Angelus Errare
I've done like 500 Act 1 bags and gotten 3. It's not exactly that common. I've actually seen zero of the amulets, though, now that I think about it.
Yeah, I do pretty good.
I dunno, my Wizard is decently geared (~1.4M sheet, like 80% Fire Damage and a Mirrorball) but the difference between her and my Crusader isn't astronomical. Like, the Wizard Heat Wave clears trash faster but Shard of Hate + Fissure stacks is pretty fast boss damage. It's not the same, sure, but it's within like 70-80%. I think at this point (T4-5-6 areas), the difference isn't going to be that huge.
Well, unless I compare myself to 200M WD Pet crits.
You have one thing going for you that wizards won't have that will help you immensely in T4-T6...that new found survivability! I can clear T4 but damn does my death rate skyrocket from next to nothing to way too much.
You are also using a shard of hate
But since you have a SoH, you can carry my DH as repayment for all the times I carried you and Ash on my Wizard (OhSnap!.webm)
I agree with this in a lot of cases. Tons of % elemental damage is what separated me from the pack. I was talking to some idiots in general chat and they told me to die in a fire when I said that Crusaders were pretty gear dependent compared to most classes. Randoms always keeping it classy on the internet.
My Crusader still needs a little work, but I'm loving watching my Sweeps crit for 7 to 8 million. Fist of the Heavens for 4 to 5 and Hammers for 2.5 easily. This on top of 10 to 11 million Condemns stuff dies pretty quickly mainly doing T2 for speed. Torment 3 wasn't too bad, but stuff starts to hit harder etc. Going to shift some gems around for more survivability. I imagine once I got a Blade of Prophecy from Scourge (which is easily a couple mil a proc and I will have a hard time getting rid of my poison nova) I could be rocking even further switching from Lighting to Holy. My sheet DPS is around 750k with a nice SOJ, but even this could be pushed a little higher if I rerolled some items.
Which I get the fact that it's a gear dependent game, but I got to a million DPS pretty easily on my Wizard using mainly rates and a really good weapon drop.
Yea Crusaders are by and far the most gear dependent class even for a gear dependent game IMO. I personally don't have the patience, I find crusaders absolutely boring when they're just starting out while with pretty much every other class I can find enjoyment in them even without insane gear. Also that movement speed penalty annoys me.
I think Crusaders and Monks have the best looking armor in the game though.