It's all about finding upgrades for your other builds/classes mang
I think my Wizard is better geared than most Wizards here too.
Guess it's time to gear my Monk.
How high are your standards? Are you wanting SoH-style broken legendaries to will themselves into existence for you? Those gloves are a reroll away from being excellent.
I also call bullshit on there being rares with rolls that high. Not to mention Firebird is one of the most sought after Wizard sets. ARRGHGH HULK SMASH!
I forgot to show off my Slayer here in the thread:
Spent exactly one Forgotten Soul. RNGesus be praised.
I think my Wizard is better geared than most Wizards here too.
Guess it's time to gear my Monk.
It's intended and I'm grateful it is. I had a shitty roll on vit on chest (the minimum, like 416 or whatever it is), rerolled and I got 455 and 480 vit. That works well if you want the same better stat.God yes, I've never wanted to punch a videogame character as much as I wanted to punch her.
Oh you're rolling off Vit?
How about....
431 Vit
Upcoming Hotfix - Shard of Hate (4/15)
Community Manager
As with other recent hotfixes, we’ve got one coming up shortly that we wanted to give the community a heads up about, this time regarding the legendary Shard of Hate. We’ve been closely observing our internal reports as well as player feedback on the Shard of Hate and the general consensus is that this item feels wildly out of line compared to other items. After digging in behind the scenes, we discovered a couple of bugs with this item that we believe is the ultimate culprit.
First, the internal cooldown of this item’s power was being reset each time a dual-wielding character attacked with a weapon in their other hand. This meant the effect was occurring twice as often for dual-wielding characters, and with particular skills such as Whirlwind or Tempest Rush that also carry attack speed multipliers, this effect was even more frequent.
Secondly, the proc rate of the item was ignoring the proc scalar of the skill it was used with, which in simple terms caused Shard of Hate’s affix to apply every time a skill was used. Combined with the above issue, this resulted in this Legendary vastly over performing, and even more so with particular builds.
It's intended and I'm grateful it is. I had a shitty roll on vit on chest (the minimum, like 416 or whatever it is), rerolled and I got 455 and 480 vit. That works well if you want the same better stat.
Gamble for your weakest armor slot. Work up from there (armor, then offhand, then weapons and then rings/amulets).
Thanks, but I was wondering if their are certain build enabling uniques I should try to get. I feel like all my rares are equally good at this point. Haven't found a upgrade in quite some while. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I'm just a bit lost here. Just farm and pray I guess?
Anyone else think they stealth nerfed Kadala drop rates in the last few days?
Personally id shoot for a weapon. Even just a solid rolled no proc weapon that's 2200-2300 damage will be a big boost.
That feeling when a set item drops but it's blackthorne.
Feels bad man.
Thank you based Kadalafor nothing!
They should at least let us choose which 1h weapon we want. This is ridiculous.
Nah, they should just let you buy the legendary you want.
That's not bad... provide players with an upper bound of grinding for tokens.
Maybe like 5k a piece. Which is of course patently unfair, but if people are at wits end, then at least there's always... the nuclear option.
5k, bad roll. Die kadala, seriously.
Crusader: So I have Royal Grandeur, what equipment should I be looking to optimize with. (and I got that captain merica weapon too)
Not true. An Immortal King helm dropped while playing my DH and it unlocked the transmog. Even tested it out and decided my new goal is to make my DH look like a full IKed barb.Inna's Temperance? That's not a class set item. Marauder's is for DH only. I read an old blue post on the forums that they disabled class set transmogs in February back in the beta because they don't want other classes to be able to don the unique look of another class's set items. It would be cool if the skin unlock was specific to the class only, not exclusive to the item itself.
Rage incoming?
Get ALL of the sets. Akkhan, Asheara, Aughild, Born, Hallowed.
Finally got a moonlight ward last night. Sheet wise it looks worse than this Dovu I'm wearing, but given I do arcane dmg a lot I think the two non-factoring bonuses make the ML worth it. I guess I should be rerolling the int for CritDmg?
Finally got a moonlight ward last night. Sheet wise it looks worse than this Dovu I'm wearing, but given I do arcane dmg a lot I think the two non-factoring bonuses make the ML worth it. I guess I should be rerolling the int for CritDmg?
Thanks Kadala, I wasn't quite sure if I needed all those Light of Grace
Pretty sure you and Ballis have the best geared wizards on GAF.
Anyone else think they stealth nerfed Kadala drop rates in the last few days?
Decided to try out dual wielding on DH, just to see how it goes, due to a decent 1H xbow dropping from Kadala....had a quick t1 this morning, I'm thinking I may like it better than 1xbow with as follows:
I like it so far, never thought dual wielding would be semi viable....would like to take into t2 later tonight....only thing I'm worried about is hatred regen, but Entangling shot seems to be pulling in enough.