bigger AOE with near-instant damage instead of a slow-ass projectile. Yes, MS costs more, but the new resource management gear (Pride's Fall, Reaper's Wraps, RCR affixes all over the place) makes the resource efficiency gap between ball lightning and MS more theoretical than practical.
Two strongest builds right now are probably the CA - LFB one you're already familiar with and the physical pet build with Cloak of Garwulf, Tasker & Theo, 4-pc Marauder's and ideally a Bombadier's Rucksack. There are DHs already capable of clearing T6 rifts in relative safety with the pet build.
Frost Arrow is OK but there is a lack of other decent cold skills to go with it. I would probably use it as a left-click if I got a Kridershot but I don't see it replacing CA - LFB anytime soon for me.
I've played about 70 hours on my DH in ROS (and almost nothing on my other characters, lol) so hopefully I can answer. Ball Lightning actually had its damage doubled in the 2.0 patch, but no one uses it. Lightning-spec DHs typically either use Cluster Arrow - Dazzling Arrow for the strong CC or Multishot - Fire At Will which does essentially the same thing as Ball Lightning in a bigger AOE with near-instant damage instead of a slow-ass projectile. Yes, MS costs more, but the new resource management gear (Pride's Fall, Reaper's Wraps, RCR affixes all over the place) makes the resource efficiency gap between ball lightning and MS more theoretical than practical.
Two strongest builds right now are probably the CA - LFB one you're already familiar with and the physical pet build with Cloak of Garwulf, Tasker & Theo, 4-pc Marauder's and ideally a Bombadier's Rucksack. There are DHs already capable of clearing T6 rifts in relative safety with the pet build.
Frost Arrow is OK but there is a lack of other decent cold skills to go with it. I would probably use it as a left-click if I got a Kridershot but I don't see it replacing CA - LFB anytime soon for me.
Nooooo, such low rolls![]()
Still worth socketing? :/
I can't believe people still use MF gear..
It's totally not worth it by any stretch of the imagination.. You're better off with any of the other main stats, and the only thing worth putting in a helm is an amethyst (if you don't want more exp or if you're a crusader and need CDR)
You'd need like 300 MF before it's even remotely useful
Sure its just anecdotal, but I noticed more rare's dropping when I switched. Has there been any number crunching done with MF post patches? I would google it but gaming websites are blocked at work. Maybe ive just had good luck, but most of my current gear has been from running solo t1 rifts and bounties
Does MF work when buying from Kadala?
Thanks. I have a little +lightning right now so I'll try Muiltishot.
Here's an example lvl 70 build you might want to try:!biST!YaZbcZ (edit: fixed the link)
Preparation - Punishment is very important for spamming MS or any hatred spender, really, unless you have legacy flat cost reduction gear. Bitter Pill helps you fuel Punishment, but if you need more CC you can replace it with Entangling Shot - Shock Collar and replace Sharpshooter with Night Stalker. Shock Collar has an excellent overall proc rate since every tick of the DOT can proc Night Stalker.
If your APS is less than 2.00, use Steady Aim instead of Sharpshooter since you won't be able to fire a full three shots before the crit chance bonus resets. Replace Ambush with Perfectionist on higher torment levels.
If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend getting used to using Vault as your sole defensive active. It'll make you a better player overall and conserve discipline for Punishment. Smoke Screen is very popular but I think it's just not needed most of the time.
Gear-wise you'll want +lightning damage wherever you can get it (bracers, Thundergod's Vigor belt, amulet) and a Pride's Fall or Andariel's with lightning damage. Look for +MS damage on boots, quiver and helm.
Are bosses considered Elites? I might socket the 18% elite damage against sunkeeper and test against my Thunderfury offhand on Ghom. I think I really need a Stone of Jordan to make it worth it.
What settings do you guys run with? Like the health bars on/off, damage numbers, etc? Right now I run vanilla, and was thinking of trying some of the other ones.
Thanks - The Blackthorne rolls were poor, most didn't even roll Vit. Worst thing about BT is they never roll AllRes, which is why my Allres is pretty poor. I probably will roll sockets on the pants for diamonds. Not sure about Shield Glare, I like the actual utility of judgement of locking mobs down for Falling Sword, they have a tendency to move out of the way before it lands, and the guaranteed crits is a nice bonus and helps the group as well (I'm almost always in a group).
Little confused on how +% dmg and non-black damage works on weapons.. wouldn't the guaranteed +% dmg and guaranteed cold dmg on be in conflict? Or does the +% dmg actually go towards the "Damage" stat?
It seems Crusaders have to have the 6 piece set bonus to become absolutely ridiculous. Kind of annoying.
Do any GAF DHs run a strafe or sentry build?
They're supposed to work together but currently do not due to a bug. So, yeah, +Damage% and the Elemental damage here don't play nice until it gets fixed.
Went to sleep after my post but wanted to chime in on this. Shield Glare is also a 4s stun, essentially, since they just stand there while blinded. It even works on bosses so you can use it to interrupt certain attack animations (e.g., Bloodmaw's windup into his Leap, Infernal Angel's spin, etc.).
They're supposed to work together but currently do not due to a bug. So, yeah, +Damage% and the Elemental damage here don't play nice until it gets fixed.
Not really. I may not DPS like a Wizard or something but it's not like I do nothing. And I'm pretty much unkillable in T1-T4.