Isn't the movement speed cap 25% as is?
Item ms bonus yes.
Isn't the movement speed cap 25% as is?
Everyone always talking about TF or Shard of Hate but why is no one excited for this weapon? I don't have TF but I think this is massive increase in dmg over a TF.
So can I just warp to the maps and open up my map and see them if they dropped? The map doesn't have to be revealed by me first right?
First time i'm seeing this one, looks like a really good end-game weapon and i would probably use it even i had TF or SoH, 30% to elite is HUGE.
With Irontoe, you can gain up to 27% extra movespeed based on how much life is taken. That goes beyond the 25% cap. Illusionist skill (if used) stacks with that as well, giving you even more after using teleport. However, some mobs will go just whatever speed you're going even if it is a ridiculous percentage.Isn't the movement speed cap 25% as is?
I'm in the same ballpark. Been farming T1 for 2 weeks and T2 for 1 week now, all I had for my DH was a pair of gloves for shadow set (so no Marauder's) and... IK gloves -___-Wow, you either don't play much or have incredibly bad luck.
Quiver/Mojo being set to a better ratio would kind of make sense, given how anonying they are to farm up in general unless you have the appropriate recipe.
You have to roll 7 rather than 6 stats because of the damage modifier. The armor one it replaces is generally negligible, but this one isn't.Hm? Why would they be more annoying to farm up?
You have to roll 7 rather than 6 stats because of the damage modifier. The armor one it replaces is generally negligible, but this one isn't.
Everyone always talking about TF or Shard of Hate but why is no one excited for this weapon? I don't have TF but I think this is massive increase in dmg over a TF.
I have something very similar, albeit I got mine from Kadala.Started playing RoS on sunday and found my frist true end game item I believe. Out of the ~10-15 lvl 70 uniques I also got the shrine gloves. Let the swapping begin.
Godamn Ballis has Wi flagged me again man
Lol noob even I have Shard of Hate. Get good, son
I feel like I am going crazy. So there is the moon clan in Diablo 3 and these monsters exist with various skin variants.
But I have never ever seen "ice clan" and I googled it quickly and did not find it.
Has anyone seen Ice Clan Warriors before? After over 1000 hours of Diablo 3, I saw these guys in a rift and I can't recognize them. Do I just need sleep?
I'm starting to lose steam on this game. Dunno why. I was all in on it when it came out...
Its the repetition, honestly I was expecting way more for a full price expansion.
Diablo 3 got a lot of updates after launch. I imagine Reaper of Souls will get even more.
We already know we are getting ladders (Seasons) and tiered endless rifts with a leaderboard. Plus they stated they will be introducing new items and other things. I am hoping for news soon.
To be fair, with D3 release they also said that we would get real PvP soon. So there's that.
To be fair, with D3 release they also said that we would get real PvP soon. So there's that.
I hate you Morsel.
They said they had plans for it, this time it seems like they are actually working on ladders and tiered rifts. I can't see them going back on it again
I've been leveling my Witch Doctor through adventure mode and I'm now level 65ish. Can a WD player give me some pointers on how to play the class? What skills have good synergies, what passives are good? I like having lots of minions so I took the Fetish Sycophants passive and try to use as many of the physical realm spells as possible to spawn sycophants. I'm using something like this currently:!VSd!bcYcZZ
What type of stats should be I be looking for in my items?
Finally uninstalled this game and hope this will prevent me from coming back.
I must have the single worst drop luck of anyone on GAF, potentially the fucking world. At some point I just have to admit I'm wasting too many hours playing this game. I'm also growing more and more jaded looking at the fantastic drops everyone gets who's in a party with me. Now these last ~150 or so Act1 bounty runs without a single ring dropping are just another punch in the gut.
It's like you'd hope at some point it evens out and you're on the receiving end. But if that doesn't happen for basically 20 days... /rant
Am I crazy for thinking that the items (and rolls) you get depend on your equipped gear? Like if you have lightning gear, you get more of it?
I would kill for that Moonlight Ward. Ingame, ofc, but still!
that cooldown reduction
Am I crazy for thinking that the items (and rolls) you get depend on your equipped gear? Like if you have lightning gear, you get more of it?
I don't think I'm going to be able to go back to 2 hander on my Crusader unless I find a Blade of Prophecy or build changing item. Switching to Sky Cutter and getting 24% movement speed back makes the game much more enjoyable. Crusader feels less like a plodding tank.