I decided to craft some extra gear and play a lightning/holy hybrid build for a bit, just to do something different with the Crusader... and oh god.
Soloing with my Holy build I was stomping Torment 2, doing on a good pace Torment 3 and having problems at Torment 4 due my toughness (part of the reason to craft the extra gear). With this one I'm doing Torment 5 and it feels easier than T4 with the other build, even with almost 200k less paper DPS and much less elemental damage (from +94% holy to 18% holy+17% lightning). Crazy.
Gonna craft another Asheara piece to add some extra followers to this madness. Shame I can't go with permaAC, the way Fissure procs AC-Rally is amazing. I'm spamming Condemns (with BoP) each 1-2 seconds vs elites![]()
Is there a guide out there that tells me what all rolls + %Holy Damage on gear?
Wtf. Sold a chest piece with 3 gems and the gems disappeared instead of going back into inventory??.
Anyone else have this?
You can buy that item back with the gems in place.Wtf. Sold a chest piece with 3 gems and the gems disappeared instead of going back into inventory??.
Anyone else have this?
Any crusaders have luck with blessed shield builds? I've got a helm of rule pattern just now and wondering how it well it works.
The 1h mace which removes resource cost also sounds ridiculous.
The problem with this is what's the point of Blessed Shield in the build then? I mean, it's not generating you Wrath so it doesn't replace a Primary. It doesn't cost Wrath so you still want a way to dump Wrath (unless you just ignore that mechanic entirely). On top of that, I just don't think Blessed Shield does enough right now. Just kind of awkward really.
The problem with this is what's the point of Blessed Shield in the build then? I mean, it's not generating you Wrath so it doesn't replace a Primary. It doesn't cost Wrath so you still want a way to dump Wrath (unless you just ignore that mechanic entirely). On top of that, I just don't think Blessed Shield does enough right now. Just kind of awkward really.
T-thanks, Myriam.
Wtf. Sold a chest piece with 3 gems and the gems disappeared instead of going back into inventory??.
Anyone else have this?
The problem with this is what's the point of Blessed Shield in the build then? I mean, it's not generating you Wrath so it doesn't replace a Primary. It doesn't cost Wrath so you still want a way to dump Wrath (unless you just ignore that mechanic entirely). On top of that, I just don't think Blessed Shield does enough right now. Just kind of awkward really.
IMO you could put it on your bar as a spammable ability in combat with your other stuff. Use the rune that increases your armor or stuns enemies.
Huh, you're overthinking this. The skill has to do good damage of course, it's supposed to be a wrath spender.
Granted, it's unscientific as hell but our rift clears in a party just generally go by faster when I use Heaven's Tempest instead of Fissure. I dunno, maybe I'm just doing Fissure wrong.
What I'm saying is it ultimately just turns your build into one with nothing to use Wrath for, really, and everything into Cooldown skills. You just spam Blessed Shield. The problem then is that Blessed Shield still doesn't feel all that powerful of a skill so it's not really worth giving up the better Wrath spenders to do this in the first place.
Except it has such a long animation that you can't really spam it in the middle of using other stuff. And I'm not sure I'd really drop anything for it :x
What I'm saying is it ultimately just turns your build into one with nothing to use Wrath for, really, and everything into Cooldown skills. You just spam Blessed Shield. The problem then is that Blessed Shield still doesn't feel all that powerful of a skill so it's not really worth giving up the better Wrath spenders to do this in the first place.
Haven't tested Heaven's Tempest yet, had good memories with Fissure from the beta and I tagged with it. Does Tempest damage stack if placed on same spot?
Then the answer is simply that blessed shield isn't worth spamming. If it's not worth it for free, then it's not worth it for anything.
Pretty much. Just wanted to expand on it since I've long wondered what's the point of that item. Turning a spender into a free skill doesn't really do anything unless it's the hands down best spender (e.g., if it made Fires of Heaven free).
Not necessarily true, it just has to be a viable skill, which I think Blessed Shield can be with a little bit of tuning. "best spender" really depends on your build, assuming the class is well designed
cough wizard cough
True. Blessed Shield currently just doesn't hit enough targets to be a true AoE skill, lacks in single target damage, and then it just has that awkward animation anyway. Granted, I've only tried it out maybe for ~10 rifts with my Fire set but that's also my best +Damage% set (since Cindercoat / Magefist / Maximus) and it definitely felt lackluster compared to other builds.
If it can be a standalone skill, you can basically just ignore Wrath entirely and go full cooldown stuff. It's just not at that point yet.
I've used Shattering Throw before and it's not too bad but the additional shields need more damage, I think. Don't have an issue with the number. But since Fist got buffed, I've been using that with Divine Well.
Actually, it's up to 333% for additional shields? That might be nice to try out, lol.
Is it? Should still be 50% Weapon Damage I thought.
Nope. Got buffed. 333%. My additional hits are critting for 2.5 million currently at 600k DPS and like a bunch of +holy damage.
They need more Legendaries that have +% element on armor pieces. It's why Fire is reigning supreme... it comes on two armor pieces when some don't even come on one. It's really not balanced at all... no other element Legendary has "reduce resource cost of Fire skills".
They should probably buff some of the more useless Legendaries with those affixes.
well I'm dumb
I'll try this later, assuming I ever get a Holy build pieced back together.
I'm getting 3.3 mil too. And they ricochet back onto targets, so it seems like a pretty solid skill now, especially if you get it for free, lol.
Pretty much. Just wanted to expand on it since I've long wondered what's the point of that item. Turning a spender into a free skill doesn't really do anything unless it's the hands down best spender (e.g., if it made Fires of Heaven free).
The problem with this is what's the point of Blessed Shield in the build then? I mean, it's not generating you Wrath so it doesn't replace a Primary. It doesn't cost Wrath so you still want a way to dump Wrath (unless you just ignore that mechanic entirely). On top of that, I just don't think Blessed Shield does enough right now. Just kind of awkward really.
I'm using BS as my basic attack and FoH as my spender. I also have Jekangbord. Combine that with shattering rune and I plow through everything.
Blessed Shield - Shattering Throw with the flail and a +6 bounce shield absolutely wrecks groups of mobs. Its pretty terrible on single mobs but as long as there are least 3 or so monsters you can kill stuff pretty fast. I was trying out a build in T3 rifts last night, and didn't use any skills that cost wrath. It seems pretty effective, but it was rather boring. You don't really even need to aim, just hold down the button in general direction of the enemies and watch them die.
Yeah, thinking about it some more with the new Shattered Throw numbers (and with it not killing you) + Jekangbord changes things a bit. I'll have to get to testing this out ... whenever I get all of these.
Is there any spots to farm the white Ascended Shield? I want to make the Hollowed shield for my Shotgun Crusader, but I cant seem to find fuckin any. An hour of hitting the Battlefields netted me basically everything but the shield.
Its everything that isn't a plain white mob or a boss.![]()
Just gotten a SoJ. Should I reroll the +80-152 damage to Crit.chance or wait for my Wand of Woh to drop and reroll Cold % to Fire %?
Also, compared to my rare ring, it resulted in a huge loss in dps, probably less when it's rerolled to Crit chance, but still. Is the 28% against elite worth it? Elite doesn't include the white minions, champion packs, uniques and bosses right?
I'm stuck on the ram in Act V. My DH usually just keeps her distance of all enemies, but it's hard when it's such a small area ;/
Its everything that isn't a plain white mob or a boss.
Oh, nice. Luckily I am running a cold build (sorta) at the moment, the cold % helps to salvage the loss of trifecta a little. Now I've got Cindercoat, Magefist and SoJ. Just need Moonlight Ward and Wand of Woh and I'm ready to roll.
Its everything that isn't a plain white mob or a boss.
SixMachine: Virtual high five for using mines as well! They are my favorite skill, and although they take seconds to aim and have a cap, they can work together with many skills to achieve a sort of synergy.
I use the orb that gives me Wormhole rune on teleport. So I am able to aoe stun+damage mobs 3 times in a row every time I take a hit higher than 15%. So what I do is that I lay the mines, teleport in, hit 4-5 times with electrocute to get the +75% boost for the next round of mines, and by this time, the mines have already been detonated.
The good thing about this is that if the mobs manage to deal 15% of my hp as damage to me, my teleport resets (passive), and the chain begins anew. Teleport has a 100% Life on Hit effectiveness PER TARGET, so if I teleport into a group of 10 mobs with 10k LOH, I instantly gain 100k hp. I can repeat it 2 more times, so if I am not dead, I *will* be on full health once I teleported to mobs. And bosses do not hit hard enough in T2 for me to not be able to outheal their damage with mine detonates+electrocute spam.
Just gotten a SoJ. Should I reroll the +80-152 damage to Crit.chance or wait for my Wand of Woh to drop and reroll Cold % to Fire %?
Also, compared to my rare ring, it resulted in a huge loss in dps, probably less when it's rerolled to Crit chance, but still. Is the 28% against elite worth it? Elite doesn't include the white minions, champion packs, uniques and bosses right?
I'd re-roll the cold to CD quick-fast.