I don't know anything about shields. Should I keep this for another char or just salvage it for the soul?
You rolled a high block chance (max?) and it's the best shield for actual defending. Just keep it in any case.
I don't know anything about shields. Should I keep this for another char or just salvage it for the soul?
How are you guys handling your gold? I started with 35m before RoS but I'm down to 27m now. Anything involving gems is so expensive. I stopped salvaging yellows to sell them.
How are you guys handling your gold? I started with 35m before RoS but I'm down to 27m now. Anything involving gems is so expensive. I stopped salvaging yellows to sell them.
For Monk Shard of Hate and Moonlight Ward are kinda broke (probably for Barbs as well).
I expect these items to be nerfed (Shard of Hate more specifically) so I am not too worried about acquiring them.
IAS a couple weeks into release. They halved the values. Was a huge nerf back thenI dunno, has blizzard EVER retroactively nerfed items in d3? Ever (I don't think changing lifesteal across all items in an xpac counts)?.
IAS a couple weeks into release. They halved the values. Was a huge nerf back then
I used it for Crusader after enchant for STR. It doesn't help DPS (no crit) so be prepared to go heavy offense on other pieces.
Thanks. Looks like into the chest abyss it goes.You rolled a high block chance (max?) and it's the best shield for actual defending. Just keep it in any case.
Quick question: once I hit 70, how long will it take for me to actually be viable in T6? Am I looking at a few days? A week? Month?
Quick question: once I hit 70, how long will it take for me to actually be viable in T6? Am I looking at a few days? A week? Month?
Quick question: once I hit 70, how long will it take for me to actually be viable in T6? Am I looking at a few days? A week? Month?
That's not really an item nerf.
Ran into an old friend today:
How the mighty have fallen
They have retroactively nerfed many timesI dunno, has blizzard EVER retroactively nerfed items in d3? Ever (I don't think changing lifesteal across all items in an xpac counts)?
Plus I like shard of hate being super strong, it's the only thing that makes WW/lightning viable for a barb and it's a nice carrot on a stick. I probably wouldn't be playing my barb at all if not for the allure of trying to find a shard.
That depends on what your definition of viability is.Quick question: once I hit 70, how long will it take for me to actually be viable in T6? Am I looking at a few days? A week? Month?
Question... for an item like that cindercoat.
I know that feel, fam.this piece of shit royal ring won't fuKCing drop omfg
if i can just
get this ring
i can wear full earth set + full ik set at the same time
It was...
Going from 15% IAS on items to 7.5? Uggghhhh
So they ninja nerf SoH huh..?
Question... for an item like that cindercoat.
If you use it on a Witch Doctor and you re-roll the Black Hole Damage affix, can you get WD skills instead on the rerolls?
So, I think I got a pretty good weapon to drop on my Crusader.
I've been running a Holy build with shields. What can I do with this weapon? Is there anything to reroll?
I don't think you can reroll Scourge's poison damage
That depends on what your definition of viability is.
Is it being able to take out a white mob without dying? An elite without dying? Killing elites in reasonable time (less than 30 seconds)?
Without obviously broken items... it would take you months before you can effeciently farm T6. Hell I don't know anyone who can farm it without specific items.
To eek, itainteasy, and xanathus, with whom I was running Malth to farm for the legendary crafting material. Sorry, my internet went down and I took it as a sign to go to bed, didn't mean to ditch out on yall. Good lucks
So I beat the game on normal with a Demon Hunter, expert with a Wizard, now I'm working on Torment with a Crusader and my god the challenge is ridiculous. I find myself dying constantly whenever I'm up against an elite which, needless to say, is very annoying. Constantly running away, dying, respawning, dying. Takes about 20 min to finally kill it.
Really? So many wasted gems and souls already.
I also have a Skycutter. I wonder if that would be better for me with a holy build.
(I'm working on rerolling that to a socket)
The Skycutters' proc dies to one hit from zombies in Torment I, unless they hotfixed it, plus its a 1H, 2H is where the meat is for crusaders.
What a fucking weekend. Made 3/5 Demon's set, got ring of royal grandeur, made a badass Spite, and ended tonite with this ridiculous roll from the mystic.
Hit 1.1mil damage. I'm exhausted.
Eh, there's 1Hers that make for viable 1H/Shield builds. Skycutter is one of them as Holy Cause and the Holy Skill% on it help things.
Never thought of it that way. But good to know. I may lower it to master then. Save torment for adventure mode for later on.Torment isn't really meant to be conquered without ridiculous gear. It all scales with your level, so being a level say, 30, with mobs that are balanced around having Best in slot type gear is not exactly easy. The onyl way people typically do it is through tiwnking with reduced level requirement gear that is vastly higher, and even then you need decent stuff if you're looking at higher torments.
The highest I would say you could reasonably do untwinked without a ton of paragon levels is Master, and it's still hard/slow/inefficient.
No sense frustrating yourself doing stuff you're not meant to do. (This is why Torment is NOT an option for new accounts, because it's not meant to trap 'I want to play the hardest difficulty' type players who mistakenly think they can beat it - they can't).
T6 is really where the game shines (in terms of challenging combat) though if you play in groups. Because then you need teamwork, survivability skills and synergies. And everyone has to be top notch in their gear. The problem is that few people are at that level and even if they are it's not worth it to run it. The 15% increase per difficulty isn't enough, there is no incentize for pushing yourself. Why would anyone farm T6 in Hardcore? That's the real problem with T6.Yeah, T6 is not like MP10, I feel like you either need a stupidly broken set of synergistic gear/build to have the required survivability and dish out enough dps at the same time (IE: a basic "I have fire damage" build with no weird skill interactions or anything, you'd have to probably sit at like 700k damage tops in order to not get smashed, in BIS levels of gear rolls).
I'm almost certain T6 is balanced around broken items/set bonuses/combinations of the above, OR group play. You can do it reasonably with one or the other basically, but just '8m toughness 800k dps' with a random build is going to get stomped.