You reach a point where the only means of any significant progression are a handful of legendary/set items that, even if you ever see them, would probably have to roll fairly well for them to be an actual upgrade. I'm nearing that point myself, but I switched my build around and think I have a little further I can take my character, but once I hit that point definitively, it's probably be time to walk away for a while (maybe until the next expansion when lvl 80 items show up and make everything we're using now into junk).
I feel like I could EASILY see upgrades that give me a ton of incentive to keep playing but it's just not happening. I feel like I have some of the worst luck. Most of my items are pretty standard items which don't have any real excitement around them. The only really nice item I have is a Mirrorball. My thunderfury is nice but the dmg roll is pretty low. I found a legendary wand that beats the DPS by 8%, but it has no special effects (i hate boring legendaries) so I don't use it.
Over the weekend, I just wanted 1 of anything from this list that I haven't seen since the start of RoS:
Ice Climbers
Moonlight Ward (would probably have bad rolls anyway)
Countess Julia's Cameo (would probably have bad rolls anyway)
Magefists or Cindercoat (I'd have no problem switching to fire if one of these dropped)
Another Firebird's set piece (I have the pants but am waiting on another piece to use them)
2 more Tal's set pieces (I have the armor but it's worse than my Blackthorne's - would use for the 3 piece bonus)
Witching Hour
Andarial's Visage
Shard of Hate (just to try it. haven't seen one yet...)
Not one of them dropped. I hardly have any elemental dmg because pieces that come with it just aren't dropping. I spent about 250-300 rift keys over the weekend. That's a TON of rifts. All of them torment 2. I salvaged every single legendary. I get so many 2 handed weapons, crappy rings, or items for other classes. I lost track of how many shards I spent on boots but all I got were the crap items. I've seen a few people mention it, but it definitely seems like the "increased drop rate" of rifts isn't having an effect. If anything, it's worse because I'm expecting more drops but I just don't see them. And when I do, they suck.
The game is fun and I really do want to play it, but I need some kind of measure of progress. Maybe the items I want are more rare, but it sucks seeing people finding them left and right like they're fairly common. I feel like I could play for another month and not see any of the above. It's just demoralizing to the point where I kinda want to not play anymore. I'd gladly take on the risk of playing at a higher torment level if it meant I'd have a better shot at more rare legendaries. But the only difference in the real would would be slower rifts, more deaths, and the same crappy drops.
Oh, and I saved up for a long time to get that many rift keys. I probably opened 40-50 bounty bags and only found 1 legendary (garbage pants). I don't even look forward to them anymore and just open them for the keys.
I know that if I were to play tonight, I'd have to do bounties again because I'm out of keys. So I wouldn't make any progress for a while until I saved up enough keys to rift binge again. Probably not until the weekend. I just don't have the motivation to do that.