Asheara 4 set bonus is pretty darn useful. I just need a good weapon now... Oh Thunderfury, where are thou
next nerf = elemental dmg
jealous players QQing for nerfs on items they never had.
whats more to tell.
Arcane Dynamo + Arcane Mines.
Tricky to use, but man does it ever burn the ever living shit outta boss packs![]()
Arcane Dynamo with channeling spells is wicked indeed.
idlewild IDs more than 50 legendaries in a span of two minutes. RIP ShineALight.
Uploaded to imgur instead of posting 5+ screencaps.
I agree with the above statement.
Yea sometimes I use arcane dynamo with my Wand of Woh build and can get 6 explosive blasts that crit for 16m each and it's on a 6 second cooldown...oh god It's so fun.
The item was unbalanced in my opinion. I certainly didn't cry out for a nerf to it, but I'm not surprised that it was. 100% proc chance is broken whatever way you look at it.
But for some reason Arcane mine seems to triple my damage output per tick... I've got about 650k sheet DPS which is pretty average...
With arcane disruption it crit ticks for 5-7 million... but with arcane mines, once the mines start going off, they're hitting for 20-30 million. 10-15 without the AD buff.
How many (near-)deaths did this cause? My video card can't render that much text.
With arcane disruption it crit ticks for 5-7 million... but with arcane mines, once the mines start going off, they're hitting for 20-30 million. 10-15 without the AD buff.
Just tried it. My in-game DPS is 1,350,000 and I have 35% arcane. The most I saw them crit for was 19m. How the hell do you get 30m...
One difference being that legendaries never dropped at release. There are still gear checks now to progress up a difficulty, so I'm not sure what the difference would be aside from harder content being more rewarding than it currently is. E.g. I still need X DPS and Y toughness to comfortably do T3,the values are still there that you need to hit.
I really want a WoW. Or the wand that gives you an extra hydra, I love my hydras.
Consider moving over to Way of A Hundred Fists : Fist of Fury. Even with your lightning damage bonuses, you'll do more damage and gain spirit better with that generator. It isn't until much later in gearing that you will reevaluate to a Lightning-based generator.
You might want to look into some movement speed skills-Fleet Footed over Chant of Resonance, and MOC: Annihilation instead of Overawe. You'll farm faster.
Regarding gear-you've got a good a good mainhand with that Odyn's. You really just need to grind rifts for blood shards and toss them into belts to get the Lightning belt. That would be a big DPS boost. You should start looking into crafted sets like Aughlid's to replace some of the pieces in the EHP slots (Shoulders, Feet).
There is a GREAT monk gearing guide from Shifty here:
next nerf = elemental dmg
jealous players QQing for nerfs on items they never had.
whats more to tell.
Stone of Jordan![]()
I disagree with your sentiment regarding shard of hate, but I'm curious why you think % element would be nerfed.
I think it just looks like 100% proc since these WW barbs are dual-wielding and have fast attack speed.
Getting similar crits to you with Arcane Mines + AD even without elite damage buffs, heh.
I disagree with your sentiment regarding shard of hate, but I'm curious why you think % element would be nerfed.
No. It was flat out 100%. Which is CLEARLY a bug. I can stand there and swing with any attack in the game at nothing and shoot a spray of lightning every time.
Sure it was broken, but it's not like this whole thing couldn't have been completely avoided if blizzard wasn't negligent.
The funny thing is that it's such a clear bug you'd expect it to get caught during QA right?
Blizzard has all the proc coefficients for all their abilities out there, you'd think they'd just have some random dude test the community made item for an hour or two to see if it was proccing correctly.
And you'd think that said person testing an item would notice that it was proccing 100% of the time without fail after testing it out with one or two skills. Then you'd think by the time they get to testing it with channeled items they'd figure something was really wrong with it.
Sure it was broken, but it's not like this whole thing couldn't have been completely avoided if blizzard wasn't negligent.
Difficulty in Diablo 3 is basically measured in frustration, and most people don't think the game is fun when you're getting shat on by annoying elites. Thus making the requirement for getting the best gear tolerance for frustration would just end up with the same mess the game was originally in.
Glad to see SOH get nerfed. When items are that good, it hurts the game because it makes other builds less viable in comparison. One build becomes the default build.
simple, blizzard logic.
got a nice build you're having fun playing? we'll take a look at it.
I share the same view point. It was fun while it lasted but it needed to be fixed.Difficulty in Diablo 3 is basically measured in frustration, and most people don't think the game is fun when you're getting shat on by annoying elites. Thus making the requirement for getting the best gear tolerance for frustration would just end up with the same mess the game was originally in.
Glad to see SOH get nerfed. When items are that good, it hurts the game because it makes other builds less viable in comparison. One build becomes the default build.
I disagree with your blizzard sentiment, but even if I did agree, nerfing one rare and very OP weapon isn't the same as nerfing a damage stat for every class and every build.
I assume this particular leg was fast forwarded through development due to being created by the community towards the tail end of development.
The only thing I can think of was that there was some time sitting there debating whether or not it was worth fixing in the first place.
simple, blizzard logic.
got a nice build you're having fun playing? we'll take a look at it.
I have one, by the way. No sour grapes here. It breaks the game and needs to be fixed.
bacon do u want my new fate of the fell?
Gear: Start assembling gear that stacks elemental dmg. Go through the torment of farming a Ring of Royal Granduer and start working on crafted set pieces and/or found set pieces. You have a lot of "vanilla' legendaries but nothing cohesive to build around. I would spend blood shards on helms (get an Andy's or GNK), rings (SOJ) and belt (Vigor or Witching Hour). You have a lot of resist all pieces on your gear and you should move away from that stat as you craft your gear as much as you can. It crowds out skill dmg/toughness stats vs. stacking your OWE resist.
Again, follow Shifty's guide I linked in the other post. It's great.
Skills: Desert Shroud instead of Inner Fire-I can see this on a HC character or in a grouping character, but you're not hardcore nor do you have Cyclone Strike/EP (the thing that makes Monks not deadweight in groups), so that looks a little odd. Inner Fire is some seriously good AOE damage and you still get the CC immunity with Epiphany with that rune. My earlier comments about WOTF:FOF apply also to your generator, and I do not like Transcendence without health globe gear unless you are so low paragon level that you can't put enough points into Life on Hit for sustain. I don't think I can understate how good Fleet Footed is when farming at the appropriate level of content. It really speeds up your clear time dramatically.
Oh man the forums are going nuts.
Agreed on the first one.
Can we also ask for a "bug fix" for the Enchanter and it giving you two of the same affixes in a roll?
Oh man the forums are going nuts.
fire barbs do more damage anyways. learn the ways of call of the ancients and volcano with hammer of the ancients. shard of hate was just allowing people to do torment levels they weren't geared for. if you had 400k dps and some lightning damage, and a shard of hate, you would be t2-3, instead of struggling with torment 1 like you should be.
I'm honestly embarrassed for most of the people posting on the official forums right now, I haven't read so much idiocy in awhile. Apparently the expansion is now terrible and Blizzard have once again screwed the community over and failed to deliver on promises.... because they fixed a bug.
I'm honestly embarrassed for most of the people posting on the official forums right now, I haven't read so much idiocy in awhile. Apparently the expansion is now terrible and Blizzard have once again screwed the community over and failed to deliver on promises.... because they fixed a bug.
So...Anyone have any fun builds with Weapon Throw or Ancient Spear?