That's a huge lie. This is permanent -50% damage taken to yourself. Have a guildie that's been using it since day 1 and was able to do T6 the instant he got the second unity.
Hyperbolic nonsense. It's still a very strong weapon even after the fixes. WW will proc it at the same rate it procs everything else (13%) because WW hits multiple times per second. No, you won't spin to win and instantly melt rift guardians on T4+ anymore, boo hoo. Lightning WW is not that damaging on its own because it's a BUILDER for most situations and barely costs anything when it isn't. Proccing slightly less often won't make the shard of hate suddenly shit that you need to nuke, people who think so are just ridiculously unimaginative or spoiled to shit with no notion of how every build that isn't a lightning WW barb has worked the entire time.
Bit of an understatement don't you think?
No longer procs from offhand hits = 50 percent less procs
13 percent proc coefficient instead of 100 percent = 87 percent less procs on mainhand hits
if the nerf is the way they describe it then it will proc 16x less often with WW
that's not a bit less often, but you sound pretty mad at shard of hate being strong or OP
It's not a competitive game you know
WW is indeed reverted to only being a situational builder (build and do a little bit of dmg while moving out of freezing/beams/explosions, otherwise it's 10x more efficient to mash HOTA for dps or weapon throw to build , as both of those have a high proc coefficient and also do way more damage)
Barbs will just all go fire which is the same build just different runes and no longer using whirlwind alongside hota
I will continue to build my proc barb trying to get pox faulds, thundergods and the death watch shoulders
Because he replied to someone else.
who replied to his reply to me

I was reffering to his original quote
Is doing T6 Rumford at the Gate with a level 70 friend still the fastest way to power level from 60 to 70?
No, t6 hellrift bounty on act4 is way way faster
1-70 in an hour and a bit